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Pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae) by night-active bees: A new

nocturnal pollination system mediated by floral scent

Article  in  Plant Biology · October 2016

DOI: 10.1111/plb.12520


43 937

4 authors:

Guaraci Duran Cordeiro Mardiore Pinheiro

University of Salzburg Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul


Stefan Dötterl Isabel Alves-dos-Santos

University of Salzburg University of São Paulo


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Plant Biology ISSN 1435-8603


Pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae) by night-active

bees: a new nocturnal pollination system mediated by floral
€ tterl3 & I. Alves-dos-Santos4
G. D. Cordeiro1, M. Pinheiro2, S. Do
1 Faculdade de Filosofia, Ci^
encias e Letras de Ribeir~
ao Preto, Universidade de S~ao Paulo, Ribeir~ao Preto, S~ao Paulo, Brazil
2 Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Cerro Largo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
3 Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
4 Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Bioci^ encias, Universidade de S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, Brazil

1-Octanol; cambuci; Colletidae; floral
volatiles; Halictidae; nocturnal anthesis;
pollinator effectiveness. • Bees are the most important diurnal pollinators of angiosperms. In several groups of
bees a nocturnal/crepuscular habit developed, yet little is known about their role in
Correspondence pollination and whether some plants are adapted specifically to these bees. We used a
€tterl, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, 5020,
S. Do multidisciplinary approach to investigate the reproductive biology and to understand
Salzburg, Austria. the role of nocturnal/crepuscular bees in pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myr-
E-mail: taceae), popularly named cambuci.

• We studied the floral biology and breeding system of C. phaea. We collected the floral
visitors and tested the pollinators’ effectiveness. We also determined the floral scents
A. Dafni released at night and during daytime, and studied behavioural responses of crepuscu-
lar/nocturnal bees towards these scents.
Received: 29 June 2016; Accepted:
19 October 2016
• The flowers of cambuci were self-incompatible and had pollen as the only resource for
flower visitors. Anthesis lasted around 14 h, beginning at 04:30 h at night. The flowers
released 14 volatile compounds, mainly aliphatic and aromatic compounds. We col-
lected 52 species of floral visitors, mainly bees. Nocturnal and crepuscular bees (four
species) were among the most frequent species and the only effective pollinators. In
field bioassays performed at night, nocturnal/crepuscular bees were attracted by a syn-
thetic scent blend consisting of the six most abundant compounds.
• This study describes the first scent-mediated pollination system between a plant and
its nocturnal bee pollinators. Further, C. phaea has several floral traits that do not allow
classification into other nocturnal pollination syndromes (e.g. pollinator attraction
already before sunrise, with pollen as the only reward), instead it is a plant specifically
adapted to nocturnal bees.

Frankie et al. 1983; Proencßa 1992; Wilms 1995; Souza 1996;

Hopkins et al. 2000; Silva & Pinheiro 2007; Faria & Stehmann
Bees are the most important pollinators of angiosperms in both 2010; Franco & Gimenes 2011; Carneiro & Martins 2012; Krug
natural (Ollerton et al. 2011) and crop (Klein et al. 2007) areas. et al. 2015) and through analyses of pollen found in their nests
While this is true and well known for bees with a diurnal habit, (Smith et al. 2012), which both suggest that they play a role as
little is known about the importance of nocturnal bees as polli- pollinators. However, evidence that these bees are efficient pol-
nators. Nocturnal and crepuscular activity in bees has arisen linators is lacking, and it is also unclear whether some plants
independently in at least four of the seven families of bees, i.e. show specific adaptations to nocturnal bees or whether these
Andrenidae, Apidae, Colletidae and Halictidae, with at least bees just make use of rewards primarily offered to other noc-
250 species (Wcislo & Tierney 2009). Most nocturnal species turnal or diurnal pollinators. Recently, Carvalho et al. (2012)
are tropical or subtropical (Warrant 2007). The visual adapta- and Knoll & Santos (2012) attracted nocturnal bees (Megalopta
tions of nocturnal bees to low light, such as their larger com- spp.) to euglossine scent traps, suggesting that these bees use
pound eyes and ocelli when compared to diurnal bees (Jander olfactory cues to find flowers. However, as the scent cues
& Jander 2002; Greiner et al. 2004a,b; Warrant et al. 2004; released by plants visited by nocturnal bees are unknown, noth-
Berry et al. 2011), allow them to collect resources from flowers ing is yet known about the chemical communication between
during the night without competing with diurnal flower visi- nocturnal bees and their specific host plants.
tors (Wcislo et al. 2004; Wcislo & Tierney 2009). The dish flower of Myrtaceae allows visits by all kinds of
The interaction of nocturnal bees with plants has been flower visitors (Faegri & Van Der Pijl 1971; Endress 1994), such
recorded through direct observations of visits (Janzen 1968; as bats, birds, insects, marsupials and reptiles (Armstrong

