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Schuylkill soldier watches daughter's

birth via Skype

A veteran serving overseas in Afghanistan was present during the birth of his
daughter thanks to the gift of modern technology.
Justin Solomon, 23, a sergeant in the Army was in the delivery room via Skype, an
internet-based video chat program, as much as possible due to the constraints of
his job.
"It was emotional," Alicia Solomon, 21, of Ringtown, said of her husband sharing
the milestone moment.
A computer was next to the delivery table so he could see his wife's face.
Her husband, she said, was thrilled to participate in the birth of his daughter.
"He was really excited. He smiled the entire time," she said.
Justin left in March for Afghanistan and should return next month. Alicia was
happy that her husband could share in the birth of their first born child, Anna
Anna Grace was born at 1:47 p.m. Friday after 14 hours of labor. She weighs 7
pounds 11 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long. Saturday she was peacefully sleeping
while cradled in her mother's arms.
The couple chose the name because each liked part of it, Alicia liked the name
Anna. Justin found the name Grace.
The fact of the birth happened so close to Veterans Day makes the birth also
special, she said.
Veterans Day is today.
"I guess it's cool that it happened that way," Solomon said from her hospital room.
Anna was not due until Nov. 18. "I was early. I was surprised," Alicia said.
Alicia said she cried when she first held her daughter. Alicia's mother was with her
daughter Saturday but did not want to give her name because she wanted her
daughter's moment to be acknowledged.
The couple went to Shenandoah Valley Junior Senior High School.
"We've been together since I was 15," she said.
She graduated in 2009, I was in 2007.
Carol Beckett, staff nurse at Schuylkill Medical Center-South Jackson Street, said
this is not the first birth a father has watched via Skype. "We had a request several
years back because of someone being overseas, and so the IT department here at
the hospital set up labor room six so that we have the capabilities to do that," she
Alicia is looking forward to her husband coming home next month, possibly in
time for Christmas.
"It's his favorite holiday, so he's pretty excited," for some family time, she said.
Text 2
GORONTALO (Antara): Floods triggered by days of torrential rain swamped
thousands of houses in ten sub-districts of the city of Gorontalo on Tuesday, forcing
thousands of people to evacuate.
GORONTALO (Antara): banjir secara cepat melanda selama berhari hari dengan
hujan yang amat deras menenggelamkan ribuan rumah di sepuluh kecamatan kota
Gorontalo pada hari Selasa, memaksa ribuan orang untuk dievakuasi.
An official at the flood mitigation post said that as of Tuesday morning, around
2,015 people had been evacuated to safer locations.
Seorang pejabat di tempat peringanan banjir berkata pada Selasa pagi, sekitar
2,015 orang telah dievakuasi ke tempat yamg lebih aman.
The official said that starting at 2 a.m. on Tuesday, flood waters had swept
through ten sub-districts, namely Heledulaa Selatan, Moodu, Heledulaa Utara, Bugis,
Ipilo, Tenda, Padebuolo, Biawu, Dembe II, and Tenilo. He added that the local
government had distributed 100 boxes of instant noodles and three tons of rice to
displaced people at refugee shelters.
Pejabat itu berkata bahwa banjir dimulai pukul 2 pada hari Selasa, air banjir telah
menyapu sepuluh kecamatan, yaitu Heledulaa Selatan, Moodu, Heledulaa Utara, Bugis,
Ipilo, Tenda, Padebuolo, Biawu, Dembe II, and Tenilo. Dia menambahkan bahwa
pemerintah daerah telah mendistribuikan 100 kotak mie instant dan 3 ton beras untuk
orang orang yang dipindahkan di tempat pengungsian.
Rescue workers, assisted by police, military personnel and volunteers, joined
together to evacuate the flood victims from their homes to at least 10 temporary shelters
across Gorontalo city.
Pekerjaan penyelamat dibantu oleh polisi,personil militer dan sukarelawan
bergabung bersama untuk mengevakuasi korban banjir dari rumah-rumah mereka ke
paling tidak sepuluh tempat pengungsian sementara tepat di kota Gorontalo.
Mimi, one of the refugees, said she was reluctant to evacuate but the water in her
house kept rising. On Tuesday morning it reached 50 centimeters and forced her to flee.
Mimi, satu dari pengungsi, berkata dia enggan di evakuasi tetapi air dalam
rumahnya tetap naik. Pada hari Selasa pagi itu mencapai 50 cm dan memaksa dia untuk
menyelamatkan diri.
As black clouds remained drifting lazily overhead on Tuesday, local Meteorology
and Geophysics Agency reported that heavy rain would continue to occur throughout
Gorontalo over the next two days.
Ketika awan hitam tetap melintas dengan pelan diatas pada Hari Selasa,
Perwakilan Meteorologi dan Geografik daerah melaporkan bahwa hujan lebat akan terus
berlangsung untuk terjadi di sepanjang Gorontalo selama dua hari ke depan.

Answer the following questions.

1.      What does the writer want to tell us?
The writer wants to tell us about the flood in Gorontalo.
Penjelasan: Pertanyaan di atas menanyakan tentang apa yang ingin diceritakan oleh
penulis. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah penulis ingin menceritakan tentang bencana
banjir di Gorontalo.

2.      When were the people evacuated?

People were evacuated in Tuesday morning.
Penjelasan: Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan kapan orang-orang dievakuasi. Maka
jawaban yang tepat terdapat dalam paragraph ke dua.

