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Workflow for fitting IASL

• Starting from the left of the plot, search for potential infinite acting straight line (IASL’s)
• For each potential IASL, perform the following tests.
➢ Are there data points that deviated from the line at early time period?
❖ If yes, proceed to Test 2
❖ If no, discard the line and search for the next potential line

➢ Are the early time deviated points above the line?

❖ If yes, proceed to Test 3
❖ If no, discard the line and search for the next line.

➢ Are the data points that deviated from the line at late-time period?
❖ If yes, proceed to Test 4
❖ If no, accept the line as the IASL

➢ Are the late-time deviations below the line?

❖ If yes, accept the line as the IASL
❖ If no, record the line and search for the next

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