Plant Biology © 2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1
Pollination of a Myrtaceae by nocturnal bees €tterl & Alves-dos-Santos
Cordeiro, Pinheiro, Do

1979; Hopper 1980; Crome & Irvine 1986; Whitaker 1987; in Neblinas Park (only flower visitors, see below), and in a crop
Roitman et al. 1997). Overall, diurnal bees have been shown to area site with ca. 300 small-sized trees surrounded by natural
be the most common pollinators (Proencßa & Gibbs 1994; vegetation, both in the municipality of Mogi das Cruzes, state
Lughadha & Proencßa 1996; Gressler et al. 2006; Fidalgo & of S~ao Paulo, Brazil (23°250 S, 46°100 W, 900 m a.s.l.). These
Kleinert 2009; Giannini et al. 2015), although Proencßa & Gibbs localities are within the Atlantic Forest biome of Ombrophilous
(1994) warned that nocturnal and crepuscular bees might also Dense vegetation, which climate is type Af and characterised as
be important pollinators. They have simply not been recorded humid tropical with over 2000 mm of annual rainfall (K€ oppen
as frequently because they are active during hours when sam- 1948).
pling is not commonly carried out. Campomanesia phaea (O.
Berg) Landrum 1984 is a Myrtaceae endemic to the Atlantic
Floral biology and reproductive system
Forest in southeastern Brazil (Lorenzi et al. 2006). This species,
known popularly as cambuci, is currently included in the list of We monitored anthesis time, stigma receptivity, floral
the vulnerable species by the International Union for Conser- resources, pollen viability and the breeding system of cambuci.
vation of Nature (IUCN 2015) due to recurrent deforestation. Stigma receptivity was tested hourly, from flower opening to
Nowadays it is cultivated on a small scale for the production of senescence, in ten individuals (one flower/individual) using
homemade sweets, ice creams, liquors and juices (Kawasaki & hydrogen peroxide (Dafni et al. 2005), and in five individuals
Landrum 1997; Vallilo et al. 2005). In C. phaea we detected, in (one flower/individual) with peroxtesmo KO (Dafni & Maues
preliminary observations, nocturnal anthesis and also visits by 1998).
nocturnal/crepuscular bees. The number of pollen grains produced per flower was deter-
To study the floral and reproductive biology of C. phaea, as mined through optical microscopy, by counting the pollen
well as the chemical ecology of its pollination, we used a multi- grains of five flowers (from five different individuals). In order
disciplinary approach to address the following questions: (i) to discriminate the morphology of C. phaea pollen from pollen
what is the floral biology and breeding system of the plant; (ii) of co-flowering plants, the flowers were fixed in acetic acid for
what are the diurnal and nocturnal visitors and pollinators of later preparation of slides using the acetolysis method (Erdt-
the flowers; (iii) which scent compounds do cambuci flowers man 1966). Pollen viability was tested through cytoplasm stain-
emit during day and at night and in which absolute amounts; ing with acetic carmine 1.2% in around 100 anthers from five
and (iv) are nocturnal/crepuscular bees attracted by the main flowers (from five different individuals) previously fixed in
components of the floral scent? FAA 70% (Dafni et al. 2005).
The breeding system was determined using manual pollina-
tion treatments: agamospermy, cross-pollination, manual self-
MATERIAL AND METHODS pollination and spontaneous self-pollination (Dafni et al.
2005). For each treatment we bagged 50 pre-anthesis flower
Studied species
buds in ten trees (five flowers/individual). On the same trees,
Campomanesia phaea grows in the Atlantic Forest biome. Tree we marked 100 flower buds to test the formation of fruits
height at reproductive age ranges from 2 to 5 m. The flowers under natural conditions (open pollination control). In all
measure about 3 cm and the fruits are 5–8 cm in diameter treatments, fruit set was monitored.
(Fig. 1). The flowering period is in the warmest and most
humid months from September to December. A voucher speci-
Flower visitors and pollinator effectiveness
men was deposited at HUMC (Herbario Mogiense, Universi-
dade de Mogi das Cruzes, SP), with the number 4481. We captured flower visitors with an entomological net during
the period, where flowers offer pollen rewards (04:30 h to
12:00 h; see Results) on 60 non-consecutive days in the crop
Study area
area site (450 recorded hours) and 30 non-consecutive days in
We carried out the study over three flowering periods (2011– the natural habitat (225 recorded hours). To determine the
2014), from September to December, in a natural habitat site abundance of flower visitors, we selected ten flowers from each


