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Spare Parts List

from series 03/06

131 804 90 31 02.14

Index L14/16AS


119 DRIVE MOTOR AP/SP =>W4X131T04222
123 DRIVE MOTOR AP/SP W4X131T04223=>
120 DRIVE MOTOR ACC=> W4X131T04159
124 DRIVE MOTOR ACC W4X131T04160=>
124 DRIVE MOTOR ACC BOOSTER 131T04160=>Z011122


139 DRIVE UNIT =>W4X131T02463
142 DRIVE UNIT W4X131T02464=>

Register 03 : CHASSIS UNIT

112 guard overhead assy. =>W4X131W00131
115 guard overhead assy. W4X131W00132=>W4X131Z00122
116 guard overhead assy. W4X131Z00123=>W4X131A03414
119 guard overhead assy. W4X131A03415=>


464 gear slewing
487 tiller assy. SP
480 retainer plate
202 elect. magnet brake ACC =>W4X131A01097
220 elect. magnet brake ACC W4X131A01098=>
301 wheels

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31

L14/16AS Index
311 load castor assembly


135 circuit diagram
150 circuit diagram ACC BOOSTER
412 plug

Register 07 : HYDRAULIC UNIT


Register 08 : LIFT MAST

443 SIDE CYLINDER TYPE S L14 AS =>W4X131D04540
479 cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 L14 AS W4X131D04541=>
444 SIDE CYLINDER TYPE S L16 AS =>W4X131D04490
480 cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 L16 AS W4X131D04491=>
480 cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>
480 cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>

print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Index L14/16AS


132 switch assy.


14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31

Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
000 901 30 13 03/425 /02 07/298 /02 03/426 /02 06/828 /03 03/247 /01
03/426 /01 000 903 40 16 07/263 /01 03/438 /01 000 907 01 14 08/480 /02 03/253 /01
03/431 /01 07/264 /01 03/438 /01 08/480 /02 000 912 05 08 03/425 /02
03/433 /01 07/298 /01 03/439 /01 08/480 /02 03/426 /01
000 901 30 19 03/438 /01 07/300 /01 03/439 /01 000 907 09 07 02/142 /01 03/431 /02
03/439 /01 000 903 40 17 07/263 /02 04/487 /01 000 907 09 09 03/425 /01 03/433 /02
08/114 /06 07/264 /02 04/489 /03 03/433 /01 03/438 /02
08/117 /05 07/298 /02 06/135 /03 09/132 /01 000 912 10 21 04/318 /01
000 901 30 21 03/425 /01 07/300 /02 06/150 /03 09/132 /01 000 912 11 21 08/114 /02
03/433 /01 000 904 02 01 03/425 /02 08/115 /05 000 907 09 11 02/142 /01 000 914 08 73 03/425 /02
04/467 /02 03/426 /02 000 904 02 06 03/425 /03 03/115 /01 03/426 /01
04/488 /03 04/467 /01 03/426 /02 03/115 /01 03/431 /01
04/488 /03 04/467 /02 04/488 /03 03/116 /01 03/433 /02
04/489 /03 04/467 /02 04/489 /03 03/116 /01 03/438 /01
04/492 /02 04/487 /02 06/135 /03 03/119 /01 03/439 /01
000 901 30 23 04/488 /03 04/492 /01 06/150 /02 03/119 /01 000 914 18 23 08/113 /02
04/489 /03 04/492 /01 09/132 /01 04/318 /01 08/114 /01
000 901 30 24 07/153 /01 04/492 /02 000 905 25 20 04/311 /01 04/318 /01 08/115 /01
07/160 /01 07/153 /01 000 905 38 02 03/246 /01 000 907 11 26 08/443 /01 08/117 /01
000 901 54 07 03/249 /01 07/160 /01 03/247 /01 000 907 11 30 08/439 /01 000 914 20 02 03/425 /02
03/251 /01 08/114 /06 03/253 /01 08/440 /01 03/426 /01
000 901 54 09 04/487 /01 08/117 /04 000 905 38 10 03/249 /02 08/441 /01 03/431 /01
04/487 /01 000 904 02 02 06/135 /01 03/251 /02 08/442 /01 03/433 /01
000 903 31 12 02/140 /02 06/150 /01 000 905 38 19 03/246 /01 000 908 23 06 04/467 /02 03/438 /02
000 903 32 87 07/264 /02 000 904 02 03 03/249 /02 03/247 /01 04/492 /01 000 914 56 04 02/140 /02
07/298 /02 03/251 /02 03/253 /01 000 908 23 14 06/135 /02 000 914 65 12 02/140 /01
000 903 32 88 07/264 /02 03/425 /02 000 905 90 00 06/827 /02 000 908 23 15 03/246 /01 000 914 70 03 03/246 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
03/247 /01 01/120 /01 000 924 21 12 01/123 /01 000 931 40 22 06/135 /02 07/300 /01
03/253 /01 000 918 72 82 08/114 /02 01/123 /01 000 931 40 37 04/487 /01 000 944 12 53 07/263 /01
000 914 70 08 04/488 /01 000 918 78 07 08/114 /02 01/124 /01 000 931 40 47 09/132 /02 07/264 /01
04/489 /01 000 921 16 53 03/425 /02 01/124 /01 000 938 05 97 10/127 /01 000 944 12 54 07/263 /01
08/114 /02 03/426 /02 000 924 95 12 08/113 /01 10/145 /01 07/264 /01
08/117 /03 000 921 20 84 03/425 /02 08/114 /01 000 938 06 22 10/127 /01 07/298 /01
000 914 70 09 08/114 /01 03/426 /02 08/115 /01 000 938 06 26 10/127 /01 07/300 /01
08/115 /02 03/431 /01 08/117 /01 10/145 /01 000 944 12 69 07/264 /02
000 914 70 10 08/114 /06 03/433 /02 08/302 /01 000 938 06 61 10/127 /01 07/298 /02
08/117 /04 000 921 20 89 03/431 /01 08/302 /02 10/127 /01 000 944 12 81 07/298 /01
000 914 70 11 08/117 /05 03/433 /02 000 924 95 13 08/113 /01 10/145 /01 07/300 /01
000 914 70 13 04/487 /01 03/438 /01 08/114 /01 000 938 06 63 10/145 /01 000 944 17 58 07/298 /02
000 914 70 19 08/114 /05 03/439 /01 08/115 /01 000 938 09 27 10/127 /01 000 944 17 60 07/263 /02
000 914 70 21 08/114 /02 000 921 25 45 03/425 /02 08/117 /01 10/145 /01 07/264 /02
08/115 /01 03/426 /02 08/302 /01 000 938 09 48 10/127 /01 07/300 /02
08/117 /01 03/433 /02 08/302 /02 10/145 /01 000 944 17 64 07/264 /02
000 914 75 30 02/140 /01 000 923 02 04 03/425 /02 000 924 95 14 08/113 /01 000 938 13 86 10/127 /01 07/298 /02
000 915 90 16 08/480 /02 03/426 /01 08/114 /01 000 938 18 67 10/127 /01 000 944 23 27 08/114 /06
08/480 /02 03/433 /02 08/115 /01 10/145 /01 08/117 /05
08/480 /02 000 923 02 38 03/431 /01 08/117 /01 000 938 22 48 10/127 /01 000 944 24 04 08/114 /02
000 915 90 39 07/263 /02 03/433 /02 08/302 /01 10/145 /01 08/117 /02
07/264 /02 03/438 /02 08/302 /02 000 938 45 35 10/127 /01 000 944 24 08 08/113 /02
07/300 /02 000 923 03 24 08/114 /02 000 925 20 10 01/123 /01 000 938 45 36 10/127 /01 08/114 /06
000 915 90 54 08/479 /02 08/115 /01 01/123 /01 000 938 45 37 10/127 /01 08/115 /02
000 916 16 06 08/114 /01 08/117 /01 01/124 /01 000 944 11 07 07/263 /01 08/117 /05
08/117 /01 000 923 03 38 08/113 /01 01/124 /01 07/264 /01 000 944 24 09 08/114 /02
000 916 96 24 01/119 /01 000 923 03 40 04/310 /01 000 928 02 03 02/140 /01 07/298 /01 08/115 /03

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

2 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
08/117 /02 08/117 /02 07/300 /01 000 963 01 69 07/263 /01 07/298 /02
000 944 33 46 07/263 /01 000 952 25 57 08/115 /03 000 957 26 26 08/115 /02 07/264 /01 000 963 21 86 07/263 /01
07/264 /01 000 952 40 18 07/264 /02 000 957 26 28 08/115 /02 07/298 /01 07/264 /02
07/298 /01 07/298 /02 000 960 80 91 08/480 /02 07/300 /01 07/298 /01
07/300 /01 000 952 40 20 02/140 /02 08/480 /02 000 963 02 43 07/263 /01 07/300 /01
000 944 50 01 07/263 /01 000 955 02 42 08/115 /03 08/480 /02 07/264 /01 000 963 24 33 08/479 /01
07/264 /01 000 955 20 22 04/467 /02 000 961 01 12 08/439 /01 07/298 /01 000 963 25 51 01/119 /01
000 944 50 02 07/298 /01 04/492 /01 08/440 /01 07/300 /01 01/120 /01
07/300 /01 000 955 22 20 08/114 /02 08/441 /01 000 963 02 95 07/263 /02 01/123 /01
000 944 50 03 07/264 /01 08/115 /02 08/442 /01 07/264 /02 01/123 /01
000 950 25 07 08/115 /02 08/117 /03 08/443 /01 07/300 /02 01/124 /01
000 951 24 06 04/201 /01 000 955 22 28 04/467 /01 08/444 /01 000 963 04 23 03/425 /01 01/124 /01
000 951 24 60 07/263 /01 04/487 /01 08/445 /01 03/433 /01 000 964 01 01 04/318 /01
07/264 /01 04/492 /01 08/446 /01 000 963 10 47 07/263 /01 000 964 05 05 03/249 /01
07/298 /01 000 955 22 30 07/153 /01 08/447 /01 07/264 /01 03/251 /01
07/300 /01 07/160 /01 08/450 /01 07/298 /01 000 964 05 57 03/249 /01
000 951 51 18 07/263 /01 000 955 26 01 09/160 /01 08/451 /01 07/300 /01 03/251 /01
07/264 /01 000 955 26 22 06/135 /02 000 962 09 14 08/479 /02 000 963 11 13 02/140 /01 000 965 25 07 04/467 /01
000 951 51 42 07/263 /01 06/150 /02 000 962 24 14 08/479 /02 000 963 20 47 07/263 /01 000 965 26 00 04/467 /01
07/264 /01 000 955 26 24 09/132 /02 000 962 33 26 08/480 /02 07/264 /01 000 965 26 35 04/467 /01
07/298 /01 000 955 26 25 03/438 /01 08/480 /02 07/298 /01 04/492 /01
07/300 /01 03/439 /01 08/480 /02 07/300 /01 000 965 26 43 04/467 /01
000 952 01 32 08/114 /02 000 955 30 03 03/425 /03 000 962 33 78 08/479 /01 000 963 21 62 07/263 /01 04/492 /01
08/115 /02 03/433 /03 000 963 00 62 07/263 /01 07/264 /01 000 965 26 52 03/425 /02
08/117 /02 000 955 50 58 07/263 /01 07/264 /01 07/298 /01 03/433 /02
000 952 02 07 08/114 /02 07/264 /01 07/298 /01 07/300 /01 04/467 /01
08/115 /02 000 955 50 70 07/298 /01 07/300 /01 000 963 21 72 07/264 /02 04/492 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 3

L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
000 965 40 89 08/114 /06 07/264 /01 01/124 /01 06/828 /03 03/251 /01
08/117 /05 07/298 /01 01/124 /01 06/828 /04 003 912 89 01 02/140 /01
000 965 41 15 03/425 /02 07/300 /01 04/201 /01 06/828 /04 003 914 08 01 04/487 /02
03/425 /02 000 976 14 19 06/135 /01 04/202 /01 003 901 90 01 04/318 /01 003 916 22 00 08/113 /01
03/426 /01 06/150 /01 04/220 /01 003 901 90 04 04/202 /01 08/115 /01
03/431 /01 000 983 08 71 07/263 /01 04/488 /02 003 901 90 06 04/220 /01 08/117 /01
03/433 /02 07/264 /01 04/488 /03 003 904 50 00 01/119 /01 003 916 50 04 04/311 /01
03/433 /02 07/298 /01 04/489 /02 01/120 /01 003 916 96 08 04/464 /01
03/438 /01 07/300 /01 04/489 /03 01/123 /01 003 919 06 60 02/139 /01
03/439 /01 000 983 70 09 07/263 /01 06/827 /01 01/123 /01 003 919 06 92 02/142 /01
000 965 41 24 03/425 /02 07/264 /01 06/827 /01 01/124 /01 02/142 /01
03/426 /01 07/298 /01 06/827 /02 01/124 /01 003 919 06 93 02/142 /01
03/431 /01 07/300 /01 06/827 /02 003 905 08 00 06/135 /01 003 922 39 02 04/467 /01
03/433 /02 000 983 95 02 07/263 /01 06/827 /02 06/150 /01 04/492 /01
03/438 /01 07/264 /01 06/827 /02 003 907 11 00 08/450 /01 003 922 51 01 04/487 /02
03/439 /01 07/298 /01 06/827 /03 08/451 /01 04/488 /02
000 965 56 00 03/425 /02 07/300 /01 06/827 /03 003 907 11 01 08/444 /01 04/489 /02
03/433 /02 000 983 99 36 07/263 /01 06/827 /03 08/445 /01 003 922 75 08 04/487 /01
03/438 /02 07/264 /01 06/827 /03 08/446 /01 003 924 50 01 01/119 /01
000 965 56 11 03/425 /02 07/298 /01 06/828 /01 003 907 11 02 08/447 /01 01/120 /01
000 973 13 11 06/135 /03 07/300 /01 06/828 /01 003 907 13 01 02/139 /01 003 931 08 10 04/487 /01
06/150 /03 000 993 36 60 08/115 /03 06/828 /02 02/142 /01 003 931 40 00 08/113 /04
000 973 61 51 09/132 /01 000 993 38 00 04/318 /01 06/828 /02 08/115 /02 08/114 /04
09/132 /01 002 978 05 11 01/119 /01 06/828 /02 08/115 /03 08/115 /05
000 975 50 09 06/827 /02 01/120 /01 06/828 /03 003 912 10 32 04/487 /01 08/117 /04
06/828 /03 01/123 /01 06/828 /03 003 912 30 03 08/113 /01 003 932 01 00 03/425 /02
000 976 09 26 07/263 /01 01/123 /01 06/828 /03 003 912 40 03 03/249 /01 03/426 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

4 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
03/433 /02 10/145 /01 003 960 80 07 08/439 /01 03/251 /01 04/489 /01
003 932 01 02 03/426 /01 003 938 22 02 10/127 /01 08/440 /01 003 970 08 89 03/249 /02 003 973 29 14 04/488 /01
03/431 /01 10/145 /01 003 960 80 08 08/441 /01 03/251 /01 04/489 /01
03/433 /02 003 938 22 05 10/145 /01 08/442 /01 003 970 12 30 03/425 /03 003 973 29 15 04/488 /01
03/438 /01 003 946 07 09 03/246 /01 003 960 80 09 08/443 /01 03/426 /02 04/489 /01
03/439 /01 03/247 /01 003 960 80 10 08/444 /01 003 970 35 26 06/135 /01 003 973 30 14 09/160 /01
003 938 05 02 10/127 /01 03/253 /01 08/445 /01 06/150 /01 003 973 30 16 09/160 /01
10/145 /01 003 946 07 10 03/246 /01 08/446 /01 003 970 37 08 04/487 /02 003 975 05 02 06/412 /01
003 938 05 06 10/145 /01 03/247 /01 003 960 80 11 08/447 /01 04/488 /02 003 976 11 37 01/119 /01
003 938 11 02 10/127 /01 03/253 /01 003 960 80 12 08/450 /01 04/489 /03 003 976 11 38 01/120 /01
10/145 /01 003 946 07 11 03/246 /01 08/451 /01 003 970 90 03 06/135 /02 003 976 11 40 01/119 /01
003 938 15 01 10/127 /01 03/247 /01 003 961 91 01 06/827 /02 06/150 /02 003 976 11 41 01/120 /01
003 938 18 29 10/127 /01 03/253 /01 06/828 /03 003 970 90 04 06/135 /02 003 976 11 42 01/123 /01
10/145 /01 003 946 07 12 03/246 /01 003 964 09 02 08/113 /04 06/150 /02 01/123 /01
003 938 18 64 10/127 /01 03/247 /01 08/114 /04 003 970 90 05 06/135 /02 003 976 11 43 01/124 /01
003 938 18 78 10/127 /01 03/253 /01 08/115 /04 06/150 /02 01/124 /01
10/145 /01 003 946 07 25 03/246 /01 08/117 /04 003 972 30 00 04/464 /01 003 977 95 05 06/135 /02
003 938 18 80 04/488 /01 03/247 /01 003 964 45 01 04/467 /01 003 973 04 03 06/135 /02 06/150 /02
04/489 /01 03/253 /01 04/492 /01 06/150 /03 003 980 17 03 04/464 /01
10/127 /01 003 950 25 03 08/115 /02 07/153 /01 003 973 04 04 06/135 /02 003 980 17 04 04/464 /01
10/145 /01 003 950 25 05 08/115 /02 07/160 /01 06/150 /03 003 980 17 08 04/464 /01
003 938 19 11 10/127 /01 003 955 22 01 03/425 /02 003 965 40 00 03/431 /01 003 973 16 00 04/488 /01 003 980 87 04 04/464 /01
10/145 /01 03/426 /02 03/433 /02 04/489 /01 003 980 87 08 04/464 /01
003 938 20 17 10/145 /01 03/438 /01 03/438 /01 003 973 16 08 04/487 /01 003 981 08 06 07/263 /01
003 938 20 18 10/127 /01 03/439 /01 03/439 /01 003 973 16 13 04/487 /01 003 981 08 07 07/264 /01
10/145 /01 04/467 /01 003 965 50 02 03/247 /01 003 973 29 04 04/487 /01 003 981 08 59 07/300 /01
003 938 22 00 10/127 /01 04/492 /01 003 970 08 71 03/249 /02 003 973 29 13 04/488 /01 003 981 08 60 07/298 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
003 983 02 00 07/263 /02 1170 850 01 08 08/302 /02 131 357 45 00 04/464 /01 06/150 /03 131 381 03 65 06/827 /01
07/264 /02 1170 850 01 09 08/302 /01 131 360 60 01 06/135 /03 131 363 17 00 06/135 /02 06/828 /01
07/298 /01 131 253 00 00 02/140 /02 06/150 /03 06/150 /02 09/160 /01
07/300 /01 131 253 01 00 02/140 /01 131 360 60 11 03/249 /02 131 363 17 01 06/135 /03 131 381 06 05 06/135 /02
003 990 23 08 04/301 /01 131 253 01 01 02/140 /01 03/251 /01 06/150 /03 06/150 /03
003 990 23 11 04/301 /01 131 253 08 00 02/140 /01 131 360 60 14 06/135 /01 131 363 17 02 06/135 /01 06/827 /01
003 990 23 12 04/301 /01 131 260 05 02 02/140 /01 06/150 /02 06/150 /01 131 381 06 11 03/431 /02
003 990 23 18 04/301 /01 131 343 01 00 07/298 /02 131 360 60 15 06/135 /01 131 363 38 00 06/135 /01 03/433 /03
003 990 23 39 04/301 /01 07/300 /02 06/150 /01 06/150 /02 03/438 /01
003 990 23 43 04/301 /01 131 345 22 00 01/120 /01 131 360 60 16 06/135 /02 131 363 38 01 06/150 /02 03/439 /01
003 990 35 19 04/318 /01 131 357 06 00 07/263 /01 06/150 /02 131 363 60 00 07/298 /02 131 381 06 12 06/135 /02
003 990 35 48 04/311 /01 07/300 /01 131 360 60 17 06/135 /03 131 380 05 04 06/135 /02 06/150 /03
003 990 35 76 04/318 /01 131 357 06 01 07/264 /01 06/150 /03 06/150 /03 06/828 /01
003 990 36 06 04/310 /01 07/298 /01 131 360 60 18 06/135 /03 07/153 /01 131 381 06 17 06/135 /02
003 990 52 53 04/310 /01 131 357 32 00 02/142 /01 06/150 /03 07/160 /01 06/150 /03
003 993 36 03 04/310 /01 131 357 39 00 01/119 /01 131 360 60 21 06/135 /01 131 381 03 02 06/135 /03 06/827 /01
003 993 36 04 04/311 /01 01/120 /01 06/150 /01 06/150 /03 131 400 22 00 03/425 /01
003 993 36 40 04/310 /01 01/123 /01 131 360 60 23 07/160 /01 131 381 03 03 06/135 /03 03/426 /01
003 993 36 48 04/310 /01 01/123 /01 131 360 60 26 06/150 /02 06/150 /03 131 400 22 02 03/425 /02
003 993 36 49 04/311 /01 01/124 /01 131 360 60 27 06/135 /02 131 381 03 09 06/135 /02 03/426 /01
1170 850 01 00 08/302 /01 01/124 /01 06/150 /02 06/150 /03 131 400 22 03 03/425 /02
1170 850 01 02 08/302 /02 131 357 44 00 01/119 /01 131 360 68 09 06/135 /01 07/153 /01 03/426 /02
1170 850 01 03 08/302 /02 01/120 /01 06/150 /01 07/160 /01 131 400 22 04 03/425 /01
1170 850 01 04 08/302 /02 01/123 /01 131 360 68 15 06/150 /01 131 381 03 10 06/135 /02 03/426 /01
1170 850 01 05 08/302 /02 01/123 /01 131 363 12 25 06/135 /01 06/150 /03 03/433 /01
1170 850 01 06 08/302 /01 01/124 /01 06/150 /01 131 381 03 21 06/135 /03 03/438 /01
1170 850 01 07 08/302 /02 01/124 /01 131 363 12 39 06/135 /03 06/150 /02 03/439 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
131 400 22 08 03/431 /01 03/439 /01 131 422 18 30 03/251 /01 131 430 14 02 03/253 /01 03/251 /01
131 400 22 20 03/438 /01 131 401 27 09 03/425 /01 131 422 18 31 03/251 /01 03/426 /02 131 432 17 00 04/492 /02
03/439 /01 03/426 /01 131 422 18 53 03/249 /01 03/431 /02 131 432 25 00 03/425 /01
131 400 29 01 03/431 /01 131 401 27 11 03/426 /01 131 422 18 54 03/249 /01 03/433 /02 03/433 /01
03/433 /02 131 401 27 14 03/425 /01 131 422 18 55 03/249 /01 131 430 42 00 03/116 /01 131 432 28 00 03/247 /01
03/438 /01 03/426 /01 131 422 18 56 03/249 /02 03/116 /01 03/253 /01
03/439 /01 131 401 27 18 03/431 /01 131 422 18 57 03/249 /01 03/116 /01 131 432 29 00 03/246 /01
131 400 30 00 03/246 /01 03/433 /02 131 422 18 58 03/249 /02 131 430 42 01 03/116 /01 03/247 /01
131 400 30 01 03/247 /01 131 401 27 19 03/433 /02 131 422 18 59 03/251 /01 03/116 /01 03/253 /01
131 400 30 02 03/253 /01 131 401 27 25 03/438 /01 131 422 18 60 03/251 /01 03/116 /01 131 432 33 04 03/251 /01
131 400 30 11 03/246 /01 03/439 /01 131 423 18 09 03/249 /02 131 430 45 07 03/119 /01 131 432 41 01 03/249 /01
03/246 /01 131 401 28 00 02/139 /01 03/251 /02 131 430 45 08 03/119 /01 03/251 /01
131 400 30 12 03/247 /01 131 401 30 03 03/425 /03 131 430 08 00 03/249 /01 131 430 69 00 03/112 /01 131 432 41 02 03/249 /01
03/247 /01 03/426 /02 131 430 08 01 03/249 /01 131 430 69 03 03/119 /01 03/251 /01
131 400 30 13 03/253 /01 131 401 30 04 03/425 /03 131 430 08 02 03/249 /01 131 430 82 00 03/251 /01 131 432 41 04 03/249 /01
03/253 /01 03/426 /02 03/251 /01 131 431 30 02 03/425 /01 131 432 41 05 03/249 /01
131 400 30 14 03/246 /01 131 401 30 06 03/431 /01 131 430 08 04 03/249 /01 131 431 30 03 03/426 /01 131 432 43 02 03/249 /02
03/246 /01 131 401 30 12 03/431 /01 131 430 08 05 03/249 /01 131 431 30 04 03/425 /01 131 433 62 00 03/426 /01
131 400 30 15 03/247 /01 03/433 /02 131 430 08 06 03/249 /01 03/433 /01 03/431 /01
03/247 /01 03/438 /01 03/251 /01 131 431 30 05 03/426 /01 131 433 80 00 03/426 /01
131 400 30 16 03/253 /01 03/439 /01 131 430 08 07 03/249 /01 03/431 /01 03/431 /01
03/253 /01 131 422 18 06 03/249 /01 131 430 08 08 03/249 /01 131 432 08 00 03/246 /01 131 436 08 03 04/467 /02
131 400 30 17 03/246 /01 131 422 18 07 03/249 /01 131 430 08 09 03/249 /01 131 432 08 01 03/425 /01 04/492 /02
03/246 /01 131 422 18 08 03/249 /01 03/251 /01 03/433 /01 131 436 27 00 03/425 /01
131 401 09 18 02/142 /01 131 422 18 09 03/249 /02 131 430 13 04 04/467 /01 131 432 08 02 03/425 /01 03/433 /01
131 401 09 32 04/318 /01 131 422 18 10 03/249 /01 131 430 13 09 04/492 /01 03/433 /01 131 436 30 02 03/115 /01
131 401 13 09 03/438 /01 131 422 18 11 03/249 /02 131 430 13 15 04/467 /01 131 432 09 00 03/249 /01 131 436 35 10 03/425 /03

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
03/433 /03 131 438 02 19 03/247 /01 04/202 /01 131 850 02 25 03/113 /01 07/160 /01
131 436 36 00 03/246 /01 131 438 14 00 04/487 /02 131 504 70 03 04/202 /01 131 850 02 26 03/113 /01 141 446 52 13 08/302 /03
03/247 /01 131 438 14 09 04/487 /02 04/202 /01 131 851 11 01 03/113 /01 141 446 52 14 08/302 /03
03/253 /01 131 440 15 05 07/153 /01 04/202 /01 132 381 03 02 09/160 /01 141 446 52 16 08/302 /03
131 436 36 01 04/467 /01 07/160 /01 04/202 /01 132 436 18 00 08/113 /03 141 504 74 02 04/201 /01
04/492 /01 131 440 15 21 07/298 /02 131 504 70 06 04/201 /01 08/114 /03 04/202 /01
131 436 36 06 03/115 /01 131 441 58 04 07/153 /01 131 504 70 07 04/220 /01 132 436 18 01 08/113 /03 04/220 /01
131 436 36 07 03/116 /01 07/160 /01 131 504 70 08 04/201 /01 08/114 /03 141 850 20 55 08/302 /01
03/119 /01 131 448 40 07 07/153 /01 131 504 70 09 04/220 /01 132 436 18 02 08/113 /03 141 850 20 57 08/302 /01
131 436 39 00 03/425 /01 07/160 /01 131 504 90 00 04/201 /01 08/114 /03 142 332 20 00 02/140 /01
03/433 /01 131 448 40 08 07/153 /01 131 543 22 00 04/467 /02 132 436 31 02 08/113 /04 142 332 20 01 02/140 /01
131 436 39 01 03/425 /01 07/160 /01 04/492 /02 08/114 /04 142 904 60 01 02/140 /01
03/433 /01 131 448 40 09 07/153 /01 131 543 22 01 04/467 /02 132 436 31 03 08/114 /06 142 962 50 01 02/140 /01
131 436 53 02 03/115 /01 07/160 /01 04/492 /02 132 436 31 04 08/113 /04 144 250 45 01 02/140 /01
131 436 53 03 03/115 /01 131 448 40 10 07/153 /01 131 547 14 01 04/467 /01 08/114 /04 144 251 12 01 02/140 /01
131 436 53 04 03/116 /01 07/160 /01 131 547 14 05 04/467 /01 132 504 70 00 04/201 /01 144 251 13 00 02/140 /01
03/116 /01 131 500 90 00 04/480 /01 04/492 /01 132 504 70 01 04/201 /01 144 251 13 01 02/140 /01
03/116 /01 04/480 /01 131 547 14 06 04/467 /01 04/201 /01 144 253 08 00 02/140 /01
131 436 53 05 03/116 /01 04/480 /01 131 547 22 00 04/467 /01 04/201 /01 144 363 17 00 06/135 /02
03/116 /01 131 504 01 00 04/201 /01 04/492 /01 132 504 70 03 04/201 /01 06/150 /02
03/116 /01 131 504 09 00 04/201 /01 131 850 01 00 03/113 /01 04/201 /01 144 380 05 03 04/488 /02
131 437 20 01 03/115 /01 04/220 /01 131 850 01 01 03/113 /01 04/201 /01 04/489 /03
131 437 20 02 03/116 /01 131 504 30 00 04/201 /01 131 850 01 02 03/113 /01 132 504 70 04 04/201 /01 149 504 09 00 04/201 /01
131 438 02 01 03/247 /01 131 504 70 00 04/201 /01 131 850 02 01 03/113 /01 133 363 33 00 07/298 /02 160 446 25 00 08/115 /01
131 438 02 02 03/246 /01 131 504 70 02 04/202 /01 131 850 02 02 03/113 /01 133 381 05 02 06/135 /02 08/302 /02
03/253 /01 04/202 /01 131 850 02 15 03/113 /01 06/150 /03 160 446 43 10 08/113 /01
131 438 02 04 03/247 /01 04/202 /01 131 850 02 16 03/113 /01 07/153 /01 08/113 /03

