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All about this chapter
.What is Secularism?
.The Western View of
.Salient Features of Indian Secularism
.Indian Perspective
of Secularism: How
Western Secularism? Indian Secularism is different from
.Why Do We Need Secular State in Modern Times?
I s Secularism Suitable for India?

Religious tolerance has been a marked feature of India's

culture and past history
from the most ancient times.
During the national liberation movement none of our
leaders said that "the British rule should
go because the rulers are Christians."
It shows that the vision of our national leaders from
the beginning till the end was
Secular. Though the country was partitioned because of "communal
the excitable crowds, still we managed to create a Secular State frenzy" among
and give ourselves
a Secular Constitution.
Unfortunately during the last few years great intolerance has been witnessed in
many parts of India. The caste wars have taken a heavy toll of lives in Bihar and
eastern Uttar Pradesh. The communal frenzy also claimed many lives in Uttar
Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Pak-inspired separatist elements have been active
in the Kashmir Valley. Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits left the Valley because they
had been subjected to plundering and arson. Against a background of communal
violence, we would try to explain what is Secularism and why do we need a Secular
State in modern times.


The Word 'Secularism' was coined by George

Jacob Holyoake in the middle of the
from the Latin word "Saeculum', meaning "the world"
19th Century. It is derived

separation of the worldly
atfairs from The core
religion. The co

It suggests a
countries in Asia and Africa
Africa alues
es ofof
Secularism are justice and equality. Many
it difficult to create a climate in which Secular values could take firm root.
No Inter-Religious Domination: Domination of
One Religious Communitv oover
Other Communities
In a Secular society no religious community is permitted to dominate tho.
communities. In nmany parts of the world, there does exist much discrimina.ther
between the followers of different religions. For example, religious fundamental
has been a growing force in Pakistan since its inception in 1947. In Bangladesh
the era of peace and communal harmony ended after Sheikh Mujibur Rehma
murder in 1975. The Hindus and Christians were condemned to death or disabilities
both in Pakistan and Bangladesh. But Sheikh Hasina, who has been Prime Minister
of Bangladesh since 2009, showed sympathy towards religiousminorities.
Religious fundamentalism was evident in Iran and throughout the Middle East.
We then found mass killings being perpetrated by ISIS Jihadis in Syria and
There emerged Jewish fundamentalism in Israel and even Buddhist
in Sri Lanka. Amongst the factors that contributed to such crisis were the
of 'religious fanaticism' or 'ethnic radicalism' in these countries.
No Intra-Religious Domination: Domination of One Group of People over Others
within the Same Religious
Community is not Justified
Religious faiths have penetrated deep into the life of various communities. But the
question is: Do all members of a particular religious community have
to life, freedom, equal rights
opportunity and education?
Women's Rights: Under the Muslim Personal Law
the rights of Women are
limited. The Supreme Court's very
judgment in the Shah Bano case was an attempt to
correct past practices of discrimination
conservative Muslim leaders the
against women. But under the pressure of
government had to pass a law reverting the women
to their previous inferior status. In
other words,
relatives or of the Wakf Board (an institutionthey
were left at the
mercy of their
of Charity founded
community) after they were divorced. In practice, her future by Muslim
In September 2018 the remained uncertain.
Supreme Court allowed entry of women of all ages to
Sabarimala tmeple in Kerala. But later the Court referred
nine judges. We are awaiting their this issue to a bench of
Dalits have been the most Socially
have in India a society based on
Deprived Section in Hindu
Society: We
them is not changed, the goal of social
attitude of the
upper castes towards
progress and social
achieved. In some parts of the country there still eXIsts a equality would ould not bebe
entry into the temples social barrier on Dalits'

Implications of a Secular Polity
Secularism has the following implications for the
healthy ordering of
society and
Eirst, there should not be any discrimination between the followers
religions. of different
Second, all sections and groups of people within a
should have equal right to freedom and opportunity.particular religious community
Third, the atheists (who believe that there is no
God) also have as much right
to exist and prosper as the people who follow this or that
Fourth, religion should relate one's private domain of life.
Hinduism or Islam
orChristianity must be kepta private affair. Under no circumstances should
be brought to the public sphere
Mahatma Gandhi on Toleration
"No school of thought can claim a monopoly of right judgement. We are all liable to
err and are often obliged to revise our judgements. In a vast country like this, there
must be room for all schools of honest thought... I do not expect India of my dream
to develop one religion, ie., to be wholly Hindu, or wholy Christian, or wholly Musalman
but I want it to be wholly tolerant, with its religions working side by side with one

