Rare Catch-Short Story

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Aneta Sumková 3.

AG-English writing-Short Story

Rare catch

It was the first day of summer holidays and Sam was packing last things into the car trunk.
The smell from a kitchen reminded him that breakfast is ready. As he walked into the kitchen,
his family had already eaten their food. They took the last things with them and hit the road.
'Did you take your fishing rod with you, Adam? Of course, I did you were talking about it all
morning', Sam's son, Adam answered. After a while, they arrived at Sam's most favourite
camp in Arizona. The sun was shining and the smell of the pine trees was so intense. Adam
decided to go fishing. His father has loved fishing since a little child so he naturally led his
son to it. It is the only activity where he can truly relax. Adam took his fishing rod, net and
some food with him and went to the lake. It was so quiet, that he could hear crickets chirping
in nature. Adam managed to catch a few fish and was about to go to the camp when suddenly
he heard fish leap out of the water, so he decided to stay there for a while longer.
Using a fishing net he set everything for fishing and waited. After a while, Adam felt there
was something in the net so he decided to look at it. When he saw his catch, he couldn't
believe his eyes. There was a wallet. A wallet that looked exactly the same as the one which
his father lost while fishing near this lake two years ago. He ran to the camp with excitement
and showed his catch to the family. Even though the wallet was filthy, soaked with water and
there weren't any cards or money anymore, it was an unbelievable experience for Adam and
his family. They will certainly remember this rare catch until the end of their lives!

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