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Reading style: Skimming; Scanning; Churning & Assimilation

Techniques for Good comprehension or Reading Style:-

1. Skimming:- It is the quick process, previewing the text(read quickly) for getting a gist of something and
noticing details in order to understand the text, the type, purpose of the author and general contents.
The technique you use when you're going through a newspaper or magazine: you read quickly to get the
main points, and skip over the detail. It's useful to skim:- to preview a passage before you read it in
detail to refresh your understanding of a passage after you've read it in detail.

2. Scanning :- It means reading slowly and carefully while looking for specific information or focus. The
technique you use when you're looking up a name in the phone book: you move your eye quickly over
the page to find particular words or phrases that are relevant to the task you're doing. It's useful to scan
parts of texts to see if they are useful to you; like, the introduction or preface of a book the first or last
paragraphs of chapters, the concluding chapter of a book.

3. Churning:- this process is slower in reading style that involves grasping of concepts. It means
“chewing the cud”(churning out butter from milk) i.e. contemplating or analyzing/ extracting meanings
from the words or sentences in order to follow the process of interpretation. After you skim and scan
the text quickly to get the core idea and a general gists of the content.

In order words you must have a slow reading of the text once or twice so as to understand its primary
and secondary ideas in detail.

The process involves

:- 1) Reading between the lines- to understand the hidden meanings and intention behind the explicitly
stated words. This means to understand the implied meaning or what is being unsaid by ‘connecting the
dots’. Suppose, one of your friends says, ‘i am eagerly looking for your birthday party’.

But when you say ‘I am afraid it may be cancelled for some reasons’ he/she doesn't appear to be
concerned. In such situations you can understand that your friend is not interested in your birthday
party. ❏ Inferring meanings- lexical and contextual- this refers to enhancing your vocabulary can boost
your reading speed and comprehension.

Good vocabulary enables you to detect subtle differences in sentence meaning that may hold the key to
the meaning of an entire paragraph or passage. We can categorize the word knowledge into four

s:- 1. I never saw it before.

2. I have heard of it but don't know what it means.

3. I recognize it in context- it has something to do with…

4. I know it.

Reading requires you to make inferences that depend on the prior knowledge-lexical word and
contextual meanings. This is the first step towards understanding a written message, one needs to
perceive words and phrases used to recognize their definitions to follow what you read. The words in
isolation convey one meaning but words integrated (linked) groups convey another i.e. special

Therefore it is necessary :- ➢ To have domain knowledge to give meanings to otherwise confusing

sentences.(know individual meanings of words). Example:- gigantic and luminous; the earliest star
formed like a pearl inside a shell of swirling gas. ➢ Don't stop reading when you are not able to recall
the word meanings. ➢ Get a clue of the meaning of a word from the text. ➢ Meaning of an unknown
word through its extended definition or stated qualities. ➢ If you know antonyms you can guess the
meaning. ➢ Remembering words through appropriate phrases; “hallowed halls of academia”. ❏
Understanding the discourse of coherence- it refers to logical development of ideas through a piece of
writing on a particular subject. It uses a variety of expressions like;
conclusion. These words are used to join the ideas to one another and are called ‘connectors’ or ‘signal
words’, it shows the connection between what has been written and what is going to be written. To
achieve discourse of coherence- avoid short sentences, maintain logical organization of sentences, and
transition up to your use.

4. Assimilation:- it refers to taking in or comprehending the text so you can answer the questions based
on the text. It is the end process after skimming, scanning and churning. It includes:- ❏ Structure of the
text- most text starts with title and sometimes subtitle, after that comes the introduction and the body
followed by conclusion and summary.