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

8 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
08/114 /01 180 440 15 06 08/117 /02 180 440 18 30 08/442 /01 180 440 18 58 08/447 /01 180 440 49 29 08/113 /01
08/114 /03 180 440 15 17 08/117 /02 180 440 18 31 08/442 /01 180 440 18 59 08/450 /01 180 440 49 31 08/113 /01
08/115 /01 180 440 15 18 08/117 /02 180 440 18 32 08/443 /01 180 440 18 60 08/450 /01 180 440 49 32 08/114 /01
08/115 /03 180 440 15 19 08/117 /02 180 440 18 33 08/443 /01 08/451 /01 180 440 49 33 08/114 /01
08/115 /04 180 440 15 20 08/117 /02 180 440 18 34 08/443 /01 180 440 18 61 08/451 /01 180 440 49 34 08/113 /01
08/117 /01 180 440 15 21 08/117 /02 180 440 18 35 08/443 /01 180 440 18 62 08/450 /01 180 440 67 00 08/113 /01
08/117 /03 180 440 15 23 08/115 /03 180 440 18 36 08/443 /01 08/451 /01 08/115 /01
08/302 /01 180 440 18 10 08/439 /01 180 440 18 37 08/443 /01 180 440 18 63 08/451 /01 08/117 /01
08/302 /02 180 440 18 11 08/439 /01 180 440 18 38 08/443 /01 180 440 18 64 08/450 /01 180 440 67 01 08/114 /02
162 446 24 00 08/115 /03 180 440 18 12 08/439 /01 180 440 18 39 08/444 /01 180 440 18 65 08/450 /01 180 440 70 00 08/115 /03
180 436 31 07 08/114 /05 180 440 18 13 08/439 /01 180 440 18 40 08/444 /01 180 440 18 67 08/446 /01 180 440 70 01 08/115 /03
08/117 /04 180 440 18 14 08/439 /01 08/446 /01 180 440 18 68 08/445 /01 180 440 70 16 08/115 /03
180 436 31 09 08/114 /06 180 440 18 15 08/439 /01 180 440 18 42 08/444 /01 180 440 18 69 08/450 /01 180 440 70 26 08/115 /03
08/117 /04 180 440 18 16 08/440 /01 08/446 /01 08/451 /01 180 440 71 03 08/439 /01
180 436 31 11 08/114 /06 180 440 18 17 08/440 /01 180 440 18 43 08/446 /01 180 440 21 00 08/114 /05 180 440 71 04 08/440 /01
08/117 /04 180 440 18 18 08/440 /01 180 440 18 44 08/444 /01 180 440 21 01 08/114 /05 180 440 71 05 08/447 /01
180 440 14 64 08/113 /02 180 440 18 19 08/440 /01 180 440 18 45 08/444 /01 180 440 21 02 08/114 /05 180 440 71 07 08/439 /01
08/114 /02 180 440 18 20 08/440 /01 180 440 18 46 08/444 /01 180 440 25 08 08/113 /01 180 440 71 08 08/440 /01
08/115 /03 180 440 18 21 08/440 /01 180 440 18 47 08/444 /01 180 440 40 71 08/115 /01 180 440 71 09 08/447 /01
08/117 /02 180 440 18 22 08/441 /01 180 440 18 48 08/445 /01 180 440 40 81 08/115 /01 180 440 71 10 08/443 /01
180 440 14 65 08/115 /02 180 440 18 23 08/441 /01 180 440 18 50 08/445 /01 180 440 41 61 08/113 /03 180 440 71 11 08/440 /01
180 440 14 66 08/114 /05 180 440 18 24 08/441 /01 180 440 18 51 08/445 /01 08/114 /03 180 440 71 12 08/447 /01
180 440 14 67 08/114 /05 180 440 18 25 08/441 /01 180 440 18 52 08/447 /01 180 440 41 64 08/113 /03 180 440 71 13 08/439 /01
180 440 14 68 08/114 /05 180 440 18 26 08/441 /01 180 440 18 53 08/447 /01 08/114 /03 180 440 71 14 08/443 /01
180 440 14 69 08/114 /05 180 440 18 27 08/442 /01 180 440 18 54 08/447 /01 180 440 41 65 08/113 /03 180 440 77 09 08/114 /01
180 440 14 70 08/114 /05 180 440 18 28 08/442 /01 180 440 18 56 08/447 /01 08/114 /03 180 440 86 00 08/113 /01
180 440 14 71 08/114 /05 180 440 18 29 08/442 /01 180 440 18 57 08/447 /01 180 440 49 28 08/114 /01 180 440 86 01 08/113 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
180 440 86 02 08/113 /01 08/114 /03 180 445 00 72 08/443 /01 180 446 03 21 08/451 /01 180 446 03 61 08/441 /01
180 440 86 03 08/113 /01 08/117 /03 180 445 00 76 08/443 /01 180 446 03 22 08/450 /01 180 446 03 62 08/441 /01
180 440 86 06 08/114 /01 180 440 87 04 08/114 /03 180 445 00 96 08/446 /01 180 446 03 23 08/450 /01 08/442 /01
180 440 86 07 08/114 /01 08/117 /03 180 445 20 00 08/446 /01 180 446 03 24 08/450 /01 180 446 03 63 08/442 /01
180 440 86 08 08/114 /01 180 440 87 05 08/114 /03 180 445 20 01 08/445 /01 180 446 03 25 08/445 /01 180 446 03 64 08/442 /01
180 440 86 09 08/114 /01 08/117 /03 180 445 20 02 08/451 /01 180 446 03 26 08/445 /01 180 446 03 65 08/442 /01
180 440 86 10 08/114 /01 180 440 87 10 08/115 /04 180 445 20 03 08/445 /01 180 446 03 27 08/444 /01 180 446 03 66 08/442 /01
180 440 86 11 08/114 /01 180 440 87 11 08/115 /04 180 445 20 17 08/450 /01 180 446 03 28 08/444 /01 180 446 03 67 08/442 /01
180 440 86 17 08/117 /01 180 440 87 12 08/113 /03 08/451 /01 08/446 /01 180 446 06 03 08/447 /01
180 440 86 18 08/117 /01 180 440 87 82 08/115 /04 180 446 00 99 08/445 /01 180 446 03 29 08/444 /01 180 446 06 14 08/439 /01
180 440 86 19 08/117 /01 180 440 87 92 08/115 /04 180 446 03 00 08/443 /01 08/446 /01 08/440 /01
180 440 86 20 08/117 /01 180 440 87 94 08/113 /01 180 446 03 01 08/443 /01 180 446 03 30 08/444 /01 180 446 06 15 08/441 /01
180 440 86 21 08/117 /01 180 440 87 95 08/113 /01 180 446 03 02 08/443 /01 180 446 03 31 08/444 /01 08/442 /01
180 440 86 22 08/117 /01 180 440 87 96 08/113 /03 180 446 03 03 08/443 /01 180 446 03 32 08/444 /01 180 446 06 16 08/443 /01
180 440 86 23 08/115 /01 180 440 87 97 08/113 /03 180 446 03 04 08/443 /01 180 446 03 33 08/446 /01 180 446 06 17 08/444 /01
180 440 86 24 08/115 /01 180 445 00 44 08/447 /01 180 446 03 05 08/443 /01 180 446 03 49 08/443 /01 08/445 /01
180 440 86 25 08/113 /01 180 445 00 45 08/447 /01 180 446 03 06 08/439 /01 180 446 03 50 08/444 /01 08/446 /01
180 440 87 00 08/113 /03 180 445 00 46 08/447 /01 180 446 03 07 08/439 /01 180 446 03 51 08/440 /01 180 446 06 18 08/447 /01
08/114 /03 180 445 00 47 08/447 /01 180 446 03 08 08/439 /01 180 446 03 52 08/440 /01 180 446 06 19 08/450 /01
08/117 /03 180 445 00 48 08/447 /01 180 446 03 09 08/439 /01 180 446 03 53 08/440 /01 08/451 /01
180 440 87 01 08/113 /03 180 445 00 49 08/447 /01 180 446 03 10 08/439 /01 180 446 03 54 08/440 /01 180 446 08 02 08/115 /01
08/114 /03 180 445 00 50 08/451 /01 180 446 03 11 08/439 /01 180 446 03 55 08/440 /01 08/117 /01
08/117 /03 180 445 00 58 08/451 /01 180 446 03 18 08/450 /01 180 446 03 56 08/440 /01 180 446 09 02 08/439 /01
180 440 87 02 08/113 /03 180 445 00 68 08/440 /01 180 446 03 19 08/450 /01 180 446 03 57 08/441 /01 08/440 /01
08/114 /03 180 445 00 69 08/439 /01 08/451 /01 180 446 03 58 08/441 /01 08/441 /01
08/117 /03 180 445 00 70 08/443 /01 180 446 03 20 08/450 /01 180 446 03 59 08/441 /01 08/442 /01
180 440 87 03 08/113 /03 180 445 00 71 08/443 /01 08/451 /01 180 446 03 60 08/441 /01 180 446 09 03 08/443 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
08/444 /01 08/117 /01 309 360 70 13 04/488 /01 309 540 58 22 04/488 /01 309 547 10 05 04/480 /01
08/445 /01 180 446 46 06 08/113 /01 04/489 /02 309 540 58 24 04/488 /01 309 547 10 07 04/480 /01
08/446 /01 180 446 55 05 08/114 /02 309 360 70 15 04/488 /01 309 540 58 25 04/487 /01 04/480 /01
180 446 09 05 08/450 /01 180 446 55 08 08/113 /01 04/489 /02 309 540 58 26 04/487 /01 309 547 14 00 04/488 /02
08/451 /01 08/115 /02 309 360 70 16 04/488 /01 309 540 58 86 04/489 /01 04/489 /02
180 446 12 03 08/113 /02 08/117 /02 04/489 /02 309 540 58 87 04/489 /01 309 547 18 04 04/487 /01
08/114 /01 180 446 72 00 08/115 /01 309 360 70 19 04/488 /01 309 540 67 04 04/488 /01 309 547 19 11 04/487 /01
08/115 /01 180 448 40 00 08/115 /02 309 363 14 06 04/487 /01 309 540 67 05 04/488 /01 309 547 19 19 04/488 /01
08/117 /01 180 490 24 23 08/441 /01 309 381 04 22 04/487 /02 309 540 67 08 04/489 /01 04/489 /01
180 446 14 00 08/117 /03 180 490 24 42 08/442 /01 309 381 04 23 04/488 /02 309 540 67 09 04/489 /01 309 547 19 25 04/488 /01
180 446 25 14 08/114 /02 180 490 24 43 08/443 /01 309 381 04 24 04/489 /02 309 540 67 23 04/488 /01 04/489 /01
08/117 /03 180 490 24 78 08/446 /01 309 381 04 55 04/487 /02 309 540 67 24 04/489 /01 309 547 20 05 04/487 /02
180 446 25 17 08/115 /02 180 490 24 97 08/445 /01 309 527 03 00 04/487 /02 309 540 67 38 04/489 /01 309 547 20 06 04/487 /02
08/115 /03 180 490 25 31 08/451 /01 309 527 03 05 04/487 /02 309 540 67 40 04/489 /01 360 450 55 00 04/318 /01
08/117 /04 180 490 25 38 08/450 /01 04/488 /02 309 540 67 49 04/489 /01 360 450 55 06 04/318 /01
180 446 25 38 08/115 /02 180 490 25 58 08/443 /01 04/489 /02 309 540 67 50 04/489 /01 360 450 55 11 04/318 /01
08/117 /02 309 004 11 01 04/487 /02 309 540 09 00 04/480 /01 309 543 03 00 04/488 /01 360 450 55 15 04/318 /01
180 446 25 49 08/115 /05 04/488 /01 04/480 /01 04/489 /01 360 456 03 10 04/318 /01
180 446 28 03 08/114 /01 04/489 /02 04/480 /01 309 543 03 08 04/488 /01 360 456 05 10 04/318 /01
180 446 28 04 08/117 /05 309 004 39 01 04/487 /01 309 540 40 04 04/488 /01 04/489 /01 360 456 09 01 04/318 /01
180 446 43 06 08/115 /03 04/488 /01 04/489 /01 309 543 11 00 04/467 /01 360 851 17 02 04/310 /01
180 446 45 02 08/114 /01 04/489 /01 309 540 40 07 04/487 /02 04/492 /01 372 358 05 00 09/132 /02
08/117 /01 309 360 47 00 04/488 /02 309 540 40 09 04/488 /01 309 543 11 01 04/467 /02 372 363 12 44 09/132 /01
180 446 45 03 08/115 /01 04/489 /02 04/489 /01 04/492 /02 09/132 /01
08/117 /01 309 360 70 06 04/487 /02 309 540 40 10 04/487 /02 309 543 28 00 04/487 /02 372 363 12 45 09/132 /01
180 446 46 00 08/113 /01 04/488 /01 309 540 58 18 04/489 /01 04/488 /02 372 363 12 54 09/132 /01
08/115 /01 04/489 /02 309 540 58 20 04/489 /01 04/489 /02 09/132 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
372 363 14 28 09/132 /02 08/113 /04 08/117 /04 08/114 /05 372 436 34 02 08/113 /04
372 363 24 04 09/160 /01 08/114 /04 372 436 18 52 08/115 /04 08/117 /04 372 446 25 01 08/302 /02
372 381 04 56 09/132 /02 08/117 /04 372 436 18 53 08/115 /04 372 436 31 30 08/113 /05 372 446 52 00 08/302 /02
372 400 12 03 08/117 /03 372 436 18 06 08/115 /04 372 436 18 54 08/115 /04 08/114 /05 372 446 52 01 08/302 /02
372 430 12 02 08/113 /03 372 436 18 07 08/115 /04 372 436 31 03 08/117 /05 08/117 /04 372 446 52 02 08/302 /02
08/114 /04 372 436 18 09 08/115 /04 372 436 31 04 08/114 /06 372 436 31 31 08/115 /05 372 446 52 03 08/302 /03
08/117 /03 08/115 /04 372 436 31 07 08/114 /06 372 436 31 32 08/115 /05 372 446 52 04 08/302 /03
372 430 12 03 08/113 /03 372 436 18 17 08/115 /04 372 436 31 08 08/114 /06 372 436 31 33 08/115 /05 372 850 01 14 08/302 /01
08/114 /04 372 436 18 36 08/115 /04 372 436 31 14 08/117 /05 372 436 31 40 08/114 /05 372 850 01 15 08/302 /01
372 430 12 05 08/113 /04 08/115 /04 372 436 31 15 08/114 /06 372 436 31 41 08/113 /05 372 850 01 16 08/302 /01
08/113 /04 372 436 18 47 08/113 /03 372 436 31 18 08/117 /05 08/114 /05 372 850 01 17 08/302 /01
08/114 /04 08/113 /03 372 436 31 19 08/114 /06 372 436 31 42 08/113 /05 372 850 01 18 08/302 /01
08/117 /04 08/114 /03 372 436 31 22 08/114 /06 372 436 31 43 08/113 /05 372 850 01 19 08/302 /01
372 430 12 06 08/115 /04 08/114 /04 372 436 31 24 08/114 /06 08/114 /05 372 850 18 57 08/302 /02
372 430 12 07 08/115 /04 08/117 /03 372 436 31 25 08/114 /06 372 436 31 44 08/115 /05 372 851 05 00 08/302 /01
372 430 12 08 08/115 /04 372 436 18 48 08/113 /03 372 436 31 26 08/113 /04 372 436 31 45 08/115 /05 372 851 05 13 09/132 /01
372 430 12 13 08/115 /04 08/114 /04 08/113 /04 372 436 31 46 08/115 /05 372 851 05 14 09/132 /02
372 436 18 02 08/113 /03 08/117 /03 08/114 /04 372 436 31 50 08/113 /04 372 851 05 21 09/132 /01
08/114 /04 372 436 18 49 08/113 /03 08/114 /05 08/114 /04 09/132 /02
08/117 /03 08/114 /04 08/117 /04 372 436 31 51 08/113 /04 372 851 05 22 09/132 /02
372 436 18 03 08/113 /03 08/117 /03 372 436 31 27 08/113 /04 08/114 /04 09/132 /02
08/114 /04 372 436 18 50 08/113 /04 08/114 /05 372 436 31 52 08/113 /04 372 851 27 02 09/132 /02
08/117 /03 08/114 /04 08/117 /04 08/114 /04 09/132 /02
372 436 18 04 08/113 /04 08/117 /04 372 436 31 28 08/113 /05 372 436 31 53 08/113 /04 372 851 27 03 09/132 /02
08/114 /04 372 436 18 51 08/113 /04 08/114 /05 08/113 /04 09/132 /02
08/117 /04 08/113 /04 08/117 /04 08/114 /05 372 851 27 04 09/132 /02
372 436 18 05 08/113 /04 08/114 /04 372 436 31 29 08/113 /05 372 436 31 54 08/115 /05 09/132 /02

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
377 504 01 01 04/202 /01 08/114 /05 5172 445 59 59 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 72 08/479 /01 5172 470 47 98 08/480 /01
04/220 /01 08/117 /04 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 73 08/479 /01 08/480 /01
377 504 09 01 04/202 /01 379 436 31 59 08/115 /05 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 74 08/479 /01 08/480 /01
379 436 18 01 08/113 /03 08/115 /05 5172 445 59 60 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 75 08/479 /01 5172 490 02 52 08/480 /01
08/114 /04 379 446 46 00 08/113 /02 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 76 08/479 /01 08/480 /01
08/117 /03 08/114 /03 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 77 08/479 /01 08/480 /01
379 436 18 35 08/113 /03 379 850 19 21 08/302 /01 5172 445 59 61 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 78 08/479 /01 5172 490 02 53 08/480 /01
08/114 /04 379 851 05 00 08/302 /01 08/480 /01 5172 445 59 92 08/479 /01 08/480 /01
08/117 /03 08/302 /02 08/480 /01 5172 446 41 53 08/480 /02 08/480 /01
379 436 31 00 08/113 /04 390 360 84 09 06/150 /01 5172 445 59 62 08/480 /01 08/480 /02 5172 490 02 54 08/480 /01
08/114 /05 390 360 85 10 06/135 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /02 08/480 /01
08/117 /04 06/150 /01 08/480 /01 5172 470 10 57 08/479 /01 08/480 /01
379 436 31 26 08/115 /05 390 360 85 16 06/135 /01 5172 445 59 64 08/480 /01 5172 470 45 95 08/480 /01 5172 490 02 55 08/480 /02
379 436 31 27 08/115 /05 06/150 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /02
379 436 31 29 08/115 /05 390 360 85 36 06/135 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /02
08/115 /05 06/150 /01 5172 445 59 65 08/480 /01 5172 470 47 90 08/480 /01 5172 490 02 57 08/480 /02
379 436 31 37 08/115 /05 390 360 85 77 06/135 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /02
379 436 31 39 08/113 /04 06/150 /02 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /02
08/114 /05 390 360 87 51 06/150 /02 5172 445 59 66 08/480 /01 5172 470 47 95 08/480 /01 5172 490 22 99 08/480 /01
08/117 /04 390 360 88 48 06/135 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01
379 436 31 40 08/113 /04 06/150 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01
08/114 /05 390 360 88 67 06/135 /01 5172 445 59 67 08/480 /01 5172 470 47 96 08/480 /01 5172 490 23 92 08/480 /01
08/117 /04 06/150 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01
379 436 31 41 08/113 /05 390 360 88 69 06/135 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01
08/114 /05 390 360 88 92 06/135 /01 5172 445 59 69 08/479 /01 5172 470 47 97 08/480 /01 5172 490 23 93 08/480 /01
08/117 /04 06/150 /01 5172 445 59 70 08/479 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01
379 436 31 43 08/113 /05 394 440 82 15 08/302 /03 5172 445 59 71 08/479 /01 08/480 /01 08/480 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
5172 490 23 94 08/480 /01 5172 490 24 11 08/479 /01 7 9125 03 063 06/827 /02 7 9125 03 147 06/828 /03 06/828 /03
08/480 /01 5172 490 24 38 08/479 /01 06/828 /03 7 9125 03 149 06/827 /01 7 9125 03 811 06/827 /01
08/480 /01 5172 492 02 47 08/480 /01 7 9125 03 090 04/488 /02 06/828 /01 06/827 /01
5172 490 23 95 08/480 /01 08/480 /01 04/489 /02 06/828 /02 06/827 /02
08/480 /01 08/480 /01 7 9125 03 102 04/488 /03 7 9125 03 151 04/488 /02 06/828 /01
08/480 /01 7 0296 01 000 09/132 /02 04/489 /03 04/489 /02 06/828 /01
5172 490 23 97 08/480 /01 7 7777 01 090 08/479 /02 7 9125 03 119 06/828 /02 7 9125 03 173 04/488 /02 06/828 /02
08/480 /01 08/480 /02 7 9125 03 121 01/119 /01 04/489 /02 7 9125 03 812 01/120 /01
08/480 /01 08/480 /02 01/123 /01 7 9125 03 409 06/827 /01 01/124 /01
5172 490 23 98 08/480 /01 08/480 /02 01/123 /01 06/828 /01 01/124 /01
08/480 /01 7 9100 50 282 06/412 /01 04/201 /01 7 9125 03 753 06/412 /01 06/412 /01
08/480 /01 06/412 /01 04/202 /01 06/827 /01 06/828 /01
5172 490 23 99 08/480 /01 06/412 /01 04/220 /01 06/827 /01 7 9125 03 817 06/827 /01
08/480 /01 7 9105 60 840 06/412 /01 04/488 /03 06/827 /01 06/828 /01
08/480 /01 06/412 /01 04/489 /03 06/828 /01 7 9125 03 835 06/827 /01
5172 490 24 00 08/480 /01 7 9125 01 008 04/487 /02 06/827 /03 06/828 /01 06/828 /01
08/480 /01 04/488 /02 06/827 /03 06/828 /01 7 9125 03 848 04/488 /02
08/480 /01 04/489 /02 06/828 /03 06/828 /01 04/489 /03
5172 490 24 02 08/479 /01 7 9125 01 410 04/488 /02 06/828 /04 06/828 /02 7 9125 03 850 04/488 /02
5172 490 24 03 08/479 /01 04/489 /02 7 9125 03 122 06/828 /02 06/828 /02 04/489 /02
5172 490 24 04 08/479 /01 06/827 /02 7 9125 03 123 06/827 /02 06/828 /02 7 9125 03 860 06/827 /02
5172 490 24 05 08/479 /01 06/828 /02 06/828 /02 06/828 /02 06/828 /02
5172 490 24 06 08/479 /01 7 9125 01 505 04/487 /02 7 9125 03 145 06/827 /03 06/828 /02 7 9125 03 869 09/132 /01
5172 490 24 07 08/479 /01 04/488 /02 06/828 /03 06/828 /03 7 9125 03 883 09/132 /01
5172 490 24 08 08/479 /01 04/489 /02 7 9125 03 146 04/464 /01 7 9125 03 770 06/827 /01 7 9125 08 105 04/488 /02
5172 490 24 09 08/479 /01 7 9125 01 540 06/827 /02 06/827 /02 06/828 /01 04/488 /02
5172 490 24 10 08/479 /01 06/828 /03 06/828 /03 7 9125 03 804 06/827 /03 04/489 /02

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

14 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
7 9125 08 120 04/489 /02 04/464 /01 06/828 /03 06/150 /02 7 9160 40 027 06/135 /01
06/827 /02 06/412 /01 06/828 /03 7 9154 91 610 06/135 /02 06/150 /01
06/828 /02 06/827 /01 06/828 /03 06/150 /02 7 9160 40 070 06/135 /01
7 9125 15 526 06/827 /02 06/827 /01 06/828 /03 7 9154 91 613 06/135 /02 06/150 /01
06/828 /03 06/827 /01 06/828 /03 06/150 /02 7 9162 53 715 06/135 /03
7 9125 33 120 06/827 /01 06/827 /01 06/828 /03 7 9154 91 622 06/135 /02 06/150 /03
06/828 /02 06/827 /02 06/828 /03 06/150 /02 7 9162 91 265 06/135 /03
7 9125 33 354 06/827 /02 06/827 /02 06/828 /04 7 9154 92 617 06/135 /02 7 9163 91 008 03/425 /01
06/828 /03 06/827 /02 06/828 /04 06/150 /02 03/425 /01
7 9133 00 421 09/132 /01 06/827 /02 7 9149 99 023 06/827 /01 7 9154 92 618 06/135 /02 03/433 /01
7 9133 00 428 09/132 /01 06/827 /02 06/828 /01 06/150 /02 03/433 /01
7 9149 50 986 06/135 /03 06/827 /03 06/828 /02 7 9154 95 532 09/132 /01 03/438 /02
06/150 /03 06/827 /03 06/828 /02 7 9154 96 094 03/431 /02 09/132 /01
7 9149 90 627 04/467 /02 06/827 /03 7 9149 99 024 06/827 /01 03/433 /03 09/132 /01
04/492 /01 06/827 /03 06/828 /01 03/438 /01 7 9164 00 105 04/487 /02
7 9149 99 015 06/827 /02 06/827 /03 7 9149 99 025 06/827 /03 03/439 /01 04/488 /02
06/828 /02 06/828 /01 06/828 /03 04/467 /01 04/489 /02
7 9149 99 016 06/412 /01 06/828 /01 7 9150 03 371 06/412 /01 04/492 /01 7 9164 99 011 06/135 /01
06/827 /01 06/828 /01 7 9150 06 016 06/827 /02 7 9154 96 340 06/135 /02 06/150 /01
06/827 /01 06/828 /01 06/828 /03 06/150 /02 7 9174 15 537 01/119 /01
06/827 /02 06/828 /01 7 9150 09 990 04/488 /02 7 9156 92 028 06/135 /01 01/120 /01
06/828 /01 06/828 /01 04/489 /02 06/150 /01 7 9174 15 568 03/425 /01
06/828 /01 06/828 /02 7 9150 09 991 06/827 /02 7 9156 92 100 06/150 /01 03/433 /01
06/828 /02 06/828 /02 06/828 /02 7 9156 92 512 06/135 /01 7 9174 15 569 03/425 /02
7 9149 99 017 06/827 /01 06/828 /02 7 9153 01 305 03/425 /03 06/150 /01 03/433 /02
06/828 /01 06/828 /02 03/426 /02 7 9159 61 315 06/827 /02 04/488 /03
7 9149 99 019 04/201 /01 06/828 /02 7 9153 99 114 06/135 /02 06/828 /03 7 9174 15 591 01/119 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 15

