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The problem is that the Palestine-Isreali conflict isn't just a problem with human

rights, but it is a problem of sovereignty and unanimity.

So that the Isrealies want self-sovereignty (allegdly) so they have to comply with
the international human rights and palastinians calling for self-autonomy.
But the most important problem is that

The Isrealy army started to attak and kill Palestinians in Ramallah and started a
blockade that were sent by Egoz Battallion.
And they started chasing palstinians which were on the run which made the
Palestinian government upset of the acts of isreal.
And on the other hand the UN hand of help was very slow in speed, and it was small
on magnitude.

The Israeli army started to attack and kill Palestinians in Ramallah and began a
blockade sent by Egoz Battalion.
And they started chasing Palestinians who were on the run, which made the
Palestinian government upset about Israel's acts. On the other hand, the UN hand of
help was languid, and it was small on magnitude.

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