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Intrapersonal Learners

What is an Intrapersonal Learner?

A solitary learner, also known as an intrapersonal learner is someone who prefers

learning on their own.

An intrapersonal learner is exactly the opposite of a social learner who prefers to

work in groups.

Common characteristics of an intrapersonal learner include:

✓ Keeps a journal or diary

✓ Enjoys spending time alone

✓ Struggles in large crowds and noisy rooms

✓ Likes to set goals and make plans

✓ Struggles in opening up to others

✓ Excellent self-management skills

✓ Has a strong sense of self

✓ Highly independent

What do Intrapersonal Learners like?

✓ A solitary learner would prefer a subject that doesn’t require interaction or corporation like
Math to a cooperating subject like Drama.

✓ One of the major courses they enjoy is “Creative Writing”.

Example of Intrapersonal Skills:

✓ Self-awareness

✓ Self-confidence

✓ Time Management

✓ Dedication etc.

Below are some study tips for intrapersonal learners:

✓ Encourage your student to keep a journal or diary. 

✓ It is important to give these learners their space so you can develop their trust.

✓ Align your student’s learning goals with their personal interests and beliefs.

✓ Field trips out in nature also work well to engage solitary/intrapersonal learners.

✓ Ask questions

✓ Make sure to have a wide assortment of books, websites, and videos for the child to

✓ Make sure that solitary learners have a quiet place to go to when they are working or just
want time alone.

✓ Use lists and check items as they are completed.

✓ Deepen understanding of study materials by tying lessons to familiar topics.

Teaching Tips/Intrapersonal Learning Strategies

✓ Model learning activities

✓ Choose lecture style instruction

✓ Choose independent learning opportunities

✓ Make sure expectations are clear

Intrapersonal Learning Activities

✓ Group Projects

✓ Journaling

✓ Note Taking


Intrapersonal learning style.(n.d.).Retrieved from


Solitary learner, characteristics, study tips, strategies, & activities.(2022).Retrieved from

Intrapersonal learner.(2021).Retrieved from


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