L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
01/120 /01 03/433 /03 9 008 311 138 03/249 /02 01/123 /01 04/467 /02
01/123 /01 03/438 /01 03/251 /01 01/123 /01 04/492 /02
01/123 /01 03/439 /01 9 008 311 174 09/132 /02 01/124 /01 9 045 311 243 02/139 /01
01/124 /01 9 008 311 091 08/439 /01 9 008 311 177 08/114 /01 01/124 /01 9 045 311 246 02/142 /01
01/124 /01 08/440 /01 9 008 311 186 04/467 /01 9 018 347 177 08/113 /02 9 045 311 307 02/142 /01
7 9174 15 626 06/412 /01 08/441 /01 04/487 /01 08/114 /02 9 045 316 034 04/467 /02
7 9174 15 915 09/132 /01 08/442 /01 04/492 /01 08/115 /03 04/492 /02
7 9180 91 007 07/263 /01 08/443 /02 09/132 /01 08/117 /02 9 045 316 036 03/425 /01
07/264 /01 08/444 /01 9 008 311 201 08/114 /06 09/160 /01 03/433 /01
07/298 /01 08/445 /01 08/117 /04 9 029 311 180 04/318 /01 9 045 316 038 04/467 /02
07/300 /01 08/446 /01 9 008 311 232 08/117 /05 9 030 003 126 08/115 /03 04/492 /02
7 9189 15 312 06/135 /03 08/447 /01 9 008 311 233 08/115 /04 08/302 /02 9 045 316 040 03/431 /02
06/150 /03 08/450 /01 9 008 311 239 03/112 /01 9 045 311 071 03/425 /03 03/433 /03
7 9190 86 804 06/135 /03 08/451 /01 9 008 311 243 03/251 /01 03/426 /02 03/438 /01
06/150 /03 9 008 311 121 08/479 /01 9 008 311 293 03/249 /02 9 045 311 180 03/246 /01 03/439 /01
06/827 /01 08/480 /02 03/251 /02 03/247 /01 9 045 316 074 04/464 /01
7 9190 95 004 06/135 /03 08/480 /02 9 008 311 298 08/302 /02 03/253 /01 9 045 316 076 04/487 /01
06/150 /03 08/480 /02 9 008 311 302 03/115 /01 03/425 /01 9 045 316 126 04/467 /01
06/827 /01 9 008 311 125 08/114 /02 03/116 /01 03/433 /01 04/492 /01
9 007 311 193 08/115 /03 08/114 /02 9 008 311 408 08/113 /02 04/467 /02 08/113 /01
9 007 311 197 02/140 /02 08/117 /03 08/114 /03 04/467 /02 9 045 316 132 02/139 /01
9 007 311 206 04/487 /01 9 008 311 126 08/115 /03 08/117 /04 04/487 /01 02/142 /01
04/488 /01 9 008 311 128 04/487 /02 9 008 311 411 02/140 /02 04/492 /02 9 045 316 137 03/425 /03
04/489 /01 08/115 /01 9 008 311 414 08/115 /04 04/492 /02 03/426 /02
9 007 311 306 03/119 /01 08/117 /02 9 008 311 531 03/113 /01 06/135 /01 9 045 316 175 03/425 /01
9 007 316 318 04/318 /01 08/117 /03 9 008 610 135 01/119 /01 06/150 /02 03/433 /01
9 008 311 034 03/431 /02 9 008 311 132 04/487 /02 01/120 /01 9 045 311 186 02/140 /02 08/113 /02

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

16 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
08/114 /01 9 045 318 180 03/425 /01 08/302 /02 9 116 003 499 08/113 /05 9 210 281 090 08/115 /02
08/115 /01 03/433 /01 9 087 610 126 01/119 /01 08/114 /06 9 210 281 110 08/114 /02
08/117 /01 9 045 341 241 02/139 /01 01/120 /01 08/115 /05 08/115 /03
9 045 316 186 03/426 /01 02/142 /01 01/123 /01 08/117 /05 08/117 /03
03/426 /01 9 048 316 126 04/467 /01 01/123 /01 9 135 339 243 04/467 /02 9 210 281 140 03/115 /01
03/431 /01 04/492 /01 01/124 /01 04/492 /01 03/116 /01
03/431 /01 9 048 341 178 02/140 /02 01/124 /01 9 135 339 298 08/113 /02 03/119 /01
9 045 316 197 03/425 /02 9 048 346 316 04/310 /01 9 090 318 239 03/246 /01 08/114 /03 08/113 /01
03/426 /01 9 048 346 319 04/311 /01 9 090 318 249 03/247 /01 08/115 /04 08/115 /02
03/426 /01 9 062 311 129 03/249 /02 9 090 318 304 03/119 /01 08/117 /05 08/115 /05
03/433 /02 03/251 /02 9 090 318 306 03/249 /02 9 136 056 131 02/140 /02 08/117 /02
9 045 316 198 03/431 /01 08/115 /05 03/251 /01 9 186 003 553 04/488 /01 08/302 /01
03/433 /02 9 062 316 038 04/467 /02 9 090 347 132 03/425 /02 04/489 /01 08/302 /02
03/438 /01 04/492 /02 03/426 /02 9 186 353 253 04/487 /02 9 210 281 150 08/114 /02
03/439 /01 9 062 316 069 03/425 /01 03/438 /02 04/488 /02 9 215 317 110 03/253 /01
9 045 316 201 03/431 /01 03/425 /01 03/439 /02 04/489 /02 03/426 /02
03/433 /02 03/433 /01 9 090 347 175 08/113 /02 9 186 353 301 04/487 /02 03/426 /02
03/438 /01 03/433 /01 08/114 /03 9 186 353 304 04/488 /02 03/431 /01
03/439 /01 03/438 /02 9 090 347 180 03/425 /02 04/489 /02 03/431 /02
9 045 316 241 02/139 /01 09/132 /01 03/426 /02 9 208 281 140 03/249 /02 03/433 /02
02/142 /01 9 062 316 085 09/132 /01 9 090 347 241 03/247 /01 03/251 /01 03/433 /02
9 045 316 246 02/142 /01 9 062 336 295 08/113 /01 9 090 347 243 03/251 /01 9 210 281 040 03/431 /02 03/438 /01
9 045 316 295 08/114 /05 08/114 /01 03/253 /01 03/433 /01 03/439 /01
08/117 /03 08/115 /01 9 090 347 245 03/246 /01 03/438 /01 9 220 317 140 04/318 /01
9 045 316 302 03/249 /02 08/115 /01 03/247 /01 03/439 /01 9 223 056 060 04/487 /02
9 045 316 304 04/318 /01 08/117 /01 9 113 604 378 06/135 /01 04/467 /02 04/488 /02
04/318 /01 08/302 /01 06/150 /01 04/492 /02 04/489 /02

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 17

L14/16AS Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
9 270 341 156 04/301 /01 08/117 /02 9 309 412 018 08/115 /03 03/425 /01 9 380 620 326 03/425 /02
9 289 003 013 04/464 /01 9 291 003 028 08/113 /03 9 323 620 008 03/431 /02 03/425 /01 03/426 /01
9 289 003 218 08/113 /02 08/114 /03 03/433 /03 03/426 /01 03/431 /01
08/114 /01 08/115 /04 03/438 /01 03/426 /01 03/433 /02
08/115 /01 08/117 /04 03/439 /01 03/431 /01 9 380 627 207 04/311 /01
08/117 /01 9 291 003 033 03/113 /01 04/467 /02 03/431 /01 9 380 627 306 04/318 /01
9 289 003 505 08/113 /01 9 292 003 008 03/425 /01 04/492 /02 03/433 /01 9 395 003 081 08/113 /02
08/114 /01 03/433 /01 9 323 620 010 04/488 /02 03/433 /01 08/114 /02
08/115 /01 9 292 003 010 04/487 /01 04/489 /03 04/467 /02 08/115 /02
08/117 /01 9 292 003 014 08/113 /01 9 323 620 014 03/425 /02 04/487 /01 08/117 /02
08/302 /01 08/115 /03 03/425 /02 04/492 /02 9 455 622 172 08/113 /02
08/302 /02 08/302 /02 03/426 /01 04/492 /02 08/114 /01
9 289 003 550 02/140 /01 9 292 003 018 08/113 /02 03/426 /02 06/135 /01 08/115 /01
9 289 003 552 02/140 /01 08/114 /01 03/431 /01 06/150 /02 08/117 /01
9 289 003 553 02/140 /01 08/115 /01 03/433 /01 09/132 /01 9 455 622 215 01/119 /01
9 289 003 554 02/140 /01 08/117 /01 03/438 /01 09/132 /01 01/120 /01
9 289 003 555 02/140 /01 9 294 003 020 02/139 /01 03/438 /02 09/132 /02 01/123 /01
9 289 003 674 02/140 /02 02/139 /01 03/439 /01 9 323 620 020 03/112 /01 01/123 /01
9 289 003 785 02/140 /02 02/139 /01 03/439 /02 03/251 /01 01/124 /01
9 289 003 786 02/140 /02 02/142 /01 04/467 /01 9 323 620 022 03/249 /02 01/124 /01
9 289 003 787 02/140 /02 02/142 /01 04/487 /01 03/251 /01 9 455 622 279 01/119 /01
9 289 003 788 02/140 /02 9 307 003 014 03/425 /03 04/492 /01 9 334 620 018 02/140 /02 01/120 /01
9 289 003 789 02/140 /02 03/426 /02 08/114 /02 9 371 451 368 02/140 /02 01/123 /01
9 291 003 020 08/115 /04 9 308 003 018 04/467 /01 08/117 /03 9 380 620 173 03/249 /01 01/123 /01
9 291 003 025 08/113 /02 04/467 /02 9 323 620 018 03/246 /01 03/251 /01 01/124 /01
08/114 /02 04/487 /01 03/247 /01 9 380 620 264 08/115 /02 01/124 /01
08/115 /02 04/492 /01 03/253 /01 08/117 /02 9 455 622 332 01/119 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

18 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Key to part numbers L14/16AS

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
01/120 /01 01/123 /01 9 495 093 920 08/113 /02 9 607 021 060 04/318 /01
01/123 /01 01/124 /01 08/115 /02 9 636 801 037 08/479 /01
01/123 /01 01/124 /01 08/117 /02 08/480 /02
01/124 /01 9 495 093 051 08/117 /02 9 495 094 051 08/114 /02 08/480 /02
01/124 /01 9 495 093 059 08/115 /02 9 495 094 053 08/114 /03 08/480 /02
9 455 622 386 04/318 /01 9 495 093 061 08/113 /02 08/114 /03 9 636 801 143 02/140 /02
9 456 622 491 01/119 /01 08/117 /02 9 495 094 055 08/114 /03 9 721 000 212 07/153 /01
01/120 /01 9 495 093 065 08/113 /02 9 495 094 067 08/114 /03 07/160 /01
01/123 /01 9 495 093 067 08/113 /02 9 495 094 077 08/114 /03 9 721 002 110 07/263 /01
01/123 /01 9 495 093 071 08/115 /02 9 495 094 081 08/114 /03 07/264 /01
01/124 /01 9 495 093 073 08/113 /02 9 495 094 085 08/114 /03 07/298 /01
01/124 /01 08/115 /02 9 495 094 093 08/114 /03 07/300 /01
9 456 622 534 01/119 /01 08/117 /02 9 495 094 930 08/114 /02 9 721 002 112 08/113 /02
01/120 /01 9 495 093 075 08/117 /02 9 503 083 569 01/119 /01 08/114 /02
01/123 /01 9 495 093 079 08/115 /02 01/120 /01 08/114 /02
01/123 /01 9 495 093 081 08/117 /02 01/123 /01 08/115 /02
01/124 /01 9 495 093 087 08/117 /02 01/123 /01 08/117 /02
01/124 /01 9 495 093 089 08/113 /02 01/124 /01 9 758 013 688 08/115 /03
9 456 622 657 04/318 /01 9 495 093 091 08/115 /03 01/124 /01
9 464 620 140 07/263 /01 9 495 093 105 08/113 /02 9 503 092 730 04/318 /01
07/264 /01 08/115 /03 9 503 095 678 01/123 /01
07/298 /01 9 495 093 115 08/115 /03 01/123 /01
07/300 /01 9 495 093 117 08/113 /02 01/124 /01
9 464 620 260 08/479 /02 9 495 093 127 08/115 /03 01/124 /01
9 470 435 384 01/119 /01 9 495 093 133 08/113 /02 9 509 000 615 02/140 /01
01/120 /01 9 495 093 145 08/113 /02 9 509 000 850 02/140 /01
01/123 /01 9 495 093 161 08/113 /02 9 509 000 875 02/140 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 19


01/119 00 - 01 DRIVE MOTOR AP/SP =>W4X131T04222
01/123 00 - 01 DRIVE MOTOR AP/SP W4X131T04223=>
01/120 00 - 01 DRIVE MOTOR ACC=> W4X131T04159
01/124 00 - 01 DRIVE MOTOR ACC W4X131T04160=>
01/124 00 - 01 DRIVE MOTOR ACC BOOSTER 131T04160=>Z011122
01/123 00 - 01 DRIVE MOTOR ACC BOOSTER W4X131Z011223=>

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31



01/119 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks
003 976 11 37 traction motor 1 003 976 11 40 POS. 1->18
003 976 11 40 traction motor 1 W4X131S03482|=>
POS. 1->18
1 9 456 622 491 locking ring DIN 472 47x1,75 1
2 003 924 50 01 ball bearing 1
3 9 503 083 569 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6006-2RS-C3-HT51 1
4 9 455 622 332 locking ring DIN 471 30x1,5 2
5 000 916 96 24 bush 1
6 9 456 622 534 locking ring DIN 472 55x2 1
7 131 357 39 00 terminal board 1
8 131 357 44 00 seal 1
9 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1
10 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
11 7 9174 15 537 sensor driving speed 1 =>|W4X131S03481
11 7 9174 15 591 sensor driving speed 1 W4X131S03482|=>
12 9 087 610 126 button head screw DIN 7500-1 CE-M6x12-St-A2C 1
13 9 470 435 384 parallel key DIN 6885 A8x7x20 1
14 9 008 610 135 hexagon head screw DIN 7500-1 1
15 000 963 25 51 O-Ring 56x3-NBR90 1
16 9 455 622 215 locking ring DIN 471 20x1,2 1
17 9 455 622 279 locking ring DIN 471 25x1,2 1
18 003 904 50 00 castellated nut 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 01/119 /01


01/123 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks
003 976 11 42 traction motor 1 POS.1->19
1 9 456 622 491 locking ring DIN 472 47x1,75 1
2 9 503 095 678 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6204-2RSH-LHT23 1
3 9 503 083 569 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6006-2RS-C3-HT51 1
4 9 455 622 332 locking ring DIN 471 30x1,5 2
5 000 924 21 12 bearing housing 1
6 9 456 622 534 locking ring DIN 472 55x2 1
7 131 357 39 00 terminal board 1
8 131 357 44 00 seal 1
9 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1
10 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
11 7 9174 15 591 sensor driving speed 1
12 9 087 610 126 button head screw DIN 7500-1 CE-M6x12-St-A2C 1
13 9 470 435 384 parallel key DIN 6885 A8x7x20 1
14 9 008 610 135 hexagon head screw DIN 7500-1 1
15 000 963 25 51 O-Ring 56x3-NBR90 1
16 9 455 622 215 locking ring DIN 471 20x1,2 1
17 9 455 622 279 locking ring DIN 471 25x1,2 1
18 003 904 50 00 castellated nut 1
19 000 925 20 10 locking cap 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 01/123 /01


01/120 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks
003 976 11 38 traction motor 1,5kW 1 003 976 11 41 POS.1->18
003 976 11 41 traction motor 1,5kW AC 1 W4X131T00324|=>
1 9 456 622 491 locking ring DIN 472 47x1,75 1
2 003 924 50 01 ball bearing 1
3 9 503 083 569 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6006-2RS-C3-HT51 1
4 9 455 622 332 locking ring DIN 471 30x1,5 1
5 000 916 96 24 bush 1
6 9 456 622 534 locking ring DIN 472 55x2 1
7 131 357 39 00 terminal board 1
8 131 357 44 00 seal 1
9 7 9125 03 812 housing tab 2-pole 1
10 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
11 7 9174 15 537 sensor driving speed 1 =>|W4X131T00323
11 7 9174 15 591 sensor driving speed 1 W4X131T00324|=>
12 9 087 610 126 button head screw DIN 7500-1 CE-M6x12-St-A2C 1
13 9 470 435 384 parallel key DIN 6885 A8x7x20 1
14 9 008 610 135 hexagon head screw DIN 7500-1 5
15 000 963 25 51 O-Ring 56x3-NBR90 1
16 9 455 622 215 locking ring DIN 471 20x1,2 1
17 9 455 622 279 locking ring DIN 471 25x1,2 1
18 003 904 50 00 castellated nut 1
19 131 345 22 00 valve pilot 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 01/120 /01


01/124 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks
003 976 11 43 traction motor 1,5kW AC 1 POS.1->19
1 9 456 622 491 locking ring DIN 472 47x1,75 1
2 9 503 095 678 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6204-2RSH-LHT23 1
3 9 503 083 569 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6006-2RS-C3-HT51 1
4 9 455 622 332 locking ring DIN 471 30x1,5 1
5 000 924 21 12 bearing housing 1
6 9 456 622 534 locking ring DIN 472 55x2 1
7 131 357 39 00 terminal board 1
8 131 357 44 00 seal 1
9 7 9125 03 812 housing tab 2-pole 1
10 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
11 7 9174 15 591 sensor driving speed 1
12 9 087 610 126 button head screw DIN 7500-1 CE-M6x12-St-A2C 1
13 9 470 435 384 parallel key DIN 6885 A8x7x20 1
14 9 008 610 135 hexagon head screw DIN 7500-1 5
15 000 963 25 51 O-Ring 56x3-NBR90 1
16 9 455 622 215 locking ring DIN 471 20x1,2 1
17 9 455 622 279 locking ring DIN 471 25x1,2 1
18 003 904 50 00 castellated nut 1
19 000 925 20 10 locking cap 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 01/124 /01


01/124 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks
003 976 11 43 traction motor 1,5kW AC 1 POS.1->19
1 9 456 622 491 locking ring DIN 472 47x1,75 1
2 9 503 095 678 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6204-2RSH-LHT23 1
3 9 503 083 569 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6006-2RS-C3-HT51 1
4 9 455 622 332 locking ring DIN 471 30x1,5 1
5 000 924 21 12 bearing housing 1
6 9 456 622 534 locking ring DIN 472 55x2 1
7 131 357 39 00 terminal board 1
8 131 357 44 00 seal 1
9 7 9125 03 812 housing tab 2-pole 1
10 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
11 7 9174 15 591 sensor driving speed 1
12 9 087 610 126 button head screw DIN 7500-1 CE-M6x12-St-A2C 1
13 9 470 435 384 parallel key DIN 6885 A8x7x20 1
14 9 008 610 135 hexagon head screw DIN 7500-1 5
15 000 963 25 51 O-Ring 56x3-NBR90 1
16 9 455 622 215 locking ring DIN 471 20x1,2 1
17 9 455 622 279 locking ring DIN 471 25x1,2 1
18 003 904 50 00 castellated nut 1
19 000 925 20 10 locking cap 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 01/124 /01


01/123 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks
003 976 11 42 traction motor 1 POS.1->19
1 9 456 622 491 locking ring DIN 472 47x1,75 1
2 9 503 095 678 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6204-2RSH-LHT23 1
3 9 503 083 569 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6006-2RS-C3-HT51 1
4 9 455 622 332 locking ring DIN 471 30x1,5 2
5 000 924 21 12 bearing housing 1
6 9 456 622 534 locking ring DIN 472 55x2 1
7 131 357 39 00 terminal board 1
8 131 357 44 00 seal 1
9 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1
10 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
11 7 9174 15 591 sensor driving speed 1
12 9 087 610 126 button head screw DIN 7500-1 CE-M6x12-St-A2C 1
13 9 470 435 384 parallel key DIN 6885 A8x7x20 1
14 9 008 610 135 hexagon head screw DIN 7500-1 1
15 000 963 25 51 O-Ring 56x3-NBR90 1
16 9 455 622 215 locking ring DIN 471 20x1,2 1
17 9 455 622 279 locking ring DIN 471 25x1,2 1
18 003 904 50 00 castellated nut 1
19 000 925 20 10 locking cap 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 01/123 /01


02/139 00 - 01 DRIVE UNIT =>W4X131T02463
00 - 01
00 - 02
DRIVE UNIT W4X131T02464=>

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31

DRIVE UNIT =>W4X131T02463



02/139 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

DRIVE UNIT =>W4X131T02463

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - ELECTROHYDRAULIC BRAKE 1 see sep. list
2 - TRACTION MOTOR 1 see sep. list
3 - gear slewing 1 see sep. list
4 131 401 28 00 reinforcement 1
5 - REDUCER 1 see sep. list
6 9 045 311 243 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x35-8.8-A2C 4
7 9 294 003 020 washer ISO 7092 10-200HV-A2C 4
8 9 045 341 241 socket head screw ISO 4762 M10x30-10.9 8
9 9 294 003 020 washer ISO 7092 10-200HV-A2C 8
10 9 045 316 132 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M6x20-8.8-A2C 8
11 003 907 13 01 spring washer 8
12 9 294 003 020 washer ISO 7092 10-200HV-A2C 3
13 9 045 316 241 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x30-8.8-A2C 3
14 003 919 06 60 steel bar 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 02/139 /01
DRIVE UNIT W4X131T02464=>



02/142 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

DRIVE UNIT W4X131T02464=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - elect. magnet brake 1 see sep. list
2 - TRACTION MOTOR 1 see sep. list
3 - gear slewing 1 see sep. list
4 131 401 09 18 support 1
5 - REDUCER 1 see sep. list
6 9 045 311 246 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x50-8.8 4 9 045 316 246
6 9 045 316 246 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x50-8.8-A2C 4 9 045 311 307 =>|W4X131U01894
6 9 045 311 307 socket head screw ISO 4762 M12x55-8.8 4 W4X131U01895|=>
7 000 907 09 07 lock washer 10,7x21x2,5 4 000 907 09 11 =>|W4X131U01894
7 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4 W4X131U01895|=>
8 9 045 341 241 socket head screw ISO 4762 M10x30-10.9 8
9 9 294 003 020 washer ISO 7092 10-200HV-A2C 8
10 9 045 316 132 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M6x20-8.8-A2C 8
11 003 907 13 01 spring washer 8
12 9 294 003 020 washer ISO 7092 10-200HV-A2C 3
13 9 045 316 241 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x30-8.8-A2C 3
14 003 919 06 92 steel bar 2 CUSHION DRIVE WHEEL / NO MARKING
15 003 919 06 93 steel bar 2 =>|W4X131U01894
15a 131 357 32 00 washer 4 W4X131U01895|=>
16 003 919 06 92 steel bar 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 02/142 /01



02/140 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 260 05 02 wheel drive assy. 1 POS.1->32
1 144 251 12 01 housing 1
2 144 251 13 00 cover 1
3 144 253 08 00 hub 1
4 144 250 45 01 gear assy. 1
5 144 251 13 01 cover 1
6 131 253 01 00 pinion gear 1 1312530101
with groove
6 131 253 01 01 pinion gear 1
7 142 904 60 01 nut 1
8 003 912 89 01 wheel bolt 5
9 142 332 20 00 spacer bush 1 60/7,5
10 142 962 50 01 protective cap 1
11 142 332 20 01 spacer bush 1 33,7/34,5
12 000 914 75 30 washer 1 55/12
13 131 253 08 00 hub 1
14 9 509 000 615 tapered roller bearing DIN 720 32005X 2
15 9 509 000 850 tapered roller bearing DIN 720 30210 1
16 9 509 000 875 tapered roller bearing DIN 720 32012X 1
17 000 928 02 03 radial seal ring DIN 3760 1 75X95X5 B1
18 000 963 11 13 O-Ring 140x3-NBR90 1 140X3
19 9 289 003 550 shim ring DIN 988 37x47x0,1 1 37X47X0,1
19 9 289 003 555 shim ring 37x47x0,15 1 37X47X0,15
19 9 289 003 554 shim DIN 988 1 37X47X0,25
19 9 289 003 552 shim ring DIN 988 37x47x0,3 1 37X47X0,3
19 9 289 003 553 shim ring DIN 988 37x47x0,5 1 37X47X0,5
20 000 914 65 12 shim 1 50X62X0,1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 02/140 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

20 000 914 56 04 shim ring DIN 988 50x62x0,15 1 50X62X0,15
20 9 289 003 674 shim DIN 988 1 50X62X0,25
02 21 9 289 003 785 shim ring DIN 988 60x75x0,1 1 60X75X0,1
21 9 289 003 786 shim DIN 988 1 60X75X0,15
21 9 289 003 788 shim DIN 988 1 60X75X0,25
21 9 289 003 787 shim ring DIN 988 60x75x0,3 1 60X75X0,3
21 9 289 003 789 shim ring DIN 988 60x75x0,5 1 60X75X0,5
22 9 048 341 178 socket-head screw M8x16-10.9 8
23 9 045 311 186 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8 19
24 9 007 311 197 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M8x60-8.8-A2C 1
25 9 008 311 411 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M16x45-8.8-A2C 1
26 9 334 620 018 spring lock washer DIN 7980 8-A2C 8
27 9 371 451 368 cylindrical pin DIN 7 8m6x20-St 1
28 9 136 056 131 threaded pin M8x8-4.6 1
29 000 952 40 20 screw plug ISO 6149-4 IH-M14x1,5-FKM80-A3C 1
30 000 903 31 12 screw plug M14x1,5-magnet 1
31 9 636 801 143 seal ring DIN 7603 A14x18-Cu 2 A14X18X1,5
32 131 253 00 00 gear 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
02/140 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Register 03 : CHASSIS UNIT

03/113 00 - 01 FRAME EQUIPMENT
03/246 00 - 01 HOODING AP
03/253 00 - 01 HOODING ACC
03/247 00 - 01 HOODING SP
03/112 00 - 01 guard overhead assy. =>W4X131W00131
03/115 00 - 01 guard overhead assy. W4X131W00132=>W4X131Z00122
03/116 00 - 01 guard overhead assy. W4X131Z00123=>W4X131A03414
00 - 01
00 - 02
guard overhead assy. W4X131A03415=>
03/425 00 - 03 PLATFORM PORTABLE AP =>W4X131T04418
03/433 00 - 03 PLATFORM PORTABLE AP W4X131T04419=>
03/426 00 - 02 PLATFORM STATIONARY SP =>W4X131T04398
03/431 00 - 02 PLATFORM STATIONARY SP W4X131T04399=>

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31




03/113 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 850 01 00 fork carriage assy. 1 3PZS
1 131 850 01 01 fork carriage assy. 1 4PZS
1 131 850 01 02 fork carriage assy. 1 5PZS
2 131 850 02 01 reach leg assy. 1 131 850 02 15
2 131 850 02 15 reach leg assy. 1 131 850 02 26
2 131 850 02 26 reach leg assy. 1 03
3 131 850 02 02 reach leg assy. 1 131 850 02 16
3 131 850 02 16 reach leg assy. 1 131 850 02 25
3 131 850 02 25 reach leg assy. 1
4 9 008 311 531 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M20x70-8.8-A2C 1
5 9 291 003 033 washer ISO 7090 B21-ST50-A2C 1
6 131 851 11 01 sheet metal 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/113 /01



03/246 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 400 30 00 chassis assy. 1 =>|W4X131U00488
1 131 400 30 11 chassis assy. 1 T20 W4X131U00489|=>W4X131U02104
1 131 400 30 11 chassis assy. 1 L16AS W4X131U00489|=>W4X131U02035
1 131 400 30 14 chassis assy. 1 T20 W4X131U012105|=>
1 131 400 30 14 chassis assy. 1 L16AS W4X131U012036|=>
1 131 400 30 17 chassis assy. 1 T20 W4X131U012105|=> 03
1 131 400 30 17 chassis assy. 1 L16AS W4X131U012036|=>
2 131 436 36 00 section flat 1
3 000 908 23 15 blind rivet DIN 7337 A4,8x12-St 5
4 131 438 02 02 dashboard 1
5 9 090 318 239 button head screw ISO 7380 M10x25-8.8-A2R 2
6 9 090 347 245 button head screw ISO 7380 M10x45-10.9-A2R 2
7 000 914 70 03 washer 10x20x1,6-A2R-NFE 4
8 131 432 29 00 front plate 1
9 000 905 38 19 rivet nut M10 4
10 131 432 08 00 cover sheet 1
11 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 2
12 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
13 000 905 38 02 rivet nut M8 2
14 003 946 07 09 display unit 1 003 946 07 10
14 003 946 07 10 display unit 1 003 946 07 11
14 003 946 07 11 display unit 1 003 946 07 25 W4X131W03350|=>
14 003 946 07 25 display unit 1 W4X131D01408|=>
14 003 946 07 12 display unit 1 biometric

