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6 basic dimensions in the quality of care according to the OMS

The quality of healthcare is expressed in 6 integral dimensions with the purpose

of providing individuals with the best attention possible achieving the desired
outcomes. Safety, effectiveness, ef cacy, accessibility, person-centered and
equity: these dimensions when working together most surely achieve the highest
possible quality in healthcare for each individual in the society. Safety in every
medical intervention must be primordial to avoid causing further damages to the
patient’s health. The overall purpose is to alleviate the patient’s needs, not to add
suffering. This can only be achieved by carefully monitoring the necessary
prevention and security measures. Effectiveness and ef cacy in healthcare grant
us medical attention that not only is top-notch but also available for everyone at
the time needed and at the lowest cost possible, effectively optimizing the
available resources and technologies, both human and arti cial. It is taking all the
clinical and scienti c knowledge, technical experience, human ability and
technological adaptation and putting them into proper practice to prevent
sicknesses and treat patients. Healthcare services that are accesible to people
from every geographical region, economical status and cultural background
contribute to equity of opportunities and an overall improvement of the society.
Healthcare must aim for patients, regardless of their gender, age, race, religion,
culture or ideology, to receive the best attention in order to improve their health,
being careful of respecting their individual needs, preferences and values.
Making healthcare accesible, personalized, effective, ef cient, and equal for each
person in a society is the rst step in improving the quality of many other areas of
daily life. Better health leads to better education and work opportunities, which
lead to a stronger economy and a more stable life that balances each area of the
integral life of an individual.

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