Fig. 1. (A) Flower with the style indicated by arrow, surrounded by c. 500 stamens. (B) Fruit of cambuci (Campomanesia phaea).

2 Plant Biology © 2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands
€tterl & Alves-dos-Santos
Cordeiro, Pinheiro, Do Pollination of a Myrtaceae by nocturnal bees

of six trees (each tree observed once on a different day) and version 2.72 (Shimadzu 2012). The identification of com-
observed the number of visits by each insect (without catching pounds was carried out using the mass spectral libraries
them) during 30-min intervals throughout the anthesis. In this Wiley 9, Nist 2011, FFNSC 2 and Adams 2007, as well as
experiment, we also monitored whether visitors contacted the the database available in MassFinder 3. The identity of some
stigma. In parallel, we recorded the light intensity (lux) with a of the compounds was confirmed by comparison of mass
digital lux meter (MLM-1011). Pollinator effectiveness was spectra and retention times with authentic standard com-
assessed with the most frequent visitor species through two dif- pounds.
ferent approaches using newly opened flowers that were previ-
ously bagged at the bud stage: (i) after the first visit by an
Field bioassays
insect, we removed the pistil of the flower to count the number
of cambuci pollen grains deposited on the stigma (single-visit After identification of the scent compounds in the five night
deposition, SVD); (ii) after a single visit by an insect, we samples collected from a single individual, a mixture of the six
bagged the flower and monitored fruit set (Dafni et al. 2005; main compounds (benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, hexanal,
Ne’eman et al. 2010). Pollen deposition was measured on 63 1-hexanol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 1-octanol), resembling the rela-
flowers visited by nocturnal visitors and 54 flowers visited by tive abundance of these compounds in the samples (as deter-
diurnal visitors, and fruit set on 51 flowers visited by nocturnal mined by dynamic headspace and GC/MS, see also below), was
and diurnal visitors each. prepared to obtain a synthetic scent of cambuci flowers for
The insect vouchers were deposited at the CEPANN collec- field bioassays.
tion (Colecß~ao Entomologica Paulo Nogueira Neto) at the Insti- Bioassays were carried out in December 2014, twice a week
tute of Bioci^encias, University of S~ao Paulo under the (eight bioassays), from 05:00 h to 06:30 h during the period
numbers: 42963–43374. of activity of the nocturnal/crepuscular bees. Field nine-choice
bioassays were performed at night during the flowering period
to test if the identified floral volatiles are able to attract the
Volatile sampling and analyses
nocturnal/crepuscular bees. In the field we tested the synthetic
Flower volatiles were collected using dynamic headspace, as scent mixture of cambuci at different concentrations (pure;
described in D€otterl et al. (2005). To determine the scent bou- 103 and 105 diluted in paraffin oil), pure samples of the
quet released and how it varies over time, 14 scent samples four most abundant compounds (1-hexanol, 1-octanol, benzyl
were collected from three different individuals. A single flower alcohol, 2-phenylethanol) and a negative control (paraffin
was sampled from each of two individuals, and five flowers oil). Additionally, pure linalool, a compound well known
