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Using question words
Zaimki pytające mogą posłużyć do stworzenia planu pracy
pisemnej. Warto zapamiętać je i stosować w następującej
kolejności: what, why, how, where, when. Zachowanie
ttej kolejności nie jest jednak konieczne.
Zaimek what może odnosić się zarówno do
zdarzenia, jak i do przedmiotu.

1 Label the text with who, what, why, how, where, when.

Do you know Szymon’s big brother?

He’s obsessed with his hair! Let me tell you
something funny that happened to him. On
Saturday afternoon, he was walking to his friend’s
house, and on the way, he stopped on the bridge
over the river and he fell in! Do you want to
know how it happened? He was trying to see his
reflection in the water and he leaned over too far!

2 Think of your own ideas for a story to go with who, what, why, how, where, when.
1 who 4 how
2 what 5 where
3 why 6 when

3 Write a short story (50–120 words) using your ideas from exercise 2.

4 Swap texts with your partner. Read out your partner’s story to the class.

Link dla Klasy VII  Unit 9  Student’s Book page 107  PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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