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Academic Writing
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Academic and essay writing is a significant technique of developing and conveying

requisite knowledge and skills in a particular field or study. Writing essays enables students to

understand, analyze, relate, focus and critically express their views about an article or issues

affecting societal wellbeing (Anadhi and M, 2021, p.154). Therefore, Academic writing has

been an intrinsic aspect of my life by developing essays and journals for my exams.

The significant pieces of writings I have accomplished have focused on; analytical,

persuasive, critical and descriptive. These types of academic writing have specific purposes and

language features. In most of my works and journals I have used more than one type of writing

pattern as I focus on the main context of articles. Furthermore, in my writings, I have developed

four patterns enabling me to critically analyze and develop themes and conclusions for my

articles. These patterns are; cause and effects, comparison and contrast, process analysis and

classifications. Most of my writings have intergrated effective styles in explaining and

elaborating ideas (Manikandan, 2021, p.155). These style are; narrative, persuasive, expository,

comparing and contrasting, descriptive, personal and reflective. Below is one of my pieces of

essay writing revealing articulate styles and patterns I commonly develop in my articles.

Impact of Corruption on Economic Development in China and India

Corruption has existed for centuries, with many countries suffering from this vice.

Currently, corruption is associated with public and private offices where informal payments,

compensation, and staff recruitment prevail against the laws enshrined in constitutions. Most

individuals in these offices solicit bribes and favors while providing essential services to the

public. Corrupt individuals evade taxes hence depriving countries and states of revenues. Some
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individuals practice corruption by influencing tenders and government awards to individuals who

issue kickbacks. Corruption can be characterized as mafia dominated, bilateral monopoly, mafia

dominated, kleptocracy and competitive bribery (Fisman, Miriam and Ray, 2017). This essay

sheds light on how corruption leads to the inability of China and India in strongly attracting

foreign investors.

Inability to attract foreign Investors and International Trading Partners

One of the most developed countries with the largest global population, China faces

massive corruption in state and private entities. The rising corruption in exchange rates,

economic empowerment, and industrialization have reduced foreign investment and trade in the

country (Jiang, 2017, p.10). The rising corruption in china has hindered economic development

due to decline in foreign investors and multilateral trade partners since most countries withdraw

their investments for fear of embezzlement of funds (Kwong, 2015). This withdrawal of

investments reduces GDP due to stagnation of economic growth in different sectors such as

manufacturing and healthcare. Corruption reduces bilateral and multilateral trade due to lack of

trust by trading partners thus lowering of exports and imports. Reduction of exports and imports

reduces GDP growth thus decline of the country’s economic growth.

Similarly, India’s rampant corruption, wanton misuse of power, and embezzlement of

state funds by individuals for selfish benefits have affected its economic growth due to inability

to attract foreign investors and trade partners (Gould, 2015, p.265). Foreign investors fear

investing in India due to high production costs and bad governance by state agencies. Most

infrastructural and manufacturing foreign sponsored projects have stalled due to lack of

transparency and accountability. This prompts foreign investors to shy away thus reducing the

investment on GDP. Minimal investment on the country’s GDP hinders economic growth.
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Furthermore, many international and local trade partners have relocated due to rising costs of

production and exchange rates in the country. The relocation of Industries reduces capital on

foreign investment and increases unemployment (Gould, 2015, p. 260). Reduced foreign capital

investment and increasing unemployment affects the GDP thus slowing down economic

development in the country.


These two countries share similarities in economic corruption with each one being

adversely affected by looting and misuse of funds. The relocation of foreign multinationals to

other countries have hindered economic growth of these countries. Furthermore, these two

countries have faced economic and trade sanctions due to lack of trust and feasibility caused by

corruption. These sanctions have existentially hindered economic growth of these two countries.

Wastage of public and private resources in these countries have necessitated increase of poverty

indices through inflation and unemployment. There is need to enact punitive laws fundamental in

reducing corruption. Since corruption is an enemy of good governance and development, the

Chinese and Indian ruling parties should advance in enacting laws fighting economic corruption.


This essay explains impacts of corruption in China and India. It elaborates, defines and

explains the negative impacts of corruption in these two countries. Since corruption is a menace

in developing countries, this article portrays descriptive, critical and analytical patterns of writing

(Manikandan, 2021, p.148). The essay begins as descriptive type by explaining corruption and its

negative impacts in society. Furthermore, the essay analyzes impacts of corruption between these
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two countries and lastly develops a critical review of corruption in these two countries. The

styles I have applied in this essay are compare and contrasting, descriptive and reflective.

In this essay I effectively developed descriptive analysis while failing to incorporate

critical review in elaborating impacts of corruption on the economy of the two countries.

Furthermore, comparing and contrasting similarities was effective but I failed to develop

expository and reflective styles of writing (Anadhi and M, 2021, p. 40). Therefore, I need to

improve on my critical analysis methods and develop expository and reflective styles while

writing my essay and research papers. I should focus on the flow and connection of words and

phrases on my papers as I focus on grammar. I need to strengthen these areas in developing

quality and effective essay papers. The cost effect analysis and process analysis of the essay are

poorly stated hence the desire of critically developing effective writing patterns in my essays.
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Works Cited

"Checks and Balances and the India Against Corruption Movement." When Ideas Matter, 2021,

pp. 135-179.

Fisman, Ray, and Miriam A. Golden. "What are the Consequences of Corruption?"

Corruption, 2017.

G, ANANDHI, and DR I. M. "A logical study of issues in academic writing." WRITING SKILLS

FOR ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2021, pp. 36-55.

Gould, William. "Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Modern India." Routledge Handbook of

Contemporary India, 2015, pp. 256-270.

Jiang, Guoping. "Corruption and Anticorruption in China." Corruption Control in Post-Reform

China, 2017, pp. 1-10.

Kwong, Julia. "The Political Economy of Corruption in China." 2015.

S P, MANIKANDAN. "Utilising English: A Communicative Medium in Academic Writing."


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