Turkey's President and Dictator Kemal Ataturk's Secularism

After freeing the country from

foreign domination, Mustafa
Kemal proclaimed a Turkish
Republic in 1923. His secularism
meant that there would be no

state religion. The Caliphate (the

Caliph's rule) was abolished. He
introduced western styles of
to Mustafa Kemal (1880-1938)
dress. Women got the right
the modemization
vote. The convents and religious Mustafa Kemal opted for
after the First World War
schools were also suppressed. of Turkish society Kemal
the n a m e from Mustafa
He changed his
secularism meant
lslamic traditions Ataturk, meaning 'Father
suppression of Pasha to 'Kemal
of Turkish of the Turks.
and the


A Secular state is not a Theocracy. It is not run by the clerics (the clergy), nor
it has an official or Established Church. Secularization has been a
owerful movement
powerful move
in France since the French Revolution. United States has also been aa
state s
from the very beginning. The US Constitution says, "Congress (the central
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
ntral legislature)
prohibiting the free
exercise thereof". Inspired by the American model, separation of
religion and
state is understood to be a feature of a democratic plity in most of
the Weste
countries. In other words, neither State would intervene in the activities ofrelio
organisations nor shall the Church dictate what the State can do or should not do.
But at the same time State has a duty to see that all are entitled to
freedom f
In spite of an Established Church, England also is a Secular State in manv
respects. It is a 'tolerant state' and promotes religious liberty. Any modern, liberal
and democratic state will have
many of the features of a secular political system.
The main features of the Western Secular States, such as France and the United
States, are as follows:
1. The State is neutral or and extends no aid or benefits to any of
the religious institutions. Even a small aid to educational institutions run
religious organisations will not be allowed in the United States.
2. State would not intervene in the activities of
religious organisations. Thus
if a Roman Catholic is officially excommunicated, he would not be allowed to
be a member of the Catholic Church. The State does not interfere in
such as these. It is powerless to bring about changes in
3. All individuals are entitled to the same
rights irrespective of their religious
beliefs. No special rights are granted to religious minorities.

The Constitution of India proclaims that India is a 'Secular Democratic
Salient features of Indian Secularism are as follows:
1. The Constitution guarantees freedom of conscience and the right freely to protess,
practise and propagate religion.
2. The state neither promotes nor interfees with the religion of any individual.
3. No religious instructions shall be provided in any educational institution wholly
maintained by State funds.

4. Every religious sect has the right
to own and acquire movable and Subsidy for Pilgrlmages
immovable property. The Union Government
Muslim pilgrims provided a subsidy for
5. No taxes shall be levied, the travelling to Saudi Arabia for
the Haj. The Allahabad
proceeds of which are meant for High Court restrained
the Central
the maintenance of any particular government and the Uttar Pradesh
religion. government from providing financial aid to
Our views on Secularism can be
pilgrims. The matter had to be finally Haj
by the Supreme Court. On 8 decided
phrased as Sarva Dharma
Sambhav, that is equal respect for
Supreme Court ruled that the aid May, 2012 the
to Haj
should be so phased that it pilgrims
all religions. could completely
end over a
period of 10 years. The money
thus saved could be
spent on social and
educational development of this
Makers of the Indian Constitution did not
try to imitate the Western secularists.
They believed that in a
multi-religious society like ours, certain
safeguards were
necessary for religious minorities. They were also in favour
of bringing about the
necessary reforms in Hindu society. Their
from Western view of Secularism in theseunderstanding Secularism was different
1. No Wall of
Separation between State and Religion: Among
Christianity was the majority religion, 'Secularism' meantEuropean
where states
that State was
not controlled by Christian Church. Infact, the word
'Secular' described a
system wherein 'State had connection with 'Religion'. But Contitution of
India does not speak of
complete separation between the 'State' and 'Religion'.
The State in India is permitted "to
regulate economic, financial, political or
other activities, even though they are associated with
religious practices."
Freedom of religion does not prevent the State from
making any law for social
reform or "the throwing open of Hindu religious institutions to all sections of
Hindus." Untouchability has been abolished. State sought to reform Hindu
Society by means of such laws as Hindu Marriage Act, the Special Marriage
Act and the Hindu Succession Act. In fact, there had been grouses that such
intervention in Hindu social practices was not matched with similar interventions
in social practices of other communities
2. Rights of Religious and Linguistic Minorities: Individuals are entitled to freedom
of conscience. At the same time, the Constitution protects the rights of religious
minorities to enable them to live with dignity. All sections of society have the
right to conserve their language, script or culture. Minorities have the rieht

