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In my alternate ending, I attempted to add a good side and a bad

side to the story, so that it isn’t a boring ending with nothing
intriguing or emotional. Happy endings can be seen as boring, not
exciting, and lazy. Which is why many books end on cliffhangers or
more problems for the character to deal with in a possible sequel
to the book or movie. Many of the best books, like To kill a
Mockingbird, doesn’t end with a happy ending, but rather a more
morbid ending. And that book is still one of the most popular and
best selling books ever..
I believe my alternate ending changed the theme of the novel in
many ways. The setting went from a poor, struggling family to a
moderately wealthy family. It changed the outcome of the story two
and gave two emotions for the reader to face, to feel happy about
the success and wealth, or sympathetic for the family for losing a
family member. It also sets up a plot and story for a possible sequel,
leaving the reader thinking about the funeral, how the family will
handle the loss etc.

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