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/246 /01



03/253 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 400 30 02 chassis assy. 1 =>|W4X131U00541
1 131 400 30 13 chassis assy. 1 L16AS W4X131U00542|=>W4X131U02035
1 131 400 30 13 chassis assy. 1 T30 W4X131U00542|=>W4X131U02130
1 131 400 30 16 chassis assy. 1 L16AS W4X131U02036|=>
1 131 400 30 16 chassis assy. 1 T30 W4X131U02131|=>
2 131 436 36 00 section flat 1 03
3 000 908 23 15 blind rivet DIN 7337 A4,8x12-St 5
4 131 438 02 02 dashboard 1
5 9 090 347 243 button head screw ISO 7380 M10x35-10.9-A2R 4
6 000 914 70 03 washer 10x20x1,6-A2R-NFE 4
7 131 432 29 00 front plate 1
8 000 905 38 19 rivet nut M10 4
9 131 432 28 00 cover 1
10 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 2
11 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
12 000 905 38 02 rivet nut M8 2
13 003 946 07 09 display unit 1 003 946 07 10
13 003 946 07 10 display unit 1 003 946 07 11
13 003 946 07 11 display unit 1 003 946 07 25 W4X131W03350|=>
13 003 946 07 25 display unit W4X131D01408|=>
13 003 946 07 12 display unit 1 biometric
14 131 430 14 02 cover sheet assy. 1 W4X131T14794|=>
15 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 1 W4X131T14794|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/253 /01



03/247 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 400 30 01 chassis assy. 1 =>|W4X131U00444
1 131 400 30 12 chassis assy. 1 T20 W4X131U00445|=>W4X131U02104
1 131 400 30 12 chassis assy. 1 L16AS W4X131U00445|=>W4X131U02035
1 131 400 30 15 chassis assy. 1 T20 W4X131U02105|=>
1 131 400 30 15 chassis assy. 1 L16AS W4X131U02036|=>
2 131 436 36 00 section flat 1 03
3 000 908 23 15 blind rivet DIN 7337 A4,8x12-St 5
4 131 438 02 01 dashboard 1 without guard overhead
4 131 438 02 04 dashboard 1 =>|W4X131C01773
with guard overhead
4 131 438 02 19 dashboard 1 W4X131C01774|=>
with guard overhead
5 9 090 318 249 button head screw ISO 7380 M10x65-8.8-A2R 1
6 000 914 70 03 washer 10x20x1,6-A2R-NFE 4
7 003 965 50 02 shock absorber 1
8 131 432 29 00 front plate 1
9 000 905 38 19 rivet nut M10 4
10 131 432 28 00 cover 1
11 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 2
12 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
13 000 905 38 02 rivet nut M8 2
14 9 090 347 245 button head screw ISO 7380 M10x45-10.9-A2R 1
15 9 090 347 241 button head screw ISO 7380 M10x30-10.9-A2R 2
16 003 946 07 09 display unit 1 003 946 07 10
16 003 946 07 10 display unit 1 003 946 07 11
16 003 946 07 11 display unit 1 003 946 07 25 W4X131W03350|=>
16 003 946 07 25 display unit 1 W4X131D01408|=>
16 003 946 07 12 display unit 1 biometric

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/247 /01
guard overhead assy. =>W4X131W00131



03/112 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

guard overhead assy. =>W4X131W00131

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 430 69 00 overhead guard assy. 1
1 9 008 311 239 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M10x25-8.8-A2C 4
2 9 323 620 020 spring washer DIN 137 B10-A2C 4


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/112 /01
guard overhead assy. W4X131W00132=>W4X131Z00122



03/115 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

guard overhead assy. W4X131W00132=>W4X131Z00122

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 437 20 01 overhead guard 1
2 131 436 53 03 strut left 1
3 131 436 53 02 strut right 1
4 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 4
5 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4
6 131 436 36 06 flat 2 03
7 9 008 311 302 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M12x40-8.8-A2Cxxx 4
8 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4
9 131 436 30 02 guard plate 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/115 /01
guard overhead assy. W4X131Z00123=>W4X131A03414



03/116 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

guard overhead assy. W4X131Z00123=>W4X131A03414

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 437 20 02 cab weather protection 1
2 131 436 53 04 strut left 1 =>|W4X133Z00518
2 131 436 53 04 strut left 1 =>|W4X131Z01864
2 131 436 53 04 strut left 1 =>|W4X132Z01424
2 131 430 42 00 support assy. 1 W4X133Z00519|=>
2 131 430 42 00 support assy. 1 W4X131Z01865|=> 03
2 131 430 42 00 support assy. 1 W4X132Z01425|=>
3 131 436 53 05 strut right 1 =>|W4X133Z00518
3 131 436 53 05 strut right 1 =>|W4X131Z01864
3 131 436 53 05 strut right 1 =>|W4X132Z01424
3 131 430 42 01 support assy. 1 W4X133Z00519|=>
3 131 430 42 01 support assy. 1 W4X131Z01865|=>
3 131 430 42 01 support assy. 1 W4X132Z01425|=>
4 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 4
5 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4
6 131 436 36 07 flat 2
7 9 008 311 302 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M12x40-8.8-A2Cxxx 6
8 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 6

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/116 /01
guard overhead assy. W4X131A03415=>



03/119 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

guard overhead assy. W4X131A03415=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 430 69 03 overhead guard assy. 1
2 131 430 45 07 pipe assy. overhead guard 2
2 131 430 45 08 pipe assy. 1600 Kg 2 L16AS
3 9 090 318 304 button head screw ISO 7380 4
4 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 4
5 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 8 03
6 131 436 36 07 flat 2
7 9 007 311 306 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M12x50-8.8-A2C 6
8 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 6

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/119 /01



03/249 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 430 08 00 battery cover assy. 1 131 430 08 04 POS. 1->7 2 PZS
1 131 430 08 04 battery cover assy. 1 131 430 08 07 POS. 1->7 2 PZS
1 131 430 08 07 battery hood assy. 2PzS 1 POS. 1->7 2 PZS
1 131 430 08 01 battery hood assy. 3PzS 1 131 430 08 05 POS. 1->7 3 PZS
1 131 430 08 05 battery hood assy. 1 131 430 08 08 POS. 1->7 3 PZS
1 131 430 08 08 battery hood assy. 3PzS 1 POS. 1->7 3 PZS 03
1 131 430 08 02 battery cover assy. 1 131 430 08 06 POS. 1->7 4 PZS
1 131 430 08 06 battery hood assy. 1 131 430 08 09 POS. 1->7 4 PZS
1 131 430 08 09 battery hood assy. 4PzS 1 POS. 1->7 4 PZS
2 131 432 09 00 bracket 1
3 131 432 41 01 support 1 131 432 41 04
3 131 432 41 04 support 1
4 131 432 41 02 support 1 131 432 41 05
4 131 432 41 05 support 1
5 003 912 40 03 bolt 2
6 000 901 54 07 cutting screw 5x14 7
7 9 380 620 173 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 3x20-ST 2
8 000 964 05 05 edge protection 2 000 964 05 57
8 000 964 05 57 edge protection 2
9 131 422 18 06 support 1 131 422 18 53 2PZS RIGHT
9 131 422 18 53 support 2PzS D 1 2PZS RIGHT
9 131 422 18 08 support 1 131 422 18 55 3 PZS RIGHT
9 131 422 18 55 support 3PzS D 1 3 PZS RIGHT
9 131 422 18 10 support 1 131 422 18 57 4 PZS RIGHT
9 131 422 18 57 support 4PzS D 1 4 PZS RIGHT
10 131 422 18 07 support 1 131 422 18 54 2PZS
10 131 422 18 54 support 2PzS G 1 2 PZS LEFT

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/249 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

10 131 422 18 09 support 1 131 422 18 56 3PZS LEFT
10 131 422 18 56 support 3PzS G 1 3PZS LEFT
10 131 422 18 11 support 1 131 422 18 58 4 PZS LEFT
10 131 422 18 58 support 4PzS G 1 4 PZS LEFT
11 9 090 318 306 button head screw ISO 7380 M12x50-8.8-A2R 4
03 12 9 208 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4035 M12-05-A2C 4
13 9 323 620 022 spring washer DIN 137 B12-A2C 4
14 131 360 60 11 support assy. 1 =>|W4X131Z00003
15 000 905 38 10 rivet nut M6 2 =>|W4X131Z00003
16 9 062 311 129 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M6x16-8.8-A2C 2 =>|W4X131Z00003
17 003 970 08 71 socket assy. forklift truck 1 003 970 08 89
17 003 970 08 89 socket assy. 1
18 9 008 311 138 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x35-8.8-A2C 2
19 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2
20 131 423 18 09 retainer plate 2 only 3PZS
21 9 008 311 293 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M12x20-8.8-A2C 2
22 131 432 43 02 ***** 2 W4X131E00683|=>
23 9 045 316 302 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M12x40-8.8-A2C 2 W4X131E00683|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/249 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



03/251 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 432 33 04 battery cover 1
2 131 430 82 00 support assy. 2
3 9 090 347 243 button head screw ISO 7380 M10x35-10.9-A2R 2
4 9 008 311 243 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M10x35-8.8-A2C 2
5 9 323 620 020 spring washer DIN 137 B10-A2C 2
6 131 430 08 02 battery cover assy. 1 131 430 08 06 POS.7->12 03
6 131 430 08 06 battery hood assy. 1 131 430 08 09 POS.7->12
6 131 430 08 09 battery hood assy. 4PzS 1 POS.7->12
7 131 432 09 00 bracket 1
8 131 432 41 01 support 1
9 131 432 41 02 support 1
10 003 912 40 03 bolt 2
11 000 901 54 07 cutting screw 5x14 7
12 9 380 620 173 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 3x20-ST 2
13 131 422 18 30 support 1 131 422 18 60
13 131 422 18 60 support 5PzS G 1
14 131 422 18 31 support 1 131 422 18 59
14 131 422 18 59 support 5PzS D 1
15 9 090 318 306 button head screw ISO 7380 M12x50-8.8-A2R 4
16 9 323 620 022 spring washer DIN 137 B12-A2C 4
17 9 208 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4035 M12-05-A2C 4
18 000 964 05 05 edge protection 2 000 964 05 57
18 000 964 05 57 edge protection 2
19 003 970 08 71 socket assy. forklift truck 1 003 970 08 89
19 003 970 08 89 socket assy. 1
20 131 360 60 11 support assy. 1 =>|W4X131Z00003
21 9 008 311 138 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x35-8.8-A2C 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/251 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

22 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2 =>|W4X131Z00003
23 000 905 38 10 rivet nut M6 2 =>|W4X131Z00003
24 9 062 311 129 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M6x16-8.8-A2C 2 =>|W4X131Z00003
25 131 423 18 09 retainer plate 2
26 9 008 311 293 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M12x20-8.8-A2C 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/251 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



03/425 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 432 08 01 cover sheet 1
2 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 4
3 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 4
4 131 432 08 02 cover sheet 1
5 9 045 318 180 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2R 4
6 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 4 03
7 131 436 27 00 front plate 1
8 9 045 316 175 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x12-8.8-A2C 2
9 000 907 09 09 lock washer 8,7x16,6x2,5 2
10 131 432 25 00 pipe protection 1
11 131 436 39 00 panelling 1
12 131 436 39 01 panelling 1
13 000 901 30 21 button head screw M6x16-10.9-ULF-A2R 4
14 000 963 04 23 O-ring 2
15 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1
16 9 062 316 069 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x16-8.8-A2C 1
17 7 9174 15 568 sensor 1
18 9 045 316 036 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M3x10-8.8-A2C 4
19 9 292 003 008 washer ISO 7089 A3,2-ST50-A2C 4
20 131 400 22 00 platform assy. 1 =>|W4X131S00068
20 131 400 22 04 platform assy. 1 W4X131S00069|=>
21 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1
22 9 062 316 069 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x16-8.8-A2C 1
23 131 401 27 09 bottom plate 1 =>|W4X131S00068
23 131 401 27 14 floorplate 1 W4X131S00069|=>
24 131 431 30 02 floormat 1 =>|W4X131S00068
24 131 431 30 04 floormat 1 W4X131S00069|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/425 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

25 000 901 30 13 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x12-8.8-A2R 3
26 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 3
27 003 955 22 01 pipe clip DIN 3016-1 1
28 9 090 347 132 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x20-10.9-A2R 1
29 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 1
03 30 000 904 02 03 nut M6 1
31 003 932 01 00 push-button 2
32 000 965 41 15 spring element 2
33 000 914 08 73 washer 2
34 000 965 41 24 spring element 2
35 9 045 316 197 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x60-8.8-A2C 2
36 000 965 56 11 gas spring 1 000 965 56 00
36 000 965 56 00 gas spring F19x100-700N 1
37 000 923 02 04 du bush DIN 1494 20x23x15 4
38 000 914 20 02 washer 20,5x37,8x1,35-POM 4
39 000 912 05 08 bolt 2
40 9 380 620 326 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 6x50-ST 2
41 000 965 41 15 spring element 2 000 965 26 52
41 000 965 26 52 spring element M8x15-NBR70 2
42 7 9174 15 569 sensor 1
43 131 400 22 02 platform assy. 1 =>|W4X131S00068
43 131 400 22 03 platform assy. 1 W4X131S00069|=>
44 9 090 347 180 button head screw ISO 7380 M8x20-10.9-A2R 2
45 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
46 000 921 16 53 compression spring 1,9x23,2x32 2 000 921 20 84
46 000 921 20 84 compression spring 2 000 921 25 45 W4X131S00959|=>
46 000 921 25 45 compression spring 2 W4X131T00359|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/425 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

47 131 401 30 03 guide piece 2
48 9 045 316 137 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M6x30-8.8-A2C 2
49 9 307 003 014 washer ISO 7093 B6,4-ST-A2C 2
50 7 9153 01 305 switch position 1 003 970 12 30
50 003 970 12 30 switch assy. 1
51 9 045 311 071 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M4x20-8.8 2 03
52 000 904 02 06 hexagon nut 2
53 131 436 35 10 support 1
54 000 955 30 03 pin 1
55 131 401 30 04 guide piece 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/425 /03



03/433 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 432 08 01 cover sheet 1
2 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 4
3 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 4
4 131 432 08 02 cover sheet 1
5 9 045 318 180 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2R 4
6 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 4 03
7 131 436 27 00 front plate 1
8 9 045 316 175 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x12-8.8-A2C 2
9 000 907 09 09 lock washer 8,7x16,6x2,5 2
10 131 432 25 00 pipe protection 1
11 131 436 39 00 panelling 1
12 131 436 39 01 panelling 1
13 000 901 30 21 button head screw M6x16-10.9-ULF-A2R 4
14 000 963 04 23 O-ring 2
15 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1
16 9 062 316 069 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x16-8.8-A2C 1
17 7 9174 15 568 sensor 1
18 9 045 316 036 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M3x10-8.8-A2C 4
19 9 292 003 008 washer ISO 7089 A3,2-ST50-A2C 4
20 131 400 22 04 platform assy. 1
21 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1
22 9 062 316 069 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x16-8.8-A2C 1
23 000 914 20 02 washer 20,5x37,8x1,35-POM 4
24 131 431 30 04 floormat 1
25 000 901 30 13 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x12-8.8-A2R 3
26 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 3
27 9 210 281 040 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M3-8-A2C 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/433 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

28 131 401 30 12 guide piece 3
29 003 965 40 00 stop LD 0039654000 2
30 000 921 25 45 compression spring 2 =>|W4X131U2563
30 000 921 20 84 compression spring 3 000 921 20 89 W4X131U2564|=>
30 000 921 20 89 compression spring 3
03 31 131 430 14 02 cover sheet assy. 1 W4X131T04796|=>
32 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 1 W4X131T04796|=>
33 131 400 29 01 plate assy. 1
34 9 045 316 197 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x60-8.8-A2C 2 =>|W4X131T04767
34a 9 045 316 198 screw cap skt hd ISO 4762 M8x65-8.8-A2C 2 9 045 316 201 W4X131T04768|=>
34a 9 045 316 201 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x80-8.8-A2C 2
35 003 932 01 00 push-button 2 =>|W4X131T04767
35a 003 932 01 02 push-button 2 W4X131T04768|=>
36 000 965 41 15 spring element 2
37 000 914 08 73 washer 2
38 000 965 41 24 spring element 2
39 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 2 W4X131T04768|=>
40 000 965 56 00 gas spring F19x100-700N 1
41 000 912 05 08 bolt 1
42 000 923 02 04 du bush DIN 1494 20x23x15 4 =>|W4X131W1259
42 000 923 02 38 bearing bush DIN 1494 20x23x20-DX 2 W4X131W1260|=>
43 131 401 27 19 floorplate 1
44 131 401 27 18 floorplate 1
45 000 965 41 15 spring element 2 000 965 26 52
45 000 965 26 52 spring element M8x15-NBR70
46 7 9174 15 569 sensor 1
47 9 380 620 326 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 6x50-ST 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/433 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

48 000 955 30 03 pin 1
49 131 436 35 10 support 1
50 7 9154 96 094 microswitch 1
51 131 381 06 11 main harness 1
52 9 045 316 040 screw socket head ISO 4762 M3x20-8.8-A2C 1
53 9 323 620 008 spring washer DIN 137 B3-A2C 2 03
54 9 008 311 034 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M3x8-8.8-A2C 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/433 /03



03/438 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 400 22 04 platform assy. 1
2 131 401 27 25 floorplate 1
3 131 400 22 20 platform assy. floor 1
4 131 401 13 09 retainer plate 1
5 000 921 20 89 compression spring 3
6 131 401 30 12 guide piece 3 03
7 003 965 40 00 stop LD 0039654000 3
8 000 904 02 03 nut M6 4
9 000 901 30 19 button head screw M6x10-10.9-ULF-A2R 3
10 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 3
11 000 955 26 25 cable clip 1
12 131 400 29 01 plate assy. 1
13 131 381 06 11 main harness 1
14 7 9154 96 094 microswitch 1
15 9 008 311 034 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M3x8-8.8-A2C 1
16 9 210 281 040 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M3-8-A2C 1
17 9 323 620 008 spring washer DIN 137 B3-A2C 1
18 9 045 316 040 screw socket head ISO 4762 M3x20-8.8-A2C 1
19 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 2
20 9 045 316 198 screw cap skt hd ISO 4762 M8x65-8.8-A2C 2 9 045 316 201
20 9 045 316 201 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x80-8.8-A2C 2
21 003 932 01 02 push-button 2
22 000 965 41 15 spring element 2
23 000 914 08 73 washer 2
24 000 965 41 24 spring element 2
25 000 904 02 03 nut M6 1
26 003 955 22 01 pipe clip DIN 3016-1 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/438 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

27 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 1
28 9 090 347 132 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x20-10.9-A2R 1
29 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1
30 9 062 316 069 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x16-8.8-A2C 1
31 000 914 20 02 washer 20,5x37,8x1,35-POM 4
03 32 000 923 02 38 bearing bush DIN 1494 20x23x20-DX 2
33 000 912 05 08 bolt 2
34 000 965 56 00 gas spring F19x100-700N 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/438 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



03/426 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 400 22 00 platform assy. 1 =>|W4X131S00068
1 131 400 22 04 platform assy. 1 W4X131S00069|=>
2 131 401 27 09 bottom plate 1 =>|W4X131S00068
2 131 401 27 11 floorplate 1 W4X131S00069|=>
2 131 401 27 14 floorplate 1 W4X131S00069|=>
3 131 431 30 03 floormat 1 =>|W4X131S00068 03
3 131 431 30 05 floormat 1 W4X131S00069|=>
4 000 901 30 13 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x12-8.8-A2R 3
5 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 3
6 003 932 01 00 push-button 2 =>|W4X131T04767
6a 003 932 01 02 push-button 2 W4X131T04768|=>
7 000 965 41 15 spring element 2
8 000 914 08 73 washer 2
9 000 965 41 24 spring element 2
10 9 045 316 197 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x60-8.8-A2C 2 =>|W4X131T04767
10a 9 045 316 197 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x60-8.8-A2C 2 W4X131T04768|=>
11 000 923 02 04 du bush DIN 1494 20x23x15 4
12 000 914 20 02 washer 20,5x37,8x1,35-POM 4
13 000 912 05 08 bolt 2
14 9 380 620 326 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 6x50-ST 2
15 131 433 62 00 armrest 1
16 9 045 316 186 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8-A2C 2
17 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
18 131 433 80 00 upholstery 1
19 9 045 316 186 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8-A2C 2
20 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
21 131 400 22 02 platform assy. 1 =>|W4X131S00068

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/426 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

21 131 400 22 03 platform assy. 1 W4X131S00069|=>
22 9 090 347 180 button head screw ISO 7380 M8x20-10.9-A2R 2
23 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
24 000 921 16 53 compression spring 1,9x23,2x32 2 000 921 20 84
24 000 921 20 84 compression spring 2 000 921 25 45 W4X131S00959|=>
03 24 000 921 25 45 compression spring 2 W4X131T00359|=>
25 131 401 30 03 guide piece 2
26 9 045 316 137 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M6x30-8.8-A2C 2
27 9 307 003 014 washer ISO 7093 B6,4-ST-A2C 2
28 7 9153 01 305 switch position 1 003 970 12 30
28 003 970 12 30 switch assy. 1
29 9 045 311 071 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M4x20-8.8 2
30 000 904 02 06 hexagon nut 2
31 003 955 22 01 pipe clip DIN 3016-1 1
32 9 090 347 132 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x20-10.9-A2R 1
33 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 1
34 000 904 02 03 nut M6 1
35 131 401 30 04 guide piece 2 W4X131S00069|=>
36 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 2 W4X131T04768|=>
37 131 430 14 02 cover sheet assy. 1 W4X131T04397|=>
38 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 1 W4X131T04397|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/426 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



03/431 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 400 22 08 platform assy. 1
2 131 431 30 05 floormat 1
3 000 901 30 13 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x12-8.8-A2R 3
4 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 3
5 003 932 01 02 push-button 2
6 000 965 41 15 spring element 2 03
7 000 914 08 73 washer 2
8 000 965 41 24 spring element 2
9 9 045 316 198 screw cap skt hd ISO 4762 M8x65-8.8-A2C 2 9 045 316 201
9 9 045 316 201 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x80-8.8-A2C 2
10 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 2
11 000 923 02 38 bearing bush DIN 1494 20x23x20-DX 2
12 000 914 20 02 washer 20,5x37,8x1,35-POM 4
13 9 380 620 326 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 6x50-ST 2
14 131 433 62 00 armrest 1
15 9 045 316 186 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8-A2C 2
16 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
17 131 433 80 00 upholstery 1
18 9 045 316 186 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8-A2C 2
19 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
20 131 401 27 18 floorplate 1
21 131 401 30 06 guide piece 2
22 003 965 40 00 stop LD 0039654000 2
23 131 401 30 12 guide piece 2
24 000 921 20 84 compression spring 2 000 921 20 89
24 000 921 20 89 compression spring 2
25 131 400 29 01 plate assy. 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/431 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

26 9 210 281 040 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M3-8-A2C 2
27 000 912 05 08 bolt 1
28 7 9154 96 094 microswitch 1
29 131 381 06 11 main harness 1
30 9 045 316 040 screw socket head ISO 4762 M3x20-8.8-A2C 1
03 31 9 323 620 008 spring washer DIN 137 B3-A2C 2
32 131 430 14 02 cover sheet assy. 1
33 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 1
34 9 008 311 034 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M3x8-8.8-A2C 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/431 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



03/439 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 400 22 04 platform assy. 1
2 131 401 27 25 floorplate 1
3 131 400 22 20 platform assy. floor 1
4 131 401 13 09 retainer plate 1
5 000 921 20 89 compression spring 2
6 131 401 30 12 guide piece 2 03
7 003 965 40 00 stop LD 0039654000 2
8 000 904 02 03 nut M6 4
9 000 901 30 19 button head screw M6x10-10.9-ULF-A2R 3
10 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 3
11 000 955 26 25 cable clip 1
12 131 400 29 01 plate assy. 1
13 131 381 06 11 main harness 1
14 7 9154 96 094 microswitch 1
15 9 008 311 034 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M3x8-8.8-A2C 1
16 9 210 281 040 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M3-8-A2C 1
17 9 323 620 008 spring washer DIN 137 B3-A2C 1
18 9 045 316 040 screw socket head ISO 4762 M3x20-8.8-A2C 1
19 9 215 317 110 nut hexagon ISO 7040 M8-8-A2C 2
20 9 045 316 198 screw cap skt hd ISO 4762 M8x65-8.8-A2C 2 9 045 316 201
20 9 045 316 201 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x80-8.8-A2C 2
21 003 932 01 02 push-button 2
22 000 965 41 15 spring element 2
23 000 914 08 73 washer 2
24 000 965 41 24 spring element 2
25 000 904 02 03 nut M6 1
26 003 955 22 01 pipe clip DIN 3016-1 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 03/439 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

27 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 1
28 9 090 347 132 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x20-10.9-A2R 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/439 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


04/464 00 - 01 gear slewing
04/487 00 - 02 tiller assy. SP
04/480 00 - 01 retainer plate
04/202 00 - 01 elect. magnet brake ACC =>W4X131A01097
04/220 00 - 01 elect. magnet brake ACC W4X131A01098=>
04/301 00 - 01 wheels
04/310 00 - 01 BOGGIE
04/311 00 - 01 load castor assembly
04/318 00 - 01 STABILIZER SP 04

14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31

gear slewing



04/464 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

gear slewing

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

003 980 17 03 steering motor assy. 1 003 980 17 04 POS. 1->3
003 980 17 04 pump unit assy. 1 W4X131S03611|=>W4X131Z02424
POS. 1->3
003 980 87 04 steering motor ex.assy. 1 W4X131S03611|=>W4X131Z02424
POS. 1->3
003 980 17 08 pump unit assy. 1 W4X131Z02425|=>
POS. 1->3
003 980 87 08 pump unit 1 W4X131Z02425|=>
POS. 1->3
1 - STEERING MOTOR 1 not available individually
2 003 972 30 00 potentiometer 1 04
3 131 357 45 00 carbon brush 1
4 9 289 003 013 shim ring DIN 988 4x8x0,5 2
5 9 045 316 074 socket head screw ISO 4762 M4x25-8.8-A2C 2
6 7 9125 03 146 housing 2-pole 1 |=>W4X131Z02424
7 003 916 96 08 bush 2 |=>W4X131Z02424
8 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 2 |=>W4X131Z02424

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/464 /01



04/488 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

309 540 58 22 tiller assy. 1 POS. 1->37
309 540 58 24 tiller assy. 1 POS. 1->42 COLD STORE
1 309 540 67 04 tiller arm assy. 1
1 309 540 67 05 tiller arm assy. 1 =>|W4X131T02673
1 309 540 67 23 tiller arm assy. 1 W4X131T02674|=>
2 9 186 003 553 cutting screw 8x20-Tx40-A2C 2
3 003 938 18 80 label 1
4 309 547 19 19 housing 1 309 547 19 25 04
4 309 547 19 25 housing 1
5 003 973 16 00 knob 1
6 9 007 311 206 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M8x110-8.8-A2C 2
7 000 914 70 08 washer 8x18x1,4-A2C-NFE 2
8 309 004 39 01 steering assy. 2
9 003 973 29 13 switch push-button 1 WITHOUT INITIAL LIFT
10 003 973 29 14 switch push-button 1 WITH INITIAL LIFT
11 309 543 03 00 swivel piece 1 309 543 03 08
11 309 543 03 08 swivel piece 1
12 003 973 29 15 switch 1
13 309 540 40 04 console assy. 1 309 540 40 09
13 309 540 40 09 console assy. 1
14 309 004 11 01 drive shaft 1
15 309 360 70 06 printed circuit board assy. 1 309 360 70 13
15 309 360 70 13 printed circuit board assy. 1 309 360 70 15
15 309 360 70 15 3 printed circuit board assy. 1 309 360 70 16
15 309 360 70 16 printed circuit board assy. 1 360 390 70 19 =>|W4X131D03453
15 309 360 70 19 printed circuit board assy. 1 W4X131D03454|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/488 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

16 7 9164 00 105 potentiometer 1
17 003 922 51 01 leaf spring 1
18 9 186 353 253 cutting screw 3,5x35-10.9-A2C 6
19 9 223 056 060 square nut DIN 562 M4-04-A2C 4 309 543 28 00
19 309 543 28 00 nut 4
20 9 186 353 304 cutting screw 4x27-10.9-A2C 3
21 309 527 03 05 lever 1
23 309 547 14 00 knob safety 1

04 24 309 381 04 23 wiring harness 1 POS.24->33

25 7 9125 01 505 plug housing 16-poles 1 1X5
26 7 9125 01 008 tab 16 1X5
27 7 9125 08 105 plug connector 1 2X5
28 7 9125 01 410 bush 4 2X5
29 7 9125 03 850 plug housing 2-pole 1 9X3
30 7 9125 03 151 bush 2 9X3
31 7 9125 03 173 plug housing 16-poles 1 1X3
32 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 16 1X3
33 - MICROSWITCH 2 Sold with tiller loom
34 309 360 47 00 potentiometer assy. 1 POS.34->37
35 7 9125 08 105 plug connector 1 9X3
36 7 9125 03 090 contact 4 9X3
37 7 9150 09 990 connector 1 9X3
39 9 323 620 010 spring washer DIN 137 B4-A2C 4
40 144 380 05 03 cable assy. 1 =>|W4X131T02673
40a 003 970 37 08 resistor assy. 1 W4X131T02674|=>
41 7 9125 03 848 mounting housed 2-pole 1 COLD STORE

