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@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ task "lint", "lint all coffeescript in the src/

dir", ->

sh "node_modules/coffeelint/b
notice "Coffeelint Passed!"

task "doc", "generate documen

sh "node_modules/coffeedoc/bi
notice "Documentation Generat

# Taken from coffee-script/Ca

notice = (msg) ->
stars = ("*" for _ in [1..msg

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<h1>CoffeeDoc &mdash; Module Index</h1>
<div class="container">
<div class="sidebar column">
<ul id="modulelist">

<li><a href="src/">src/</a></li>
<li><a href="src/">src/</a></li>

<li><a href="src/">src/</a></li>

<li><a href="src/">src/</a></li>

<div class="content column">

<div class="module">
<div class="header">
<a href="src/"><h1></h1></a>
<div class="module-content">
<h1>Lipsum Command-line Interface</h1>
<p>This module provides a CLI wrapper for the main module, allowing it to b
easily used via anyone&#39;s login shell.

<ul class="functionlist">

<li><a href="src/"></a></li>

<li><a href="src/">exports._run(argv)</a></li>


<div class="module">
<div class="header">
<a href="src/"><h1></h1></a>
<div class="module-content">
<h1>Lorem Ipsum Wrapper</h1>
<p>Main entry point for the node-lipsum module. Provides wrappers for
the Parser and Service classes as well as an easy method to get text
from the service.

<ul class="classlist">

<li><a href="src/">Lipsum</a></li>



<div class="module">
<div class="header">
<a href="src/"><h1></h1></a>
<div class="module-content">
<h1>Lipsum Parser</h1>
<p>Detects whether input is XML or JSON and parses accordingly.
Parsing within the file provides the advantage of decoupling server calls w
calls to the parser, as it is able to be agnostic to the format received. I
cannot, however, parse HTML (nor should it have to).

<ul class="classlist">

<li><a href="src/">LipsumParser</a></li>



<div class="module">
<div class="header">
<a href="src/"><h1></h1></a>
<div class="module-content">
<h1>Web Service for</h1>
<p>Provides the low-level interface to the

<ul class="classlist">

<li><a href="src/">Service</a></li>



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