An important aspect of reading is prediction. The better you can predict what you are going to read, the
faster and more effectively you will read. The prediction process begins with the title as we take a guess
about the text when paragraphs are linked in a way to put subject matter prediction in the right way. ❏

Structure of a paragraph-

A typical paragraph consists of three parts:- topic ( heart of the paragraph, the topic sentences contains
the new aspects of the subject of the text; the second part consists of sentences which develops support
for the topic sentence. It may contain arguments, explanations, details, examples, and other supporting
evidence. The third part of the paragraph is often summary or linking sentences to the next paragraph.
❏ Punctuation- it is partly based on grammar. Commas are used to separate clauses. If you understand
the meaning and usage of punctuation marks, it will be easier to understand the grammatical structures.
Punctuation also refers to how the author wants you to interpret the text; brackets( addition to
sentence). ❏ Author’s viewpoint- the author shows his/her opinion either by adding certain phrases or
by adding value to a word; shows expressions of surprise, shock, regret, happiness etc. ❏ Summarize- it
is advisable to make notes of essential information in the text, the result is a short outline of the text
containing all its important aspects. The following steps should follow to write a summary:- familiarize
yourself with material, select important information, paraphrase information, insert link between
sentences and paragraphs(using connectors), adjust length.
EFFECTIVE WRITING TOOLS Effective Writing is writing which has a logical flow of ideas and is cohesive.
This means it holds together well because there are links between sentences and paragraphs. is
readable i.e., clear, accurate, and concise.

When writing on a paper, try to get your ideas across in such a way that the audience will understand
them effortlessly, unambiguously, and rapidly that is, in a straightforward way. The five features of
effective writings are:-

● Focus: Focus is the topic/subject/thesis established by the writer in response to the writing task. The
writer must clearly establish a focus to fulfill the assignment of the prompt. The focus must be
determined in light of the method of development chosen by the writer. If the reader is confused about
the subject matter, the writer has not effectively established a focus. If the reader is engaged and not
confused, the writer probably has been effective in establishing a focus.

● Organization: Organization is the progression and completeness of ideas. What the writer establishes
for the reader is a well-organized composition, which exhibits a constancy of purpose through the
development of elements forming an effective beginning, middle, and end.

● Support and Elaboration: Support and Elaboration form the extension and development of the topic.
The writer provides sufficient elaboration to present the ideas or events clearly. The two important
concepts in determining whether details are supportive are the concepts of relatedness and sufficiency.
● Grammatical Conventions: Grammatical conventions involve correctness in sentence formation and
usage. The errors in the sentence formation will lead the reader’s misunderstanding of the ideas

● Style: Style is the control of language that is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context of the
writing. This refers to choices of words choice and sentence fluency. Skillful use of precise, purposeful
vocabulary enhances the effectiveness of the composition through the use of appropriate words,
phrases and description to engage the audience.

TOOLS FOR EFFECTIVE WRITING:- To present process, methods and ideas in the most suitable and
understandable format for the target audience. Hence, the content should be clear, correct, accurate
and descriptive.

● Clarity: this refers to the understanding of concepts and clearly ourselves first and then present it in a
manner that offers clarity to the reader. The writer should try to understand the subject from the
audience perspective. Words such as ‘maybe’, ‘probably’ not only confuse the readers but also reflect a
lack of clarity on the writer’s part.

● Accuracy : it means that even slightest variations and discrepancies in facts and figures may lead to
loss of meaning or significance, especially when presenting figures of sales or expenditure values.

● Correctness : this refers to the information that should be organized into proper headings and
subheadings, so that readers' time do not get wasted in trying to figure out the details.

● Descriptiveness : it doesn’t refer to the detailed length of the document, to cover each topic in length.
But means to cover each aspect of the object being described. Descriptive language should not be overly
flowery but describing the object/ concept clearly. For example :- while writing a manual for fire
extinguisher details about troubleshooting and precautions should not be omitted.
● Language : the language is a tool for putting thoughts into reality. The choice of words reflects our
clarity of thoughts. It is the perception of an individual that gives shape to language and communication.
For technical writing we must choose denotative words i.e. dictionary meaning, which is objective in
nature, interpreted in one way. The denotative words are without emotional overtones. The purpose in
technical writing is to ‘express rather than impress’. Therefore, words having direct meaning must be

● Appropriateness : it refers to ‘catering the audience needs’ as well as the purpose of communication
while dealing with technical topics. The style and content should meet the readers’ expectations. For
example the children's book will be treated differently from the mature audience. One should take care
of: the suitable use of language, avoiding deceitful language and euphemism. Avoiding slang, apt
idiomatic expressions, use group specific jargon, avoid biases and stereotypical language.

