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Topic and research questions

So my topic in this project is the analysation, how the pressure of performance is stated in the songs
of falling in reverse. I will analyse everything of this topic with the psychoanalytic theorie. So my
research questions until now in this topic are : Where is the pressure coming from in the songs? (the
person itself, other persons, …), Is there talked about any inner conflicts? And How is the character in
the songs viewed by other persons also in the songs.

Table of contents

I will start my paper with the normal introduction and then a little input about the topic pressure of
performance. After that the first question will be analyzed with the songs. The other two questions
will follow the same way. Following that, I plan to do a little summary of the analysation and a
interpretation of how my topic is viewed today based on the lyrics of the song. And at last there will
be a literature index like normal.


Im working with the lyrics of the songs of course and for the informations about pressure of
performance im using the website Its very helpful and contains a lot about the topic.


Right now im done with the instructions and the little input about pressure of performance and im
working on the first question.


My biggest problem right now is to write sentences that have a variety of beginnings. I dont want
every sentence to start with «so» or «and». While im writing, I often just have a list open with
sentence starters so I can just use them and dont fall for the other ones.


My next steps are continuing with the analysis of the questions with the songs and taking some notes
already for the interpretation.


Thank you for your attention and good luck with your own papers :D

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