were sampled from a third individual. All flowers were sampled from plants pollinated by diurnal bees (Dobson 2006), was
twice: at night (morning) immediately after opening (05:00 h) presented in the field bioassays. For each treatment, we
and additionally during daytime 5 h after the beginning of offered 500 ll of the compound/mixture on filter paper
anthesis. To obtain the scent samples, flowers were enclosed in (diameter 3 cm) placed on a Petri dish, with each sample
polyester oven bags (Toppitsâ) for 2 min and then adsorbent distanced 1 m from each other in a line. Dynamic headspace
tubes were inserted into the bags to collect the volatiles for and GC/MS analyses of the scent released from the filter paper
2 min using a membrane pump (G12/01 EB; Rietschle Thomas, revealed that the different concentrations of the synthetic
Puchheim, Germany). Flow was adjusted to 200 mlmin1 with mixture are equivalent to 5000 flowers = 120 flowering plant
a flowmeter. The adsorbent tubes (quartz vials, length: 25 mm, individuals (pure; flower visitors will not be confronted with
inner diameter: 2 mm) were filled with 1.5 mg Tenax-TA such a high concentration in nature), 50 flowers = one flower-
(mesh 60–80) and 1.5 mg Carbotrap B (mesh 20–40, both ing plant individuals (103), and less than one flower (105).
Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA). The adsorbents were fixed in Bees flying within 10 cm around a Petri dish, or actually
the tubes using glass wool. Dynamic headspace samples of landing on it, were collected with an insect net. Responding
green leaves were collected with the same method and were bees were collected and kept in a cool box until the end of the
used to discriminate vegetative from flower-specific scent com- assay, when they were released. This prevents counting
ponents. responding bees twice.
Scent samples were analysed using GC/MS (gas chro-
matography/mass spectrometry) to: (i) identify the flower-
Data analysis
specific compounds in the scent samples, and (ii) determine
their absolute and relative amounts. The system consisted of For analysis of semi-quantitative (percentage contribution of
an automated thermal desorption system (model TD-20; single compounds to total scent) differences in scent emission
Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) coupled to a GC/MS (model between time periods (night and day), we performed a
QP2010 Ultra EI; Shimadzu) equipped with a ZB-5 fused PERMANOVA (fixed factor: time class; random factor: individual,
silica column (5% phenyl polysiloxane; 60-m long; inner to control for the fact that some flowers were from a same
diameter 0.25 mm; film thickness 0.25 lm; Phenomenex, individual; 10,000 permutations) analysis based on pair-wise
Torrance, CA, USA), as described in Mitchell et al. (2015). Bray–Curtis similarities (Primer 6 version 6.1.15; Permanova
The column flow (carrier gas: helium) was set to version 1.0.5; Clarke and Gorley 2006; Anderson et al. 2008).
1.5 mlmin1. The GC oven temperature started at 40 °C, The field bioassay results were analysed by exact binomial
then increased by 6 °Cmin1 to 250 °C and held for 1 min. tests of goodness-of-fit using the spreadsheet provided at
The MS interface worked at 250 °C. Mass spectra were (accessed 20 Jan.
taken at 70 eV (in EI mode) from m/z 30 to 350. The GC/ 2015). Responses towards specific scent stimuli were compared
MS data were processed using the GCMSolution package, to responses towards the negative control when at least eight