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
04/488 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

42 7 9125 03 102 pin 2 COLD STORE
43 000 901 30 21 button head screw M6x16-10.9-ULF-A2R 2 =>|W4X131T02673
43a 000 901 30 23 button head screw ISO 7380 M4x12-8.8-A2R 2 W4X131T02674|=>
44 000 901 30 21 button head screw M6x16-10.9-ULF-A2R 2 =>|W4X131T02673
44a 000 904 02 06 hexagon nut 2 W4X131T02674|=>
45 7 9174 15 569 sensor 1
46 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1 2X61
47 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 2X61

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/488 /03



04/489 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

309 540 58 18 tiller assy. 1 309 540 58 86 POS. 1->37
309 540 58 86 tiller assy. 1 POS. 1->37
309 540 58 20 tiller assy. 1 309 540 58 87 POS. 1->42 COLD STORE
309 540 58 87 tiller assy. 1 POS. 1->42 COLD STORE
1 309 540 67 08 tiller arm assy. 1 309 540 67 38
1 309 540 67 38 tiller arm assy. 1 309 540 67 49
1 309 540 67 49 tiller arm assy. 1
1 309 540 67 09 tiller arm assy. CS 1 =>|W4X131T02673
1 309 540 67 24 tiller arm assy. CS 1 309 540 67 40 W4X131T02674|=> 04
1 309 540 67 40 tiller arm assy. CS 1 309 540 67 50 COLD STORE
1 309 540 67 50 tiller arm assy. CS 1 COLD STORE
2 9 186 003 553 cutting screw 8x20-Tx40-A2C 2
3 003 938 18 80 label 1
4 309 547 19 19 housing 1 309 547 19 25
4 309 547 19 25 housing 1
5 003 973 16 00 knob 1
6 9 007 311 206 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M8x110-8.8-A2C 2
7 000 914 70 08 washer 8x18x1,4-A2C-NFE 2
8 309 004 39 01 steering assy. 2
9 003 973 29 13 switch push-button 1 WITHOUT INITIAL LIFT
10 003 973 29 14 switch push-button 1 WITH INITIAL LIFT
11 309 543 03 00 swivel piece 1 309 543 03 08
11 309 543 03 08 swivel piece 1
12 003 973 29 15 switch 1
13 309 540 40 04 console assy. 1 309 540 40 09
13 309 540 40 09 console assy. 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/489 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

14 309 004 11 01 drive shaft 1
15 309 360 70 06 printed circuit board assy. 1 309 360 70 13
15 309 360 70 13 printed circuit board assy. 1 309 360 70 15
15 309 360 70 15 3 printed circuit board assy. 1 309 360 70 16
15 309 360 70 16 printed circuit board assy. 1
16 7 9164 00 105 potentiometer 1
17 003 922 51 01 leaf spring 1
18 9 186 353 253 cutting screw 3,5x35-10.9-A2C 6

04 19 9 223 056 060 square nut DIN 562 M4-04-A2C 4 309 543 28 00
19 309 543 28 00 nut 4
20 9 186 353 304 cutting screw 4x27-10.9-A2C 3
21 309 527 03 05 lever 1
23 309 547 14 00 knob safety 1
24 309 381 04 24 wiring harness 1 POS.24->33
25 7 9125 01 505 plug housing 16-poles 1 1X5
26 7 9125 01 008 tab 18 1X5
27 7 9125 08 120 connector plug 1 2X5
28 7 9125 01 410 bush 4 2X5
29 7 9125 03 850 plug housing 2-pole 1 9X3
30 7 9125 03 151 bush 2 9X3
31 7 9125 03 173 plug housing 16-poles 1 1X3
32 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 16 1X3
33 - MICROSWITCH 2 Sold with tiller loom
34 309 360 47 00 potentiometer assy. 1 POS.34->37
35 7 9125 08 105 plug connector 1 9X3
36 7 9125 03 090 contact 4 9X3
37 7 9150 09 990 connector 1 9X3

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
04/489 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

39 9 323 620 010 spring washer DIN 137 B4-A2C 4
40 144 380 05 03 cable assy. 1 =>|W4X131T02673
40a 003 970 37 08 resistor assy. 1 W4X131T02674|=>
41 7 9125 03 848 mounting housed 2-pole 1 COLD STORE
42 7 9125 03 102 pin 2 COLD STORE
43 000 901 30 21 button head screw M6x16-10.9-ULF-A2R 2 =>|W4X131T02673
43a 000 901 30 23 button head screw ISO 7380 M4x12-8.8-A2R 2 W4X131T02674|=>
44 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2 =>|W4X131T02673
44a 000 904 02 06 hexagon nut 2 W4X131T02674|=>
45 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1 2X61
46 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 2X61

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/489 /03



04/467 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 430 13 04 beam support assy. 1 131 430 13 15
1 131 430 13 15 beam support assy. 1
2 - MOUVMENT ROTARY BRAKE 1 see sep. list
3 000 904 02 01 nut M8 3
4 131 547 14 01 fork clevis 1 =>|W4X131S03654
4 131 547 14 06 fork clevis steering column 1 W4X131S03655=>|W4X131W03204
4 131 547 14 05 fork clevis 1 W4X131W03205|=>
5 309 543 11 00 pipe 1
6 003 922 39 02 tension spring 1
7 131 547 22 00 shaft 2
8 9 048 316 126 screw socket head DIN 7984 M6x12-8.8-A2C 2
9 000 965 26 00 spring element DIN 95363 B30x20-M8x16-NR70St 1 =>|W4X131W03204
9 000 965 26 35 spring element M8-25,5x15-P60 1 000 965 26 52 W4X131W03205|=>
9 000 965 26 52 spring element M8x15-NBR70 1
10 000 965 25 07 spring element DIN 95364 D25x16-M6x18,5-NR60St 1 000 965 26 43
10 000 965 26 43 spring element 1 T20AP=>|W4X131U01093
10a 003 964 45 01 stop rubber 1 T20AP W4X131U01094|=>
L16AS W4X131U01297|=>
11 9 308 003 018 washer ISO 7093-1 8-200HV-A2C 1
12 9 008 311 186 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x30-8.8-A2C 1
13 7 9154 96 094 microswitch 2
14 000 955 22 28 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-16X15-W1-1 1
15 003 955 22 01 pipe clip DIN 3016-1 1
16 9 045 316 126 socket head screw ISO 4762 M6x12-8.8-A2C 2
17 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 2
18 131 436 36 01 flat 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/467 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

19 000 908 23 06 blind rivet 4,8x15,6x1,8Al 2
20 9 135 339 243 threaded pin DIN 915 M10x35-8.8 1
21 000 955 20 22 pipe clip 12x25x3 1
22 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 1
23 9 308 003 018 washer ISO 7093-1 8-200HV-A2C 1
24 000 904 02 01 nut M8 1
25 131 543 22 00 support 1
26 9 062 316 038 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M3x16-8.8-A2C 2

04 27 9 210 281 040 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M3-8-A2C 2

28 9 323 620 008 spring washer DIN 137 B3-A2C 4
29 9 045 316 038 socket head screw ISO 4762 M3x16-8.8-A2C 2
30 9 045 316 034 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M3x8-8.8-A2C 2
31 131 436 08 03 bolt 1
32 7 9149 90 627 cable grommet 28/20x6 1
33 131 543 22 01 support 1 W4X131S03655|=>
34 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 1
35 9 045 311 186 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8 1
36 000 904 02 01 nut M8 1
37 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
38 309 543 11 01 pipe 1 W4X131U01094|=>
39 000 901 30 21 button head screw M6x16-10.9-ULF-A2R 1 W4X131U01094|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
04/467 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



04/492 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 430 13 09 support assy. tiller 1
2 - retainer plate 1 see sep. list
3 000 904 02 01 nut M8 3
4 131 547 14 05 fork clevis 1
5 309 543 11 00 pipe 1
6 003 922 39 02 tension spring 1
7 131 547 22 00 shaft 2
8 9 048 316 126 screw socket head DIN 7984 M6x12-8.8-A2C 2
9 000 965 26 35 spring element M8-25,5x15-P60 1 000 965 26 52
9 000 965 26 52 spring element M8x15-NBR70 1
10 000 965 26 43 spring element 1 P50=>|W4X13101389
10a 003 964 45 01 stop rubber 1 P50 W4X13101390|=>
L16AS W4X131U01297|=>
11 9 308 003 018 washer ISO 7093-1 8-200HV-A2C 1
12 9 008 311 186 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x30-8.8-A2C 1
13 7 9154 96 094 microswitch 2
14 000 955 22 28 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-16X15-W1-1 1
15 003 955 22 01 pipe clip DIN 3016-1 1
16 9 045 316 126 socket head screw ISO 4762 M6x12-8.8-A2C 2
17 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 2
18 131 436 36 01 flat 1
19 000 908 23 06 blind rivet 4,8x15,6x1,8Al 2
20 9 135 339 243 threaded pin DIN 915 M10x35-8.8 1
21 000 955 20 22 pipe clip 12x25x3 1
22 000 904 02 01 nut M8 1
23 7 9149 90 627 cable grommet 28/20x6 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/492 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

24 131 436 08 03 bolt 1
25 131 543 22 00 support 1
26 9 062 316 038 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M3x16-8.8-A2C 2
27 9 210 281 040 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M3-8-A2C 2
28 9 323 620 008 spring washer DIN 137 B3-A2C 2
29 9 045 316 038 socket head screw ISO 4762 M3x16-8.8-A2C 2
30 9 045 316 034 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M3x8-8.8-A2C 2
31 131 432 17 00 spacer 1

04 32 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 1

33 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 1
34 131 543 22 01 support 1
35 9 045 311 186 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8 1
36 000 904 02 01 nut M8 1
37 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2
38 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 1
39 309 543 11 01 pipe 1 W4X131U01297|=>
40 000 901 30 21 button head screw M6x16-10.9-ULF-A2R 1 W4X131U01297|=>

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
04/492 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014
tiller assy. SP



04/487 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

tiller assy. SP

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

309 540 58 25 tiller assy. 1 POS. 1->42
309 540 58 26 tiller assy. 1 COLD STORE
1 309 547 19 11 housing 1
2 309 547 18 04 covering 2
3 003 931 08 10 handle 1
4 000 901 54 09 cutting screw 7x40-A2B 2
5 309 004 39 01 steering assy. 1
6 003 973 16 08 signal button 1 003 973 16 13
6 003 973 16 13 signal button 1
7 000 914 70 13 washer 8x18x1,4-A2R-NFE 1
8 9 007 311 206 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M8x110-8.8-A2C 1
9 003 973 29 04 knob 1
10 000 901 54 09 cutting screw 7x40-A2B 4
11 9 292 003 010 washer ISO 7089 A4,3-ST50-A2C 4
12 9 045 316 076 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M4x30-8.8-A2C 4
13 000 931 40 37 clamp 1
14 309 363 14 06 support 1 =>|W4X131Z00000
15 000 955 22 28 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-16X15-W1-1 1
16 000 904 02 03 nut M6 1 =>|W4X131Z00000
16 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 1 9 323 620 014 W4X131Z00001|=>
17 9 008 311 186 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x30-8.8-A2C 1
18 9 308 003 018 washer ISO 7093-1 8-200HV-A2C 1
19 003 912 10 32 bolt 1
20 003 922 75 08 torsion spring 1
21 - retainer plate 1 see sep. list
22 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 2
23 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/487 /01
tiller assy. SP

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

24 000 904 02 01 nut M8 3
25 131 438 14 00 support 1 131 438 14 09 =>|W4X131D02417
25 131 438 14 09 support 1 W4X131D02418|=>
26 309 381 04 22 wiring harness 1 309 381 04 55 =>|W4X131D02417
26 309 381 04 55 wiring harness tiller 1 W4X131D02418|=>
27 7 9125 01 505 plug housing 16-poles 1 1X5
28 7 9125 01 008 tab 16
29 309 540 40 07 console assy. 1 309 540 40 10 REP.30->39

04 29 309 540 40 10 console assy. 1 REP.30->39

30 309 547 20 05 guard plate 1 309 547 20 06
30 309 547 20 06 guard plate 1
31 309 527 03 05 lever 1
32 9 186 353 253 cutting screw 3,5x35-10.9-A2C 6
33 9 223 056 060 square nut DIN 562 M4-04-A2C 4 309 543 28 00
33 309 543 28 00 nut 4
34 309 004 11 01 drive shaft 1
35 7 9164 00 105 potentiometer 1
36 9 186 353 301 cutting screw 4x25-10.9-A2C 3
37 309 527 03 00 lever 1
38 003 922 51 01 leaf spring 1
39 309 360 70 06 printed circuit board assy. 1
40 9 008 311 132 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x20-8.8-A2C 1 9 008 311 128 =>|W4X131Z00000
40 9 008 311 128 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x16-8.8-A2C 1 W4X131Z00001|=>
41 003 970 37 08 resistor assy. 1 COLD STORE
42 003 914 08 01 washer 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
04/487 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014
retainer plate



04/480 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

retainer plate

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

309 547 10 05 retainer plate 1 309 547 10 07
309 547 10 07 retainer plate 1 309 540 09 00 W4X131T04652|=>
309 547 10 07 retainer plate 1 309 540 09 00 W4X132T02205|=>
309 540 09 00 steering gearbox assy. pivot 1 W4X131Z01174|=>
309 540 09 00 steering gearbox assy. pivot 1 W4X132Z00982|=>
309 540 09 00 steering gearbox assy. pivot 1 W4X133Z00376|=>
1 131 500 90 00 spare part kit 1 =>|W4X131Z01173
1 131 500 90 00 spare part kit 1 =>|W4X121Z00981
1 131 500 90 00 spare part kit 1 =>|W4X133Z00375

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/480 /01



04/201 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 504 70 00 electromagnetic brake 1 =>|W4X131U01248
T20/24 AP/SP POS.1=>8
131 504 70 06 electromagnetic brake 1 131 504 70 08 W4X131U01249|=>
T20/24 AP/SP POS.1=>8
131 504 70 08 electromagnetic brake 1 T20/24 AP/SP POS.1=>8
132 504 70 00 electromagnetic brake 1 132 504 70 04 N20 POS.1=>8
132 504 70 04 electromagnetic brake 1 N20 POS.1=>8
132 504 70 01 electromagnetic brake hydraulic 1 132 504 70 03 N20/N24 HP POS.1=>8
132 504 70 03 electromagnetic brake 1 N20/N24 HP POS.1=>8
132 504 70 01 electromagnetic brake hydraulic 1 132 504 70 03 N20L-LI POS.1=>8 04
132 504 70 03 electromagnetic brake 1 N20L-LI POS.1=>8
132 504 70 01 electromagnetic brake hydraulic 1 132 504 70 03 L16AS POS.1=>8
132 504 70 03 electromagnetic brake 1 L16AS POS.1=>8
1 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1
2 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
3 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1
4 000 951 24 06 pipe adaptor 1
5 131 504 90 00 set of linings 1
6 149 504 09 00 reamer 1 131 504 01 00
6 131 504 01 00 brake disc 1
7 131 504 09 00 flange 1
8 141 504 74 02 hub 1
9 131 504 30 00 plate aluminium 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/201 /01
elect. magnet brake ACC =>W4X131A01097



04/202 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

elect. magnet brake ACC =>W4X131A01097

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 504 70 02 electromagnetic brake 1 =>|W4X132U00624
P30 POS. 1->8
131 504 70 02 electromagnetic brake 1 =>|W4X131U00861
P50 POS. 1->8
131 504 70 03 electromagnetic brake 1 W4X132U00625|=>
P30 POS. 1->8
131 504 70 03 electromagnetic brake 1 W4X131U00862|=>
P50 POS. 1->8
131 504 70 02 electromagnetic brake 1 =>|W4X131U00482
L16AS POS. 1->8
131 504 70 03 electromagnetic brake 1 W4X131U00483|=>
L16AS POS. 1->8
131 504 70 02 electromagnetic brake 1 =>|W4X131U01268
T30 POS. 1->8
131 504 70 03 electromagnetic brake 1 W4X131U01269|=>
T30 POS. 1->8
1 377 504 01 01 rotor LD 3775040101 1
2 377 504 09 01 flange 1
3 003 901 90 04 screw 1
4 141 504 74 02 hub 1
5 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 3
6 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 3

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/202 /01
elect. magnet brake ACC W4X131A01098=>



04/220 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

elect. magnet brake ACC W4X131A01098=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 504 70 07 electromagnetic brake 1 131 504 70 09 POS.1->6
131 504 70 09 electromagnetic brake 1 POS.1->6
1 377 504 01 01 rotor LD 3775040101 1
2 131 504 09 00 flange 1
3 003 901 90 06 screw set 1
4 141 504 74 02 hub 1
5 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 3
6 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 3


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/220 /01



04/301 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 003 990 23 08 solid wheel assy. 1 CUSHION
1 003 990 23 11 solid wheel polyurethane 254/102-185 1 POLYURETHANE
1 003 990 23 12 solid wheel assy. 1 CUSHION NO MARKING
1 003 990 23 18 solid wheel assy. 1 POLYURETHANE SLIPPERY GROUND
1 003 990 23 39 solid wheel assy. 1 003 990 23 43 Climat tropical
1 003 990 23 43 solid wheel assy. 1 Climat tropical
2 9 270 341 156 wheel nut DIN 74361 A14-10-A2C 5


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/301 /01



04/310 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 000 923 03 40 bush DIN 1494 30Wx34x15-T2 4
2 003 993 36 03 roller LD 0039933603 85x85x12 4
2 003 993 36 40 roller polyurethane 85x85x12 75SH 4 NON MARQUANT 75sh
2 003 993 36 48 roller 85x85x12 4 ECO polyurethane wheels
2 003 990 52 53 roller 4 003 990 36 06 Climat tropical
2 003 990 36 06 roller assy. 4 Climat tropical
3 360 851 17 02 bearing flange 4
4 9 048 346 316 socket-head screw DIN 7984 M12x100-10.9-DAC 4


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/310 /01
load castor assembly



04/311 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

load castor assembly

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 000 905 25 20 ring nut M12 1
2 003 916 50 04 collar bushing 1
3 003 993 36 04 roller LD 0039933604 85x110x12 1
3 003 993 36 49 roller 85x110x12 1 ECO polyurethane wheels
3 003 990 35 48 roller assy. 1 Climat tropical
4 9 048 346 319 socket head screw DIN 7984 M12x120-10.9-DAC 1
5 9 380 627 207 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 4x12-A-ST 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/311 /01



04/318 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

360 450 55 00 support wheel assy. LD 3604505500 2 POS. 1->14
360 450 55 15 support wheel assy. 2 POS.1->15 - COLD STORE
1 360 456 03 10 fork 2
2 000 964 01 01 spring element 10,5x25x40-88Shore A 4
3 360 450 55 06 support wheel assy. 2
3 360 450 55 11 bearing 1 COLD STORE
4 000 993 38 00 castor wheel 2 003 990 35 19
4 003 990 35 19 roller assy. 2
4 003 990 35 76 roller assy. 100x40x15 2 ECO polyurethane wheels
5 360 456 05 10 thread guard LD 3604560510 2
6 000 912 10 21 pin 15x73,5 2
7 360 456 09 01 clamping bush 4
8 9 380 627 306 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 6x12-A-ST 2
9 9 029 311 180 hexagon head screw WN 14120 M8x20-8.8-A2C-Ripp 4
10 003 901 90 01 screw 1 COLD STORE
10 9 007 316 318 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M12x110-8.8-A2C 1
11 9 220 317 140 hexagon nut ISO 7040 M12-8-A2C 2
12 9 456 622 657 locking ring DIN 472 80x2,5 2
13 9 503 092 730 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6307-2RS 2
14 9 455 622 386 locking ring DIN 471 35x1,5 2
15 9 607 021 060 lubricating nipple (cone) DIN 71412 AM6 2 COLD STORE
16 131 401 09 32 support 2
17 9 045 316 304 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M12x45-8.8-A2C 4
18 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4
19 9 045 316 304 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M12x45-8.8-A2C 4
20 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 04/318 /01


06/135 00 - 03 circuit diagram
06/150 00 - 03 circuit diagram ACC BOOSTER
06/412 00 - 01 plug
06/827 00 - 03 MAIN HARNESS L16 AS
06/828 00 - 04 MAIN HARNESS AP


14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31

circuit diagram



06/135 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

circuit diagram

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 360 68 09 plate assy. 1 =>|W4X131U00482
2 131 360 60 15 support assy. 1
2 131 360 60 21 support assy. 1 W4X131U00483|=>
3 131 363 12 25 support 1
4 7 9156 92 512 contactor 1
5 7 9156 92 028 contactor 1 003 970 35 26
5 003 970 35 26 contactor assy. 1 W4X131T01740|=>
6 131 363 17 02 protective cover 1
7 7 9164 99 011 potentiometer 1
8 7 9160 40 027 type fuse-link 250A-ROSA 1 250A
9 7 9160 40 070 fuse link 1 80A
10 000 976 14 19 fan 24V/5,3W 1
- 9 113 604 378 self tapping screw ISO 7049 ST4,8x16-C-H-A2C 3
11 003 905 08 00 captive nut - cage nut M10/3,3-4,7 1
12 390 360 88 48 steering control assy. LES-40/10 SC07 1 390 360 88 69 =>|W4X131Z00811
12 390 360 88 69 steering control assy. LES-40/10 SC09 1 390 360 88 67 W4X131Z00812|=>W4X131Z02078 06
12 390 360 88 67 steering control assy. LES-40/11 SC02 1 390 360 88 92 W4X131Z02079|=>W4X131A023821
12 390 360 88 92 steering controller assy. LES-40/11 SC1 1 W4X131A02382|=>
13 000 904 02 02 nut M5 4
14 390 360 85 10 impulse control system assy. LAC-03/12 1 390 360 85 16 =>|W4X131T02849
14 390 360 85 16 impulse control system assy. LAC-03/12 1 390 360 85 36 W4X131T02850|=>W4X131Z02078
14 390 360 85 36 impulse control system assy. LAC-03/33 1 390 360 85 77 W4X131Z02079|=>W4X131A03412
14 390 360 85 77 1 W4X131A03413|=>
15 131 363 38 00 washer 3
16 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 3
17 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 3
18 131 360 60 14 support assy. 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/135 /01
circuit diagram

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

19 131 360 60 16 support assy. 1 131 360 60 27
19 131 360 60 27 support assy. 1
20 000 955 26 22 cable clip 2
21 000 931 40 22 clamp 1
22 000 908 23 14 blind rivet 4x5,7 Al 2
23 003 970 90 03 cable assy. 1
24 003 970 90 04 cable assy. 1
25 003 970 90 05 cable assy. 1
26 003 977 95 05 electric cable 1
27 7 9153 99 114 knob emergency stop 1
28 144 363 17 00 sealant 1
29 7 9154 91 610 emergency off switch 1 7 9154 91 613
29 7 9154 91 613 emergency off switch 1 7 9154 91 622
29 7 9154 91 622 emergency off switch 1
30 7 9154 96 340 proximity switch 1

06 31 131 363 17 00 seal 1

32 7 9154 92 618 ignition and starting switch 1 ALONGSIDE
32 7 9154 92 617 ignition and starting switch 1 ABOARD
33 003 973 04 04 key x2 (802) 1 ALONGSIDE
33 003 973 04 03 latchkey 1 ABOARD
34 131 381 06 05 main harness 1 131 381 06 17
34 131 381 06 17 main harness 1
34 131 381 06 12 main harness 1 AP
35 131 381 03 10 wiring harness 1
36 131 381 03 09 wiring harness 1 133 381 05 02 WITH BOOSTER
36 133 381 05 02 main harness 1 WITH BOOSTER
36 131 380 05 04 cable assy. 1 WITHOUT BOOSTER

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
06/135 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014
circuit diagram

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

37 131 360 60 01 support assy. 1
38 131 360 60 18 support assy. connector 1
39 7 9189 15 312 signal transmitter 1
40 7 9149 50 986 cable tie 2x110 1
41 7 9190 95 004 fuse holder 1
42 7 9190 86 804 fuse link DIN 72581 ds7,5-C7,5-32V 1
43 131 360 60 17 support assy. 1
44 131 363 17 01 protective cover 1
45 131 381 03 03 harness 1
46 7 9162 53 715 relay 24V 1 7 9162 91 265 =>|W4X131D02961
46 7 9162 91 265 relay 24V-40A 1 W4X131D02962|=>
47 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2
48 131 381 03 02 harness platform 1 SP
49 131 363 12 39 support connector 1 AP
50 000 973 13 11 relay 24V 10/20A 1 AP
51 000 904 02 06 hexagon nut 1 AP 06
52 131 381 03 21 harness 1 AP

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/135 /03
circuit diagram ACC BOOSTER



06/150 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

circuit diagram ACC BOOSTER

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

- 9 113 604 378 self tapping screw ISO 7049 ST4,8x16-C-H-A2C 3
1 131 360 68 15 plate assy. 1 W4X131A00090|=>
1 131 360 68 09 plate assy. 1 =>|W4X131A00089
2 131 360 60 15 support assy. 1 =>|W4X131U00482
2 131 360 60 21 support assy. 1 W4X131U00483|=>
3 131 363 12 25 support 1
4 7 9156 92 512 contactor 1 7 9156 92 100
4 7 9156 92 100 contactor 24V 1
5 003 970 35 26 contactor assy. 1 W4X131T01740|=>
5 7 9156 92 028 contactor 1 003 970 35 26
6 131 363 17 02 protective cover 1
7 7 9164 99 011 potentiometer 1
8 7 9160 40 027 type fuse-link 250A-ROSA 1 250A
9 7 9160 40 070 fuse link 1 80A
10 000 976 14 19 fan 24V/5,3W 1
11 003 905 08 00 captive nut - cage nut M10/3,3-4,7 1 06
12 390 360 88 48 steering control assy. LES-40/10 SC07 1 =>|W4X131Z01222
for traction motor 1,5 kW
12 390 360 88 67 steering control assy. LES-40/11 SC02 1 390 360 88 92 W4X131Z01223|=>W4X131A02381
for traction motor 3 kW
12 390 360 88 92 steering controller assy. LES-40/11 SC1 1 390 360 84 09 W4X131A02382|=>W4X131D03453
12 390 360 84 09 steering controller assy. LES-40/12 SC0 1 W4X131D03454|=>
13 000 904 02 02 nut M5 4
14 390 360 85 10 impulse control system assy. LAC-03/12 1 390 360 85 16 =>|W4X131T02849
14 390 360 85 16 impulse control system assy. LAC-03/12 1 390 360 85 69 W4X131T02850|=>W4X131Z01222
for traction motor 1,5 kW
14 390 360 85 36 impulse control system assy. LAC-03/33 1 390 360 85 77 W4X131Z01223|=>W4X131A03412
for traction motor 3 kW

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/150 /01
circuit diagram ACC BOOSTER

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

14 390 360 85 77 1 390 360 87 51 W4X131A03413|=>W4X131D033453
for traction motor 3 kW
14 390 360 87 51 controller assy. LAC-03/34 CC06 1 W4X131D033454|=>
15 131 363 38 01 washer 3 W4X131A00090|=>
15 131 363 38 00 washer 3 =>|W4X131A00089
16 9 045 311 180 socket head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 3
17 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 3
18 131 360 60 26 support assy. 1 W4X131A00090|=>
18 131 360 60 14 support assy. 1 =>|W4X131A00089
19 131 360 60 27 support assy. 1
19 131 360 60 16 support assy. 1 131 360 60 27
20 000 955 26 22 cable clip 2
21 000 904 02 06 hexagon nut 1 AP
22 131 381 03 21 harness 1 AP
23 003 970 90 03 cable assy. 1
24 003 970 90 04 cable assy. 1
06 25 003 970 90 05 cable assy. 1
26 003 977 95 05 electric cable 1
27 7 9153 99 114 knob emergency stop 1
28 144 363 17 00 sealant 1
29 7 9154 91 622 emergency off switch 1
29 7 9154 91 613 emergency off switch 1 7 9154 91 622
29 7 9154 91 610 emergency off switch 1 7 9154 91 613
30 7 9154 96 340 proximity switch 1
31 131 363 17 00 seal 1
32 7 9154 92 617 ignition and starting switch 1 ABOARD
32 7 9154 92 618 ignition and starting switch 1 ALONGSIDE

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
06/150 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014
circuit diagram ACC BOOSTER

