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UIUC 2015 Fall Math 595 Symplectic and Poisson Geometry


Duistermaat-Heckman Theorem
Sue Tolman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lutian Zhao
AprilUID: 661622198
2, 2002
The Duistermaat-Heckman theorems concern the measure associated to moment map of a torus action of
symplectic manifold. Typically, this name refers to two theorems, one is called the ”Duistermaat-Heckman
measure", which says that ”the Radon-Nikodym derivative is piecewise polynomial", the definition of each
terms will be introduced later. The second one is called ”Duistermaat-Heckman localization formula", which
says an oscillating integral could be represented by some summation of values of a certain function, and could
1 type
be seen as another Definition
of “stationary of phase
the formula"
D-H measure
aroused in harmonic analysis. In this article, I’ll discuss
the first theorem in greater details. The second theorem is left to N.Zhang for further discussion.
We may have Let (M 2n , at
a glance ω) the
be astatement
symplectic of theorem at the beginning, but to do that, we must first define the
ingredients forDefinition
the theorem. That is
A Borel set in M is a set generated from compact subsets of M under countable
measure for a symplectic manifold (M; ! ) is the volume form m! = !n! ,
Definition 0.1.unionTheand Liouville
here ! n is theDefinition
n fold wedge product.
Given a Borel set U in M , the Liouville measure of U is defined as
We define this measure because this measure is preserved Z by the Hamiltonian vector field X . In fact, recall
that the Cartan’s magic formula LX ! = {X d!vol(U . {X ! = d, thus LX ! = 0 and so Liouville
+d{X) !=, and noten
U (2π) n!
measure is invariant under symplectomorphism defined by Hamiltonian flow. Thus we could pushforward the
Liouville measure to the Lie algebra by the moment map, and this measure∗ is the key in our theorem.
Definition 0.2. The Duistermaat-Heckman
proper if φ−1 (K) is compact whenever K is.)
forward of Liouville measure  m! , defined by mDH (U ) =  1 (U ) m! .
measure on g associated to Hamiltonian-G space is the push-
Let a torus T act on (M, ω) with proper moment map φ : M −→ t . (A moment map φ is

So now we have Definition The Duistermaat-Heckman
all our ingredient measure m =
for Duistermaat-Heckman mDH we
action, on tcan is the push-forward
state the easiest ofversion of the
the Liouville measure. Thus, for U ⊆ t∗ Borel,
theorem without any difficulty. Z
Theorem 0.3. Let (M; ! ) be a symplectic manifold
m(U ) = vol(φ −1
(U )) =with dimension
. 2n, and  be the moment map
associated to the T d -action  : T d ! Symp(M ), then theφDuistermaat-Heckman measure mDH =  m!
−1 (U ) (2π) n!

is a piecewise polynomial multiple of the Lebesgue measure on R, the Lie algebra associated to T d -
action, with Itthefollows
degree from of the definition at
polynomial thatmost n d. of the D-H measure lies inside the image of
the support
: supp(m) ⊆
This is the simplest case for Duistermaat-HeckmanU action.
M under φ φ(M ), because ∩ φ(M ) Actually,
= ∅ ⇒ m(U ) = 0. see from a long-time example
we could
Theorem (Archimedes,
for Duistermaat-Heckman theorem, e.g., ∼230
Archimedean sphere theorem:
Example 0.4The (Archimedean sphere). For S 2
area on the sphere between two latitudes= f(sindepends
 cos ;only cos ) : of2their
sin onsinthe;difference ];  2 [0; ]g and
[0; 2heights
symplectic form ! the
along = sin d ^axis.
rotation d, with (sin  cos ; sin  sin ; cos ) = cos . Now the hamiltonian vector

@ and we see that  ! = 12m, where m is the ordinary Lebesgue measure on

field is the rotation X = @
[ 1; 1].
We may also see the example for vector space
Example 0.5. Let M = Cn and moment map  : Cn ! R by (z0 ; : : : ; zn ) = 0 + 12
j jzj j2 . Then the
pushforward measure is the pushforward of [0; +1) by mapping (t1 ; : : : ; tn ) ! H0 + 2
j tj , which is a
polynomial multiple of Lebesgue measure on [H0 ; +1).