Plant Biology © 2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 3
Pollination of a Myrtaceae by nocturnal bees €tterl & Alves-dos-Santos
Cordeiro, Pinheiro, Do

bees (pooled over replicate assays) responded towards a specific

Flower visitors and pollinator effectiveness
We collected a total of 411 insect visitors on the flowers, repre-
senting 52 species: including 36 bee species, five dipterans, two
RESULTS wasps and one butterfly (Tables 2 and S1). Thirteen of the spe-
cies occurred at both sites, eight only in the natural habitat site
Floral biology and reproductive system
and 31 only in the crop area site. The most abundant species,
Campomanesia phaea flowers opened their petals and extended with the exception of a few stingless bee species, were present
their filaments and styles before sunrise, from 04:30 to 05:00 h. at both sites. As quantified in the crop area site, the occurrence
At the moment of full flower opening, the stigma was receptive and abundance of different species of flower visitor varied with
and pollen available. The flower and stigmatic receptivity lasted time of day. At the beginning of anthesis, before sunrise, the
until 19:00 h. Pollen was the only resource offered to the visi- nocturnal bees Megalopta sodalis, Megommation insigne, Ptilo-
tors. The anthers had available pollen until 12:00 noon. The glossa latecalcarata, and Zikanapis seabrai were the only visi-
average pollen viability was 90.3  4.7% (N = 5 flowers). tors, and their abundance was high until 06:00 h (Figs 2 and
Flowers did not produce fruits asexually (agasmospermy 3). Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 (Fig. 2D) appeared shortly
treatment) nor following manual and spontaneous self-pollina- before sunrise, and reached similar high abundances as the
tion, but had a similar fruit set in the cross-pollination (38%) nocturnal/crepuscular bees at and shortly after sunrise, and
and natural conditions (28%) treatments (Table 1). then decreased in abundance until noon. Other diurnal bees
visited the flowers only after sunrise and were, with lower or
similar abundances to the honeybee, also present until noon
(Fig. 3).
Table 1. Percentage fruit set in manual and open (control) treatments in We measured the contact of bees, ventral part of thorax or
C. phaea. In each treatment, flowers from ten different trees were used. abdomen, with the stigma. The large-size bees, such as the noc-
turnal bees P. latecalcarata and Z. seabrai, as well as the day-
treatments N fruit set (%)
active bees of Bombus (two species), Centris (one species) and
cross-pollination 50 38 Epicharis (one species) contacted the stigma in 100% of the vis-
manual self-pollination 50 0 its (Fig. 4). Nocturnal M. sodalis and M. insigne contacted the
spontaneous self-pollination 50 0 stigma in about 60% of visits. All other recorded bees, such as
agamospermy 50 0 A. mellifera, touched the stigma in <30% of visits. Insects other
open pollination 100 28 than bees did not contact the stigma (Fig. 4).
During the pollination efficiency tests, 21 bee species visited
N = total number of flowers.
the flowers. Among these, four nocturnal and seven diurnal
species deposited pollen during a single visit to a flower. How-
Table 2. Number and identity of insects collected on flowers of cambuci
ever, flowers set fruits only following a visit by a nocturnal bee
(C. phaea) at the study sites (crop area, natural habitat). Nocturnal bee spe-
species (Table 3).
cies are in bold. Only species with at least five individuals in any site are
shown. A complete list of insects collected on flowers of cambuci is given in
Table S1.

number of individuals A B

species crop natural habitat

Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 142 37
Bombus brasiliensis Lepeletier, 1836 5 5
Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier, 1836 12
Paratrigona subnuda Moure, 1947 16 3 C D
Partamona helleri Friese, 1900 23
Trigona spinipes Fabricius, 1793 24
Trigonopedia sp.1 7
Ptiloglossa latecalcarata Moure, 1945 25 8
Zikanapis seabrai Moure, 1953 5 5
Fig. 2. Flower visitors of C. phaea. A–C. Nocturnal and crepuscular bees:
Megalopta sodalis (Vachal, 1904) 15 5
Megalopta sodalis (A), Megommation insigne (B), Ptiloglossa latecalcarata
Megommation insigne (Smith, 1953) 6 5
(C). Individuals of day-active Apis mellifera (D).