● Acceptability : this is applicable to legal policies, rules and regulations. Being inclusive of the audience
from different strata of society, it involves a lot of sensitive issues and requires a cautious and precise
use of words.

● Conciseness and flow: means the good command over language to write in a clear and concise
manner, sentences should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph should not have unnecessary
sentences for the same reason. We should remove redundancy,(uneducated who have never attended
school), reduce clauses to phrases to single words which can be shortened into adjective clause , avoid
use of words really, very, quite etc., edit phrases that can be omitted without loss of meaning, avoid
euphemism - (indirect words or phrases that people often use to refer to something, embarrassing and
unpleasant), in order to make it more acceptable than it is. Example - don’t monkey with electrical
equipment (to be extra cautious while using electrical gadgets. To achieve flow in writing : make
sentence relationships apparent, use cohesive devices to join sentences(however, since, because, since,
though), interlink sentences with proper ideas, arrange sentences in logical ideas and order (to achieve
clarity), deep thoughts and development.

WRITING METHODS Writing is a means of communication and an interpersonal skill to communicate

ideas and thoughts in a readable form. We can use several different writing methods to make the
writing more engaging and exciting and keep the audience reading until the end of the piece.

● Inductive Pattern : this method of writing means from specific to general by supporting the ideas one
by one and leading to general statements containing core ideas. It includes a topic sentence (main idea)
at the end. Example -Ray is a football player. All the other football players on the high school team
weigh more than 170 pounds. Therefore, Ray must weigh more than 170 pounds.

● Deductive Pattern: this method of writing means from general to specific by general statements
containing core ideas leading to supporting ideas one by one. It includes topic sentences first and then
examples, details etc. Example- My boss said the person with the highest sales would get a promotion at
the end of the year. I generated the highest sales, so I am looking forward to a promotion.

● Spatial Pattern : it emphasizes the visual description of a particular idea, detail, related to location and
direction etc. The description goes from inside to outside, left to right, bottom to top (varies from the
process of the object). Example - 5 times higher than the other.
● Linear Pattern : linear or sequential fashion present logical progression of a process. Example - the
manufacturing process the production sugar is extracted or leached from sliced sugar beets (cossettes),
after which juice is purified through a series of milk of lime and CO2 process steps. The filtered juice is
evaporated (thickened) and sugar is crystallized from it.

● Chronological Pattern : this refers to ideas organized in a paragraph in order of appearance in time,
gives the importance of date and time, followed by records from earliest to recent. example - describing
the education and achievement in an interview.

● Exposition Pattern : this refers to detail or explanation of a topic, called ‘informative’ followed up by
examples and illustrations(figures) to support that information. Example - Photosynthesis, the process
by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During
photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and
minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

● Explanation Pattern : this means explanation of a central idea, a statement that makes something
comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc. followed by the
topic sentence, main idea, supporting sentences and adequate justification. Example - when introducing
new methods of extracting metals from ores, we need to explain why this new method has been
introduced or better than earlier.

● Interrupted Pattern : this refers to the use of punctuation marks like , (), -, !, “ “, etc. to add emphasis
to the sentence and interrupt the sentence in between. It also means breaking the chunks of ideas
primarily to elaborate and emphatic(clear understanding). The pause/ interruption in the dialogue due
to tonal variations, gaps or some vocalized sound (like umm, hmm, ah etc.). Example- Watch out! “Our
team is going to win”.


● Brush up on the basics. ● Practice and write on a regular basis. ● Read regularly ● Note down good
words ● Imitate the writers you admire ● Adopt certain style of writing ● Be clear about your ideas and
thoughts. ● Imagine an event sequence in a dramatic manner. ● Harmonious blend of narration and
reflection. ● Classification of writing in specific categories i.e. paragraphs, introduction, conclusion etc. ●
Unity and coherence among the sentences. ● Grabs attention through the introduction section. Act as a
map directing the reader by defining purpose and scope of the topic. ● While writing the conclusion
summarizes the entire text, bringing the reader’s focus on main ideas through change of tone. ● Use
effective words and phrases to leave lasting impressions in the minds of your readers. ● Don't add ideas
that you are not sure of.


