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Pay attention to the liquid that enters your body.

Adjusting the pattern of drinking water turned out to be very

important. Don't let us lack fluids. Why? If you lack fluids, you can get
dehydrated. Well, when dehydration our concentration decreases and
our body will feel weak.

There are ways to determine the state of fluid in our body. You do
this by looking at the color of our urine. If the urine is dark yellow, it's a
sign of lack of fluids. However, if the color of our urine is white, it's a
sign that the fluid in our body is sufficient.

Excess fluid is also not good for the body. This is especially when
doing strenuous exercise. It turns out that excess drinking water when
exercise can cause a deficiency of sodium which can cause the brain to
swell. In addition, excess drinking water during strenuous exercise can
make a person suddenly become convulsed, decreased consciousness,
and symptoms of nausea.


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