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In literature the authors create characters that feel alienated from the society conveying in this

way their criticism towards the influence of the society to the individual both the play adults
house and the novel The Great Gatsby were created during a very specific time and place
which has a major impact on the characters actions and feelings. A doll's house was written by
Henrik Ibsen and published in 1979 in Norway during the oppressive time of the Victorian era.
Epson through the place dynamic characters criticizes the stereotypical and predetermined
gender roles that have been said by the society. the play unfolds the story of a collapse of a
middle-class family caused by the need of Nora the protagonist the sink self-liberation Fitzgerald
in his novel also Brought to the reader's attention the oppressive gender roles that existed but
his main focus where the sharp class distinctions caused by the fast paced end materialistic
lifestyle that occurred during the so-called Roaring Twenties in America. This topical novel tells
the story of Gatsby, a self-made millionaire who managed to bring himself from the low class in
order to be with Daisy, a high-class woman whom he was in love with. in both cases, the
authors purposely construct characters with Phil alienated from the society namely Nick and
Gatsby in the novel end Nora and Crocs in the play. through direct and indirect characterization
symbolism and setting which reflect the feelings and psychological state of the characters, the
authors Express their harsh criticism 12 words the societal standards of their times. However it
should be mentioned that the nature of alienation for its character is distinctively unique .

in The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald portrays Gatsby as an alienated character from the fast-paced
society through indirect characterization end symbolism, provided by the diegetic narrator Nick.
his inability to escape this delusional world he has created from himself distance him from the
rest of the world. more specifically through the repetition of the symbol of the green light he's
alienation from the society is evident as he fails to to detect the corruptive and materialistic
motives of the high-class including Daisy the green light represents the hopeful and ambitious
side of of Gatsby's American Dream but without reflecting the harsh and corruptive reality. it
Also represents the ideal version of Daisy that she truly believes in, even though he seemed to
notice her materialistic nature which can be seen from space voice is full of money. He even
acknowledges the fact that their love cannot work the same way as before when he says that
She feels far away from her yet she still remains hopeful and determined to make he's
unrealistic scenarios reality. Gatsby is not only elevated from society but also from the true
nature of himself having adopted this phony identity with a purpose of hitting someone why she
does not belong in his insecurities become more evident. she desires to be included and
accepted from the all the money high-class society and attempts to achieve that by using
phrases such as old sport to indicate his prestigeness. Fitzgerald with Gatsby's character
emphasizes the effects and impacts of the society to the individual during the 1920s in a very
critical and cynical way boost he successfully conveys the fact that is not possible for an
individual during that time to rise their salt shaker namakkal status without filling out of place oh
without having to deal with the consequences.

Likewise Gatsby, Ibsen construct the full character of krogstad who from direct characterization
is presented alienated from the middle class of society causing his desire to regain his social
status and respect. Through k\Krogstad Ibsen depicts the unforgiving nature of the Victorian
society and the difficulty of regaining the social status after a setback. Crocs dad seems to be
very desperate of getting his old job back which is evident through the constant pressure that
she puts on Nora and he's aggressive tongue that uses when he addresses her “into the gutter
for a second time I shall take you with me”. In the beginning he is purposefully depicted as the
villain of the play, but by contexualizing his behavior in that specific time and place, his words
and actions can be viewed as a rection to his marginalization from the society. His feelings of
exclusion and rejection from the middle class society, are well justified due to the power one’s
socioeconomic status had on the way they would be perceived and treated in an appearance
based society. At it is observed in Act three he is someone in need of love and care but he
thought that the only way of receiving this behavior was solely based on the recovery of his
social status. However, it can be supported that Krogstad feel also alienated from his role as a
man which is also depended to its definition from the society. Being respected and valued as a
man was directly associated with the one’s job position and economic independance. Before
ms. Linde appeared and make her suggestion of becoming herself the caregiver and provider
Krogstad was eager to regain his position back to become again the man as defined by the
middle class society. Finally, Ibsen aims with Korgstad’s character to emphasize the importance
of one feeling accepted and respected among the crowd thinking they are required to fit in or in
the case of Gatsby, deeply desiring to be a part of.

In the Great Gatsby however, Fitzgerald through the character of Nick provides the readers with
a totally different aspect of alienation more in depth and personal expressed from Nick in the
form of indecisiveness and ambivalance about Gatsby and the lifestyle of the 1920s society.
More specifically, through his limited narration and extensive description of various settings his
inner detachment from the society is evident which becomes even more intense resulting in his
departure in the end of the novel. Throughout the novel he expresses several times his internal
conflict about the lavish and fast- paced lifestyle which can be summarized by his phrase “i was
within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life”.
His ambivalence was also evident through his attitude towards Gatsby who he was disapproving
but also sympathizing with his inability to escape his fixed reality. His sympathy towards him and
his interesting and charming character were very appealing and worth observing, especially for
a story teller that kept him close even though he could clearly recognize the phoney identity
Gatsby was trying to adopt. Once Gatsby was gone his feelings of alienation became even
more intense forming the need to escape and return in his comfort zone. In order to be making
these intellectual observations about society and its impact on the people, Nick was most of the
times in the position of the observer and attempted to maintain a neutral position without
however concealing his own opinions.

Finally, while in all the characters discussed the alienation was mostly caused by class
distinctions Nora from the play in act three is presented as alienated from his marriage with
torvald thus from her role as a wife and a mother. In the climactic dialogue between her and
Torvald she slowly starts to feel far away from her husband which is evident from her phrase
“Now i begin to understand” that is said after realizing that Torvald was not able and willing to
stand up for her and provide her support. From the change in her tone from cheerful to serious
which is observed through the short sentences that she speaks in. Nora in this scene observes
her known previous reality collapsing resulting in the collapse of her old identity that was based
on lies and social acceptable brhavior, and and in the realization that she must be the one
determining her own future.

All in all, the two texts present these characters as outcasts in their own way emphasizing the
power of the individual and approaching the theme of to what extent is an individual influenced
by the standards set by the society in many different ways. This trait also emphasizes the
universality of this feeling that will always occur to an individual that is pressured to conform and
follow the society’s standards.

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