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Question: What are the major differences between Mussolini’s Fascism and Hitler’s Nazism?


1. Introduction (0.5 page)

2. Overview of Fascism coming to power (1 page)


3. Overview of Hitler’s Nazism rise to power (1 page)


4. Differences between the Fascism and Nazism (2.5 page)

I. Origin
Germany and Italy. Different interpretations of Treaty of Versailles
Italy wanted German African colonies, did not get and led to nationalism
II. Inspiration
Italy: Spartans as a focus of national purity, meaning and origin of word fascism
Germany: Social and racial Darwinism, eugenics
III. Concept of State
Italy: all elements into an ‘organic state’
Germany: Race based state, Aryan superiority, Race > State
“Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Fuhrer” or “One empire, one people, one leader”
IV. Basis of Society
Italy: class based society
Germany: class based classification an obstacle in uniting on basis of race
“All who are not of a good race are chaff,”- Hitler
V. Role of State
Italy: state to achieve nationalism
Germany: state as a tool of ensuring rule of “master race”.
State machinery was used to ensure objectives
VI. Economic Ideologies
Italy: socialism with cover of capitalist, corporate state
VII. Global Aspirations
Italy: wanted African colonies
Germany: dominance over Europe and colonies. Hence global rule (Map)
VIII. Opportunity vs. Ideology
Fascism: Mussolini changed views. In early life, was against imperialism, but in
“Imperialism, the eternal, immutable law of life”
Was an editor in socialist journal (Avanti), later launched militant movement
against socialism (squadres d’azione)
AJP Taylor “a vain blundering boaster without ideas or aims”
IX. Two Ideas in Future
Fascism: the term was used in time following Mussolini, Lenin in Russia used
similar ways. Modern day India under Modi. Putin’s Russia.
Nazism has had little resemblance, but has been compared to discrimination
against black people in US.
Table of Differentiation (0.5 page)

5. Critical Analysis (0.5 page)

Mussolini played the party against each other to prevent anyone challenging his
This led to his downfall. Lenin had learned from it
“If Fascism does not follow me, no one can make me follow fascism”- Mussolini
Hitler created a more united force that was loyal to him, Nazified the state, not divide
and rule.
Hitler “what is this sort of Fascism which melts like snow before the sun?”

6. Conclusion (0.5 page)

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