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

33 003 973 04 03 latchkey 1 ABOARD
33 003 973 04 04 key x2 (802) 1 ALONGSIDE
34 131 381 06 17 main harness 1
34 131 381 06 05 main harness 1 131 381 06 17
34 131 381 06 12 main harness 1 AP
35 131 381 03 10 wiring harness 1
36 131 380 05 04 cable assy. 1 WITHOUT BOOSTER
36 131 381 03 09 wiring harness 1 133 381 05 02 WITH BOOSTER
36 133 381 05 02 main harness 1 WITH BOOSTER
37 131 360 60 01 support assy. 1
38 131 360 60 18 support assy. connector 1
39 7 9189 15 312 signal transmitter 1
40 7 9149 50 986 cable tie 2x110 1
41 7 9190 95 004 fuse holder 1
42 7 9190 86 804 fuse link DIN 72581 ds7,5-C7,5-32V 1
43 131 360 60 17 support assy. 1 06
44 131 363 17 01 protective cover 1
45 131 381 03 03 harness 1
46 7 9162 53 715 relay 24V 1
47 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2
48 131 381 03 02 harness platform 1 SP
49 131 363 12 39 support connector 1 AP
50 000 973 13 11 relay 24V 10/20A 1 AP

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/150 /03



06/412 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 003 975 05 02 socket 1
2 7 9150 03 371 plug 160A-35mm2-150V 1
3 7 9100 50 282 line 1x35mm2-schwarz 1000mm
4 7 9100 50 282 line 1x35mm2-schwarz 950mm
5 7 9105 60 840 hose insulating DIN 40621 B25x1,2-natur 460mm
6 7 9174 15 626 sensor 1 SIDE EXIT
7 7 9105 60 840 hose insulating DIN 40621 B25x1,2-natur 500mm
8 7 9125 03 812 housing tab 2-pole 1 SIDE EXIT
9 7 9149 99 016 washer 2-pole 2 SIDE EXIT
10 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 2 SIDE EXIT
11 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 2 SIDE EXIT
12 7 9100 50 282 line 1x35mm2-schwarz 1260mm 1X35MM2 LG=1260MM L+


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/412 /01



06/827 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

- 131 381 06 05 main harness 1 131 381 06 17 POS.1->65
- 131 381 06 17 main harness 1 131 381 03 65 POS.1->65
- 131 381 03 65 cable harness 1 POS.1->65
1 7 9125 03 409 housing tab 1 1X1
2 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 1X1
3 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X1
4 7 9125 03 770 contactor microtim-0,5 1 1X1
5 7 9149 99 017 gasket 0,5-0,75 grau 7 1X1
6 7 9149 99 024 stopper 1 1X1
7 7 9125 03 835 housing 4-pole 1 1X2
8 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 42 1X2
9 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X2
10 7 9125 03 817 housing tab 2-pole 1 3X6
11 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 3 3X6
12 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 3X6
13 7 9190 95 004 fuse holder 1 1F3 06
14 7 9190 86 804 fuse link DIN 72581 ds7,5-C7,5-32V 1 1F3
15 7 9125 03 811 housing tab 2-pole 1 7X6
16 7 9149 99 016 washer 2-pole 1 7X6
17 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 1X25
18 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X25
19 7 9125 03 149 housing tab 6-pole 1 X13
20 7 9149 99 023 seal 6-pole 1 X13
21 7 9125 03 811 housing tab 2-pole 1 1X20
22 7 9149 99 016 washer 2-pole 1 1X20
23 7 9125 33 120 housing 1 1X9
24 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 1X9

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/827 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

25 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X9
26 7 9125 08 120 connector plug 1 3X3
27 7 9150 09 991 wedge 1 3X3
28 7 9125 01 410 bush 1 3X3
29 7 9125 03 860 housing 29-poles 24 3X1
30 7 9149 99 015 protective cover AMP 1 3X1
31 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 3X1
32 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 3X1
33 7 9125 03 811 housing tab 2-pole 1 2X61
34 7 9149 99 016 washer 2-pole 1 2X61
35 7 9125 03 123 plug housing 6-pole 1 1X29
36 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 1X29
37 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X29
38 7 9125 01 540 plug housing 10-poles 1 6X2
39 7 9125 33 354 seal 1 6X2

06 40 003 961 91 01 seal 1 6X2

41 7 9125 03 146 housing 2-pole 1 2X23
42 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 2X23
43 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 2X23
44 7 9125 15 526 connector 1 2X24
45 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 2X24
46 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 2X24
47 7 9150 06 016 plug 1 6X7
48 000 905 90 00 nut 1 6X7
49 000 975 50 09 cover 1 6X7
50 7 9159 61 315 cap 1 6X7
51 7 9125 03 063 contact 1 6X7

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
06/827 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

52 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 6X7
53 7 9149 99 025 stopper 1 6X7
54 7 9125 03 804 bushing housing 2pol grau 1 7X9
55 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 7X9
56 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1
57 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1 X2
58 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 X2
59 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 X2
60 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1 9X11
61 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 9X11
62 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 9X11
63 7 9125 03 145 housing 3-poles 1 7X7
64 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 7X7
65 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 7X7


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/827 /03



06/828 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

- 131 381 06 12 main harness 1 131 381 03 65 POS. 1=> 84
- 131 381 03 65 cable harness 1 POS. 1=> 84
1 7 9125 03 409 housing tab 1 1X1
2 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 42 1X1
3 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X1
4 7 9125 03 770 contactor microtim-0,5 1 1X1
5 7 9149 99 017 gasket 0,5-0,75 grau 1 1X1
6 7 9149 99 024 stopper 1 1X1
7 7 9125 03 835 housing 4-pole 1 1X2
8 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 4 1X2
9 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X2
10 7 9125 03 817 housing tab 2-pole 1 3X6
11 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 3 3X6
12 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 3X6
13 7 9125 03 811 housing tab 2-pole 1 7X6
14 7 9149 99 016 washer 2-pole 1 7X6 06
15 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 7X6
16 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 7X6
17 7 9125 03 812 housing tab 2-pole 1 1X25
18 7 9149 99 016 washer 2-pole 1 1X25
19 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 1X25
20 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X25
21 7 9125 03 149 housing tab 6-pole 1 X13
22 7 9149 99 023 seal 6-pole 1 X13
23 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 X13
24 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 X13
25 7 9125 03 811 housing tab 2-pole 1 1X20

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/828 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

26 7 9149 99 016 washer 2-pole 1 1X20
27 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 1X20
28 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X20
29 7 9125 33 120 housing 1 1X9
30 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 1X9
31 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X9
32 7 9125 08 120 connector plug 1 3X3
33 7 9150 09 991 wedge 1 3X3
34 7 9125 01 410 bush 1 3X3
35 7 9125 03 860 housing 29-poles 1 3X1
36 7 9149 99 015 protective cover AMP 1 3X1
37 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 25 3X1
38 7 9125 03 119 plug housing 16-poles 1 3X1
39 7 9125 03 149 housing tab 6-pole 1 1X3
40 7 9149 99 023 seal 6-pole 1 1X3

06 41 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 15 1X3

42 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X3
43 7 9125 03 811 housing tab 2-pole 1 2X61
44 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 2X61
45 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 2X61
46 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 2X61
47 7 9125 03 122 housing tab 4-pole 1 2X9
48 7 9149 99 023 seal 6-pole 1 2X9
49 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 2X9
50 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 2X9
51 7 9125 03 123 plug housing 6-pole 1 1X28
52 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 5 1X28

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
06/828 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

53 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 1X28
54 7 9125 01 540 plug housing 10-poles 1 6X2
55 7 9125 33 354 seal 1 6X2
56 003 961 91 01 seal 1 6X2
57 7 9125 03 147 plug housing 4 polig-schwarz 1 2X9
58 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 2X9
59 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 2X9
60 7 9125 03 146 housing 2-pole 1 2X23
61 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 2X23
62 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 2X23
63 7 9125 15 526 connector 1 2X24
64 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 2X24
65 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 2X24
66 7 9125 03 145 housing 3-poles 1 7X7
67 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 3 7X7
68 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 7X7 06
69 7 9150 06 016 plug 1 6X7
70 000 905 90 00 nut 1 6X7
71 000 975 50 09 cover 1 6X7
72 7 9159 61 315 cap 1 6X7
73 7 9125 03 063 contact 4 6X7
74 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 6X7
75 7 9149 99 025 stopper 1 6X7
76 7 9125 03 804 bushing housing 2pol grau 1 7X9
77 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 7X9
78 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 7X9
79 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1 X2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 06/828 /03

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

80 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 X2
81 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 X2
82 7 9125 03 121 bushing housing 2pol sw 1 9X11
83 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 9X11
84 7 9149 99 019 gasket 0,35-1,0 blau 1 9X11


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
06/828 /04 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Register 07 : HYDRAULIC UNIT

07/153 00 - 01 HYDRAULIC UNIT ACC/AP
07/160 00 - 01 HYDRAULIC UNIT SP
07/263 00 - 02 PUMP MOTOR UNIT STANDART =>W4X131A00759
07/300 00 - 02 PUMP MOTOR UNIT STANDART W4X131A00760=>
07/264 00 - 02 PUMP MOTOR UNIT BOOSTER =>W4X131A00759
07/298 00 - 02 PUMP MOTOR UNIT BOOSTER W4X131A00760=>


14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31




07/153 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - pump aggregat 1 see sep. list
2 003 964 45 01 stop rubber 4
3 000 901 30 24 button head screw ISO 7380 M8x35-10.9 4
4 000 904 02 01 nut M8 4
5 131 380 05 04 cable assy. 1 WITHOUT BOOSTER
5 131 381 03 09 wiring harness 2 133 381 05 02 WITH BOOSTER
5 133 381 05 02 main harness 2 WITH BOOSTER
6 131 440 15 05 pipe assy. 1 AP/SP
7 131 448 40 07 flexible formed hose 2
8 9 721 000 212 pipe union ISO 8434-1 L12-St-CFS 2
9 000 955 22 30 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-12x15-W1-1 1
10 131 448 40 08 flexible formed hose 1 3PZS
10 131 448 40 09 flexible formed hose 1 4PZS
10 131 448 40 10 flexible formed hose 1 5PZS
11 131 441 58 04 support pump unit 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 07/153 /01



07/160 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - pump aggregat 1 see sep. list
2 003 964 45 01 stop rubber 4
3 000 901 30 24 button head screw ISO 7380 M8x35-10.9 2
4 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
5 131 380 05 04 cable assy. 1 WITHOUT BOOSTER
5 131 381 03 09 wiring harness 2 133 381 05 02 WITH BOOSTER
5 133 381 05 02 main harness 2 WITH BOOSTER
6 131 440 15 05 pipe assy. 1 AP/SP
7 131 448 40 07 flexible formed hose 2
8 9 721 000 212 pipe union ISO 8434-1 L12-St-CFS 2
9 000 955 22 30 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-12x15-W1-1 1
10 131 448 40 08 flexible formed hose 1 3PZS
10 131 448 40 09 flexible formed hose 1 4PZS
10 131 448 40 10 flexible formed hose 1 5PZS
11 131 441 58 04 support pump unit 1
12 131 360 60 23 support assy. 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 07/160 /01



07/263 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

003 981 08 06 pump unit 1 POS.1->27
1 000 976 09 26 pump motor 1
2 7 9180 91 007 carbon brush assy. 1
3 000 983 99 36 spacer ring 1
4 000 944 12 53 valve 1 2Y3
5 000 944 12 54 valve 1 2Y11
6 000 944 11 07 pressure control valve 1
7 000 951 24 60 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12xG1/2A-type E-CFS-V80 1
8 9 721 002 110 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L10xG1/4A-type E-CFS-V80 1
9 000 944 50 01 pressure transformer 1
10 000 983 08 71 filter 1
11 000 903 40 16 screw plug M27x0,75/SW10 1
12 000 944 33 46 pressure relief valve 1
13 131 357 06 00 coupling 1
14 000 963 10 47 O-ring ISO 3601-1 101,19x3,53-NBR80 1
15 000 955 50 58 clip 1
16 000 983 70 09 suction filter 1
17 000 951 51 18 plug 1 000 951 51 42
17 000 951 51 42 plug 1
18 000 983 95 02 oil tank 1
19 9 464 620 140 snap ring DIN 7993 A14 1
20 000 963 01 69 O-ring 14x2,5-FKM80 1
21 000 963 20 47 O-ring 17x2-FKM80 1
22 000 963 21 62 o-ring 19,4x2,1-FKM80 2
23 000 963 02 43 O-ring ISO 3601-1 21,89x2,62-V80 2
24 000 963 00 62 O-ring 18x1-NBR70 2
25 000 963 21 86 O-ring 19,18x2,46-NBR80 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 07/263 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

26 003 983 02 00 screen filter 1
27 000 944 17 60 non-return valve 1
28 000 903 40 17 sealing plug 1
29 000 963 02 95 O-ring 28,3x1,68-NBR90 1
30 000 915 90 39 clip 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
07/263 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



07/300 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

003 981 08 59 pump-motor unit L16AS 1 POS.1->27
1 000 976 09 26 pump motor 1
2 7 9180 91 007 carbon brush assy. 1
3 000 983 99 36 spacer ring 1
4 000 944 12 81 valve 1 2Y3
5 000 944 12 54 valve 1 2Y11
6 000 944 11 07 pressure control valve 1
7 000 951 24 60 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12xG1/2A-type E-CFS-V80 1
8 9 721 002 110 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L10xG1/4A-type E-CFS-V80 1
9 000 944 50 02 pressure transformer 1
10 000 983 08 71 filter 1
11 000 903 40 16 screw plug M27x0,75/SW10 1
12 000 944 33 46 pressure relief valve 1
13 131 357 06 00 coupling 1
14 000 963 10 47 O-ring ISO 3601-1 101,19x3,53-NBR80 1
15 000 955 50 70 clip 1
16 000 983 70 09 suction filter 1
17 000 951 51 42 plug 1
18 000 983 95 02 oil tank 1
19 9 464 620 140 snap ring DIN 7993 A14 1
20 000 963 01 69 O-ring 14x2,5-FKM80 1
21 000 963 20 47 O-ring 17x2-FKM80 1
22 000 963 21 62 o-ring 19,4x2,1-FKM80 2
23 000 963 02 43 O-ring ISO 3601-1 21,89x2,62-V80 2
24 000 963 00 62 O-ring 18x1-NBR70 2
25 000 963 21 86 O-ring 19,18x2,46-NBR80 1
26 003 983 02 00 screen filter 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 07/300 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

27 000 944 17 60 non-return valve 1
28 000 903 40 17 sealing plug 1
29 000 963 02 95 O-ring 28,3x1,68-NBR90 1
30 000 915 90 39 clip 1
31 131 343 01 00 pipe 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
07/300 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



07/264 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

003 981 08 07 pump unit 1 POS.1->33
1 000 976 09 26 pump motor 1
2 7 9180 91 007 carbon brush assy. 1
3 000 983 99 36 spacer ring 1
4 000 944 12 53 valve 1 2Y3
5 000 944 12 54 valve 1 2Y11
6 000 944 11 07 pressure control valve 1
7 000 951 24 60 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12xG1/2A-type E-CFS-V80 1
8 9 721 002 110 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L10xG1/4A-type E-CFS-V80 1
9 000 944 50 01 pressure transformer 1 000 944 50 03
9 000 944 50 03 pressure transformer 1
10 000 983 08 71 filter 1
11 000 903 40 16 screw plug M27x0,75/SW10 1
12 000 944 33 46 pressure relief valve 1
13 131 357 06 01 coupling 1
14 000 963 10 47 O-ring ISO 3601-1 101,19x3,53-NBR80 1
15 000 955 50 58 clip 1
16 000 983 70 09 suction filter 1
17 000 951 51 18 plug 1 000 951 51 42
17 000 951 51 42 plug 1
18 000 983 95 02 oil tank 1
19 9 464 620 140 snap ring DIN 7993 A14 1
20 000 963 01 69 O-ring 14x2,5-FKM80 1
21 000 963 20 47 O-ring 17x2-FKM80 1
22 000 963 21 62 o-ring 19,4x2,1-FKM80 1
23 000 963 02 43 O-ring ISO 3601-1 21,89x2,62-V80 3
24 000 963 00 62 O-ring 18x1-NBR70 3

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 07/264 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

25 000 963 21 86 O-ring 19,18x2,46-NBR80 1
26 003 983 02 00 screen filter 1
27 000 944 17 60 non-return valve 1
28 000 944 12 69 valve electric 1 2Y13
29 000 963 21 72 O-ring 16,36x2,21-FKM80 1
30 000 903 32 87 screw plug M20x1,5-FPM 1
31 000 903 32 88 screw plug 1
32 000 952 40 18 screw plug G 1/2-V80 1
33 000 944 17 64 non-return valve 1
34 000 903 40 17 sealing plug 1
35 000 963 02 95 O-ring 28,3x1,68-NBR90 1
36 000 915 90 39 clip 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
07/264 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



07/298 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

003 981 08 60 pump unit 1 POS.1->33
1 000 976 09 26 pump motor 1
2 7 9180 91 007 carbon brush assy. 1
3 000 983 99 36 spacer ring 1
4 000 944 12 81 valve 1 2Y3
5 000 944 12 54 valve 1 2Y11
6 000 944 11 07 pressure control valve 1
7 000 951 24 60 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12xG1/2A-type E-CFS-V80 1
8 9 721 002 110 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L10xG1/4A-type E-CFS-V80 1
9 000 944 50 02 pressure transformer 1
10 000 983 08 71 filter 1
11 000 903 40 16 screw plug M27x0,75/SW10 1
12 000 944 33 46 pressure relief valve 1
13 131 357 06 01 coupling 1
14 000 963 10 47 O-ring ISO 3601-1 101,19x3,53-NBR80 1
15 000 955 50 70 clip 1
16 000 983 70 09 suction filter 1
17 000 951 51 42 plug 1
18 000 983 95 02 oil tank 1
19 9 464 620 140 snap ring DIN 7993 A14 1
20 000 963 01 69 O-ring 14x2,5-FKM80 1
21 000 963 20 47 O-ring 17x2-FKM80 1
22 000 963 21 62 o-ring 19,4x2,1-FKM80 1
23 000 963 02 43 O-ring ISO 3601-1 21,89x2,62-V80 3
24 000 963 00 62 O-ring 18x1-NBR70 3
25 000 963 21 86 O-ring 19,18x2,46-NBR80 1
26 003 983 02 00 screen filter 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 07/298 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

27 000 944 17 58 non-return valve 1
28 000 944 12 69 valve electric 1 2Y13
29 000 963 21 72 O-ring 16,36x2,21-FKM80 1
30 000 903 32 87 screw plug M20x1,5-FPM 1
31 000 903 32 88 screw plug 1
32 000 952 40 18 screw plug G 1/2-V80 1
33 000 944 17 64 non-return valve 1
34 000 903 40 17 sealing plug 1
35 133 363 33 00 extender 1
36 131 343 01 00 pipe 1
37 131 363 60 00 ***** 1
38 131 440 15 21 ***** 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
07/298 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Register 08 : LIFT MAST

08/113 00 - 05 HOIST MAST TYPE S
08/115 00 - 05 HOIST MAST TYPE T
08/114 00 - 06 HOIST MAST TYPE D L14 AS
08/117 00 - 05 HOIST MAST TYPE D L16 AS
08/447 00 - 01 MIDDLE CYLINDER TYPE D L14 AS
08/450 00 - 01 MIDDLE CYLINDER TYPE D L16 AS
08/443 00 - 02 SIDE CYLINDER TYPE S L14 AS =>W4X131D04540
08/479 00 - 02 cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 L14 AS W4X131D04541=>
08/444 00 - 01 SIDE CYLINDER TYPE S L16 AS =>W4X131D04490
08/480 00 - 02 cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 L16 AS W4X131D04491=>
08/439 00 - 01 LEFT CYLINDER TYPE D L14 AS
08/441 00 - 01 LEFT CYLINDER TYPE D L16 AS
08/440 00 - 01 RIGHT CYLINDER TYP.D L14 AS
08/442 00 - 01 RIGHT CYLINDER TYP.D L16 AS
08/445 00 - 01 LEFT CYLINDER TYPE T =>W4X131D04490
08/480 00 - 02 cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>
08/446 00 - 01 RIGHT CYLINDER TYPE T =>W4X131D04490
08/480 00 - 02 cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>
08/302 00 - 03 FORK CARRIAGE ISO 2B


14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31




08/113 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 180 440 49 31 lift mast inner assy. 1574S 1,4T 1 1574 MM
1 180 440 49 34 lift mast inner assy. 1 1674 MM
1 180 440 49 29 lift mast inner assy. 1 1724 MM
1 180 440 86 01 lift mast inner assy. 1924-1844S 1 L10-L12-L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
1 180 440 86 02 lift mast inner assy. 2424-2344S 1 L10-L12-L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
1 180 440 86 00 stand inner 2924-2844S 1 L10-L12-L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
1 180 440 86 03 stand inner 3324-3244S 1 L10-L12-L14 3324MM/L16 3244MM
1 180 440 87 94 lift mast inner 3824-3744S 1 L10-L12-L14 3824MM/L16 3744MM
1 180 440 87 95 lift mast outer assy. 4224-4144S 1 L10-L12-L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
1 180 440 86 25 lift mast inner assy. 4724-4624S 1 L10-L12-L14 4724MM/L16 4644MM
2 003 912 30 03 axle 2
3 160 446 43 10 bearing 2
4 000 924 95 12 support roller 75,2 mm 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
4 000 924 95 13 support roller 75,7 mm 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
4 000 924 95 14 support roller 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
5 9 289 003 505 shim ring neutral 32x55 4
6 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4
7 180 440 67 00 roller body ring 2
8 000 923 03 38 bush DIN 1494 35W39x25-S2-LN1 2
9 003 916 22 00 ring 2
10 180 446 46 00 guard plate 2 L14
10 180 446 46 06 guard plate 2 180 440 25 08 L16
10 180 440 25 08 guard plate assy. 2 L16 W4X372S01646|=> 08
11 9 045 316 126 socket head screw ISO 4762 M6x12-8.8-A2C 4
12 9 292 003 014 washer ISO 7089 A6,4-ST50-A2C 4
13 180 446 55 08 chain anchor 2
14 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/113 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

15 9 291 003 025 washer ISO 7090 B15-HV140-A2C 2
16 9 395 003 081 split pin ISO 1234 1,6x16-ST-A2C 8
17 9 495 093 920 chain pin WN 17514 B-5,93x33,1 4
18 9 495 093 061 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875X4X61 2 1574 MM
18 9 495 093 065 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x65 2 1674 MM
18 9 495 093 067 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x67 2 1724 MM
18 9 495 093 073 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x73 2 L10-L12-L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
18 9 495 093 089 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x89 2 L10-L12-L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
18 9 495 093 105 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x105 2 L10-L12-L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
18 9 495 093 117 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x117 2 L10-L12-L14 3324MM/L16 3244MM
18 9 495 093 133 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x133 2 L10-L12-L14 3824MM/L16 3744MM
18 9 495 093 145 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x145 2 L10-L12-L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
18 9 495 093 161 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x161 2 L10-L12-L14 4724MM/L16 4644MM
19 000 944 24 08 line break safety device LBS-1,0/25 1
20 180 440 14 64 pipe line assy. 1
21 9 018 347 177 hexagon head bolt DIN 6921 M8x16-10.9-A2C-Ripp 1
22 9 721 002 112 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12-G3/8A-type E-CF-V80 1
23 180 446 12 03 flange 2
24 9 292 003 018 washer ISO 7089 A8,4-ST50-A2C 4
25 9 045 316 175 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x12-8.8-A2C 4
26 000 914 18 23 washer 18x36x1 4
27 9 289 003 218 shim ring DIN 988 16x24x1,5 2
08 28 9 455 622 172 locking ring DIN 471 16x1,5 2
29 379 446 46 00 guard plate 2
30 9 090 347 175 button head screw ISO 7380 M8x12-10.9-A2R 4
31 9 135 339 298 threaded pin ISO 4028 M12x30-8.8-A2C 2
32 9 008 311 408 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M16x35-8.8-A2C 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/113 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

33 9 291 003 028 washer ISO 7090 16-200HV-A2C 2
34 180 440 41 64 lift mast outer assy. 1 1574 MM
34 180 440 41 65 lift mast outer assy. 1 1674 MM
34 180 440 41 61 lift mast outer assy. 1 1724 MM
34 180 440 87 01 stand outer 1924-1844S/D 1 L10-L12-L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
34 180 440 87 02 stand outer 2424-2344S/D 1 L10-L12-L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
34 180 440 87 00 stand outer 2924-2844S/D 1 L10-L12-L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
34 180 440 87 03 stand outer 3324-3244S/D 1 L10-L12-L14 3324MM/L16 3244MM
34 180 440 87 96 lift mast outer assy. 3824-3744S/D 1 L10-L12-L14 3824MM/L16 3744MM
34 180 440 87 97 lift mast outer assy. 4224-4144S/D 1 L10-L12-L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
34 180 440 87 12 lift mast outer assy. 4724-4644S/D 1 L10-L12-L14 4724MM/L16 4644MM
35 160 446 43 10 bearing 2
36 132 436 18 02 cover plate UVV 1 1574 MM
36 132 436 18 01 cover plate UVV 1674S/D 1 1674 MM
36 132 436 18 00 cover plate UVV 1724S/D 1 1724 MM
36 372 436 18 47 plate 1 1924 MM
36 379 436 18 01 cover plate 1 379 436 18 35 L10-L12-L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
36 379 436 18 35 cover plate 1924-1844S/D 1 372 436 18 47 L10-L12-L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
36 372 436 18 47 plate 1
36 372 436 18 02 cover plate 2424-2344S/D 1 372 436 18 48 L10-L12-L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
36 372 436 18 48 plate 1 372 430 12 02 =>|W4X372B00062
L10-L12-L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
36 372 430 12 02 plate assy. 2424-2344 S/D 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L10-L12-L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM 08
36 372 436 18 03 cover plate 2924-2844S/D 1 372 436 18 49 L10-L12-L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
36 372 436 18 49 plate 1 372 430 12 03 =>|W4X372B00062
L10-L12-L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
36 372 430 12 03 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L10-L12-L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/113 /03

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

36 372 436 18 04 cover plate 3824-3744S/D 1 372 436 18 50 L10-L12-L14 3324MM/L16 3244MM
36 372 436 18 50 plate 1 L10-L12-L14 3324MM/L16 3244MM
36 372 436 18 05 cover plate 4224-4144S/D 1 372 436 18 51 L10-L12-L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
36 372 436 18 51 plate 1 372 430 12 05 =>|W4X372B00062
L10-L12-L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
36 372 430 12 05 plate assy. 4224-4144 S/D - 4724-4644 S 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L10-L12-L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
36 372 436 18 05 cover plate 4224-4144S/D 1 372 436 18 51 L10-L12-L14 4724MM/L16 4644MM
36 372 436 18 51 plate 1 372 430 12 05 =>|W4X372B00062
L10-L12-L14 4724MM/L16 4644MM
36 372 430 12 05 plate assy. 4224-4144 S/D - 4724-4644 S 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L10-L12-L14 4724MM/L16 4644MM
37 003 931 40 00 clamp 12
38 003 964 09 02 rubber strip 1 =>|W4X372K00729
38 372 436 31 50 guard grille 1 1574 MM
38 132 436 31 04 guard grille 1 372 436 31 51 1674 MM
38 372 436 31 51 guard grille 1674 S/D 1 1674 MM
38 132 436 31 02 guard grille 1724S/D 1 372 436 31 52 1724 MM
38 372 436 31 52 guard grille 1724-1644 S/D 1 1644 MM
1724 MM
38 372 436 31 26 guard grille 1 372 436 31 53 1924 MM
38 372 436 31 53 guard grille 1924-1844 S/D 1 1574 MM
39 379 436 31 00 guard grille 1 372 436 31 26 L10-L12-L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
39 372 436 31 26 guard grille 1 372 436 31 53
08 39 372 436 31 53 guard grille 1924-1844 S/D 1 1574 MM
39 372 436 34 02 retainer plate 1
39 379 436 31 39 guard grille 2424-2344 S/D 1 372 436 31 27 L10-L12-L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
39 372 436 31 27 guard grille 1 372 436 31 40
39 379 436 31 40 guard grille 2924-2844 S/D 1 372 436 31 28 L10-L12-L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/113 /04 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

39 372 436 31 28 guard grille 1 372 436 31 41
39 372 436 31 41 guard grille 1 2924MM
39 379 436 31 41 guard grille 3324-3244 S/D 1 372 436 31 29 L10-L12-L14 3324MM/L16 3244MM
39 372 436 31 29 guard grille 1 372 436 31 42
39 372 436 31 42 guard grille 1 3824MM
39 379 436 31 43 guard grille 4224-4144 S/D 1 372 436 31 30 L10-L12-L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
39 372 436 31 30 guard grille 1 372 436 31 43
39 372 436 31 43 guard grille 1 4224MM
40 9 116 003 499 self-drilling screw ISO 15480 ST6,3x22 2 W4X372K00730|=>


