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The modern school system which we study today was entirely different around 40 years ago.

One of the key resources that modern schools provide us is the use of the internet to research
our projects. Such technology was a fairy tale for the previous generation as they had to make
use of the books in libraries to do their research. Primary and secondary education doesn’t differ
by much as schools previously also had primary from standard 1 to 5 and Secondary from
standard 6 to 10. A significant difference is the ability of a student to decide which subjects and
path they wish to pursue, unlike the previous students who had no choice in choosing their
subjects as all the subjects (3 Science, 2 Maths, 2 Social studies, 2 Languages, and Art) were
all compulsory to take. Homework was also no different, other than the fact that there would be
actual consequences if any homework is not submitted the day after it has been issued. To
make up for such a strict and tense atmosphere, the schools offered a lot of extracurricular
activities, giving something for the students to look forward to.

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