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The Great Conflict

World War 1
1. Militarism: Militaries were consolidating even before the war was even
having a glimpse of exposure.

2. Alliances: Agreements and promises were made by one country to

another by assuring the allied country’s safety.
3. Imperialism: trying to build up an empire where strong countries control
less stronger ones.
4. Nationalism: Having pride in nationhood and believing that it is their
duty to defend it.

5. Reason also: The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand along with his

wife Sophia during the round of Sarajevo, Bosnia (Killed by a Serb Bullet)


Events of war

 Aerial bombing, submarines, trench warfare, tanks etc., were used.
 Civilians were killed causing approximately 37 million causalities’
 8 million being imprisoned from this war.
Trench warfare
Main battles fought= East and western front

Western Front
Fighting: Germany and (allied power) France and Britain
 Bad condition
 Trenches were dug
 Allied soldiers were disheartened cause of the unhygienic and bad
treatment by their leaders.

Eastern Front
Fighting= Germany and Russia

 Russian Government Deposed Tsars Nicholas II gov. and a new

government was asked to be continued.
 Treaty with (Germany) by Russia
Ready To give on territories like, Finland, Poland, Ukraine etc.
 Germany won and now moved all its arm to western front

USA Germany and World war

I. Germany Instigated Mexico
Now Americans reluctantly joined in with their 2 million troops and
defeated Germany.


Treaty of Versailles

It was for Germany to pay for its damages during the war.
1. War Guilt clause
2. Repair
3. Disarmament
4. Territorial Clauses

Treaty of Sevres
 Ottoman had to sign it
This way Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, were taken from Turkey

 Italy signed the treaty but resentful of its role as its territories were taken
 USA did not join the league of nation.

British And Indians

1. When British needed were in war they feared to lose their Indian colony.
Indians helped Britain
2. Muslims were hesitant as the war was also against Turkey the Khilafat
3. British made a fake promise to

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