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Parents' support :

The role of parents in helping their children succeed at school is crucial. Parents can support
their children's education by setting high expectations for their academic achievement,
encouraging a love of learning, and helping to create a positive and supportive home
environment. This can include establishing a regular routine for homework and study, providing
a quiet and well-organized workspace, and being involved in their children's education by
attending parent-teacher conferences and volunteering at school. Additionally, parents can
model good study habits, encourage their children to ask questions and seek help when
needed, and support their children's interests and extracurricular activities. By taking an active
and supportive role in their children's education, parents can help their children succeed in
school and lay the foundation for future success.

2: One of the most important roles of parents in their children's education is setting high
expectations for academic achievement. This can involve setting specific goals for grades and
progress, encouraging regular attendance and timely completion of homework assignments,
and reinforcing the value of education. Additionally, parents can support their children's
education by creating a positive and supportive home environment. This can involve setting
aside a designated space for homework and study, making sure that necessary materials and
resources are available, and fostering a love of learning through reading, educational activities,
and discussions about school. Finally, parents can support their children's education by being
involved in their school lives, such as by attending parent-teacher conferences and volunteering
at school events. By taking an active and supportive role in their children's education, parents
can help their children succeed in school and set the stage for future success

3 main ideas:
Parents play a critical role in their children's education and success in school. They can set high
expectations, create a positive and supportive home environment, and be involved in their
children's school lives. By doing these things, parents can help their children achieve academic
success and lay the foundation for future success

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