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When I was thinking about my dream company, I didn't mean any specific existing

company, because each of them has faults or unnecessary details that do not work for me.
That is why I decided to create my own company that will be as close to the ideal as
While creating it, I took into account several aspects. The first of them is the size of the
company. I would not like to work in a large corporation. About 50 employees are
sufficient. It is not too much, not too little. Of course, this number must be appropriate to
the size of the work, the number of orders and tasks to be done. The next element is the
exact chain of command. I do not want it to be too long, because it can lead to
communication problems. I need clear levels of hierarchy where everybody knows who is
reporting to who. The division of labour is equally important. There is nothing worse than
having two employees doing the same job, having the same responsibilities. If a task
requires several people to do it, they will do it together to achieve the best possible results.
It also has to be clear who takes responsibility for decision-making. And the last but not
least. Span of control. It means a number of people reporting to a manager. Manager with
wide spans of control have many subordinates so it’s not possible for a manager to closely
examine activity. That’s why in this company one manager has maximum 10 subordinates.
Combining all these aspects, I decided to choose the line organisational structure. It is the
oldest and the simplest form of organisation. It is precisely defined. It has a very clear
structure with everybody knowing who they should report to and who their line manager is.
People at the bottom are not allowed to take initiatives without permission from their
seniors. That’s why I wanted to reduce the management levels needed to solve problems.
Therefore I can create the ideal conditions for quick decision-making. Due to the fact that
employees report to just one manager, there will be no conflict of interests.
Unfortunately, the big disadvantage of this structure is the lack of specialization. One
manager is responsible for a lot of important decisions, but it’s obvious that he can’t be an
expert in every field. Such a manager may have big doubts about which decision should he
So I decided to make a small improvement to this structure. Implementing advisors. This
structure is called The line-staff organisational structure. The implementation of advisors
will significantly facilitate and improve the work of managers. Decisions will be considered
from all angles to reduce the risk of mistakes and failures.
I’m sure that this structure has some cons, but I know that the perfect one doesn’t exist.
Finally, I also want to mention that a perfect company would never exist without people,
so the most important thing is respect and efficient communication among employees.

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