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 What are some things you do every day? What are some activities you like to do?

 How much do you exercise every week? Do you brush your teeth every day?

 Do you comb your hair every day? Do you wash your hands every day?

 What is something you should do every day but don’t?

 What are some good habits to have? What are healthy eating habits? What are bad eating

 What are good study habits? What are bad study habits?

 Where do we learn our habits? Do children learn bad habits at school or at home?

 What are some of your bad habits?

 Do you bite your nails? Do you over sleep? Do you sleep on the sofa? Do you sleep in your
clothes? Do you eat late at night? Do you sleep in class?

 Do you know anyone who smokes? Do you anyone who drinks alcohol?

 Do you spit on the street? Do you throw rubbish on the street?

 Do you cut people off in the middle of their stories and conversations?

 What three habits will make your life better?

 What are some habits that can improve your English ability?

 How can we break our bad habits?

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