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Little Centurions: OCEANS OF THE WORLD

LIBRARIAN: Hi Nathaniel! Welcome back!

LC: Hi Ma’am Lanie, It’s good to be back for another day of learning!

LIBRARIAN That’s good to hear Nathaniel!

LC: So Ma’am Lanie, what are we going to learn about today?

LIBRARIAN: The Oceans! And since this journey is special, I brought a friend along for
the ride today Say hello Steven!

Steven: Hi Nathaniel and Ma’am Lanie, It's good to join you two for our journey across
the world to our oceans!

LIBRARIAN: That’s good to hear! So Steven mind telling us what you know about the
oceans before we explore

Steven: Well, Our planet earth comprises five oceans, namely, the Pacific Ocean,
Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Arctic Ocean.

Librarian: And that’s not all the facts about the oceans, Come on! Let’s journey across
the world!

Librarian: If you look at the world from our window, You can see that the earth is mostly
blue. And only some large parts consist of other colors, It’s because the Earth is 71%

Steven: Not only that, The oceans help us with how we live our day-to-day lives, It helps
provide almost half of the air and oxygen we breathe in our lives from the plant life
under the ocean. Not only that The Ocean regulates our climate, but it also regulates
the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by absorbing, storing, and releasing
greenhouse gas in a variety of ways and places.

Librarian: With all of that let's now explore the 5 oceans that envelop our world!
Librarian: If you look right there, Our first stop is The Pacific Ocean is the largest and
deepest ocean on Earth. And if you look at the map, It spans 60 million square miles
from California to China. It touches the west coast border of the Americas along with
east Asia and Australia.

Steven: And that’s not all, The Pacific Ocean got its name from the explorer Ferdinand
Magellan. the original meaning was “mar pacific” meaning peaceful sea. It covers more
than 30% of the earth’s surface. It is so large it is bigger than the landmass of all the
world’s continents combined!

Librarian: It also has extremely deep trenches including The Challenger Deep in the
Mariana Trench. And contains unique creatures such as BLUE SHARK and the Sea

Steven: Our next stop is the Atlantic Ocean It is the second-largest ocean in the world.
It covers over 20% of the earth’s surface. The Atlantic Ocean is S-shaped and narrow in
length. It is also the second-youngest ocean in the world. It also houses the Octopus
and Dolphins!

Librarian: Next, The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean surrounding a densely
populated region. It contains an additional 20% of the water on Earth’s surface. It
borders India in the North, East Africa, Australia, and the Southern Ocean. Because of
the higher water temperature,

Steven: it has limited marine life. For centuries, navigators have sailed along major
ocean currents for shipment routes. And important in helping the world run today. And
The Indian Ocean provides a home to many endangered sea species such as
turtles, seals, and dugongs (also called sea cows).

Steven: Next up is the Southern Ocean. In 2000, the Southern Ocean is the newest
ocean recognized by the International Hydrographic Organization. It borders Antarctica
in its entirety.
In terms of size, it’s the fourth-largest at 20,327,000 square kilometers. It’s an extreme
environment and is the least understood of the 5 oceans.

Librarian: This is because it is unexplored, far from populated areas, and has a severe
climate. There’s still a lot of work to do for ocean exploration. It also houses the largest
invertebrate known to man, The colossal squid, and is home to cute, cute seals also.
Librarian: And finally, The Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean is the world’s smallest
and shallowest ocean of all 5 oceans. Further to this, it is the coldest and least salty
ocean. In size, Because it’s located at the North Pole, the Arctic Ocean has polar ice.
But over the years, glaciers have melted threatening sea levels to rise.

Steven: The Arctic Ocean is the most diverse in terms of fish species. It has a wide
variety of marine species including whales, jellyfish, seals
But because of its cold temperatures, it has little plant life. This makes it one of the most
fragile ecosystems on the planet.

Steven: It gets its name from ‘Arctos’, the Greek word for ‘bear’ because the Bear
Constellation can be seen just above the north pole.

Librarian: Wow that's so amazing huh! What a journey!

LC: Yeah! The oceans are so vast and full of amazing things!
Librarian: So what have you learned?

LC: Well, I’ve learned that there are 5 oceans, The Pacific, Arctic, Southern, Indian, and
Atlantic Oceans. And the ocean is 71% of the earth and actually helps us in our daily
lives like helping regulate climate and provides 50% of our oxygen

The Pacific has the largest and deepest ocean in the world. Named by Magellan and
means peaceful sea. And contains so many different fishes and creatures inside it like
the Blue shark and Sea stars!

The Arctic has the most diverse out of all oceans including whales, jellyfish, and seals,
and is named after the bear constellation located above the north pole

The Atlantic is the 2nd largest ocean and houses dolphins and octopuses and

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean and contains minimal life and is home to
many endangered species of the ocean

And finally, The Southern Ocean is the newest ocean added to our oceans and the
most unexplored out of all the oceans.

And the ocean is really important for our world to function. As it has many unique
creatures inside it and provides us with oxygen and many of our water sources.
Librarian: Wow! You’ve certainly learned a lot about our oceans today!

Steven: Yes, hope you enjoyed our exploration of our oceans today, and thank you for
having me, Ma’am Lanie! Bye!

Librarian: Yes, And thank you Steven for helping me with exploring the oceans

Librarian: Isn’t the ocean interesting?

LC: Yeah! The ocean is so helpful and vast and mysterious because there are so many
things we haven’t explored yet! Also, I need to go Ma'am. Thank you for having me
again to learn!

Librarian: Yeah, Time will tell. Until then do take care of yourself, Nathaniel! And do
come back for more interesting things about the world!

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