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/113 /05



08/115 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 180 440 86 23 lift mast inner 4266T 1 4266MM - POS.1-2-3
1 180 440 86 24 lift mast inner 4716T 1 4716MM - POS.1-2-3
1 180 440 40 81 lift mast inner assy. 5316T 1 5316MM - POS. 1-2-3
1 180 440 40 71 lift mast inner assy. 3516T 1 3516MM - POS.1-2-3
2 160 446 43 10 bearing 2
3 160 446 25 00 support 2
4 000 924 95 12 support roller 75,2 mm 8 Ø = 75,20 MM
4 000 924 95 13 support roller 75,7 mm 8 Ø = 75,70 MM
4 000 924 95 14 support roller 76,2 mm 8 Ø = 76,20 MM
5 9 289 003 505 shim ring neutral 32x55 8
6 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 8
6 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 8
7 180 446 72 00 connection block 1
8 000 914 18 23 washer 18x36x1 2
9 9 289 003 218 shim ring DIN 988 16x24x1,5 2
10 9 455 622 172 locking ring DIN 471 16x1,5 2
11 180 446 12 03 flange 2
12 9 045 316 175 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x12-8.8-A2C 4
13 9 292 003 018 washer ISO 7089 A8,4-ST50-A2C 4
14 180 446 45 03 support 1
15 180 446 08 02 bolt 1
16 180 440 67 00 roller body ring 2
17 003 916 22 00 ring 2 08
18 000 923 03 24 bush DIN 1494 30x34x40-S-LN1 2
19 180 446 46 00 guard plate 2
20 000 914 70 21 washer 6x12x1,2-A2C-NFE 4
21 9 008 311 128 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x16-8.8-A2C 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/115 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

22 9 380 620 264 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 5x24-ST 1
23 9 495 093 059 leaf chain DIN 8152 2 3516MM
23 9 495 093 073 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x73 2 4266MM
23 9 495 093 071 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x71 2 4716MM
23 9 495 093 079 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x79 2 5316MM
24 180 446 55 08 chain anchor 4
25 9 291 003 025 washer ISO 7090 B15-HV140-A2C 4
26 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 8
27 9 495 093 920 chain pin WN 17514 B-5,93x33,1 8
28 9 395 003 081 split pin ISO 1234 1,6x16-ST-A2C 16
29 180 446 25 38 chain support 1
30 180 446 25 17 chain anchor 1
31 000 952 01 32 union socket DIN 3871 AL12-A2C 1
32 000 952 02 07 olive D12-L/S 1
33 180 440 14 65 pipe line assy. 1
34 003 907 13 01 spring washer 2
35 000 914 70 09 washer 8x16x1,4-A2C-NFE 2
36 9 210 281 090 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M6-8-A2C 2
37 000 955 22 20 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-15X20-W1-1 2
38 003 950 25 03 hose line L=1180 1 4266MM
38 000 957 26 28 hose line 1 003 950 25 05 4716MM
38 003 950 25 05 hose line L=1330 1 4716MM
08 38 180 448 40 00 hose lg=1530 1 5316MM
38 000 950 25 07 hose pipe assy. L/P8x2292 1 3516MM
38 000 957 26 26 hose 1080 1 003 950 25 03 4266MM
39 9 721 002 112 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12-G3/8A-type E-CF-V80 2 5316MM - POS. 45-46-47
40 000 944 24 08 line break safety device LBS-1,0/25 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/115 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

41 000 944 24 09 line break safety valve LBS-1,0/50 1
42 000 952 25 57 swivel joint SWVE12-LR-A3C 1
43 180 440 14 64 pipe line assy. 1
44 9 018 347 177 hexagon head bolt DIN 6921 M8x16-10.9-A2C-Ripp 1
45 180 440 70 16 lift mast middle assy. 3516T 1 3516MM - POS.45-46-47
45 180 440 70 00 lift mast middle assy. 4266 T 1 4266MM - POS.45-46-47
45 180 440 70 01 lift mast middle assy. 4716 T 1 4716MM - POS.45-46-47
45 180 440 70 26 lift mast middle assy. 5316 T 1
46 160 446 43 10 bearing 4
47 180 446 43 06 support 2
48 000 993 36 60 chain roller 2
49 162 446 24 00 angle 2
50 003 907 13 01 spring washer 4
51 9 008 311 126 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x12-8.8-A2C 4
52 9 495 093 091 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x91 2 3516MM
52 9 495 093 105 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x105 2 4266MM
52 9 495 093 115 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x115 2 4716MM
52 9 495 093 127 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x127 2 5316MM
53 180 446 25 17 chain anchor 2
54 9 030 003 126 cutting screw DIN 7513 AM6x12-A2C 2
55 9 292 003 014 washer ISO 7089 A6,4-ST50-A2C 2
56 180 440 15 23 pipe line assy. 1
57 9 758 013 688 pipe clip DIN 71555 68,5-A4C 1 08
58 9 007 311 193 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M8x45-8.8-A2C 1
59 9 309 412 018 washer DIN 7349 8,4-ST50-A2C 2
60 9 210 281 110 nut ISO 4032 M8-8-A2C 1
61 000 955 02 42 clip 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/115 /03

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

62 9 291 003 020 washer ISO 7090 10-HV200-A2C 2
63 9 008 311 233 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M10x16-8.8-A2C 2
64 180 440 87 82 lift mast outer assy. 3516T 1 3516MM - POS.64-65
64 180 440 87 10 lift mast outer 4266T 1 4266MM - POS.64-65
64 180 440 87 11 lift mast outer 4716T 1 4716MM - POS.64-65
64 180 440 87 92 lift mast outer assy. 5316T 1 5316MM - POS. 64-65
65 160 446 43 10 bearing 2
66 9 291 003 028 washer ISO 7090 16-200HV-A2C 2
67 9 008 311 414 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M16x60-8.8-A2C 2
68 9 135 339 298 threaded pin ISO 4028 M12x30-8.8-A2C 2
69 003 964 09 02 rubber strip 2
71 372 436 18 09 cover plate 1 =>|W4X379N02251
71 372 436 18 09 cover plate 1 =>|W4X372N00560
71 372 436 18 36 cover plate 3516T 1 W4X379N02252|=>
71 372 436 18 36 cover plate 3516T 1 372 430 12 13 W4X372N00561|=>
71 372 430 12 13 plate assy. support 3516T 1 3516MM
71 372 436 18 06 cover plate 1 372 436 18 52 4266MM
71 372 436 18 52 cover plate 1 372 430 12 06 4266MM
71 372 430 12 06 1 4266MM
71 372 436 18 07 cover plate 1 372 436 18 53 4716MM
08 71 372 436 18 53 cover plate 1 372 436 12 07 4716MM
71 372 430 12 07 1 4716MM
71 372 436 18 17 cover plate 1 372 436 18 54 5316MM
71 372 436 18 54 cover plate 1 372 430 12 08 5316MM
71 372 430 12 08 1 5316MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/115 /04 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

72 003 931 40 00 clamp 6
73 379 436 31 29 guard grille 3516T 1 =>|W4X379N02251
73 379 436 31 29 guard grille 3516T 1 =>|W4X372N00560
73 379 436 31 59 guard grille 3516T 1 W4X379N02252|=>
73 379 436 31 59 guard grille 3516T 1 372 436 31 54 W4X372N00561|=>
73 372 436 31 54 guard grille 1
73 379 436 31 26 guard grille 4266T 1 372 436 31 31 4266MM
73 372 436 31 31 guard grille 1 372 436 31 44
73 372 436 31 44 guard grille 1 4266 MM
73 379 436 31 27 guard grille 4716T 1 372 436 31 32 4716MM
73 372 436 31 32 guard grille 1 372 436 31 45
73 372 436 31 45 guard grille 1 4716 MM
73 379 436 31 37 guard grille 1 372 436 31 33 5316MM
73 372 436 31 33 guard grille 1 372 436 31 46
73 372 436 31 46 guard grille 1 5316MM
5466 MM
75 9 116 003 499 self-drilling screw ISO 15480 ST6,3x22 2
76 180 446 25 49 support lift mast T 1
77 9 062 311 129 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M6x16-8.8-A2C 3
78 000 904 02 03 nut M6 3
79 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/115 /05



08/114 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 180 440 49 32 lift mast inner assy. 1 1574 MM
1 180 440 49 33 lift mast inner assy. 1674D 1,4T 1 1674 MM
1 180 440 49 28 lift mast inner assy. 1724D 1,4T 1 1724 MM
1 180 440 86 06 lift mast inner assy. 1924D 1 L14 1924MM - REP.10,11
1 180 440 86 07 lift mast inner assy. 2424D 1 L14 2424MM - REP.10,11
1 180 440 86 08 lift mast inner assy. 2924D 1 L14 2924MM - REP.10,11
1 180 440 86 09 lift mast inner assy. 3324D 1 L14 3324MM - REP.10,11
1 180 440 86 10 lift mast inner assy. 3824D 1 L14 3824MM - REP.10,11
1 180 440 86 11 lift mast inner assy. 4224D 1 L14 4224MM - REP.10,11
2 160 446 43 10 bearing 2
3 000 924 95 12 support roller 75,2 mm 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
3 000 924 95 13 support roller 75,7 mm 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
3 000 924 95 14 support roller 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
4 9 289 003 505 shim ring neutral 32x55 4
5 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4
6 000 914 18 23 washer 18x36x1 2
7 000 916 16 06 bush 16x18x13-PA6.6 2
8 180 446 45 02 connection block 1
9 9 289 003 218 shim ring DIN 988 16x24x1,5 2
10 9 455 622 172 locking ring DIN 471 16x1,5 2
11 180 446 12 03 flange 2
12 9 045 316 175 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x12-8.8-A2C 4
13 9 292 003 018 washer ISO 7089 A8,4-ST50-A2C 4 08
14 180 440 77 09 support assy. 1
15 180 446 28 03 clamping clip 1
16 000 914 70 09 washer 8x16x1,4-A2C-NFE 2
17 9 008 311 177 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x16-8.8-A2C 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/114 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

18 000 912 11 21 bolt 1
19 000 914 70 21 washer 6x12x1,2-A2C-NFE 1
20 000 918 78 07 retainer plate 1 000 918 72 82
20 000 918 72 82 retainer plate 1
21 180 440 67 01 roller body ring 1
22 9 008 311 125 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x10-8.8-A2C 1
23 180 446 55 05 chain anchor 1
24 9 210 281 150 nut ISO 4032 M14-8-A2C 2
25 9 291 003 025 washer ISO 7090 B15-HV140-A2C 1
26 9 395 003 081 split pin ISO 1234 1,6x16-ST-A2C 4
27 9 495 094 930 chain pin WN 17514 B-5,93x43,5x36,6 2
28 000 944 24 04 line break safety valve LBS-1,0/35 1
29 000 952 01 32 union socket DIN 3871 AL12-A2C 2
30 000 952 02 07 olive D12-L/S 2
31 9 721 002 112 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12-G3/8A-type E-CF-V80 2
32 000 944 24 09 line break safety valve LBS-1,0/50 1
33 9 721 002 112 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12-G3/8A-type E-CF-V80 1
34 180 440 14 64 pipe line assy. 1
35 9 018 347 177 hexagon head bolt DIN 6921 M8x16-10.9-A2C-Ripp 1
36 180 446 25 14 support pipe line 1
37 9 008 311 125 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x10-8.8-A2C 1
38 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 1
08 39 000 955 22 20 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-15X20-W1-1 1
40 000 914 70 08 washer 8x18x1,4-A2C-NFE 1
41 9 210 281 110 nut ISO 4032 M8-8-A2C 1
42 000 923 03 24 bush DIN 1494 30x34x40-S-LN1 1
42 9 495 094 051 leaf chain DIN 8152 1 1574 MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/114 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

42 9 495 094 053 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x53 1 1674 MM
42 9 495 094 053 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x53 1 1724 MM
43 9 495 094 055 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x55 1 L14 1924MM
43 9 495 094 067 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x67 1 L14 2424MM
43 9 495 094 081 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x81 1 L14 2924MM
43 9 495 094 077 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x77 1 L14 3324MM
43 9 495 094 085 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x85 1 L14 3824MM
43 9 495 094 093 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x6x93 1 L14 4224MM
44 379 446 46 00 guard plate 2
45 9 090 347 175 button head screw ISO 7380 M8x12-10.9-A2R 4
46 9 135 339 298 threaded pin ISO 4028 M12x30-8.8-A2C 2
47 9 008 311 408 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M16x35-8.8-A2C 2
48 9 291 003 028 washer ISO 7090 16-200HV-A2C 2
49 180 440 41 64 lift mast outer assy. 1 1574 MM
49 180 440 41 65 lift mast outer assy. 1 1674 MM
49 180 440 41 61 lift mast outer assy. 1 1724 MM
49 180 440 87 01 stand outer 1924-1844S/D 1 L14 1924MM - REP.49,50
49 180 440 87 02 stand outer 2424-2344S/D 1 L14 2424MM - REP.49,50
49 180 440 87 00 stand outer 2924-2844S/D 1 L14 2924MM - REP.49,50
49 180 440 87 03 stand outer 3324-3244S/D 1 L14 3324MM - REP.49,50
49 180 440 87 04 stand outer 1 L14 3824MM - REP.49,50
49 180 440 87 05 strut outer 1 L14 4224MM - REP.49,50
50 160 446 43 10 bearing 2 08
51 132 436 18 02 cover plate UVV 1 1574 MM
51 132 436 18 01 cover plate UVV 1674S/D 1 1674 MM
51 132 436 18 00 cover plate UVV 1724S/D 1 1724 MM
51 372 436 18 47 plate 1 1924 MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/114 /03

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

51 379 436 18 01 cover plate 1 379 436 18 35 L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
51 379 436 18 35 cover plate 1924-1844S/D 1 372 436 18 47 L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
51 372 436 18 47 plate 1
51 372 436 18 02 cover plate 2424-2344S/D 1 372 436 18 48 L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
51 372 436 18 48 plate 1 372 430 12 02 =>|W4X372B00062
L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
51 372 430 12 02 plate assy. 2424-2344 S/D 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
51 372 436 18 03 cover plate 2924-2844S/D 1 372 436 18 49 L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
51 372 436 18 49 plate 1 372 430 12 03 =>|W4X372B00062
L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
51 372 430 12 03 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
51 372 436 18 04 cover plate 3824-3744S/D 1 372 436 18 50 L14 3824MM/L16 3744MM
51 372 436 18 50 plate 1 =>|W4X372B00062
L14 3824MM/L16 3744MM
51 372 436 18 05 cover plate 4224-4144S/D 1 372 436 18 51 W4X372B00063|=>
L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
51 372 436 18 51 plate 1 372 436 12 05 =>|W4X372B00062
L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
51 372 430 12 05 plate assy. 4224-4144 S/D - 4724-4644 S 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
52 003 931 40 00 clamp 12
53 003 964 09 02 rubber strip 1 =>|W4X372K00729
54 372 436 31 50 guard grille 1 1574 MM

08 54 132 436 31 04 guard grille 1 372 436 31 51 1674 MM

54 372 436 31 51 guard grille 1674 S/D 1 1674 MM
54 132 436 31 02 guard grille 1724S/D 1 372 436 31 52 1724 MM
54 372 436 31 52 guard grille 1724-1644 S/D 1 1644 MM
1724 MM
54 372 436 31 26 guard grille 1 372 436 31 53 1924 MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/114 /04 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

54 372 436 31 53 guard grille 1924-1844 S/D 1 1574 MM
54 379 436 31 00 guard grille 1 372 436 31 26 L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
54 372 436 31 26 guard grille 1
54 379 436 31 39 guard grille 2424-2344 S/D 1 372 436 31 27 L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
54 372 436 31 27 guard grille 1 372 436 31 40
54 372 436 31 40 guard grille 1 2424 MM
54 379 436 31 40 guard grille 2924-2844 S/D 1 372 436 31 28 L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
54 372 436 31 28 guard grille 1 372 436 31 41
54 372 436 31 41 guard grille 1 2924MM
54 379 436 31 41 guard grille 3324-3244 S/D 1 372 436 31 29 L14 3324-3824MM/L16 3244-3744MM
54 372 436 31 29 guard grille 1
54 379 436 31 43 guard grille 4224-4144 S/D 1 372 436 31 30 L14 4224-4724MM/L16 4144-4644MM
54 372 436 31 30 guard grille 1 372 436 31 30
54 372 436 31 43 guard grille 1 4224MM
55 180 440 21 01 pipe line assy. 1 1574 MM
55 180 440 21 02 pipe line assy. 1 1674 MM
55 180 440 21 00 pipe line assy. cylinder pipe 1 1724 MM
55 180 440 14 66 pipe line assy. 1 L14 1924MM
55 180 440 14 67 pipe line assy. 1 L14 2424MM
55 180 440 14 68 pipe line assy. 1 L14 2924MM
55 180 440 14 69 pipe line assy. 1 L14 3324MM
55 180 440 14 70 pipe line assy. 1 L14 3824MM 08
55 180 440 14 71 pipe line assy. 1 L14 4224MM
56 9 045 316 295 socket head screw ISO 4762 M12x25-8.8-A2C 1
57 000 914 70 19 washer 16x32x2,8-A2C-NFE 1
58 180 436 31 07 guard grille 1 180 436 31 09

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/114 /05

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

58 180 436 31 09 guard grille 1 180 436 31 11
58 180 436 31 11 guard grille 1
59 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
60 9 008 311 201 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x80-8.8-A2C 2
61 000 914 70 10 washer 8x22x1,6-A2C-NFE 2
62 9 116 003 499 self-drilling screw ISO 15480 ST6,3x22 2 W4X372K00730|=>
63 372 436 31 25 guard grille 1 1574 MM
63 132 436 31 03 guard grille 1 1674 MM
63 372 436 31 24 guard grille 1 1724 MM
63 372 436 31 04 guard grille 1 L14 1924MM
63 372 436 31 07 guard grille 1 L14 2424MM
63 372 436 31 08 guard grille 1 L14 2924MM
63 372 436 31 15 guard grille 1 L14 3324MM
63 372 436 31 19 guard grille 1 L14 3824MM
63 372 436 31 22 guard grille 1 L14 4224MM
64 000 901 30 19 button head screw M6x10-10.9-ULF-A2R 4
65 000 965 40 89 spring element 27x50x50 1
66 000 944 23 27 line break safety valve LBS--/28 1 dide cylinder left
67 000 944 24 08 line break safety device LBS-1,0/25 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/114 /06 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



08/117 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 180 440 86 18 lift mast inner 2344D 1 L16 2344MM - REP.1,2
1 180 440 86 19 lift mast inner 2844D 1 L16 2844MM - REP.1,2
1 180 440 86 20 lift mast inner 3244D 1 L16 3244MM - REP.1,2
1 180 440 86 21 lift mast inner 3744D 1 L16 3744MM - REP.1,2
1 180 440 86 22 lift mast inner 4144D 1 L16 4144MM - REP.1,2
1 180 440 86 17 lift mast inner 1844D 1 L16 1844MM - REP.1,2
2 160 446 43 10 bearing 2
3 000 924 95 12 support roller 75,2 mm 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
3 000 924 95 13 support roller 75,7 mm 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
3 000 924 95 14 support roller 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
4 9 289 003 505 shim ring neutral 32x55 4
5 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4
6 000 916 16 06 bush 16x18x13-PA6.6 2
7 180 446 45 02 connection block 1
8 000 914 18 23 washer 18x36x1 2
9 9 289 003 218 shim ring DIN 988 16x24x1,5 2
10 9 455 622 172 locking ring DIN 471 16x1,5 2
11 180 446 12 03 flange 2
12 9 045 316 175 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x12-8.8-A2C 4
13 9 292 003 018 washer ISO 7089 A8,4-ST50-A2C 4
14 180 446 45 03 support 1
15 180 446 08 02 bolt 1
16 180 440 67 00 roller body ring 2 08
17 003 916 22 00 ring 2
18 000 923 03 24 bush DIN 1494 30x34x40-S-LN1 2
19 180 446 46 00 guard plate 2
20 000 914 70 21 washer 6x12x1,2-A2C-NFE 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/117 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

21 9 008 311 128 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x16-8.8-A2C 4
22 9 380 620 264 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 5x24-ST 1
23 9 495 093 061 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875X4X61 2 L16 2344MM
23 9 495 093 075 leaf chain DIN 8152 2 L16 2844MM
23 9 495 093 073 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x73 2 L16 3244MM
23 9 495 093 081 leaf chain DIN 8152 2 L16 3744MM
23 9 495 093 087 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875x4x87 2 L16 4144MM
23 9 495 093 051 leaf chain DIN 8152 A1-15,875X4X51 2 L16 1844MM
24 180 446 55 08 chain anchor 2
25 9 291 003 025 washer ISO 7090 B15-HV140-A2C 2
26 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 4
27 9 495 093 920 chain pin WN 17514 B-5,93x33,1 4
28 9 395 003 081 split pin ISO 1234 1,6x16-ST-A2C 8
29 180 446 25 38 chain support 2
30 000 952 01 32 union socket DIN 3871 AL12-A2C 1
31 000 952 02 07 olive D12-L/S 1
32 180 440 15 06 pipe line 1 L16 1844MM
32 180 440 15 17 pipe line 1 L16 2344MM
32 180 440 15 18 pipe assy. 1 L16 2844MM
32 180 440 15 19 pipe line 1 L16 3244MM
32 180 440 15 20 pipe line 1 L16 3744MM
32 180 440 15 21 pipe line 1 L16 4144MM
08 33 9 721 002 112 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12-G3/8A-type E-CF-V80 3
34 000 944 24 04 line break safety valve LBS-1,0/35 1
35 000 944 24 09 line break safety valve LBS-1,0/50 1
36 180 440 14 64 pipe line assy. 1
37 9 018 347 177 hexagon head bolt DIN 6921 M8x16-10.9-A2C-Ripp 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/117 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

38 180 446 25 14 support pipe line 1
39 9 008 311 125 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x10-8.8-A2C 1
39 9 008 311 128 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x16-8.8-A2C 1 9 008 311 125
40 9 323 620 014 spring washer DIN 137 B6-A2C 1
41 180 446 14 00 stop lift mast 1
42 9 045 316 295 socket head screw ISO 4762 M12x25-8.8-A2C 1
43 000 955 22 20 clip DIN 3016-1 D1-15X20-W1-1 1
44 000 914 70 08 washer 8x18x1,4-A2C-NFE 1
45 9 210 281 110 nut ISO 4032 M8-8-A2C 1
46 180 440 87 01 stand outer 1924-1844S/D 1 L16 1844MM - REP.46,47
46 180 440 87 02 stand outer 2424-2344S/D 1 L16 2344MM - REP.46,47
46 180 440 87 00 stand outer 2924-2844S/D 1 L16 2844MM - REP.46,47
46 180 440 87 03 stand outer 3324-3244S/D 1 L16 3244MM - REP.46,47
46 180 440 87 04 stand outer 1 L16 3744MM - REP.46,47
46 180 440 87 05 strut outer 1 L16 4144MM - REP.46,47
47 160 446 43 10 bearing 2
48 379 436 18 01 cover plate 1 379 436 18 35 L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
48 379 436 18 35 cover plate 1924-1844S/D 1 372 436 18 47
48 372 436 18 47 plate 1
48 372 436 18 02 cover plate 2424-2344S/D 1 372 436 18 48 L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
48 372 436 18 48 plate 1 372 436 12 02 =>|W4X372B00062
L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
48 372 430 12 02 plate assy. 2424-2344 S/D 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM 08
48 372 436 18 03 cover plate 2924-2844S/D 1 372 436 18 49 L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
48 372 436 18 49 plate 1 372 430 12 03 =>|W4X372B00062
L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
48 372 400 12 03 ***** 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/117 /03

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

48 372 436 18 04 cover plate 3824-3744S/D 1 372 436 18 50 L14 3324-3824MM/L16 3244-3744MM
48 372 436 18 50 plate 1 L14 3324-3824MM/L16 3244-3744MM
48 372 436 18 05 cover plate 4224-4144S/D 1 372 436 18 51 L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
48 372 436 18 51 plate 1 372 430 12 05 =>|W4X372B00062
L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
48 372 430 12 05 plate assy. 4224-4144 S/D - 4724-4644 S 1 W4X372B00063|=>
L14 4224MM/L16 4144MM
49 003 931 40 00 clamp 12
50 003 964 09 02 rubber strip 1 =>|W4X372K00729
51 379 436 31 00 guard grille 1 372 436 31 26 L14 1924MM/L16 1844MM
51 372 436 31 26 guard grille 1
51 379 436 31 39 guard grille 2424-2344 S/D 1 372 436 31 27 L14 2424MM/L16 2344MM
51 372 436 31 27 guard grille 1
51 379 436 31 40 guard grille 2924-2844 S/D 1 372 436 31 28 L14 2924MM/L16 2844MM
51 372 436 31 28 guard grille 1
51 379 436 31 41 guard grille 3324-3244 S/D 1 372 436 31 29 L14 3324-3824MM/L16 3244-3744MM
51 372 436 31 29 guard grille 1
51 379 436 31 43 guard grille 4224-4144 S/D 1 372 436 31 30 L14 4224-4724MM/L16 4144-4644MM
51 372 436 31 30 guard grille 1
52 180 436 31 09 guard grille 1 180 436 31 11
52 180 436 31 11 guard grille 1
52 180 436 31 07 guard grille 1 180 436 31 09
53 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
08 54 000 914 70 10 washer 8x22x1,6-A2C-NFE 2
55 9 008 311 201 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x80-8.8-A2C 2
56 180 446 25 17 chain anchor 1
57 9 291 003 028 washer ISO 7090 16-200HV-A2C 2
58 9 008 311 408 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M16x35-8.8-A2C 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/117 /04 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

59 9 116 003 499 self-drilling screw ISO 15480 ST6,3x22 2
60 372 436 31 03 guard grille 1844mm 1 L16 1844MM
60 372 436 31 14 guard grille 3244mm 1 L16 3244MM
60 372 436 31 18 guard grille 3744mm 1 L16 3744MM
61 000 901 30 19 button head screw M6x10-10.9-ULF-A2R 4
62 000 965 40 89 spring element 27x50x50 1
63 9 135 339 298 threaded pin ISO 4028 M12x30-8.8-A2C 4
64 180 446 28 04 clamping clip 1
65 000 914 70 11 washer 10x20x1,6-A2C-NFE 2
66 9 008 311 232 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M10x12-8.8-A2C 2
67 000 944 23 27 line break safety valve LBS--/28 1 dide cylinder left
68 000 944 24 08 line break safety device LBS-1,0/25 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/117 /05



08/451 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 18 60 lift cylinder assy. 692mm-Ø55 1 3516MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 61 lift cylinder assy. Ø55 1 3966MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 62 lift cylinder assy. 817mm-Ø55 1 4266MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 63 lift cylinder assy. 892mm-Ø55 1 4716MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 69 lift cylinder assy. Ø55 1 5316MM POS.1->7
180 490 25 31 lift cylinder assy. Ø55 1 3344-5016
1 180 446 03 19 rod piston 1 3516MM
1 180 445 00 58 rod piston Ø55 1 3966MM
1 180 446 03 20 rod piston 1 4266 MM
1 180 446 03 21 rod piston 1 4716 MM
1 180 445 20 17 rod piston Ø55 1 5316MM
1 180 445 00 50 rod piston 1 5466 MM
1 180 445 20 02 rod piston 1 3344-5016
2 003 960 80 12 set of seal assy. Ø55 1
3 180 446 09 05 bolt guide 1
4 003 907 11 00 snap ring 1
5 180 446 06 19 bush Ø55 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/451 /01



08/447 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 71 09 cylinder assy. Ø50 1 1574 MM POS.1->7
180 440 71 12 cylinder assy. 1 1674 MM POS.1->7
180 440 71 05 lift cylinder assy. 1 1724 MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 52 lift cylinder assy. 587mm-Ø50 1 1924MM POS.1->6
180 440 18 53 lift cylinder assy. 712mm-Ø50 1 2424MM POS.1->6
180 440 18 54 lift cylinder assy. 837mm-Ø50 1 2924MM POS.1->6
180 440 18 56 lift cylinder assy. 937mm-Ø50 1 3324MM POS.1->6
180 440 18 57 lift cylinder assy. 1062mm-Ø50 1 3824MM - POS.1->6
180 440 18 58 lift cylinder assy. 1162mm-Ø50 1 4224MM POS.1->6
1 - parts list-reference 1 1574 MM
1 - parts list-reference 1 1674 MM
1 - parts list-reference 1 1724 MM
1 180 445 00 45 rod piston 1 2424MM
1 180 445 00 46 rod piston 1 2924MM
1 180 445 00 44 rod piston 1 1924MM
1 180 445 00 47 rod piston 1 3324MM
1 180 445 00 48 rod piston 1 3824MM
1 180 445 00 49 rod piston 1 4224MM
2 003 960 80 11 set of seal assy. 1
3 180 446 06 03 guide 1 180 446 06 11
4 003 907 11 02 snap ring 1
5 180 446 06 18 bush Ø50 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1 08
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/447 /01



