Battle of Badr

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 Fought in 624 A.D.

 Holy Prophet (PBUH) was aware of trade caravan returning from Syria with high profits under Abu
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to intercept the caravan and so left Medina with more than 300 Muslims.
 They had 2 horses and 70 camels
 The Muslims shared these camels while travelling like Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), Hazrat Umar (RA),
Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Awf (RA) shared one camel whereas Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali
shared one camel.
 When Abu Sufyan came to know of this, he summoned troops from Mecca.
 1300 people left Mecca to help him however by changing his route he reached Mecca safely and sent a
message to Mekkans to return, however Abu Jahl insisted to face the Muslims.
 300 returned however 1000 of them refused to do so as they wanted to eliminate Muslims.
 Quraish had 700 camels and 200 horses.
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) consulted his companions who gave him assurance of their full support for
fighting against Makkans.
 The head of Ansars, Saad bin Mua'z took an oath that they will defend him (PBUH) till their last breath.
 Thus, Holy Prophet (PBUH) encamped at Badr.
 One night before the battle it rained heavily and Muslims collected water.
 Muslims closed all the wells of Badr except one which was nearest to the Muslim camp, so that
Makkans could not use water.
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) prayed to Allah and his prayer was accepted.
 Allah helped the Muslims through angels.
 The Quran says, "Remember when you sought the help of your Lord, He responded, I will assist
you with a thousand angels ranks on ranks".
 The battle started with one to one combat as per Arab tradition. Three Makkans Utbah, Shebah and
Waleed stepped forward and challenged Muslims.
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) accepted their challenge and sent Hazrat Ali, Hamza and Ubadiah to fight them.
 Muslims were able to defeat their opponents which demoralized them.
 Now open fighting started and Holy Prophet (PBUH) threw dust towards enemy which turned into dust
 Holy Quran say, “It was not you but God who slew the pagans. It was not you but God who threw
dust at them. He did this as a favorable test for the believers”.
 Despite the odds, the Makkans saw the Muslims as few in number while the Quraysh looked few in
number to the Muslims.
 Holy Quran says “And remember when you met, He showed them to you as few in your eyes, and
He made you appear as contemptible in their eyes: so that Allah might accomplish a matter
already decided”.
 Eventually, Muslims won the battle as the Quraish began to flee.
 70 Makkans were killed including their leader Abu Jahl, who was first badly injured by 2 young
Muslims (Mu’az & Ma’uz) and at last killed by Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood. 14 Muslims were
 Hazrat Bilal killed his former master Ummayah bin Khalf.
 Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (RA) killed his father (Abdullah Ibn Al Jarah).
 70 Makkans were taken as prisoners which included Abbas the uncle of Holy Prophet and Aqeel the
brother of Hazrat Ali. Holy Prophet (PBUH) surprised everyone by treating the prisoners humbly.
 They were allowed to purchase their freedom by paying ransom or by teaching 10 Muslim children.
 This was the first victory of Islam against the pagans, which strengthened the Muslims.

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