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Site of The First Mass in the Philippines: In Butuan City

With the expedition of Magellan, they have brought

Christianity as a religion. Eucharistic celebration is a ceremony
or sacrament that keeps the people be close to God, in a solemn
way. Easter Sunday Mass Is commemorating the resurrection of
Jesus Christ as he was crucified and resurrected after three
days. The first easter mass was held in the Philippines was
because of the expedition of Magellan. He went into ashore that
was called “ Mazaua”. The Diocese of Butuan is celebrating or
commemorating the Magellan’s Easter Mass.
Limasawa is claiming that the first easter mass was held in
their place, however the geographic description of the place
contradict the description of given to the place where it was
held. According to Antonio Pigafetta’s account the distance of
Cebu to MAzaua was about 25 leagues, wherein if converted in
milies it will be 140 miles, with this Cebu to Butuan is 140
miles while Cebu to Limasawa is 80 miles. Another evidence is
“Muzaua” came from an Butuanon language that means bright or
light. In addition, “pinamanculan” means held place where the
ritual is held. Third evidence to prove that Butuan was the place
where the first mass was held is through the Butuan City Cultural
and Historial Foundation Inc. according to them, there was a
Balanghai recovered and there are 28 pieces of scientific
Provided by the given evidence present in the claim of
Butuan City, I have concluded that the first easter mass was held
in Butuan City. Knowing the claims of Pigafetta, there are points
where it matched the claims of Butuan City, which is the
geographical description of the place where Magellan anchored
their ships. Another is that with the primary source, evidences,
and the geographical description of Butuan City, I concluded that
Butuan is where the first mass was held.
References :
Evidences Of The First Mass In The Philippines In Masao, Butuan [el9r11w51kly]. (n.d.).

Retrieved October 19, 2022, from

Regidor, A. (2021). University of the Philippines Diliman.

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