4 Plant Biology © 2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands
€tterl & Alves-dos-Santos
Cordeiro, Pinheiro, Do Pollination of a Myrtaceae by nocturnal bees

25 3000


N. individuals/30min.

Light intensity (lux)



0 0

5 - 5:30 h

6 - 6:30 h

7 - 7:30 h

8 - 8:30 h

9 - 9:30 h

10:30 - 11 h

11:30 - 12 h
5:30 - 6 h

6:30 - 7 h

8:30 - 9 h

9:30 - 10 h

10 - 10:30 h

11 - 11:30 h
Fig. 3. Number (mean SD) of individuals of the flower
visitors of C. phaea (n = 6 trees), and ambient light
intensity (black line, mean of six replicates) over time,
from the beginning of anthesis until noon. : Indication
of sunrise. Nocturnal/Crepuscular bees Apis mellifera Other diurnal species

diurnal bees. These bees, however, were not identified as polli-

Floral volatiles
nators of cambuci. Nevertheless, we cannot exclude that they
The flowers emitted strong scents before and after sunrise, as play a minor role in pollination, not detected by our approach.
perceived by the human nose, and our chemical analyses The four pollinating visitor species were from four different
revealed roughly 1–10 lg of scent per flower and hour bee genera, all of which are well known as being nocturnal
(Table 4). (Warrant 2007).
In total 14 compounds of four chemical classes were found Species from the four pollinating genera were found visiting
in the night scent samples, and with the exception of a trace flowers in other species at night. Ptiloglossa was found on
compound, all of them also occurred in the day-time samples. another Myrtaceae (Siphoneugena densiflora Berg., Proencßa
The volatiles consisted of aliphatics (ten compounds, nine in 1992) and a Melastomataceae (Myrcia pubipetala Miq, Wilms
day samples), aromatics (two compounds), monoterpenes 1995). Megalopta and Megommation visited species of several
(one compound) and N-containing compounds (one com- families other than Myrtaceae (Janzen 1968; Wilms 1995; Hop-
pound; Table 4). The most abundant compounds during both kins et al. 2000; Franco & Gimenes 2011; Krug et al. 2015).
day and night were the aliphatics 1-hexanol and 1-octanol, and Zikanapis visited two species of Campomanesia (including
the aromatics benzyl alcohol and 2-phenylethanol. There was C. phaea) and several species of other families (Wilms 1995).
no overall (all compounds considered) differences in scent Further information on the plant spectrum visited by two
composition between the two time periods (PERMANOVA: Megalopta species comes from analyses of pollen samples from
Pseudo-F1,13 = 0.34, P = 0.76). nests of these bees. In such analyses, pollen of 40 different spe-
cies was detected, among them Bombacaceae, Anacardiaceae
and Guttiferae (Smith et al. 2012). Overall, these data show
Field bioassays
that nocturnal/crepuscular bees visit a broad spectrum of host
Two nocturnal bee species responded in field bioassays. M. plants, they are not specialised to a specific plant taxon but are
insigne and P. latecalcarata flew towards two different concen- generalist foragers (see also Frankie et al. 1983).
trations of the synthetic scent mixture, and to pure 1-octanol, Diurnal bees were not identified as pollinators even though
whereas a significant attractive effect (compared to the negative some deposited pollen onto the stigma. It is possible that diur-
control) could only be detected for the two highest concentra- nal visitors did not promote cross-pollination, which is a con-
tions of the synthetic mixture (P < 0.01 each). The other com- dition for fruit set of C. phaea. For example, the non-native
pounds and the negative control did not attract insects honeybee Apis mellifera was the most abundant diurnal visitor
(Table 5). on cambuci flowers and deposited large amounts of pollen
grains onto the stigma, but was not an effective pollinator. As
in other systems, it may have transferred pollen especially
within plant individuals (Goulson 2003; Dohzono & Yokoyama
Our study demonstrates that cambuci flowers are visited by 2010; Aizen et al. 2014), resulting in no fruits due to the self-
nocturnal and diurnal bees, as well as by other diurnal insects, incompatibility of cambuci. Further, by depleting the pollen,
but that only night-active bees are effective pollinators. The the honeybee might have affected potential native diurnal polli-
flowers emit a strong scent before and after sunrise, and nators (e.g. Bombus spp., Melipona spp.) through exploitative
nocturnal bees were attracted by the main scent components. competition (Butz-Huryn 1997; Roubik & Villanueva-
The flowers of cambuci are self-incompatible, which seems Gutierrez 2009).
to be most common among Myrtaceae (Beardsell et al. 1993; The compounds identified in the scent samples of cambuci
Lughadha & Proencßa 1996). They depend on pollinators for are widespread among floral scents (Knudsen et al. 2006; but
setting fruit and, as in other Myrtaceae species, were visited by see octyl formate). Interestingly, floral scent of cambuci

