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Unit 1 Grammar

Reported speech ________________________________________

1 Read the text. Then write the dialogue in direct
speech. Pay attention to time and place words. Reporting verbs
Last night, Leila told her dad that she had joined a
3 Complete these sentences using your own
band. Her dad asked her who was in it. She replied ideas.
that it was just some friends from school that she’d
1 Our teacher reminded ____________________
met recently. Her dad asked her what kind of music
they were going to be playing and Leila said that it
2 He/She suggested _______________________
was music from the 90s. Then, her dad told her he
loved music from the 90s. Leila said she hadn’t
3 He/She congratulated ____________________
really known that. Next, her dad asked whether the
band had anywhere to practise. Leila told him they
4 He/She warned _________________________
hadn’t. Then, her dad asked if the band would like
to practise in the garage. Leila thanked him and
5 He/She insisted _________________________
said that would be great, as long as he wasn’t
thinking of coming along to their sessions.
6 He/She encouraged ______________________
Leila Dad, I’ve joined a band. ______________________________________
Dad ____________________________________
Leila ____________________________________ Consolidate
Dad ____________________________________ 4 Write one or two words to complete each
Leila ____________________________________ 1 Isn’t that the man ___________ phone we
Dad ____________________________________ found?
Leila ____________________________________ 2 Didn’t you ___________ go to the same school?
Dad ____________________________________ 3 Jane promised to text me, but she still
____________________________________ ___________.
Leila ____________________________________ 4 For my next holiday, I want to go someplace
Dad ____________________________________ ___________ it’s really warm.
____________________________________ 5 I think I ___________ go to Morocco.
Leila ____________________________________
5 Complete the text with the correct form of the
____________________________________ verbs in brackets.
The film The Greatest Showman (1) ________ (be)
2 Now, write the next part of their conversation in
a story about friendship, love and (2) ___________
reported speech.
(find) a sense of belonging. It’s a total feel-good
Dad Leila, of course I’m not thinking of coming to film. I first (3) _______________ (go) to see it two
your band practice.
weeks ago, and I (4) _______________ (like) it so
Leila Are you sure?
much, I (5) _______________ (go) again and again.
Dad Of course I’m sure. It’ll just be nice to have I (6) __________________ (now see) it five times.
musicians in the house.
Leila’s dad said that of course he wasn’t thinking of I (7) _____________________ (persuade) three
________________________________________ different friends to go and all my family as well.
________________________________________ I (8) _________________ (even take) my granddad
________________________________________ next weekend. I think we (9) __________________
________________________________________ (sing) the songs from the film for a long time to
________________________________________ come.


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