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Health is a very wide term which has various aspects in it. Health is a condition of
being “Safe and Sound”. Good citizen is capable to perform his own works for
the benefit of society. Health is wealth is an old saying. Therefore keeping in view
the importance of health and health education, it is important to exploit all possible
means of spreading health education in society. The health status can be analyzed
according to health spectrum .The spectrum of health can be measured at various
levels like.


The low level of health status is a burden over family, society and nation, where
as a positive health status person is the need of society. It makes the family, society
and nation to grow more. Negative health status person has to depend upon others;
moreover, lot of money is spent by family and nation to improve their health
status. A healthy person has to depend upon many other factors like, clean, safe,
and hygienically surrounding, occupation and its preventive aspects, knowledge of
diseases and first aid understanding the diet and posture, role of environment and
importance of nature, role of physical activity, recreational, play rest sleep and
relaxation, health developments and health education etc. Health education guides
and modifies our behaviour towards optimum development of health. Its
knowledge influences our habits, attitude and develops interest towards individual
and community health.

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