educational institutions of
their choice.
ce. State may
to establish and administer
institutions by the
grant financial aid to
the state shall not discriminate against
communities. In granting such an aid,
that it is under the management of a minorin
any institution on the ground
of religion means "the right to
3. No Forcible Conversions: Propagation
or to expound the principles of one's
communicate beliefs to another person
of the supreme Court, "this does not
religion." According to a judgement
include a right to forcible conversions."


in modern times.
It should be do we need Secular State
clear, then, why
1. Individuals may have a strong of "religious identity", which
sense they would
like to be protected against the men of intolerance.
2. Religious liberty is an important feature of a civilized society.

3. A Secular State would also tolerate atheists and grant them full legal rights to be
what they are.
4. Without religious tolerance we would have a world engulfed in hatred and

5. A Secular State ensures the most politically stable structure. In other words, both
political stability required that minority religious communities lived
with dignity and self-respect.

Mahatma Gandhi on
"Religion after all is a deeply personal matter, it touches the heart. Why should I
change my religion because a doctor who professes Christianity as his religion has
cured me of some disease or why should the doctor expect or suggest such a
change whilst I am under his influence. Is not medical relief its own reward and
satisfaction.... am, then, not against conversion. But I am against the modern
methods of it. Conversion nowadays has become a matter of business."
-Mahatma Gandhi

"Tolerance means tolerance of other's opinions. Tolerance is

a state of mind. It is essential because the world is a varied
place..We have laid down in our Constitution that India is
a Secular State. That does not mean ireligion. It means equal
respect for all faiths and equal opportunities for those who
profess any faith."
-Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru
Justice M.H. Beg on a
Common Civil Code
Ouestions of personal laW, Sucn as marriage and Succession, are not matters of
religion. It would be against reason to urge that 'a rule of succession' which is itist
fora Hindu or a Sikh family.. could be unjust in another
family because they profess
a different religion."

Justice M.H. Beg

Former Chief Justice of India

The major religions have penetrated deep into the life of various
communities. The
British rulers adopted
the ofpolicy "Divide and Rule" to sow the seeds of discordd
between the two major communities.
In Independent India, politics and elections became an end in itself. Even the
national parties had alliances with Communal
The virus of Communalism seemed to have afflicted
as well. But, as we have
police and civil administration
already stated, religious tolerance is rooted in India's
culture. A happy harmony between the various
communities is possible if we
know how to do it.
Communalism has to be fought
all levels. First, education and the mass media
can play a
significant role in combating Communalism and promoting Secularism.
Second, close watch should be kept over
communally sensitive areas. Third, the
fight against communalism is ideological as well as administrative. And finally, a
generation would have to arise with a new vision. The secular liberals must
give up the double standards and speak out as loudly agairnst Minority Communalism
they do against Majority Communalism. The continuation of
Laws for particular communities need to be revised, so that injustices and
Special Personal

discrimination against women (because of laws and customs relating to marriage

and divorce) could be abolished.

Summary of the main points

Religious tolerance has been a marked feature of India's culture and past history
from the most ancient times.
What is Secularism? () No domination of one religious community over other
communities; and (i) No Intra-religious domination, i.e. domination of one group
of people over others within the same religious community is not justified. In brief,

Religion should not be hto.
religion should relate to one's private
domain of life.
to public sphere or politics.
Secularisation has
been a powertul movemer
nent i
The Western View of Secularism:
United States has also been a Stat
ecular State
France since the French Revolution.
of lslamic traditions andh
Kemal Ataturk's secularism meant the suppression the
revival of Turkish nationalism. Western
states do not
intervene in the activities
of o
grantedreligious minorities.
religious organisations. No special rights