3.      What happen on Tuesday at 2 a.m.?

On Tuesday at 2 a.m it happened flood.
Penjelasan: Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan apa yang terjadi pada hari Selasa pukul 2
pagi. Informasi ini terdapat pada paragraph kedua “The official said that starting at 2 a.m.
on Tuesday, flood waters had swept through ten sub-districts,

4.      Who distributed the noodles?

Local government distributed the noodles.
Penjelasan: Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan siapa yang mendistribusikan mie. Informasi
ini dapat kita peroleh pada paragraph ke tiga “…local government had distributed 100
boxes of instant noodles…”

5.      “He added that the local government had ………”. (par. 3)
He refers to ………………………
He refers to the official.
Penjelasan: “He” disini menjelaskan kalimat sebelumnya yaitu seorang pejabat (official)

6.      Who involved in Rescue Workers?

Police, military personnel and volunteers involved in Rescue Workers.
Penjelasan: Pertanyaan diatas menanyakan siapa yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan
penyelamatan. Informasi ini terdapat dalam paragraph 4. “Rescue workers, assisted by
police, military personnel and volunteers,..”

7.      Who was reluctant to evacuate?

Mimi was the reluctant to evacuate.
Penjelasan: Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan siapa yang enggan dievakuasi. Informasi ini
dapat kita peroleh di paragraph 5. “Mimi, one of the refugees, said she was reluctant to

8.      What is the prediction of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency about Gorontalo?
Meteorology and Geophysics Agency predict that heavy rain would continue to occur
throughout Gorontalo over the next two days.
Penjelasan: Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan apa yang diprediksi oleh Perwakilan
Meteorologi dan Geografik. Informasi ini dapat kita peroleh pada paragraph 6 “…local
Meteorology and Geophysics Agency reported that heavy rain would continue to occur
throughout Gorontalo over the next two days”

9.      Who are the sources of the news?

The sources of the news were an official and local Meteorology and Geophysics Agency.
Penjelasan: Kalimat diatas menanyakan tentang siapa saja sumber dari berita tersebut.
Dalam berita tersebut hanya terdapat dua sumber yaitu seorang pejabat dan Perwakilan
Meteorologi dan Geografik.

10.  Mention the Saying Verb used in the text!

The Saying Verb used in the text were said and reported.
Penjelasan: Saying Verb atau kata kerja bermaksud untuk menjelaskan atau
mengucapkan terdapat pada kalimat yang merujuk pada sumber yaitu “An official at the
flood mitigation post said…” dan “…local Meteorology and Geophysics Agency
Text 3
Residents assessed the damage after a tornado damaged 150 houses in the district of
Tembalang in Semarang, Central Java late on Saturday after-noon.

Three people were injured and at least five of the houses in the Sendangguwo and
Tandang neighbourhoods were destroyed, while many others were seriously damaged as
the tornado ripped off their roofs. Tohirin aka Jayeng, 40, a resident whose house was
levelled at the Sendang Asri housing complex, said the winds hit about 4 p.m.

"I saw this black wind coming and becoming pointed into a funnel. It suddenly
approached and hit my house," he said.

Tohirin's wife, two children and mother-in law were in the kitchen at the time when the
tornado known locally as "Ulur-ulur" passed over their home, destroying the guest and

"It was as if the wind had lifted my home up," Tohirin said.

The disaster also destroyed the walls of four neighbouring houses.

Many other homes in the area lost their roofs and residents and neighbours had started
rebuilding on Sunday.Tembalang district head Dayat said the tornado also damaged a
small mosque and felled power lines and about 50 trees. His office was still collecting
data on the damage, he said.

Villagers said the tornado was the worst to hit the district in living memory.

Semarang Mayor Sukawi Sutarip and his wife, Sinto Sukawi, visited the scene on
Sunday, accom panied by senior officials.

"We will provide the victims with assistance immediately," the mayoral spokesman
Achyani said.
(Taken from The Jakarta Post, December 20, 2004)

21. When did the tornado hit the district of Tembalang in semarang?
a. On December 17, 2004.
b. On December 18, 2004.
c. On December 19, 2004.
d. On December 20, 2004.

22. How many houses were destroyed by the tornado in the Sendangguwo and Tandang
a. Less than five houses.
b. More than five houses.
c. Five houses.
d. Three houses.

23. The tornado hit the district.

a. in the morning
b. in the afternoon
c. in the evening
d. at midnight

24. Which parts of Tohirin's house were destroyed?

a. The kitchen.
b. The guest rooms.
c. The bedrooms.
d. The guest and bedrooms.

25. The disaster also destroyed the walls of four neighbouring houses.
The synonym of the italicised word is.
a. fortune
b. whirlwind
c. storm
d. calamity

26. Who rebuilt the damaged homes?

a. The residents.
b. The residents and neighbours.
c. The Tembalang District head.
d. The mayor of Semarang.

27. Who is Sukawi Sutarip?

a. A resident of the District of Tembalang.
b. Tohirin's neighbour.
c. A villager of Sendangguwo.
d. The mayor of Semarang.

28. Who went to see the scene of disaster on Sunday?

a. Sukawi Sutarip.
b. Dayat.
c. Sukawi Sutarip, his wife and senior officials.
d. Achyani.

Kunci Jawaban: (Letak kunci jawaban di paragraph berlatarbiru)

21. b
22. c
23. b
24. d
25. d (disaster=calamity=benacana)
26. b
27. d
28. c (accompanied artinya ditemani).

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