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Mitzi B.

Sumadero BEED – 2

GED 109


Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of the teaching cycle.

1. In which stage/s of the teaching cycle are the students involved? Explain.
 I think the stages that the students are involved are stages 1-6 since teaching
is the interaction between the teacher and the student. Because each stages
shows that the teacher should consider the learning styles of the students and
the students may learn in each teaching cycle. This stages shows that each
cycle the teacher must be creative in making his/her teaching cycle so he/her
students could catch up or understand the lesson that he/she wants his/her
students want to learn.

2. Which stage/s of the teaching cycle requires the teacher to reflect about teaching
and learning? Explain.
 Stages4, 5 and 6 in teaching cycle requires teachers to reflect on the
teaching and learning since in this stages the teacher would assess the
students by making activity that is connected to lesson that the teacher
discussed and the result of assessment is consider to the basis if the
students learned upon the discussion of the lesson.
The next question will challenge your reasoning skill.

What do you think is the most important stage of the teaching cycle? Why do you think

 I think the most important stage of the teaching cycle is the stage 1 which
is the identifying the objectives for it is the first basis on what lesson
should be discussed and also the teacher cannot proceed to the next
stage which Is the planning of the instruction without identifying the
objectives first. And also identifying the objectives serves the very
important stage in teaching cycle because this would serves as the guide
to teacher in activities he/she would give to his/her students.

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