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ENGLISH TEACHER ROSA PATRICIA CANO Welcome to English! This year we will be focusing on reading, writing, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and critical thinking skills throughout the course of the school year. In order to adequately prepare for the sixth grade, we will practice listening and note-taking techniques, analyze various works of literature, discuss different topics, and learn new vocabulary and structures. SUPPLIES

1 notebook : Dividers: grammar, writing, vocabulary, and literature. Pencil Blue or black pen *You are expected to bring your book and notebook EVERY time you come to class. RULES 1. Respect others. 2. Come to class prepared. 3. Speak appropriately and avoid interrupting others. 4. Follow directions the first time they are given. 5. food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the classroom. 6. Keep all electronic devices in your backpack at all times. 7. Follow all school rules.

*Notebook checks will occur at regular intervals. *1 folder for portfolio *Traveller Book

8. Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable. 9. Do not cheat. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student who shares his work for an independent assignment AND the person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. 10. Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up. 11. If absent, students are responsible for all make ups. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, you must hand it in the day you return to class-otherwise it is late. If you are present in school any time during the day an assignment is due (your name does not appear on the absence sheet), but you are not present in class (early release, skipping, etc.), you must hand in your homework that same day or it will be considered late. 12.Present an excuse for no attendance 13.Tests must be signed by parents IF YOU CHOOSE TO BREAK A RULE A record of the infraction will be kept on file. 1st TIME: a warning 2nd time: a phone call home 3rd Time: Discipline Referral to coordinator In addition, if a student brings food, drinks, or gum to class, he will be asked to dispose of the item. Electronics that are seen, heard, or are otherwise a distraction will be confiscated and turned in to the office. If misbehavior continues, I will request a parent conference to discuss the problem and possible solutions.

Students who choose to contribute to the learning environment in a meaningful way will enjoy the positive consequences of that decision. Extra Help: Extra help or remediation after school will be available. The time and place will be announced in class. Students may also schedule appointments with me to meet if they are in need of assistance. Grading: You will be graded based on:

-Essays/Writing Assignments -Oral presentations -Tests/Quizzes -Class Work/Homework/Journals -Projects GOALS FOR 1ST PERIOD -English charts Dialogs

1. Realiza representaciones utilizando el vocabulario y estructuras vistas(The verb be. Possessive adjectives. Who, what how,where ? ) y da uso funcional a la lengua al participar en dinmicas orales como discusiones, debates, exposiciones u opiniones personales sobre tpicos diversos 2. Escribe con correccin mensajes cortos y con diferentes propsitos relacionados con situaciones, objetos o personas de su entorno inmediato a travs del portafolio, english corner e english chart 3. Demuestra comprensin del texto propuesto "Lisa goes to London" mediante su participacin acertada en las diferentes actividades propuestas 4. Comprende y diferencia el uso de las estructuras estudiadas (The verb be. Possessive adjectives. Who, what how,where) por medio de ejercicios orales, escritos y evaluaciones. 5. Manifiesta inters en la clase y en las diferentes actividades con su buen comportamiento, participacin, atencin y respeto ante las normas escolares establecidas 6. Reconoce la importancia de presentar de forma puntual y correcta los compromisos asignados en clase (portafolio, english corner, tareas...) y utilizar el material necesario para la clase

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