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Stakeholder Exercise

Group 6 -Amar Regmi(502) & Paban Pokhrel (507)

Program: Mental Health in School (MHIS) Program

AIM: To improve the behavior manifestation of common mental health problem among school children (Anxiety/Post-
Trauma/Depression/Sadness/Suicide/Hyperactivity/Impulsivity/Inattention/Autism/Psychosis/Bullying/Substane use/Self-
Mutilation or harm/Conversion disorder)

Program activities:
a. Parents-Teacher Meetings related to mental health
b. Life skills learning activities
c. Counselling By school nurse to behavior manifested students/ Psychological First Aid (Assessment/Prepare,
listen, look/ Link)
d. Screening by Psychologist/Psychiatrist to students
e. TOT to school health nurse and teachers training by school health nurse on mental health (Child and
adolescent mental health training)
f. Nutrition-Healthy diet among students
g. Physical activity promotion
h. Meditation promotion among students
i. Construction of hall for meditation and other inter curriculum activities

Stakeholder group:
a. Teachers
b. Parents
c. Social Workers
d. School Nurse
e. Community Leader
f. Psychologist
g. Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
(NHTC for TOT on Child and adolescent mental health training)

1. What will be the key indicators of program “success” for your group?

Key indicators for program success:

a. Parents-Teacher Meetings related to mental health

- Number of Parent-Teacher meeting conducted

b. Life skills learning activities

- % of students learned life skills

c. Counselling by school nurse to behavior manifested students

- Number of students counselled
- % of improvement in behavior manifested students
d. Screening by Psychologist/Psychiatrist to students
- Number of students screened by psychologist/psychiatrist
- Number of students identified by screening related to common mental problems

e. Nutrition-Healthy diet among students

- Number of students consuming healthy diet

f. Physical activity promotion

- % of students engaged in physical activity
g. Meditation promotion among students
- % of children practicing meditation

2. What about the intervention itself matters most to your group?

Intervention that matters most to our group is:

Identification and Counselling by Trained school nurse to behavior manifested students
The intervention has the indicators like Number of students counselled and % of improvement in behavior
manifested students which follows the standards. The intervention follows utility, feasibility, propriety and accuracy
standards as should be. It is possible to engage stakeholders, to describe the program, feasible for evaluation
design, enough evidence to draw conclusions.

3. How could your group be engaged in the development of a program evaluation plan? (How might you get and
keep their interest?)

The engagement strategies can be applied to keep their interest during the program evaluation plan. The
seriousness of mental health issue in the school children is itself a challenge in growing time. In order to be

- Meeting with school teachers, school nurse and administrative sections

- Coordination with funding agency, local government and community leaders
- Communication with social workers and NGOs/INGOS related to mental health.

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