Plant Biology © 2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 5
Pollination of a Myrtaceae by nocturnal bees €tterl & Alves-dos-Santos
Cordeiro, Pinheiro, Do

Frequency of stigma contact (%)


Fig. 4. Percentage of visits with stigma contact in

C. phaea. The insects are listed in order of decreasing
frequency of stigma contact. Nocturnal/crepuscular bees
are represented with blue bars and diurnal insects with
black bars.

Table 3. Number of pollen grains deposited ( SD) onto the stigma during Table 4. Relative amount of each compounds detected in the night and
a single visit by individuals of the most frequent visitor species (all bees) and day floral scent samples of C. phaea (N = 3 individuals; mean of pseudo-
the likelihood of forming a fruit after a single visit. Nocturnal and diurnal replicate samples from several flowers of one individual was used for calcu-
species are in alphabetical order. lations). Compounds are listed according to chemical class. KRI: Kovats
Retention Index. The four most abundant compounds are in bold. Identity
pollen deposition formation of fruits of compounds marked with an asterisk was confirmed with synthetic
no. pollen
no. grains no. fruit night day
bee species flowers deposited flowers set (%) KRI median (min/max) median (min/max)
nocturnal species total absolute 1648 (886/2788) 829 (540/1096)
Megalopta seabrai 10 85  80 12 50 amount of scent
Megommation insigne 21 39  66 19 53 (ngh1flower1)
Ptiloglossa latecalcarata 28 70  69 17 41 compounds
Zikanapis seabrai 4 61  54 3 33 Aliphatics
diurnal species hexanal* 802 1.38 (1.05/2.73) 5.26 (2.85/8.44)
Apis mellifera 14 81  72 26 0 (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol* 856 4.86 (3.86/8.44) 7.48 (4.80/11.19)
Augochlorini spp. 7 95 5 0 1-hexanol* 868 8.76 (2.50/43.26) 32.81 (18.47/33.00)
Bombus spp. 9 20  40 12 0 2-heptanol* 899 0.84 (0.25/3.41) 0.00 (0.00/0.47)
Eucerini spp. 3 15  6 3 0 hexyl acetate* 1013 1.73 (0.64/2.11) 1.63 (0.63/2.54)
Megachile spp. 2 10  3 1-octanol* 1072 9.00 (2.53/38.46) 14.24 (2.86/15.80)
Melipona spp. 4 14  20 5 0 octyl formate 1130 0.86 (0.14/3.52) 0.38 (0.00/1.36)
Tapinotaspidini spp. 2 25 hexyl butyrate* 1192 0.00 (0.00/0.27) 0.14 (0.00/0.86)
Paratrigona subnuda 3 0 octyl acetate* 1211 0.65 (0.08/7.41) 0.10 (0.00/2.96)
Partamona helleri 5 0 hexyl hexanoate* 1388 0.00 (0.00/0.01) –
Trigona spinipes 5 0 Aromatics
benzyl alcohol* 1039 7.53 (4.14/40.22) 10.25 (7.80/21.68)
2-phenylethanol* 1121 24.62 (6.59/64.40) 24.96 (15.31/34.46)
differs from scent released by other plants pollinated at night. linalool* 1100 0.00 (0.00/0.28) 0.97 (0.00/14.06)
This is especially true for plants pollinated by beetles (Gotts- N-containing compounds
berger et al. 2012; Maia et al. 2012; Pereira et al. 2014), cock- indole* 1144 1.24 (0.06/2.14) 0.26 (0.00/2.02)
roaches (Vlasakova et al. 2008), bats (Dobson 2006;
Piechowski et al. 2010) and rodents/shrews (Johnson et al.
2011). Some overlap, however, is evident with plants polli- species (Levin et al. 2001), only released in trace/minor
nated by moths. Many such flowers emit benzyl alcohol and amounts (Dobson 2006; Knudsen et al. 2006). Our beha-
2-phenylethanol, sometimes also as major components (Dob- vioural experiments demonstrate that a mixture of the main
son 2006). The aliphatics 1-hexanol and 1-octanol, however, compounds is capable of attracting nocturnal bee pollinators.
are often not emitted by plants pollinated by nocturnal visi- A few bees also responded to 1-octanol alone. These data are
tors or are, with the exception of 1-hexanol in a single a first proof of the importance of olfactory cues involved in

