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Atoms in Radiation

Part III
Prepared by Catherine Paschal
Mwenge Catholic University

Catherine Paschal @MWECAU 1

Einstein’s Coefficients
• In the presence of radiation of appropriate frequency, in
a system having a large number of atoms, all the three
types of transitions–absorption, spontaneous emission
and stimulated emission–occur simultaneously.
• For simplicity, consider a system having levels 1 and 2
(as shown below).
• Let their energies be E1 and E2 and E2 – E1 be hv.
Einstein’s Coefficients
• Let the total number of atoms be N0. Under equilibrium
conditions, let N1 atoms be in state 1 and N2 atoms be in state 2.
• By Boltzmann distribution, we get;

• Let this system of atoms be in equilibrium with electromagnetic

radiation of energy hv and energy density uv.
• The rate of absorption is proportional to the density of radiation
uv and the number of atoms N1 present in the lower state.
• That is, the
Rate of absorption = B12N1uv
Einstein’s Coefficients
• where B12 is the constant of proportionality, called the
Einstein’s coefficient for absorption.
• It can be shown that B12 is simply the probability per
unit time for absorption.
• Next, we consider transitions from state 2 to state 1.
• Atoms in state 2 can come to state 1 both by
spontaneous and stimulated emissions.
• The spontaneous emission rate depends only on the
number of atoms N2 in state 2:
Rate of spontaneous emission = A21N2
Einstein’s Coefficients
• The constant of proportionality A21, called Einstein’s
coefficient for spontaneous emission, is the probability
per unit time for spontaneous emission.
• The stimulated emission rate depends on the energy
density uv of the radiation and the number of atoms N2
in state 2.
• Hence,
Rate of stimulated emission = B21N1uv
where B21 is Einstein’s coefficient for stimulated
Einstein’s Coefficients
• When the system is in equilibrium, the rate of
absorption from state 1 to 2 must be equal to the rate of
emissions from state 2 to 1.
• That is,
B12N1uv = B21N2uv + A21N2
Einstein’s Coefficients
• Substituting the value of N1/N2 we get;


• From Planck’s radiation law;


• Comparing the two eqns., Einstein guessed that


Einstein’s Coefficients
• The two equations (3 & 4) are called Einstein’s
relations and the coefficients are called Einstein’s A
and B coefficients.
• Equation (3) gives the important result that the
probability for absorption from state 1 to 2 is equal to
the probability for stimulated emission from state 2 to
state 1.
• Since B12 = B21 from Eq. (1), we get
Einstein’s Coefficients
• If hv >> kT, 𝑒 − 1 will be very large and spontaneous
emission far exceeds stimulated emission. At ordinary
temperatures, this happens in the visible region.
• Stimulated emission becomes important when hv ≅ kT,
and may dominate when hv << kT, which happens in
the microwave region.
• Hence, Townes tried the fabrication of maser
(microwave amplification of stimulated emission of
radiation) first.

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