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This is to certify that:

PT. Putra Bangka Mandiri
Desa. Cengkong Abang, Kec. Mendo Barat Kab. Bangka Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka
(Refer to Attachment to Certificate of Registration dated 2 April 2018 for additional certified sites)

operates an
which complies with the requirements of
ISO 14001:2015
for the following scope

Operation of oil palm plantation, palm oil mill and kernel crushing plant

Certificate No: EMS40394

lssued: 2 April 2018 Originally Certified: 23 January 2015
Expires: 22 Januaty 2021 Current Certification: 2 April 20'18

Nicole Grantham
General Manager SAI Global Certification Services

rso 14001

SAI G obal Cedif cai on Services Pty Ltd (ACN 1 08 71 6 669) 680 Georse Sreel Sydney NSW 2000 Ausllal a wilh SAI G oba
Ply Limited 680 George Slreel Sydney NSW2000 Australb ( SAl Globa') and subjecl io lhe SAI GLobalTerms and Condiions
for Cedfication l hiLe al dueee and skllwas exercised in carrying out this assessmeni SAI Global a.@pts respons bLIily
only for proven negigence This cerlificate remains the property oi SAlGlobala.d must be returned to SAI GlobaL!po. ts
request To verify thal lh s @rlliiele s curcnt please reler 10 SAI Globar O.-L ne Certification regisier at
hno ?/w saioloba coh


These sites are registered under certiflcate No: EMS40394 issued on 2 April2018.

PT. Putra Bangka Mandiri

SAI Site Cert no. Certified Site Details Effective Date

c-1892"t0 Jl. Tjhai Kap Sun Gg. Tapak Jalak I No 53 2 April2018

Pangkal pinang 33145 INDONESIA

Site Scope:
Operation of head office for oil palm plantation,
palm oil mill and kernel crushing plant

c-399542 Desa Rias, Kec. Toboali Kab. Bangka Selatan 2 April2018

Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung INDONESIA

Site Scope:
Operation of oil palm plantation

c-399543 Dusun Pelempang, Desa Air Buluh Kec. Mendo 2 April2018

Barat, Kab. Bangka Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka

Site Scope:
Operation of oil palm plantation

c-189094 Desa. Cengkong Abang, Kec. Mendo Barat Kab. 2 April 2018
Bangka Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

Site Scope:
Operation of palm oil mill and kernel crushing plant

These registrations are dependent on PT. Putra Bangka Mandiri maintaining their scope of
registration to ISO 14001:2015.

SAIG obal Certilication Se&lces Ply Ltd (ACN 108 716669) 680 George Slreel Sydney NSW 2000 AuslGlia wth SAI Globa

Ply Lim ted 6a0 Georse Slreel Sydney NSW 2000 Alska ia ('SALGlobal') and slbject to the SAI Globa and Cond tions
for Cedif@ion. whlle allduecareand skillwas exerc sed n carrying ouilhs assessmenl, SA Globala@epts responsibiLity
onlyicr proven neglgence This cenifcale remanslhe propeny of SAlGloba and rnust be relurned lo SAlGlobalupon its
request To veriiy rhat this cediii€te s clEenr please refer to SAI GlobaLOn-Line Cerlif c€l on ragister at
htto rv/W sa o obal@m

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