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Read the text, translate it, write down the new words

The goal of maintaining and promoting health is achieved by exercising regularly, eating
appropriately sized portions of food, limiting the intake of fat, and eating an abundant amount of
whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
The individual disease-preventing diets, which were recommended in the past, have largely
been supplanted by one health-promoting diet designed to prevent multiple diseases by enhancing
The recommended diet is schematically represented by the food pyramid. Cereal grains are the
foundation of the health-promoting diet. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed in variety and
abundance, with a total of five servings of these items a day representing the minimal
recommendation. The consumption of fat-restricted (or, preferably, fat-free) dairy products is
advisable to increase calcium intake; the intake of full-fat dairy products should be restricted. Items
in the meat and fish group should generally be eaten as peripherals to vegetable-based meals.
Poultry should be eaten without skin, with white meat consumed preferentially. The intake of red
meat should generally be limited and lean cuts selected. The advantages of fish consumption should
be emphasized. Fatty, dark-meat fish, such as salmon, is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Beans and legumes are a good source of protein and should be eaten regularly as an alternative to
meat. A variety of seeds and nuts should be consumed, but they should be eaten in modest
quantities because of their caloric density. Highly refined foods, sweets, and oils should be used
The guidelines call for 30% or less of total calories from fat, 55-60% from carbohydrates, and
10-15% from proteins. Total calorie consumption should be limited to the amount required to
maintain a healthful body weight. At least 30 g of dietary fiber should be consumed daily, achieved
by abundant intake of grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Sodium intake should be restricted to not
more than 3 g/d, a figure supported by recommendations to eat processed foods sparingly. Alcohol
consumption should be modest, with ethanol levels not exceeding 15 g/d for women or 30 g/d for


Rearrange the sentences to make them true:
- Exercise and proper eating habits / should be eaten in small amounts.

- The food pyramid / dairy products with low amount of fat.

- You are advised to take / more healthy then red meat.

- It’s better to eat / the foundation of the diet.

- Meat should not be / from beans.

- White meat is / an illustration of a new health-promoting diet.

- Proteins can be taken / at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

- Foods containing sugar / can enhance health.

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