● Read regularly and set reading goals. ● Read in portions. ● Adopt reading strategies. ● Association
with current events ● Try to personalize the content, how it connects with their lives. ● Incorporate
other visual & verbal aids while reading. ● Highlight valuable information. ● Understand common
themes. ● Re reading and storytelling. ● Share with others what you read. ● Try to solve problems with
the writing piece. ENHANCING SPEAKING SKILLS:- ● Work on pronunciation. ● Watch native speakers in
movies, plays, songs etc. ● Prepare and practice, to eliminate nervousness. ● Know your audience and
speak accordingly. ● Organize thoughts in a purposeful manner. ● Be yourself. Show your personality. ●
Use of humors and storytelling. ● Don't always read while speaking. Save the reading only


Notices are a means of formal communication targetted at a particular person or a group of persons. It is
like a news item informing such person or persons of some important event. This can be an invitation to
a meeting, an announcement of any event, to issue certain instructions, make appeals etc.

It is generally written and then displayed at a public place, where it is accessible to all.  They can be
pasted on notice boards. If it is meant for a wider audience it can even be published in a newspaper. The
government when it issues notices must publish it in national and local


Since notices are a formal document it should follow a structure or a format. Keep in mind there is no
one correct rigid format. Different formats used by different people/organizations can show some
variations. But it is ideal to follow a somewhat similar format for ease of understanding and uniformity.
Let us look at the most used format of notices.

Name of Issuing Organization/Authority: Right at the very top, you print the name of the person or
company that is issuing the said notices. This will help the reader identify the notices as important or
unimportant to him.

Title: When writing notices we mention a title “NOTICE” at the top. This helps draw attention to the
document. Notices are generally posted at a public place or published in newspapers. It is important
that they do not get lost in a sea of information. So a bold title clearly mentioned helps draw the

Date: After the tile to the left-hand side we print the date on which the notices have been published.
Since this is a formal document date is an important aspect of it since these documents stay on record.

Heading: Then we move on to an appropriate heading to the notices. This heading should make
abundantly clear the purpose of the notices.

Body: After the heading, we write the brief and to the point body of the notice. The main content of the
notice features in the body.

Writer’s Name: At the end of the notices we write the name and designation of the notice-writer. The
notices have to also be signed by the same person to lend it authority and validity.


Notices should cover some important points that are to be communicated to the readers. Let us
summarize the five points that the content of the notice will cover, the five W’s

What: What is the notice about? The notice should be clear about what is going to happen (event), or
what has already happened (occasion). This is the crux of the message and should be written clearly.
There should not be any ambiguity.
Where: If the notice is about an event, then the location of such an event must be written clearly. The
venue or the location are important details, so make sure to include this in the notice.

When: This is the time and the date of the event or meeting. If possible the duration of the event should
also be mentioned to people can schedule their time accordingly.

Who: This will be who the notice is addressed to. Who all are suppose to adhere to the notice should be
clearly mentioned to avoid confusion.

Whom: And final detail should be whom to contact or get in touch with. This mentions who the
appropriate authority is to contact.

Learn more about Letter Writing here in detail.

Tips to Remember regarding Notice Writing

Be precise and to the point. The ideal length of notice is 50 words, so precise language is appreciated.

It is a formal form of communication so the language used should be formal as well. No flowery text.

Keep the sentences short and use simple words. Since notices are fairly brief it is best to keep it simple.

Present your notices in a proper format in a box. The presentation should be neat and thus be appealing
to the eye.

What are Meeting Minutes?

Meeting minutes are notes that are recorded during a meeting. They highlight the key issues that are
discussed, motions proposed or voted on, and activities to be undertaken. The minutes of a meeting are
usually taken by a designated member of the group. Their task is to provide an accurate record of what
transpired during the meeting.

Steps Involved in Recording Meeting Minutes

There are five main steps involved in recording the minutes of a meeting. They are:



Writing or transcribing the minutes

Sharing meeting minutes

Filing or storage of minutes for referencing in the future


If a meeting is well-planned in advance, taking minutes will be a lot easier. That said,
the chairperson and the secretary or minutes-recorder should work together to determine the agenda
of the meeting beforehand. For example, the person recording minutes could work with the chair to
draft a document that will serve as an agenda and provide the format for the meeting.

