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BG800 series maintenance

1.Flow path(every 3 months or troubleshooting)

1.1 sample port ,sample probe and sample detector

Soak with pure Bleach solution (NaClO) 15 mins

1.2Clean inside
Using syringe ,insert Bleach solution into the port,then use the clean water to wash.
1.3 flow path No.1

Using syringe ,Insert Bleach solution to soak the tube for

waste of port washing , 15mins
Tubes size: 0.8mm 170cm, make sure the length Is correct.

1.4 measuring chamber tubes clean

Take off the electrodes, install dummy electrodes ,insert bleach

solution into the tubes From right to left(Front to back) For soaking 15


2.1 Refill solution replacement

K,Ca,Cl,Na,PH, Need to be replaced (2/3 height of the cavity)

Every 3 months
Ref Can Add directly (big cavity 1/2)

Exclude the bubbles, and dry out, Replace when it’s little

PCO2,PO2 Can Add directly around 3~6months to add

(1/2 of cavity and No liquid in the tube before putting back the cap)

3.Maintenance setup

Clean 3 days / 50 tests

Over 500tests per month 1days/100 tests
Deproteinizing 30days/200 tests
Over 300tests per month 15days/200tests
Over 500 tests per month 7days/300tests
Over 700 tests per month 3days/400 tests
Conditioning 30days/200tests
Over 500 tests per moth 15days/300tests
For Cl electrode
Make a small line with tissue to clean Cl channel, when it
turned black or is wasted
X Never use needle!!

Blow electrode gently

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