1 Normal form theorem for torus action
To prove the theorem, we need to see the variation of symplectic structure under the torus action. For a
Hamiltonian torus action with moment map  : M ! t , and 0 is a regular point for this moment map, the
natural question to ask is that how the symplectic form of the symplectic reduction M =  1 ( )=G varies
with respect to M0 when  is close enough to 0 in t ?
The answer to this question is that it varies linearly. A more precise statement is given below
Theorem 1.1 (Normal Form Theorem for Torus). If 0 is a regular value for the moment map , then
 1 ( ) 
=  1 (0 ) for  as diffeomorphism. However, M is not symplectomorphic to M0 . But using
the diffeomorphism of these two , we have

! = !0 + h  ; ci0

For some closed symplectic form c 2

2 (M0 )
t is the Chern class for the principal G-bundle  1 (0 ) !
M0 .
Without loss of generality, we may set  = 0, and proof for this lemma could be divided into two steps. The
first step is to write down the desired pullback form on the new manifold M0  t . We pick a connection
1-form  for the torus fibration Z ! M0 , where Z =  1 (0).  2 (T  N )
t on N :=  1 (U ) for a sufficiently
small neighborhood of U . This  is picked so that for any t 2 t, and Xt its infinitesimal generator, we have
{Xt  = t. The existence for this connection is treated in many literatures, for example, Kobayashi-Nomizu
Vol.1 Chap.2. Then we define a 2 form on product manifold Z  t by the formula

 =  ! 0 dh; i;  2 t :
For this form, we have the following claim
Lemma 1.2.  is symplectic for U small enough. And p : Z  t ! t a projection onto the second
component is a moment map with this symplectic form on a neighborhood of 0.
Proof. In fact, we could see that  is closed, it suffices to verify that it’s nondegenerate. Note that  j=0 =
 ! hd; i. Also note that jx=0 (Xi] ; @x@ i ) 6= 0 for ei a basis of , Xi] the generator for ei and xi the
coordinate for t . So  is nondegenreate near 0. And we also have

{Xi]  = LXi] (h; i) + d{Xi] (h; i) = di

which satisfies the condition for moment map p : Z  t ! t by direct projection.
Then we could use the equivariant version for coisotropic embedding theorem (which is a corollary for
equivariant Darboux-Moser-Weinstein theory) is be stated without proof here
Theorem 1.3 (Equivariant coisotropic embedding theorem). Let (M0 ; !0 ); (M1 ; !1 ) be symplectic mani-
folds of dimension 2n, G a compact Lie group acting on (Mi ; !i ); i = 0; 1 in a hamiltonian way with
moment map 0 ; 1 . We also have Z a manifold with dimension k  n with a G action and em-
bedding {i : Z ! Mi ; i = 1; 2, with {0 !0 = {1 !1 and {0 0 = {1 1 . Then there’re two neighborhood U0
and U1 (neighborhood of {0 (Z ); {1 (Z ) respectively) such that there’s a G equivariant symplectomorphism
 : U0 ! U1 that   {0 = {1 and 0 =  1 .
This theorem will also be used when our group action is not abelian. i.e, when we’re working on compact
group action.
Lemma 1.4. There exists equivariant symplectomorphism between a neighborhood of Z in M and a
neighborhood of Z  f0g in Z  t , intertwinning moment map
Proof. We only need to check that {0 : Z ! Z  t , { : Z ! M.

1. {0 ; {1 are equivariant: Natural by definition

2. {0  =   !0 = {1 !

3. {  = 0 = { 
0 0 1

Now we’re ready to prove the normal form theorem for the reduced space. The proof is given below
Proof. By previous lemma, M is symplectomorphic to p (), and the restriction of  to Z fg is exactly

{t  =  ! 0 h; di:

Now take d =  where is the curvature form and we have reduced symplectic form is ! 0 h; i.
Since the connection could varies by exact form, we have the following theorem
Theorem 1.5. The cohomology class for reduced symplectic form [! ] varies linearly in  , that is

[! ] = [! ] + h; ci

for c = [ ] 2 A2 (M0 )
t the first chern class for connection.
Now we’re ready for the symplectic variation theorem, which is called the Duistermaa-Heckman measure.
We recall the theorem on page 1
Theorem 1.6. Let (M; ! ) be a symplectic manifold with dimension 2n, and  be the moment map
associated to the T d -action  : T d ! Symp(M ), then the Duistermaat-Heckman measure mDH =  m!
is a piecewise polynomial multiple of the Haar measure on t , with the degree of polynomial at most
n d. In fact, the pushforward  ( !n! ) at  2 t is equal to the symplectic volume of M multiplied by

volume of torus vol(T ).