Meeting Agenda

If it’s not possible for the chair and secretary to meet and come up with a draft, then it’s up to the
secretary to get a copy of the agenda before the meeting starts. The meeting agenda will serve as a
guide for how to take notes and prepare the minutes. In addition, the agenda also includes other details,
which need to be incorporated in the minutes. They include:

Names of all the members present – includes guests and speakers

Documents that may be handed out as the meeting progresses, such as copies of a list of proposals to be
voted on


When an individual is chosen as the minutes recorder, it’s important for them to know what is expected
of them. Therefore, the individual should approach the chair of the committee and ask what their role in
the meeting will be. For example, if the meeting will involve proposing motions, the designated member
should inquire as to whether he should include the names of those proposing motions and those

What to Include in Meeting Minutes

Before recording any details, a designated minutes recorder should familiarize themselves with the type
of information that they should record. A group may be using a specific format to record notes but,
overall, the minutes of a meeting typically include the following details:

Date and time the meeting happened

Names of attendees, as well as absent participants

Acceptance of, or amendments made to, the previous meeting’s minutes

Decisions made regarding each item on the agenda, such as:

Activities undertaken or agreed upon

Next steps

Outcomes of elections

Motions accepted or rejected

New business

Date and time of the next meeting

The Process of Writing Meeting Minutes

When the meeting ends, the individual tasked with writing minutes should get all the resources he
needs to write up the minutes in a clear, presentable way. Here are some tips to consider:
Once the meeting ends, don’t take too long to write the minutes. This way, everything that took place in
the meeting is still fresh in your mind.

Review the outline that had been created earlier and make adjustments where necessary. This might
include adding extra information or clarifying some of the issues raised. Also, check to see that all
verdicts, activities, and motions were clearly recorded.

Revise the minutes and ensure they’re brief but clear.

Distributing the Meeting Minutes

Once the secretary completes writing the minutes, he’s supposed to share them with the group
members. They can be shared online or through the cloud. Considering that minutes and other types of
documents can entail a lot of paperwork, it may be preferable to use a paperless sharing approach.

For example, if the minutes recorder was documenting the minutes using Microsoft Word, which does
not offer online sharing, then they might consider using Google docs, which offers a way of sharing
documents online with other users.

The recorder is also supposed to save a copy of the meeting minutes for future reference. Most
companies store their minutes online – either in 

Key Takeaway

Meeting minutes are important because they are used to document the key issues raised during a
meeting. For example, effective minutes can state the approaches that were proposed to solve a
particular problem and the main reason why members choose one method over the other.

The minutes of the meeting can be recorded manually or on an electronic device such as a laptop or
iPad. After the meeting, the recorder reviews the minutes and makes edits where necessary. The
meeting minutes are then shared with the group participants. Apart from distribution, the minutes are
also saved for future reference.

How to write a meeting agenda

Whether you have a short one-hour meeting or one that lasts several hours, you can
use these steps to help you write an agenda:

1. Identify the meeting's goal

When you start with your goal, you can ensure that the meeting's purpose is clear and
that every activity you wish to do meets your objective. Creating a meeting goal can
help the participants stay as attentive as possible. A meeting goal to approve the
company's monthly advertising budget, for example, is more realistic than a goal to
reduce total spending.

2. Seek input from the participants

If you want to keep your attendees involved throughout the meeting, get their feedback
ahead of time so you can make sure the meeting meets their needs. You may ask them
to share their questions regarding the topics or can address any suggestions they have.
Once you get a list of suggestions from the participants, you can review them and select
which ones to use.

3. Prepare the list of questions that you want to address

To create a list of questions for the meeting, you may start by understanding your
meeting's goal. Then you may review the subjects you want to address. On some
agendas, a topic is merely a phrase, such as "rental equipment." However, by
expressing discussion points as questions, you may explain the objective of each
agenda item. These prompts can help you assure you are inviting conversation and
obtaining all the data you need for each agenda item.

4. Determine the goal of each task

It is best practice to make sure each task you do during your meeting has a specific
goal. These goals may be to provide information, get feedback or make a choice. Note
the reason for each task as you move through your schedule. This phase will assist
meeting participants in understanding when you need their opinion and when you need
to make a decision.

