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Friday, December 10, 2021
HSTCR3062P 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
2 hours
Full Marks: 30


• Of the questions attempted, the answers to only the first required number of questions (as stipulated
in the question paper) will be evaluated. So please do not attempt extra questions.

• Only HAND WRITTEN answer scripts (using black or blue ink) on A4 size sheets will be
• Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
• Save the scanned pages to a single PDF file and name the document accurately i.e. Roll No_Paper
Code.PDF (example: 147_HPHCR2032T).
• Students have to write legibly their answers on A4 size sheets, scanning them and sending the entire
answer script as one PDF file to the following email address (in REPLY mode) within 30 minutes
of the completion of the examination:
• The scanned answer scripts should have enough clarity to enable evaluation.
• On top of each page the following information should be entered by the student: Name, Roll
Number, Paper Code , Date, and Page Number
• No multiple submissions would be allowed.

The marks are given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The question paper consists of 3 pages.

2021 1
Of the questions attempted, the answers to only the first required number of
questions (as stipulated in the question paper) will be evaluated.

Answer Question No. 1 and ANY ONE from Question No. 2 and 3:
1. Table below shows the number of inhabitants (in 000's) in the year 1930(y), in each of
the 49 cities, drawn from the population of 196 large cities in United States using Simple
Random Sampling. The true 1920 total, X, is assumed to be known, and its value is

Sizes of 49 large United States cities (in ‘000s) in 1920(࢞࢏ ) and in 1930(࢟࢏ ) are
given below:
࢞࢏ ࢟࢏ ࢞࢏ ࢟࢏ ࢞࢏ ࢟࢏
76 80 2 50 243 291
138 143 507 634 87 105
67 67 179 260 30 111
29 50 121 113 71 79
381 464 50 64 256 288
23 48 44 58 43 61
37 63 77 89 25 57
120 115 64 63 94 85
61 69 64 77 43 50
387 459 56 142 298 317
93 104 40 60 36 46
172 183 40 64 161 232
78 106 38 52 74 93
66 86 136 139 45 53
60 57 116 130 36 54
46 65 46 53 50 58
48 75

Estimate the total number of inhabitants in the 196 cities in 1930 on the basis of the
given sample using ratio estimator and product estimator. Also compare estimates of
the mean square error of the two estimators. Comment. [20]

2. In a well planned residential colony there are 40 houses. Using systematic sample of
size 8 estimate the average household income of the colony. Also give an unbiased
estimate of the standard error of your estimate. [10]

House Income House Income House Income

Number (‘000rupees) Number (‘000rupees) Number (‘000rupees)
1 14 15 45 29 32
2 25 16 44 30 34
3 17 17 56 31 47
4 32 18 54 32 25
5 33 19 32 33 43
6 46 20 36 34 44
7 54 21 43 35 45
8 37 22 27 36 32
9 32 23 19 37 11
10 22 24 32 38 45
11 17 25 43 39 32
12 34 26 46 40 17
13 32 27 28
14 33 28 32
2021 2
3. The following data show the stratification of all the farms in a district by farm size and the
average acres of corn per farm in each stratum.

Farm size No. of farms Av. Corn acres Sd of corn acres

0-45 384 5.4 6.3
46-80 462 16.3 11.3
81-120 390 22.3 15.1
121-165 335 32.5 17.8
166-200 160 42.1 24.5

For a sample of 75 farms, compute the sample sizes in each stratum under (a) proportional
allocation, (b) optimum allocation.
Compare the efficiency of these methods with that of random sampling without
replacement. [10]


2021 3

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