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Name: _________________

SECTION B - Revision Essay Plan

6 Mark Qu:
9 (a) Analyse how contact lifts were used to enhance the audience experience in one
key moment in the performance.


A key moment that shows the relationship between Christopher and his dad is when
Ed places his hand up towards Christopher in order to provide comfort because he
was verbally abusive which caused Christopher to have a seizure. Once the tension of
the scene dissipates Christopher reluctantly raises his hand in order to make the
connection. Hand touching hand.
Christopher does not like physical touch; as seen in Scene 1 where the police officer
tried to grab his arm. The only way that he is able to make an emotional physical
connection is by learning to be comfortable with hand touching. It is his version of a
hug. The impact this has on the audience sparks sympathy as we as humans
understand the need for physical touch and can empathise with Ed as a father and his

Gesture chosen: hand to hand contact

Key moment chosen: Post his dad getting angry

Name: _________________

9 mark Qu:
9 (b) Evaluate how lighting was used to create atmosphere within the performance.


Blue wash that covers the stage used by an overhead spot to create the geographical
location for the Sea memory. The audience is witness to Christopher’s mum lifted up
shouting for Christopher to “get into the water, it’s warm”. This in my opinion, helps to
create a calming atmosphere as well as the communication of where the characters
are currently situated.

Spot light under the bed -

Warm overhead spot when he is with Siobhan and the harsh white OHS when he is at
home with his dad -

Key atmosphere words:

The lighting used creates a tense, relaxed, cold, calm atmosphere…
The lighting in this section helps the audience understand how Christopher is feeling…
The bright [insert lighting] impacts the audience [describe the impact]
I feel the lighting used [in this section] wanted to create [insert atmosphere] however I feel like
it did not achieve this because…

Name: _________________

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