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These improvements in the law are weak in India.

India has been observed to use the

same old laws that were ineffective even in the past, let alone the present. However, the

government recognizes the need for data privacy and is slowly adopting some international

measures toward data protection. In 2017, the supreme court of India declared data privacy a

fundamental right, pushing for a new revolution toward data protection. One of India's most

significant challenges to securing a good position globally for data privacy is the lengthy

decision-making process. A data privacy bill can take a very long to become law since the

authorities fail to give data privacy action a priority.

The main issue about data privacy in India and the bill to increase data privacy protection

is differentiating the role of the incoming law and existing law towards securing private data.

According to Rai (2020), the current Indian law has articles 21, 19, 14, 25, and 28, which cater to

most basics of the protection anybody or entity would require 1. Also, Ranjan (2020) mentioned

that the provisions of laws found in section 43A, section 65, section 66, and section 72 could

help safeguard data privacy2. However, there seems to be some gross misunderstanding of what

private data entails and how people could interpret a data privacy breach differently. The judges

who were against the bill's passing felt it was not wise to have an article regarding data privacy

in the constitution.

More info. In The Constitution of India [As on 26th November, 2021]
Ranjan, R. (2022). Data Privacy & Protection Laws In India-A Critical Study. Journal of Legal Studies &
Research, 8(1), page 336

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