08/450 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 18 59 lift cylinder assy. 567mm-Ø55 1 1844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 60 lift cylinder assy. 692mm-Ø55 1 2344MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 62 lift cylinder assy. 817mm-Ø55 1 2844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 64 lift cylinder assy. 917mm-Ø55 1 3244MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 65 lift cylinder assy. 1042mm-Ø55 1 3744MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 69 lift cylinder assy. Ø55 1 5316MM POS. 1->7
180 490 25 38 lift cylinder assy. 1 4144MM
1 180 446 03 18 rod piston 1 1844MM
1 180 446 03 19 rod piston 1 2344MM
1 180 446 03 20 rod piston 1 2844MM
1 180 446 03 22 rod piston 1 3244MM
1 180 446 03 23 rod piston 1 3744MM
1 180 445 20 17 rod piston Ø55 1 5316MM
1 180 446 03 24 rod piston 1
2 003 960 80 12 set of seal assy. Ø55 1
3 180 446 09 05 bolt guide 1
4 003 907 11 00 snap ring 1
5 180 446 06 19 bush Ø55 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/450 /01



08/443 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 490 25 58 lift cylinder assy. 2 1070 MM POS.1->7
180 440 71 10 lift cylinder assy. 2 1574 MM POS.1->7
180 440 71 14 lift cylinder assy. 2 1674 MM POS.1->7
180 490 24 43 lift cylinder assy. 2 1724 MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 32 lift cylinder assy. Ø35 2 1924MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 33 lift cylinder assy. Ø35 2 2424MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 34 lift cylinder assy. Ø35 2 2924MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 35 lift cylinder assy. Ø35 2 3324MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 36 lift cylinder assy. Ø35 2 3824MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 37 lift cylinder assy. Ø35 2 4224MM POS. 1->6
180 440 18 38 lift cylinder assy. Ø35 2 4724MM POS.1->7
1 180 445 00 70 piston rod 1574mm 2 1574 MM
1 180 445 00 76 piston rod 2 1070 MM
1 180 445 00 71 piston rod 2 1674 MM
1 180 445 00 72 piston rod 1724mm 2 1724 MM
1 180 446 03 00 rod piston 2 1924MM
1 180 446 03 01 rod piston 2 2424MM
1 180 446 03 02 rod piston 2 2924MM
1 180 446 03 03 rod piston 2 3324MM
1 180 446 03 04 piston rod 2 3824MM
1 180 446 03 05 rod piston 2 4224MM
1 180 446 03 49 piston rod 2 4724MM
2 003 960 80 09 set of seals 2 08
3 180 446 09 03 guide 2
4 000 907 11 26 snap ring 2
5 180 446 06 16 bush Ø35 2
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/443 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/443 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014
cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 L14 AS W4X131D04541=>



08/479 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 L14 AS W4X131D04541=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

5172 490 24 03 1 919MM
5172 490 24 04 1 994MM
5172 490 24 02 1 667MM
5172 490 24 05 1 1094MM
5172 490 24 06 1 1344MM
5172 490 24 07 1 1594MM
5172 490 24 08 1 1794MM
5172 490 24 09 1 2044MM
5172 490 24 10 1 2244MM
5172 490 24 11 1 2494MM
5172 490 24 38 1 969MM
1 5172 445 59 69 piston rod 675 mm 1 675MM
1 5172 445 59 70 ***** 1 927MM
1 5172 445 59 71 ***** 1 1002MM
1 5172 445 59 72 ***** 1 1102MM
1 5172 445 59 73 ***** 1 1352MM
1 5172 445 59 74 ***** 1 1602MM
1 5172 445 59 75 ***** 1 1802MM
1 5172 445 59 76 ***** 1 2052MM
1 5172 445 59 77 ***** 1 2252MM
1 5172 445 59 78 ***** 1 2502MM
1 5172 445 59 92 ***** 1 977MM
2 5172 470 10 57 ***** 1 08
3 9 636 801 037 seal ring DIN 7603 A6X10-Cu 1
4 9 008 311 121 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x6-8.8-A2C 1
5 000 962 33 78 ***** 1
6 000 963 24 33 O-ring 44,2x2,5-NBR70 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/479 /01
cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 L14 AS W4X131D04541=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

7 000 962 09 14 grooved ring 35x45x7,3 1
8 000 962 24 14 wiper ring 35x43-4/7 1
9 9 464 620 260 snap ring DIN 7993 A35 1
10 000 915 90 54 ***** 1
11 7 7777 01 090 plug G3/8 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/479 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



08/444 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 18 39 lift cylinder assy. 1094mm-Ø37 2 1844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 40 lift cylinder assy. 1344mm-Ø37 2 2344MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 42 lift cylinder assy. 1594mm-Ø37 2 2844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 44 lift cylinder assy. 1794mm-Ø37 2 3244MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 45 lift cylinder assy. 2044mm-Ø37 2 3744MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 46 lift cylinder assy. 2244mm-Ø37 2 4144MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 47 lift cylinder assy. 2494mm-Ø37 2 4644MM POS.1->7
1 180 446 03 27 rod piston 2 1844MM
1 180 446 03 28 rod piston 2 2344MM
1 180 446 03 29 rod piston 2 2844MM
1 180 446 03 30 rod piston 2 3244MM
1 180 446 03 31 rod piston 2 3744MM
1 180 446 03 32 rod piston 2 4144MM
1 180 446 03 50 rod piston 2 4644MM
2 003 960 80 10 set of seal assy. Ø37 1
3 180 446 09 03 guide 1
4 003 907 11 01 snap ring 1
5 180 446 06 17 bush Ø37 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/444 /01
cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 L16 AS W4X131D04491=>



08/480 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 L16 AS W4X131D04491=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

5172 490 23 92 1 1094MM
5172 490 23 93 1 1344MM
5172 490 23 94 1 1594MM
5172 490 23 95 1 1744MM
5172 490 23 97 1 1794MM
5172 490 23 98 1 2044MM
5172 490 23 99 1 2244MM
5172 490 24 00 1 2494MM
5172 470 47 90 1 1309MM
5172 470 47 95 1 1559MM
5172 470 47 96 lift cylinder assy. 1609 mm 1 1609MM
5172 470 47 97 1 1659MM
5172 470 47 98 1 1709MM
5172 470 45 95 1 1809MM
5172 490 22 99 lift cylinder assy. 809 mm 1 809MM
1 5172 445 59 59 ***** 1 1102MM
1 5172 445 59 60 ***** 1 1352MM
1 5172 445 59 61 ***** 1 1602MM
1 5172 445 59 62 ***** 1 1752MM
1 5172 445 59 64 ***** 1 1952MM
1 5172 445 59 65 ***** 1 2052MM
1 5172 445 59 66 ***** 1 2252MM
1 5172 445 59 67 ***** 1 2502MM 08
1 5172 492 02 47 ***** 1 1289MM
1 5172 490 02 52 ***** 1 1539MM
1 5172 490 02 53 ***** 1 1589MM
1 5172 490 02 54 ***** 1 1639MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/480 /01
cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 L16 AS W4X131D04491=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 5172 490 02 55 ***** 1 1689MM
1 5172 490 02 57 ***** 1 1789MM
2 5172 446 41 53 ***** 1
3 000 915 90 16 ring 1
4 9 008 311 121 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x6-8.8-A2C 1
5 000 960 80 91 set of seal assy. 1
6 9 636 801 037 seal ring DIN 7603 A6X10-Cu 1
7 000 907 01 14 snap ring 1
8 000 962 33 26 guide ring 37x42x5,6 1
9 7 7777 01 090 plug G3/8 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/480 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



08/439 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 71 07 cylinder assy. Ø25 1 1574 MM
180 440 71 13 cylinder assy. 1 1674 MM POS.1->7
180 440 71 03 cylinder assy. 1 1724 MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 10 lift cylinder assy. 1094mm-Ø25 1 1924MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 11 lift cylinder assy. 1344mm-Ø25 1 2424MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 12 lift cylinder assy. 1594mm-Ø25 1 2924MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 13 lift cylinder assy. 1794mm-Ø25 1 3324MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 14 lift cylinder assy. 2044mm-Ø25 1 3824MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 15 lift cylinder assy. 2244mm-Ø25 1 4224MM POS. 1->6
1 180 445 00 69 piston rod 1574mm 1 1574 MM POS.1->7
1 - piston rod 1 1674 MM
1 - piston rod 1 1724 MM
1 180 446 03 06 piston rod 1924mm 1 1924MM
1 180 446 03 07 rod piston 2424mm 1 2424MM
1 180 446 03 08 rod piston 2924mm 1 2924MM
1 180 446 03 09 piston rod 3324mm 1 3324MM
1 180 446 03 10 rod piston 3824mm 1 3824MM
1 180 446 03 11 rod piston 4224mm 1 4224MM
2 003 960 80 07 set of seal assy. 1
3 180 446 09 02 bolt guide 1
4 000 907 11 30 snap ring 25x2,5 1
5 180 446 06 14 bush Ø25 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1 08
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/439 /01



08/441 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 18 22 lift cylinder assy. 1094mm-Ø26 1 1844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 23 lift cylinder assy. 1344mm-Ø26 1 2344MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 24 lift cylinder assy. 1594mm-Ø26 1 2844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 25 lift cylinder assy. 1794mm-Ø26 1 3244MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 26 lift cylinder assy. 2044mm-Ø26 1 3744MM POS.1->7
180 490 24 23 lift cylinder assy. Ø26 1 4144MM POS.1->7
1 180 446 03 57 rod piston 1 1844MM
1 180 446 03 58 piston rod 1 2344MM
1 180 446 03 59 rod piston 1 2844MM
1 180 446 03 60 rod piston 1 3244MM
1 180 446 03 61 rod piston 1 3744MM
1 180 446 03 62 rod piston 1 4144MM
2 003 960 80 08 set of seal assy. Ø 26 1
3 180 446 09 02 bolt guide 1
4 000 907 11 30 snap ring 25x2,5 1
5 180 446 06 15 packing box Ø26 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/441 /01



08/440 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 71 08 cylinder assy. Ø25 1 1574 MM POS. 1->7
180 440 71 11 cylinder assy. 1 1674 MM POS. 1->7
180 440 71 04 cylinder assy. 1 1724 MM POS. 1->7
180 440 18 16 lift cylinder assy. 1094mm-Ø25 1 1924MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 17 lift cylinder assy. 1344mm-Ø25 1 2424MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 18 lift cylinder assy. 1594mm-Ø25 1 2924MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 19 lift cylinder assy. 1794mm-Ø25 1 3324MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 20 lift cylinder assy. 2044mm-Ø25 1 3824MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 21 lift cylinder assy. 2244mm-Ø25 1 4224MM POS. 1->6
1 180 445 00 68 piston rod 1574mm 1 1574 MM
1 - piston rod 1 1674 MM
1 - piston rod 1 1724 MM
1 180 446 03 51 rod piston 1 1924MM
1 180 446 03 52 rod piston 1 2424MM
1 180 446 03 53 rod piston 1 2924MM
1 180 446 03 54 rod piston 1 3324MM
1 180 446 03 55 rod piston 1 3824MM
1 180 446 03 56 rod piston 1 4224MM
2 003 960 80 07 set of seal assy. 1
3 180 446 09 02 bolt guide 1
4 000 907 11 30 snap ring 25x2,5 1
5 180 446 06 14 bush Ø25 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1 08
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/440 /01



08/442 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 18 27 lift cylinder assy. 1094mm-Ø26 1 1844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 28 lift cylinder assy. 1344mm-Ø26 1 2344MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 29 lift cylinder assy. 1594mm-Ø26 1 2844MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 30 lift cylinder assy. 1794mm-Ø26 1 3244MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 31 lift cylinder assy. 2044mm-Ø26 1 3744MM POS.1->7
180 490 24 42 lift cylinder assy. Ø 26 1 4144MM
1 180 446 03 63 rod piston 1 1844MM
1 180 446 03 64 rod piston 1 2344MM
1 180 446 03 65 rod piston 1 2844MM
1 180 446 03 66 rod piston 1 3244MM
1 180 446 03 67 piston rod 1 3744MM
1 180 446 03 62 rod piston 1 4144MM
2 003 960 80 08 set of seal assy. Ø 26 1
3 180 446 09 02 bolt guide 1
4 000 907 11 30 snap ring 25x2,5 1
5 180 446 06 15 packing box Ø26 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/442 /01



08/445 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 18 48 lift cylinder assy. 1344mm-Ø37 1 3516MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 50 lift cylinder assy. Ø37 1 4266MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 51 lift cylinder assy. 1744mm-Ø37 1 4716MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 68 lift cylinder assy. Ø37 1 5316MM POS.1->7
180 490 24 97 lift cylinder assy. Ø37 1 5016
1 180 446 00 99 piston rod 1 3516MM
1 180 446 03 25 piston rod 1 4266 MM
1 180 446 03 26 rod piston 1 4716 MM
1 180 445 20 01 rod piston Ø37 1 5316MM
1 180 445 20 03 rod piston 1 5016
2 003 960 80 10 set of seal assy. Ø37 1
3 180 446 09 03 guide 1
4 003 907 11 01 snap ring 1
5 180 446 06 17 bush Ø37 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/445 /01
cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>



08/480 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

5172 490 23 92 1 1094MM
5172 490 23 93 1 1344MM
5172 490 23 94 1 1594MM
5172 490 23 95 1 1744MM
5172 490 23 97 1 1794MM
5172 490 23 98 1 2044MM
5172 490 23 99 1 2244MM
5172 490 24 00 1 2494MM
5172 470 47 90 1 1309MM
5172 470 47 95 1 1559MM
5172 470 47 96 lift cylinder assy. 1609 mm 1 1609MM
5172 470 47 97 1 1659MM
5172 470 47 98 1 1709MM
5172 470 45 95 1 1809MM
5172 490 22 99 lift cylinder assy. 809 mm 1 809MM
1 5172 445 59 59 ***** 1 1102MM
1 5172 445 59 60 ***** 1 1352MM
1 5172 445 59 61 ***** 1 1602MM
1 5172 445 59 62 ***** 1 1752MM
1 5172 445 59 64 ***** 1 1952MM
1 5172 445 59 65 ***** 1 2052MM
1 5172 445 59 66 ***** 1 2252MM
1 5172 445 59 67 ***** 1 2502MM 08
1 5172 492 02 47 ***** 1 1289MM
1 5172 490 02 52 ***** 1 1539MM
1 5172 490 02 53 ***** 1 1589MM
1 5172 490 02 54 ***** 1 1639MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/480 /01
cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 5172 490 02 55 ***** 1 1689MM
1 5172 490 02 57 ***** 1 1789MM
2 5172 446 41 53 ***** 1
3 000 915 90 16 ring 1
4 9 008 311 121 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x6-8.8-A2C 1
5 000 960 80 91 set of seal assy. 1
6 9 636 801 037 seal ring DIN 7603 A6X10-Cu 1
7 000 907 01 14 snap ring 1
8 000 962 33 26 guide ring 37x42x5,6 1
9 7 7777 01 090 plug G3/8 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/480 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



08/446 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 440 18 40 lift cylinder assy. 1344mm-Ø37 1 3516MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 42 lift cylinder assy. 1594mm-Ø37 1 4266MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 43 lift cylinder assy. 1744mm-Ø37 1 4716MM POS.1->7
180 440 18 67 lift cylinder assy. 1944mm-Ø37 1 5316MM POS.1->7
180 490 24 78 lift cylinder assy. Ø37 1 3344-5016
1 180 446 03 28 rod piston 1 3516MM
1 180 446 03 29 rod piston 1 4266 MM
1 180 446 03 33 rod piston 4716mm 1 4716 MM
1 180 445 00 96 rod piston Ø37 1 5316MM
1 180 445 20 00 rod piston 1 3344-5016
2 003 960 80 10 set of seal assy. Ø37 1
3 180 446 09 03 guide 1
4 003 907 11 01 snap ring 1
5 180 446 06 17 bush Ø37 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/446 /01
cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>



08/480 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

5172 490 23 92 1 1094MM
5172 490 23 93 1 1344MM
5172 490 23 94 1 1594MM
5172 490 23 95 1 1744MM
5172 490 23 97 1 1794MM
5172 490 23 98 1 2044MM
5172 490 23 99 1 2244MM
5172 490 24 00 1 2494MM
5172 470 47 90 1 1309MM
5172 470 47 95 1 1559MM
5172 470 47 96 lift cylinder assy. 1609 mm 1 1609MM
5172 470 47 97 1 1659MM
5172 470 47 98 1 1709MM
5172 470 45 95 1 1809MM
5172 490 22 99 lift cylinder assy. 809 mm 1 809MM
1 5172 445 59 59 ***** 1 1102MM
1 5172 445 59 60 ***** 1 1352MM
1 5172 445 59 61 ***** 1 1602MM
1 5172 445 59 62 ***** 1 1752MM
1 5172 445 59 64 ***** 1 1952MM
1 5172 445 59 65 ***** 1 2052MM
1 5172 445 59 66 ***** 1 2252MM
1 5172 445 59 67 ***** 1 2502MM 08
1 5172 492 02 47 ***** 1 1289MM
1 5172 490 02 52 ***** 1 1539MM
1 5172 490 02 53 ***** 1 1589MM
1 5172 490 02 54 ***** 1 1639MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/480 /01
cylinder tilt assy. Ø37 W4X131D04491=>

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 5172 490 02 55 ***** 1 1689MM
1 5172 490 02 57 ***** 1 1789MM
2 5172 446 41 53 ***** 1
3 000 915 90 16 ring 1
4 9 008 311 121 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x6-8.8-A2C 1
5 000 960 80 91 set of seal assy. 1
6 9 636 801 037 seal ring DIN 7603 A6X10-Cu 1
7 000 907 01 14 snap ring 1
8 000 962 33 26 guide ring 37x42x5,6 1
9 7 7777 01 090 plug G3/8 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/480 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



08/302 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 372 850 01 14 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B L=800 1 L14 L10/L12 AS MAST S/D L:800 MM
1 372 850 01 17 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B LG=1000 1 L14 L10/L12 AS MAST S/D L:1000 MM
1 379 850 19 21 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B L=1100 1 L14 L10/L12 AS MAST S/D L:1100 MM
1 1170 850 01 00 1 L10/12AC MAST S/D L:800 MM
1 1170 850 01 06 1 L10/12AC MAST S/D L:900 MM
1 1170 850 01 09 1 L06AC L10/12AC MAST S/D L:1000 MM
2 160 446 43 10 bearing 4
3 379 851 05 00 chain support 2
4 372 851 05 00 chain support 1
5 000 924 95 12 support roller 75,2 mm 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
5 000 924 95 13 support roller 75,7 mm 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
5 000 924 95 14 support roller 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
6 9 289 003 505 shim ring neutral 32x55 4
7 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4
9 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 2
10 372 850 01 15 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B LG=800 1 L16 MAT S/D - L:800 MM -
10 372 850 01 16 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B LG=800 1 L16 L10/L12 AS MAST T L:800 MM
10 141 850 20 55 carriage fork assy. 800 T 1 MAST T L:800 MM POS.11,13 L12R L16R 08
10 372 850 01 18 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B LG=1000 1 L16 MAT S/D - L:1000 MM REP. 11,12,14
10 141 850 20 57 carriage fork assy. 1000 T 1 MAST T L:1000 MM POS.11,13 L12R L16R
10 372 850 01 19 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B LG=1000 1 L16 MAT T - L:1000 MM -
L10/L12 AS

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/302 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

10 372 850 18 57 fork carriage assy. ISO 2B 1100/1,6T 1 L16 L10/L12 AS MAST T L:1100 MM
10 1170 850 01 02 1 L16AC MAST S/D L:800 MM
10 1170 850 01 03 1 L16AC MAST T L:800 MM
10 1170 850 01 04 1 L16AC MAST S/D L:900 MM
10 1170 850 01 05 1 L16AC MAST T L:900 MM
10 1170 850 01 07 1 L16AC MAST S/D L:1000 MM
10 1170 850 01 08 1 L16AC MAST T L:1000 MM
11 160 446 43 10 bearing 4
12 160 446 25 00 support 2
13 372 446 25 01 support 1
14 379 851 05 00 chain support 2
15 9 289 003 505 shim ring neutral 32x55 4
16 000 924 95 12 support roller 75,2 mm 4
16 000 924 95 13 support roller 75,7 mm 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
16 000 924 95 14 support roller 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
17 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
18 9 008 311 298 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M12x30-8.8-A2C 2
19 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M12-8-A2C 2
08 20 9 030 003 126 cutting screw DIN 7513 AM6x12-A2C 2
21 9 292 003 014 washer ISO 7089 A6,4-ST50-A2C 6
22 372 446 52 00 fork arm ISO 2B LG=900 2 L06AC L10AC L12AC L16AS L:900 MM
22 372 446 52 01 fork arms ISO 2B LG=1000 2 L06AC L10AC L12AC L16AS L:1000 MM
22 372 446 52 02 fork arms 80x40 ISO 2B lg=1100 2 L06AC L10AC L12AC L16AS L:1100 MM

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/302 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

22 372 446 52 03 fork arms ISO 2B LG=1150 2 L06AC L10AC L12AC L16AS L:1150 MM
22 372 446 52 04 fork arms ISO 2B 8x40x1200 2 L06AC L10AC L12AC L16AS L:1200 MM
22 141 446 52 13 fork arm ISO 2B 100X45X1000 2 L16AC L:1000 MM
22 141 446 52 14 fork arm ISO 2B 100X45X1100 2 L16AC L:1100 MM
22 141 446 52 16 fork arm ISO 2B 100X45X1200 2 L16AC L:1200 MM
23 394 440 82 15 latch komplett-ISO2 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 08/302 /03


09/132 00 - 02 switch assy.
09/160 00 - 01 PROGRESSIVE STOP


14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31

switch assy.



09/132 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

switch assy.

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 372 363 12 44 support 1 =>|W4X131W03668
1 372 363 12 44 support 1 =>|W4X372W03546
1a 372 363 12 54 support 1 W4X372W03547|=>
1a 372 363 12 54 support 1 W4X131W03669|=>
2 372 363 12 45 support 1
3 9 008 311 186 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x30-8.8-A2C 2
4 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2 =>|W4X131W03668
4 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 2 =>|W4X372W03546
4 000 907 09 09 lock washer 8,7x16,6x2,5 2 W4X372W03547|=>
4 000 907 09 09 lock washer 8,7x16,6x2,5 2 W4X131W03669|=>
5 7 9154 95 532 gauge 1 =>|W4X372T01628
5 7 9174 15 915 switch Reed 1 W4X372T01629|=>
6 7 9125 03 869 receptacle 1
7 7 9125 03 883 housing tab 2
8 9 062 316 069 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x16-8.8-A2C 2
9 000 904 02 06 hexagon nut 2
10 7 9133 00 428 hose (cable protection) 9,5-Pg6 3 =>|W4X372T01628
11 7 9133 00 421 plastic hose Pg11 (M16x1,5) 1 W4X372U00699|=>
12 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1 =>|W4X372W05378
12 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1 =>|W4X131W05047
12 000 973 61 51 magnet 1 W4X372W05379|=>
12 000 973 61 51 magnet 1 W4X131W05048|=>
13 9 062 316 085 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x60-8.8-A2C 1
14 372 851 05 13 support spacer 1 372 851 05 21 MAST S/D/E
14 372 851 05 21 support spacer 1 =>|W4X131W03668

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 09/132 /01
switch assy.

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

14 372 851 05 21 support spacer 1 =>|W4X372W03546
14 372 851 27 02 spacer 1 W4X372W03547|=>W4X372W05378
14 372 851 27 02 spacer 1 W4X131W03669|=>W4X131W05047
14 372 851 05 14 support spacer 1 372 851 05 22 MAST T
14 372 851 05 22 support spacer 1 =>|W4X131W03668
14 372 851 05 22 support spacer 1 =>|W4X372W03546
14 372 851 27 03 spacer 1 W4X372W03547|=>W4X372W05378
14 372 851 27 04 spacer 1 W4X372W05379|=>
14 372 851 27 03 spacer 1 W4X131W03669|=>W4X131W05047
14 372 851 27 04 spacer 1 W4X131W05048|=>
15 000 931 40 47 clamp 1 W4X372T01629|=>372U00698
16 000 955 26 24 cable clip 1 W4X372T01629|=>
17 372 363 14 28 support 1 W4X372T01629|=>
18 9 008 311 174 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x10-8.8-A2C 1 W4X372T01629|=>
19 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 B8-A2C 1 W4X372T01629|=>
20 372 358 05 00 magnet core 1 W4X372T01629|=>
21 372 381 04 56 harness 1 W4X372T01629|=>
22 7 0296 01 000 adhesive tape 15x3 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
09/132 /02 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014



09/160 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 003 973 30 14 sensor 1 =>|W4X313A02866
1 003 973 30 16 microswitch 1 W4X313A02867|=>
2 372 363 24 04 support gauge 1
3 000 955 26 01 cable clip 2
4 132 381 03 02 harness 1 =>|W4X313A02866
4 131 381 03 65 cable harness 1 W4X313A02867|=>
5 9 018 347 177 hexagon head bolt DIN 6921 M8x16-10.9-A2C-Ripp 4


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 09/160 /01


14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31


10/127 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 000 938 06 26 text label Fenwick-340-9002 1 FENWICK SP
1 000 938 05 97 label text Fenwick-200-neu-9002 1 003 938 22 02 FENWICK AP
1 003 938 22 02 label text 1 FENWICK AP
1 000 938 06 22 label linde Linde-200-9002 1 000 938 06 61 LINDE AP
1 000 938 06 61 label text Linde-200-new-9002 1
1 000 938 06 61 label text Linde-200-new-9002 1 003 938 05 02 LINDE SP
1 003 938 05 02 label text 1 LINDE SP
2 000 938 45 36 nameplate 1 003 938 20 18 FENWICK
2 003 938 20 18 label text FENWICK 1
2 000 938 45 37 nameplate lift truck-LMH-UK-Mert. 1 000 938 45 26 GB
2 000 938 45 35 nameplate 1 LINDE
3 003 938 18 64 label 1
4 003 938 22 00 label text 2 L14
4 000 938 22 48 label L16 2 L16
5 000 938 09 48 label 1 COLD STORE
6 003 938 18 80 label 1
7 003 938 15 01 label LD 0039381501 1
8 003 938 18 78 label WARNING 1 GB
9 000 938 13 86 capacity rating plate neutral 1 003 938 11 02
9 003 938 11 02 label 1
10 000 938 09 27 label 1
11 000 938 18 67 label restriction symbol 1
12 003 938 19 11 plates lifting sling 1
13 003 938 18 29 adhesive label 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list 10
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 10/127 /01

10/145 /00 print no.131 804 90 31 14.02.2014

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 000 938 06 26 text label Fenwick-340-9002 1 003 938 22 05 FENWICK SP
1 003 938 22 05 label text Fenwick 1 FENWICK
2 000 938 05 97 label text Fenwick-200-neu-9002 1 003 938 22 02 FENWICK AP
2 003 938 22 02 label text 1 FENWICK AP
3 000 938 06 61 label text Linde-200-new-9002 1 003 938 05 02 LINDE AP
3 003 938 05 02 label text 1 FENWICK AP
4 000 938 06 63 label text Linde-320-new-RAL9002 1 003 938 05 06 LINDE SP
4 003 938 05 06 label text LINDE 1 LINDE SP
5 003 938 20 17 label text LMH D-Aschaffenburg 1
6 003 938 20 18 label text FENWICK 1
7 003 938 22 00 label text 2 L14
8 000 938 22 48 label L16 2 L16
9 000 938 09 48 label 1 COLD STORE
10 003 938 18 80 label 1
11 003 938 18 78 label WARNING 1 GB
12 003 938 11 02 label 1
13 000 938 09 27 label 1
14 000 938 18 67 label restriction symbol 1
15 003 938 19 11 plates lifting sling 2
16 003 938 18 29 adhesive label 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list 10
14.02.2014 print no.131 804 90 31 10/145 /01

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