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Opening Prayer

Lord God, Heavenly Father, we praise and glorify Your name as our

God Almighty! We come to You this hour asking for Your blessings and guidance

as we are gathered together. You have given us another opportunity today to appreciate

life and fulfill our mission as your instrument to the learners to maximize their strength,
knowledge, time and everything to make their learning experience successful even in

the mids of COVID -19 pandemic.

We thank You Lord for every mind and heart present in this session. Only You,

truly knows what we are setting out to accom[plish today. Your righteousness,

transcends all our effort and understanding. Forgive us for all our shortcomings.

Strengthen us in all aspects of our person and in our profession.

We pray for guidance in the matters at hand and ask that You clearly show us,

how to conduct our work with the spirit of joy and enthusiasm. Give us the desire to

find ways to excel in our profession.

Father bless all our endeavor. Guide us in our discussions, bless our idea,

our vision, our objectives, and our instructions. Bless our talents, our abilities.

Bless everyone especially our speakers, facilitators and all paricipants.

Enlighten every mind, in every decision we are going to make.. Give us Your grace

that we may effectively do our part as public servants.

Bless our plans, programs and projects so that we may achieve our objectives

for Your greater glory.

All this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen..and amen.

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