5. Calculate how much time you will spend on each task

This section of the agenda guarantees that you have adequate time to cover all the
items on your agenda. It also aids the participants in fitting their remarks and questions
within the allotted time.

You can optimise your timeframe by giving more time to items you anticipate taking
longer to discuss or scheduling items of higher importance earlier in the discussion to
ensure vital topics are covered. If you have many team members coming to your
meeting, you may even limit time on certain topics to streamline the conversation,
encourage a quick decision and keep the meeting on schedule.

6. Attach documents

Attaching documents related to the topics in the agenda can help the participants
understand the subject. You can also save time for participants who would otherwise
have to search on their computers for these documents. It also makes it easier for you
when you're conducting the meeting.

7. Identify who leads each topic

Usually, the leaders take the leading role in a meeting, whereas in some cases, the
team members lead the meeting under the supervision of the leaders. You may assign
topics to relevant individuals beforehand. This step helps keep the meeting productive
and ensures that everyone is prepared for their responsibilities.

8. End each meeting with a review

Leaving time to end each meeting with a review can help participants better understand
what decisions they made and what information they discussed so they can take any
necessary steps after the meeting. During this review, you and other meeting
participants might also consider answering what went well during the meeting and what
needs improvement.

What is a meeting agenda?

A meeting agenda is a list of topics or activities that you want to cover during the
meeting. The primary aim of the agenda is to provide attendees with a clear picture of
what will happen during the meeting, who will lead each task and how long each step
may take. Having this knowledge before and during the meeting can support an
effective discussion.

Advantages of writing a meeting agenda

Some of the major advantages of writing a meeting agenda are:

 By sharing the agenda ahead of time, participants of the meeting may

duly prepare to address the issues.
 Having a meeting agenda helps in quick decision making.
 A meeting agenda helps in guaranteeing that all the issues you want to
discuss in the meeting are covered.
 Meeting agendas save time by avoiding unnecessary discussions.
 A meeting agenda aids in the preparation of meeting minutes and
 By preparing a meeting agenda, the meeting members can discuss their
thoughts and views informally before the meeting.

Related: A Guide to the 7 C's of Communication

Things to include in a meeting agenda

Some of the most important items you can include in your meeting agenda include:

 Meeting schedule: Include the meeting time, date and venue and add
the names of anybody who will attend the meeting.
 Title: The titles are crucial in any agenda because they help the
participants identify the topics.
 Objective: The objective of the meeting can also be stated in the
agenda to remind attendees what the meeting is about and what it
intends to accomplish.
 Overview: Include a list of all subjects or activities that need to be
discussed during the meeting. Every topic or activity can have a time
limit to ensure you can discuss all important topics.
 Housekeeping: This section contains a welcome note, introductions
and any absent apologies if applicable.
 Informational items: This includes any new information you would like
to share with the group.
 Items to do: This is a list of actions that your group should do during or
after the meeting.
 Topics for discussion: These are the issues on which you would like
your team's input.
 Call to action: You may include a call to action that marks the
beginning and end of the meeting on the agenda.
Related: How To Take Meeting Minutes: a Complete Guide With Examples

Tips for creating a meeting agenda

Follow the below tips to create your meeting agenda for best results:

1. Send out the agenda three to four days before the meeting

Sending the agenda a few days before the meeting may help the participants to prepare
for the meeting and also give them some time to complete any task that is required for a
successful session. However, sending it too soon can lead it getting lost in the
employee's inbox.

2. Proofread the agenda before sending it out

Some meeting participants may rely significantly on the agenda, and it may be a good
idea to review it for mistakes and completeness before sending it out. Proofreading
ensures that the agenda has all the necessary information and also helps in reflecting
your attention to detail. Proper spelling and grammar ensure that attendees understand
the message you are delivering.

3. Take advantage of online templates

There are many online templates available with word processing applications. Many
word processing applications provide templates for a wide range of personal and
professional documents, including meeting agendas. Consider using one of these if you
are not sure how to begin.

4. Use bullet points

Rather than providing paragraphs of material in your meeting agenda, consider using
bullet points to list any topics for discussion or important updates you want to share.
Bullet points are often more scannable than paragraphs and help in clearly mentioning
the details of the meeting. You can even use sub-bullets to go into more detail.

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