Proof. By the simple calculation
!n !n
 ( )f ( ) = f ((m))
 2t n! m2M) n!

Locally, we could integrate on Z U for Z =  ( ) and get



(  !0 (  ; d) (d; ))n

f ()
Z U n!
U a subset of t . Note that measure on U comes from d ^ : : : dd
1 in the expansion for (d; ), so that we
have 1 ^ : : : ^ : : : n and the remaining is
Z (  !0 (  ; d))n d

(n d)!
  ^ : : : d  m
1 0 = vol(M )vol(T )m :

Here vol(M ) is a polynomial of degree at most n d.

2 Duistermaat-Heckman theorem for compact Lie group

More generally, we could generalize this theorem to compact Lie group. But now the normal form theorem
changes. An extra term must be introduced. But typically, things are the same. The settings are typically
the same, and we need the Lie group to be acting infinitesimally freely to ensure the existence of connection
Lemma 2.1. Let G be a compact group acting infinitesimally on Z , then there’s a connection one-form
Equipped with this 1-form(note that the connection 1 form also satisfies the identities we mentioned before,
that is LX () = 0; {Xg] () = g for g 2 g, Xg a flow generated by g .) Now we see that

Lemma 2.2.  =   !0 dh; i is a symplectic form for moment map p : Z  g ! g

Proof. Equivariant follows from definition of connection, and for moment map condition, we have

{Xg] dh; i = LXg] h; i + d{Xg] h; i = dh; gi

which is exactly the moment map condition
Now we’re able to state our normal form theorem. But this time there’s an extra term in the theorem, which
is called G basic term
Definition 2.3. Let be a differential form on Z , then
1. is called horizontal if {Xg] = 0 for every g 2 g.
2. is called basic if it’s horizontal and G-invariant.
Now the normal form theorem is given below
Theorem 2.4. Let G be a compact Lie group acting infinitesimally free on a manifold Z , and now

! =  ! 0 dh; i + d
is the symplectic two-form on Z  g for the moment map p : Z  g ! g . In particular, for the G
-hamiltonian manifold we have the symplectic reduction space Mg is symplectomorphic to (M0 ; !0
hg; + d i
One direction is tautological, namely, we see that {Xg] d = 0 by definition of basic differential form, so !
is clearly associated to the moment map. To prove another direction of this theorem, we must first know
something about the basic G-forms. That is, a Poincare’s lemma for basic forms.
Lemma 2.5 (Parametric G-equivariant Poincare’s Lemma). Let  be a closed k form on Z  U for U a
starshaped subset of Rn where G acts linearly. Then for a closed k-form  2 Ak (Z  U ), there exists
such that  q j  = d , where j : P  = P  f0g ! P  U inclusion and q : P  U ! P projection. In
particular, if  is basic, then is basic. R
We could have the by just assuming = 0 { ( @t
1 @ )h for =  p j  . Detailed proof could be referred

to [1]. Assuming this lemma, we may prove the other direction of the normal form theorem. Assuming
that ! is a G-invariant closed two-form on P  g for P  g ! g to be a moment map. Then ! + dh; i
is basic, since it’s G invariant and by moment map condition. Also, we see that j  dh; i = 0, thus
! + dh; i q j  ! = d . So now using the equivariant version for coisotropic theorem we know that Mg is
symplectomorphic to (M0 ; !0 hg  ; d i)
So similarly, we could get the Duistermaat-Heckman theorem for compact Lie group.
Theorem 2.6. Let G be a d-dimensional compact Lie group acting infinitesimally free and M a 2n-
dimensional Hamiltonian G-manifold with proper moment map . Then on a connected component
of 0 of regular value of  we have  ( !n! ) is a polynomial of at most degree n d

[1] Berline, Nicole, and Michele Vergne. “Hamiltonian manifolds and moment map." (2011).
[2] Bland, Jason. “The Duistermaat-Heckman Theorem and Cohomology of Symplectic Quotients" University
of Torento Representation Course note
[3] Da Silva, Ana Cannas. Lectures on symplectic geometry. Vol. 1764. Springer Science & Business Media,
[4] Guillemin, Victor, Eugene Lerman, and Shlomo Sternberg. Symplectic fibrations and multiplicity dia-
grams. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
[5] Tao, Terrence. “The Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber Integral formula." What’s new online lecture note.
[6] Tolman, Sue. “Definition of the D-H measure." Cornell online lecture note.

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