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Critically evaluate the causes of allied victory in World War 1.

1. Introduction (0.5 page)

2. Brief overview of allies and Central Powers in WW1 (0.5 page)
UK, France, Russia as triple entente, later joined by USA
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottomans, Italy

3. Causes of Allied Victory in WW1

i. Economic Factor (1 page)
WW1 was the first ‘total war’, the number of men and the volume of supplies mattered most.
“It is said that God is always on the side of big battalions” -Voltaire
a) Quality
The level of development was a multiplier of size. Developed countries were able to mobilize and
finance soldiers and weapons much faster.
Allies colonies were of little use, slow mobilization, Russia economic backwardness
Central Powers: Ottoman, Bulgaria, Hungarian part of Habsburg: backward, but had advantage in
average income
b) Quantity
Territory: Allies had 11.5 times more
Population: Allies 5.2 times more
Output: Allies 2.9 times more
c) Agriculture
Austria, Germany, Turkey and even Russia all ran short on food before guns, an outcome of peasant
agriculture. Britain offered high prices to farmers and boosted production. In Germany farming was
mostly for self-suffice and farmers were reluctant to sell to govt.

ii. Strategic Perspective (1.5 page)

a) Naval Blockade on Germany
UK was quick to go for an early blockade on German north and prevent any supplies. Proved vital at
the end. MAP
a) Britain new weapon: Warfare Tanks
Though many of the tanks broke down on the battlefield, the new weapon was lethal and the central
powers were unable to deal with it in the trenches warfare.
b) The tactics of Verdun and Somme
Germany was advancing to Verdun (city of France), resulted in stalemate with France. Britain advanced
to Somme, German army was divided and the initials German gains were lost.
c) Timing of US joining the war
US interference came at a crucial time when both sides were experiencing strain. Though US presence
on the field took time to be felt, it sealed the fate.
iii. Factors affecting the Central Powers to the advantage of Allied (1.5 page)
a) Italy changing sides
Italy entered the war as an ally to the central powers but soon changed side, this led to the eastern
side of Austria-Hungary exposed and vulnerable. Eventually changed the tactics of the war for central
powers. MAP
b) Weakness of the Ottoman Empire
The navy had never recovered from the loss of Lepanto 1571 and even though there was a fleet but it
gave little naval advantage to the Ottomans.
The autonomy in the empire was increasing and many of the vilayets and feudal refused to pay tribute
and support to the Sultan.
c) The internal clash of German stakeholders
Military wanted to continue, the government was trying to sign an armistice. The soldiers lost the
sense of fighting for a noble or national cause.
d) The failure of last offensive
Germany hoped to end the war before the arrival of US troops, launched an offensive in 1918 that
failed miserably. This gave clear advantage to the fresh US troops
4. Critical Analysis
Economic factor was most vital. Once the central powers failed to achieve initial goals, economic
factors were decisive from there onwards.

5. Conclusion

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