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Francilyn M.

HUMSS 12, St. Francis

12 Articles of Faith

Article 1: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
✓ This affirms that God exist and he created the universe, and he’s a Triune God.

Article 2: And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

✓ This attest that Jesus is a son of God and that he’s most certainly divine.

Article 3: Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the
Virgin Mary.
✓ This affirms the human nature of Christ, meaning he had a real, true human
mother and he was indeed divine for he has no human father but with pwet of
holy spirit he was conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary.

Article 4: He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
✓ The human nature of Christ could feel pain, and actually die, and he did on
Good Friday.

Article 5: He descended into hell. The third day he arose again from the dead.
✓ The hell that was being stated was used to refer the place of the dead and the
3rd day after Jesus died, he rose again from the dead.

Article 6: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the
Father Almighty.
✓ The Ascension reminds the faithful that after human and divine nature of Christ
were united in the Incarnation, they could never be separated.

Article 7: He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
✓ This article affirms the second coming of Christ at the end of the world to be
ita Judge.
Article 8: I believe in the Holy Spirit
✓ This part reminds the believer that God exist in three person, God the father,
God the Son, and Holy Spirit.

Article 9: the holy catholic Church, the Communion of Saints

✓ Catholics believe that a Church is more than a mere institution and certainly
not a necessary evil. It is an essential dimension and aspect of spiritual life.

Article 10: the forgiveness of sins

✓ Christ came to save the world from sin. Belief in the forgiveness of sins is
essential in Christianity.

Article 11: the resurrection of the body

✓ A human being is the union of body and soul so death is just a momentary
separation of body and soul until the end of the world.

Article 12: And in life everlasting.

✓ Death is the only way to cross from this line into the next and Christians believe
that there is an everlasting life after death.

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