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If you are trying to forget someone who was once a

beautiful part of your life, the answer is — you don’t.

You don’t try to sanitize your experience, you don’t
try to cut the pain from the bone. You don’t downplay
it. You don’t try to sweep it under the rug or hide it
away. Letting go of someone you thought would be in
your life forever is difficult; sometimes circumstance
gets in the way. Sometimes, no matter how much love
is there, you have to lay it down. You have to walk
away. You have to accept that sometimes you get too
big for it, or you want different things, or you cannot
pour yourself out for it any longer. And that is okay.

But if you managed to find someone who cared for you,

who saw you, who heard all of the horrible and haunt-
ed things you did in your life and still loved you harder,
still thought it all shone like gold — that is special. You
shouldn’t forget that. You should be thankful for it.

Be thankful that you got to feel that way about someone.

Be thankful for all of the mornings, and all of the

nights, you got to wrap your limbs within theirs.

Be thankful for the way they cracked your heart open.


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