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Relova, Jehu C. Oct.

23, 2022

Followership Essay

The behavior of someone in a subordinate position is known as following. It may also be viewed
as a particular set of abilities that support leadership, a position inside a hierarchical
organization, a concept in society that is essential to the development of leaders, or the actions
taken when dealing with leaders in an effort to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, the ideal
way to define followership is as a conscious action taken by the subordinate to improve the
synergetic exchange between the follower and the leader.

This approach contends that leadership and followership do not work on a continuum, with one
declining while the other increases, and that leadership "is not only done by the leader, and
followership is not just done by followers." Instead, each dimension is the armed forces
Military values include knowing oneself and pursuing self-improvement, being technically and
tactically proficient, following orders and taking initiative when there are none, developing a
sense of responsibility and accepting responsibility for one's own actions, making wise decisions
or suggestions in a timely manner, setting an example for others, being familiar with one's
leader and job and anticipating their needs, keeping leader informed, and so on. A new military
doctrine called mission command, developed by the U.S. Army, emphasizes the function of
followers. One of Colin Powell's leadership tenets—"The commander in the field is always right
and the rear echelon is wrong, unless otherwise indicated"—is acknowledged. Within a group or
organization, a follower's readiness to follow is referred to as being a follower, which is a
reciprocal leadership process. The positional power and personal power of the leader or
manager are the two sorts of power that the follower acknowledges as their function in
followership. Without power, influence does not exist. Military organizations can treat
followership as a discipline and enhance leader-follower cultures by comprehending dynamic
followership. Armed forces members and commanders can develop their leadership and
follower skills through education, which could help them avoid making unethical actions in the

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