(i) The right freely

to profess, practise and
Salient Features of Indian Secularism:
nor interteres With
the religion of anu
propagate religion; (ii) State neither promotes
institutions maintained by State funds
individual; (iii) No religious instruction in
own and acquire property; and () the
(7) Every religious sect has the right to
maintenance of any particular religion.
proceeds of taxes are not meant for the
Indian Perspective of Secularism: How Indian Secularism is Different from Western
Secularism? (i) Our Constitution does not speak of complete separation between
the "State' and 'Religion,' (i) Rights of Religious and Linguistic Minorities, and
can be phrased as "Sarv
(111) No Forcible Conversions. Our views on Secularism
Dharma Sambhar', i.e., equal respect for all religions.

Why Do We Need Secular State in Modern Times? (i) Religious identity

to be protected; (i) Religious liberty is an important feature of a civilized society,
(t1) Protection to Atheists also should be ensured, (iv) without tolerance world would
engulfed in violence; and (o) a Secular State ensured the most politically stable
Is Secularism Suitable for India? In Independent India winning elections became
an end in itself. Communalism afflicted police, civil administration, Education and
civil administration also. Education and mass media can play a significant role in
combating Communalism and promoting Secularism. Communalism has to be fought
at all levels.

A. Following Questions carry 1 Mark each
(Answers should not exceed 20 Words each)
1. (a) Who coined the word 'Secularism' in the middle of the 19th century?
Ans. George Jacob Holyoake.
(b) What does 'No Inter-religious Domination' mean?
Ans. It means that no religious community is permitted to dominate the other

(c) What does No Intra-religious Domination' mean?

Ans. It means that all members of a particular religious community should
have equal rights to life, freedom and opportunities.

Following Questions carry 2 Marks each
(Answers should not exceed 40 Words each)

2. (a) Mention any two features of Western Secular States, such as France and
Ans. (i) State is neutral or impartial and extends no aid to
any of the
religious institutions. (i) State would not intervene in the activities of
(b) Suggest any two measures to combat Communalism and promote Secularism
in India?
Ans.(i) Education and the mass media can play a significant role in
Communalism. (ii) Free-thinking liberals should speak out as loudly
Minority Communalism as they do against Majority Communalism.
(c) Write "Yes' or 'No' in the bracket given after each statement.
) In a secular society no religious community is permitted to
dominate the other communities.
(i) The Taliban led Afghanistan was a Secular State.
(ii) A Secular State would allow religious instruction in
educational institutions wholly maintained by State funds.
(iv) Minorities in India have the right to establish and administer
educational institutions of their choice.
() In India the rights of both the individuals and religious
minorities are protected.
(7) Intervention of State to ensure entry of Dalits in temples is
(vii) The Western Secular States confer special privileges on
Ans. (1) Yes (ti) No (ii) No (io) Yes (o) Yes (vi) Yes (vii) No

C. Multiple Choice Questions

3. (a) Which one of the following statements about a Secular State is Incorrect?

(t) A Secular State is a democratic State.

(ii) A Secular State protects religious freedom of all its citizens.
(ii) A Secular State has an official religion.
(iv) In a Secular State no one religion dominates other religions.
Ans. (iii) A Secular State has an official religion.
by a Priestly Order?
What is given to a State which is ruled
(b) name
(ii) Theocratic State
() Nation State
(iv) Republican State
(iii) Democratic State
Ans. (i) Theocratic State

(c) Mustafa Kamal opted for the modernisation of society and secularisatio
nolity after the First World War. Which of the following countries did ho
belong to?
() Turkey (i) Israel
(ii) Egypt (iv) Iraq
Ans. (i) Turkey

D. Following Questions carry 4 Marks each

(Answers should not exceed 100 Words each)
4. Why io we need a Secular State in modern times?
5. Mention any four salient features of Indian Secularism.

E. Following Questions carry 5 to 6 Marks each

(Answers should not exceed 150 Words each)
6. What is Secularism? What are the main implications of a Secular Society and
7. How Indian Secularism is different from Western Secularism?
Comment on the statement that "Indian Secularism does not focus on
state separation, it deals with religious freedom of individuals as well as freedoms
of Minority communities.

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