6 Plant Biology © 2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands
€tterl & Alves-dos-Santos
Cordeiro, Pinheiro, Do Pollination of a Myrtaceae by nocturnal bees

Table 5. Number of bees attracted to scent treatments in field bioassays (N = 8). For each assay and each treatment, we offered 500 ll.

SSCF pure* SSCF 103* SSCF 105 1-hexanol 1-octanol 2-phenylethanol benzyl alcohol linalool NC

Megommation insigne 8 4 2 2
Ptiloglossa latecalcarata 4 6 2

SSCF, synthetic scent mixture (see Methods); NC, negative control (paraffin oil).
*Treatment attracted significantly more bees than the negative control (exact binomial test, P < 0.01).

host finding by (likely flower-experienced) nocturnal bees.

They confirm earlier studies performed outside a pollination
context, which found that such bees respond to olfactory We are grateful to Clemens Schlindwein, Claudia In^es da Silva,
cues in the absence of visual ones (Carvalho et al. 2012; Knoll Jim Cane, Marcia Maues, Patricia Morellato and Paulo Milet
& Santos 2012). Olfactory cues are likely also involved in Pinheiro for significant comments during the study; Mario
attraction of diurnal bees. This is because the main com- Cordeiro Filho, Rafael Takashi and Priscila Bittar for helping in
pounds of cambuci, i.e. benzyl alcohol and 2-phenylethanol, collecting field data; Claudia In^es da Silva, Elisa Queiros and
are known attractants for solitary and social bees, among Gladys Flavia for helping in pollen analysis; Irmgard Sch€affler
them the honeybee (D€ otterl & Vereecken 2010). Indeed, we for supporting the scent sample analysis; several taxonomists
observed honeybee individuals responding to all synthetic (Antonio Aguiar, Dan uncia Urban, Eduardo Almeida, Felipe
scents offered at the end of our behavioural experiments (at Vivallo, Kelly Ramos, Leandro Santos, Leo Correia da Rocha,
or shortly after sunrise), however, we did not record them Mirian Morales, Rodolfo Arantes, Silvia Pedro and Terry Gris-
quantitatively (G.D. Cordeiro, unpublished). wold) for identification of specimens. We are also grateful to
To conclude, our study describes the first scent-mediated Mr. Alexandre and Mr. Nagai for allowing us to perform the
pollination system between a plant and its nocturnal bee polli- study on their farms, and Instituto Ecofuturo for allowing the
nators. Since nocturnal bees are known to visit a wide range of study at Parque das Neblinas. This study was supported by
plants, these bees may be more important and widespread pol- Fundo de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de S~ao Paulo
linators than known so far. Future studies are needed to test (FAPESP; 2011/06811-5, 2013/26599-6) and CNPq (Project
this hypothesis. Such studies will also show whether plants pol- Science without Borders: 401466/2014-0).
linated by such bees are characterised by a common suite of
floral traits. Results from the present study do not suggest that
there is a private communication channel – as recently
described from oil-secreting flowers and oil-collecting bees Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the
(Sch€affler et al. 2015) – between nocturnal bees and their host supporting information tab for this article:
plants, given the absence of highly uncommon compounds in Table S1. Identity and number of bees collected on flowers
the scent of C. phaea. Nevertheless, we predict that nocturnal of cambuci (Campomanesia phaea) at two study sites (crop
bees rely on an innate (widely tuned) olfactory search image, area, natural habitat); bees with a frequency equal to or higher
potentially modified through learning behaviour when search- than five are in bold.
ing for their various host plants, which, however, requires test-
ing in future research.

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