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BST Lecture 1

03 January 2023 07:57

What is Binary Search Tree ?

A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree data structure which has the following
• The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with data less than the
node’s data.
• The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with data greater than the
node’s data.
• Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.

LST < root < RST

Both ST must be a Binary Search Tree

The four basic operations of BST:

a. Searching - O(log(n))
b. Insertion - O(log(n))
c. Deletion - O(log(n))
d. Traversals - O(n)

How operations are O(log(n)) ??

we eliminate half of the array based on the condition

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a. Searching - O(log(n))

b. Insertion - O(log(n))
c. Deletion - O(log(n))
d. Traversals - O(n)

Construct BST from sorted array

Int data;
Node left,right;
Node(int d){

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NodesortedArrayToBST(intarr[], int start, int end){
Return null;
Int mid=(start+end)/2;
Nodenode= newNode(arr[mid]);
node.left= sortedArrayToBST(arr,start,mid-1);
node.right= sortedArrayToBST(arr,mid+1,end);

Return node;

NodesortedArrayToBST(intarr[], int start, int end){

Return null;
Int mid=(start+end)/2;
Nodenode= newNode(arr[mid]);
node.left= sortedArrayToBST(arr,start,mid-1);
node.right= sortedArrayToBST(arr,mid+1,end);

Return node;

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Basic operations in BST
You are given a partially written BST class. You are required to complete the body
size, sum, max, min and find function.
size - return the number of nodes in BST
sum - return the sum of nodes in BST
max - return the value of the node with the greatest value in BST
min - return the value of the node with the smallest value in BST
find - return true if there is a node in the tree equal to "data"

If(null ) return 0;
Return 1
+ size(root.left)
+ size(root.right);

if(node == null)return false;

if( == target) return true;
if(> target) return find(node.left, target);
else return find(node.right, target);

Insert a node in a BST -

I think the ans is in driver code itself

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I think the ans is in driver code itself

if(root == null) return new Node(data);

if(root.val == data) return root;
if(data < root.val)
root.left = insertNode(root.left, data);
root.right = insertNode(root.right, data);
return root;

Delete Node in BST

When node to be delete has

Zero Children
One Child

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When node to be delete has
Zero Children
One Child
Two Child

public Node deleteNode(Node root, int val){


// find the node to be deleted and then we

if(root == null) return null;

root.right = deleteNode(root.right, val);
else if(val < root.val){
root.left = deleteNode(root.left, val);
else {
//actual deleteion
if(root.left == null)
return root.right;
else if(root.right == null)
return root.left;
root.val = minValue(root.right);
root.right = deleteNode(root.right, root.val);
return root;

Validate BST
Given a binary tree with N number of nodes, check if that input tree is BST (Binary
Search Tree) or not. If yes, print true, print false otherwise.

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Target Sum Pair In BST
You are a given a root node of partially constructed BST. You are also given a
value target , your task is to print all the nodes that add up to form the target value

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