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1. If you had $1.500 USD, what innovation would you create for your profession?

*Please mention: the name of the invention, what invention would you create, and
how it would work.

Developing an accounting software Reliablebooks

It is an accounting system that allows a daily and real time follow-up of the treasury,
controlling the incomes and expenses and in this way allows you to optimize the
accounting level of your company. Reliablebooks if you have helps you to detect
any anomaly so that you can solve it as soon as possible.

2. How could that innovation make your work easier?

*Please mention how it could be useful for your professional field, and the reasons
why you think it would be innovative. PS: Be sure you include all the information
required per question, and remember just ONE MEMBER of the group must reply
the forum.

I will the advantages of an accounting software are enormous, because it facilitates

the work of the area, optimizes your processes, saves time, generates profits, avoids
fines and penalties and provides the necessary information for decision making in
your company.

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