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Student #: 501208902

Student Name: Fatu Bachilly

Mini Assignment #1
Read the case study “Royalton Hicacos Varadero Cuba (Pg 385-386)

Case Analysis Questions

1. If you were the GM of the Royalton Hicacos in Varadero, how would you draw from
culture theories to help the Cuban staff of the hotel adapt to their global vacationing

If I were the General Manager of Royalton Hicacos and wanted to assist the Cuban staff of the
hotel in adjusting to their international vacationing customers, I would host meetings and
workshops. I would talk about how important it is to understand our customers' cultures and
values as well as how we can combine the Cuban and the vacationing customers' cultures as one.
As the GM, I would also hold workshops where I could collaborate with the team to develop
concepts and strategies that we might utilize to improve our relationships with customers in the
future. We would discuss European, North American, and American manners and etiquette in
these meetings that I would organize, and we would learn how to apply them to our consumers.
In certain situations, when people don't understand a person's culture or etiquettes they may
interpret it as an insult, but thanks to my staff's training and understanding obtained from
meetings and workshops, we can avoid this issue from occurring.

2. It appears that this joint venture between Royal Hicacos and the Cuban Government is
working. Drawing from the discussion on how to choose a venture partner in Chapter 5,
discuss the strengths of this joint venture.

Joint Ventures is when foreign firms do invest in another country…this is co ownership

arrangement in which foreign and local partners agree to pool resources, share risks, and jointly
operate the new business. (Management fifth canadian edition Chapter 5 - page 85). The strength
of the joint between the Royal Hicacos and the Cuban government is access to new markets and
distribution networks. With the Cuban government working with the hotel it gives the Cuban
government an opportunity to network and gain opportunities within the hotel. Access to new
markets and distribution networks is the key component of the partnership between the Royal
Hicacos and the Cuban government. The fact that the hotel and the Cuban government's joint
venture shares profits, losses, and expenses is another benefit or strength for the partnership.
Since the hotel is a joint business with the government, it will expand more quickly and make
more money.

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