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William Shakespeare

and props
Scences Characteristics Sequences
(and starting
1. In the Duke's *Opening sound* *Jazz music*
BEFOR The Duke - room DUKE: (Walk around the room, clasp hands behind the
E THE (Diễm Trâm) - A letter back, talk to himself) - Antonio is really a kind and
COURT - A pen generous person, I know, he has a spotless reputation. So,
- A desk it's not greek to me at all when Shylock - this wicked man
- A chair - always waits for any chances to ask for his pound of
- Casual flesh.
clothes (Sit on the chair, tap on the table with his finger) - Now,
- Jazz music Shylock determined to revenge him at all costs, he
wouldn't budge an inch. Now, Antonio is in a pickle and
he is threatened to be as dead as a doornail by Shylock.
(Fetch a sigh) - I need someone to send him packing before
accusing of Antonio.
(Duke writes a letter about 10 seconds)
*short video about writing a letter*
DUKE: (Hold the letter and mumble) - Though this be
madness, yet there is method in't. Uhm...perhaps, this
clever lawyer can find a way to save Antonio's life.

2. The court *opening sound*

IN THE 1. The Duke – setting (The Duke sits on the chair. Shylock and his assistant stare
COURT (Diễm Trâm) - A letter on at Antonio. Antonio is tied to a chair with a string.
the screen Bassanio stands closely Antonio and is blocked by the
2. Shylock – - Recorded spear of the sentinel.)
(Xuân Hương) voice of the DUKE: (Look down wistfully in a pensive mood)
Duke *a recording of the Duke’s voice with the content:
3. The clerk – - A sword “Shylock did demand a pound of flesh from Antonio but I
(Phương - A string couldn't do anything to help him. The law is the law. Even
Thảo) - A hammer one with a power of strength cannot violate it!” *
- A contract SHYLOCK: (Look haughtily at Antonio) - At last I shall
4. Antonio – - A curtain be able to treat you in a way you deserve. I do not feel
(Châu Thy) - A spear guilty at all. This proud merchant always hated me and
made others hate me too. I will not forgive him.
5. Bassanio – *sound of door opening* (A clerk comes in)
(Hoàng Phúc) CLERK: (Bow to the Duke) - Mr Duke, here is an urgent
letter from Dr Bellario.
6. The young DUKE: (Breathe a sigh of relief) – Thank you!
lawyer – (Yến (After reading the letter, the Duke give it to the clerk)
Nhi) CLERK: (Read out loud that letter) - Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to inform that unfortunately, I
7. The sentinel cannot attend the court due to my illness although I would
– (Thanh like to defend Antonio. However, I have invited a friend of
Thảo) mine to come instead. I hope you will accept this
unexpected change. I am sure that the young lawyer I send
8. Shylock’s you would fulfill his duties and protect the good one.
assistant – Your sincerely,
(Anh Thư) Dr Bellario

DUKE: (Toward the clerk) - Alright, please invite the

lawyer to come in.
*noisy sound in the public place*
(The clerk goes out and comes back with the young lawyer
- Portia.)
(The Duke stand up, he and Portia bow to each other
DUKE: (Look at Portia from the bottom to the top) –
Young lawyer, you did know the case. Please defending
Antonio now.
PORTIA: (Toward Antonio) – You are Antonio.
(Antonio nodded slightly)
PORTIA: (Toward Shylock) – You are Shylock, right?
(Shylock smirk)
PORTIA: - So Shylock, you have to be tolerant. Mercy.
SHYLOCK: (Be surprised, the raising tone) - But who has
the right to force me to show mercy?
PORTIA: - It’s true that you don’t have to be compelled to
be tolerant. But think about it, without tolerance, no one
can expect salvation. Rewards not only the man who
receives it, but also the man who gives it. (Clasp hands in
prayer) - We pray to God, hoping he will show us mercy,
and we should show mercy to other people.
SHYLOCK: (High pitch, clear, respectful to the lawyer) - I
only ask to be paid what I am owed. I am responsible for
my words and actions, and I respectfully request the law to
be enforced.
PORTIA: (Silence for a few seconds, push up the glasses
to see the people around, slowly ask) - Can’t he pay back
the money?
(Bassanio come forward but was stopped by the sentinel)
BASSANIO: (Meddle in and say quickly) - He can pay it,
and he is willing to pay more. If that’s not enough, I can
pay ten times as much for Antonio. (To the lawyer) - I beg
you, use your authority to bend the law. Do a great right by
doing a little wrong. Please save his life. (Clasp hands)
PORTIA: - No, I won't budge an inch and that can’t
happen, I cannot allow that. I must be cruel, only to be
kind. If we do not insist this man obey the law now, other
people may follow his bad example, and the whole country
will suffer. What's done is done.
SHYLOCK: - Oh, what a wise young judge, I honor you.
This chaotic Venice needs more people like you (Laugh
out loud “hahaha”). (Look at Antonio) - You are done,
PORTIA: (Give hands toward Shylock) - Please, let me
review the contract.
SHYLOCK: (Take a paper in pocket and give it to Portia) -
Here it is, judge! (x2)
PORTIA: - The money wasn’t paid back, so Shylock
lawfully claimed a pound of flesh of Antonio. Well then
Antonio, uncover your chest and prepare for his knife.
(The sentinel begins to unfasten Antonio’s shirt.)
SHYLOCK: (Excitingly shout out) - Oh noble judge! Oh,
wonderful young woman! You are a tower of strength,
young judge.
(Shylock drew the sword tied to his assistant's belt.
Bassanio rush forward with the aim to stop Shylock. The
sentinel uses a spear to push Bassanio out.)
ANTONIO: (toward Bassanio, shout out loud) –
*sad music*
(Bassanio sit down, put both hands to grasp her hand, show
a very sad expression)
ANTONIO: (Waver his hands toward Bassanio) - My
friend, I think I will die now. I wish I can still hang out
with you forever and a day. Please give my words to
Portia, tell her, tell her why I died. Goodbye now, let's live
well for you and also live for me.
(Try to pull his hand away from Bassanio's grasp.)
BASSANIO: (Stand up, clench his fists in unwilling mood,
turn to Portia) - Please, sir. Please tell me what I could do
now. I would give anything I have to save him.
(Run toward Shylock, knee down) - Please, please, take
my flesh instead, let him live, I am willing to lose my own
life for him.
PORTIA: (Order Shylock in strict voice) - Now! Take the
pound of flesh that is owed to you. (Point to Antonio's
chest) - Cut it from this man's chest.
*thrilling sound*
(Shylock is extremely pleased and gradually approaches
Antonio, stares at Antonio's chest, plays with his knife by
SHYLOCK: Oh, wise judge! Oh, wise young judge!
(When Shylock stands in front of Antonio, he grabs
Antonio's collar, raises his knifes, ready to stab. Antonio
closes his eyes.)
SHYLOCK: (Comtemptuous expression) - Antonio,
prepare yourself! I'll send you packing!
*Ending sound*

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