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This note is high-level documentation for the core parts of this template project.

All events in this project are commented, so you can open any event and read the
comments to understand what it does, and how it works.

The following are sub-groups present in the Objects group:


obj_character_parent is the parent object of all characters (including the player

and any enemies).
Here are descriptions for its events:

Create Initialises properties for all characters.

Begin Step Checks if the character is grounded, and stores that
position. Applies friction to the character's velocity.
Step Handles movement and collision checking for the character.
End Step Flips the character's sprite horizontally based on its X
velocity. Handles what happens when the character's health is depleted. Also
handles invincibility frames.

obj_player is the main player object and a child of obj_character_parent.

Create Initialises properties for the player.

Begin Step (Inherited from parent, unchanged.)
Step Sets audio listener position.
End Step Handles transitions to other sprites based on the currently
assigned sprite and conditions.
Alarm 0 Stops Knockback.
Key Down Left Moves the player left.
Key Down Right Moves the player right.
Key Down A Runs the Key Down Left event (mimics its behaviour), for
WASD input.
Key Down D Runs the Key Down Right event (mimics its behaviour), for
WASD input.
Key Press Space Makes the player jump.
-><- obj_coin Handles collision with coins, collecting them.
-><- obj_end_gate Handles collision with the end gate, which takes you
to the next level.
-><- obj_enemy_parent Handles collision with enemy. Defeats the enemy if
the player jumped on it, otherwise hurts the player.
-><- obj_hurt_zone Handles collision with hurt zones.
Outside Room Handles respawning when the player is outside the room.
Animation End Stops certain animations (e.g. jump and fall) when their
animations end.
Broadcast Message Receives broadcast messages from the spr_player_walk
sprite for the footstep effects and sound.

obj_player_defeated appears in place of obj_player when the player is defeated. It

jumps up and restarts the room when it exits the screen.

obj_player_end_level appears when the player reaches the end gate. It fades away
and then the level ends.


obj_enemy_parent is a child of obj_character_parent and the parent of all enemies.

Create Initialises properties for all enemies.
End Step Turns the enemy to the other direction if it finds a wall
or ledge in front of it.

obj_enemy1 is the first (and only) enemy in the template.

Create Changes properties for this particular enemy.

obj_enemy1_defeated appears in place of obj_enemy1 when it's defeated. It plays its

animation once and then destroys itself.


The "Managers" group contains objects that manage things in the background. So they
are not visible or interactive, but listen silently in the background
and perform their actions.

obj_game_manager: This creates the HUD sequence, and manages pausing.

obj_gamepad_input: This manages gamepads and allows the player to be
controlled using a gamepad. It's a persistent object that's created in the first
room (rm_menu) and lasts throughout the whole game.
obj_parallax: This is placed in game levels for parallax bacgrounds.
obj_persistent_manager: This is another persistent manager object created in
rm_menu. It creates a particle system that is used through the game for any


obj_collision: This is the parent of all objects that can collide with
characters (e.g. blocks). If you want to make a platform or any other object that
characters can stand on, use this as a parent.
The check_collision function (in scr_collisions) checks
for collisions with this object (along with tiles).

Blocks: This folder contains blocks that the player can hit with its head.
Editor: This contains placeable objects that aren't visible in-game but still
interact with the player in some way.
Interactive: This contains environment objects that are interactive but don't
fall into any other category.
Items: This contains collectible items, like coins.


This group contains objects that are used in the HUD sequence (seq_game_hud). They
appear on the GUI layer (using the Draw GUI event) and show the player's stats.

# UI

This group contains buttons and other UI-related objects.


This contains objects that are purely visual, like the dust VFX. They play their
animation once and then get destroyed.

obj_player_defeat_animation is an exception, which handles the pixelate transition

that appears when the player is defeated.
This object is Persistent so it's not destroyed when the room is restarted. Instead
it's manually destroyed when its transition is complete.


There are five Sequences in this project:

seq_game_hud: This is created when a level starts and initialises the objects
that display HUD information.
Using this Sequence you can organise your HUD and set
where certain elements appear.

seq_game_over: This is placed in the rm_end room and appears when the game is

seq_main_menu: This is placed in rm_menu and appears when the game begins.

seq_pause_menu: This appears when the game is paused using the Escape key.

seq_touch_controls: This contains the layout of the touch controls.

If you want to disable touch controls on Opera
GX, remove the appropriate action from the Create event in obj_game_manager.



This script contains one function called check_collision, which checks for a
collision at the given delta coordinates.
It checks against the Tile Layer "CollisionTiles" and the parent object


rm_menu is the main menu room and opens first.

rm_end is the last room.
All other rooms are in-game levels.

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