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Stop animal cruelty


Animal cruelty is defined as depriving an animal of food, water, shelter, and/or

veterinary care. Torturing, maiming, or killing animals is also animal cruelty. People
today abuse animals for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it's important to
address commercial motivations because the desire to maximize farm profits often
results in animal exploitation, such as factory farming. A step toward achieving
commercial objectives is the testing of products on animals. Initially, many cultures
had animal-based entertainment forms like bullfighting and circuses. However, the
main factor keeping them around despite modern awareness is the money they

Second, ignorance and indifference are the reasons that mostly cause violence
towards pets. Some people use cruel types of training or inhumane procedures, such
as declawing cats, without knowing that they hurt their pets. Other people do not
care about pets and neglect them. For example, they can leave a cat or a dog at
home alone for several days without food and water, or leave them freezing outside
at night. Irresponsible treatment is illegal and should be punished, but such cases are
rarely reported.

Probably the most vocal justification for animal cruelty is pure aggression. There is
no particular type of aggression directed at animals, according to psychologists who
research the nature of criminal behavior. According to Hoffer, Hargreaves-Company,
Muirhead, and Meloy (2018), evaluating how young people treat animals can help
predict human violence. According to their research, animals are typically only
victims because they lack the strength to defend themselves against rudeness from


This project aims to stop animal cruelty. It is essential to recognize the link between
animal abuse and human violence, and this project provides a useful framework for
addressing the problem of animal cruelty. Me and my team will make sure to create
a world where animals will not be abused. We promise to make a change, and all the
support will be put to good use. Through this project, we hope to educate people
about the connection between animal cruelty and human violence, raise awareness
of the issue, and provide tools to help individuals take action to protect animals

We intend to educate and raise awareness about why animal cruelty is wrong and
the serious consequences of doing so. Enforcement and the strengthening of laws
regarding this topic will help ensure that all animals are treated with respect and
dignity. We also intend to build a shelter for abandoned and abused animals to treat
and care for them, as well as to adopt them out to people we know will care for
them and not subject them to the abuse that their previous owner subjected them
to. For our funds, we plan to hold a fundraiser, and we will also be reaching out to
the public by making our voices heard and spreading the word. By creating positive
change and helping ensure that all animals are treated with love and compassion,


For this project we plan to raise a 20,000₱ by gathering the money from our
fundraiser. As of right now, we have over $8,000 raised on our fundraiser. We also
have over 100 volunteers to help us with this project. To supplement these funds,
we are also reaching out to local businesses for financial support, and we promise
that by the end of the year we will have animals taken care of and adopted to their
rightful owners.

Contact information

For concerns and questions, you may reach out to my e-mail at:

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